#duel links



Of course it’s a shitpost.

(have a blank one for you own personal use)

I’ll be dead before he, a Gackpo song in Project Sekai or the Cheren sygna suit get released

Why do I always want the things that are never given


Guess like the possession was a total failure

So you think….

Case no. XX why Quattro is TRASH.

First Quinton and Vetrix sightings


Oof. Yuma tries at least!

This explains everything…Quattro is trash.

Evidently, Yuma didn’t get the memo…

“Hey sis. You’re a good duelist but you still suck!” -Good Big Bro Shark

Be careful Shark! She has the onions ready for your salad!

Tournament Time!

Things moving so fast, it’s like a rollercoaster!

You were the cause of this, V. This is on you.

Speed up time!:

This duel was nutty…

Can’t High Five the Sky without food!

Wow…Yuma tried to be nice and treated you to lunch and this is a thank you to him? Trey won’t be back for dinner…

Can’t blame Trey for trying to bond!

Let’s speed up the story some:

Bro gets kidnapped.

Tag Duel ensues!

A boost of courage!

Little Brother saved?!



I be streaming and previewing my music during spooky season

I really thought I was going to lose

duel links

Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 6207 8895 0485!

(i have too many friends that aren’t active, and I’d really like some friends that are more active )

(also, I’m hoping to be more active on here, and post more often, so look forward to more incorrect set it off quotes)

(and while I’m at it, my Duel Links ID is 083-753-905 )

Sometimes I still get reminded of when I got Pegasus in an event in duel links, had to change to a new phone not long after, and lost him- It’s a wholeass soap opera
