#durarara x reader


The Konoha Simps bring you another collab! And this time we’re opening it up to all of Tumblr! We’d love any writers and artists to come and join us with all the fun! We’re excited to have the chance to see how many people will come and take part.

Our theme for this collab is a college AU! The start of term is going to be right around the corner when this is due so we wanted to help everyone calm those back to school nerves with a little fun. ❤

Due Date: August 8th

Feel free to reach out to any of the blogs below to snag your spot in the collab. We’re going to have an overall list of what characters for which fandoms are already claimed so please be patient with us as we check and make sure that the person you’ve asked for is available. This post will hold all the claimed characters under the cut until the masterlist is put together.

We need to have a username to link to the masterlist so please be sure to not ask on anonymous unless you have the username of your blog included in your ask. We know some people run sideblogs so it’s easier to use the anon option and include it that way.


  • As long as everyone’s work follows the college AU then you’re free to write basically whatever you’d like.
  • Our collab is open to any fandom so just be sure to check the characters list before claiming one!
  • If you decide a little way down the road that you would like to change characters because the one you have just isn’t working out then please make sure to check the list and speak to one of the blogs above by August 2nd.That’s a week before the pieces are due so we’d like to cut it off there.
  • OCs are okay to use in pieces.
  • SFW and NSFW are both accepted. If you are including any NSFW themes at all in your pieces then be sure to let one of the blogs listed above know so that we can mark the masterlist! And please be sure to include proper tagging for any triggers in your pieces. We want to make sure that everything is tagged correctly for all potential readers safety.
  • Please make sure that your writing pieces are at least 1500+ words. You are more than welcome to do more, we just ask that that be the minimum. If you are having a hard time with getting to that please reach out to one of the above blog so that we can talk about it. We are happy to help out in any way that we can! And we understand if you can’t get to that amount, we just ask that people are as close to that as possible.
  • Art pieces should take place in a college setting or show the charcters in a college uniform (ex: frat house, classroom, sporting event)
  • Pieces need to be done by August 8th, you’re welcome to post it earlier than that, but please keep it only as early as August 1st so that we can keep it in range of the due date. The masterlist will be updated and reblogged for the public on August 9th. If you are having trouble getting your post done by then please reach out. Late works will be accepted, but we would like a heads up if possible!
  • Feel free to collaborate on art and writing pieces if you know someone that would like to! If we have any repeat characters on the list that is usually the reason why.
  • Please be sure to either send the link to your piece to one of the blogs above or tag @konoblog-simps in it so that we can find it easier when it comes time to link them. And we ask that people link the masterlist somewhere in their post so that people can find all the other pieces to enjoy!
  • Most importantly, HAVE FUN. We can’t wait to see what every one comes up with!

Claimed Characters:


Jujutsu Kaisen

Boku No Hero Academia


Black Clover

Avatar The Last Airbender



A/N: I hope you all enjoy part ¼ of my pieces for day four of the anniversary collab for the @konoblog-simps​. You can find all the lovely pieces for the day here! Today’s theme was song pieces, and its full of angst. My heart broke after this piece. Izaya just deserves love. I’ll be spanning my four pieces throughout the next couple of hours so stay turned. You can find all the days of the collab here!

For the best experience listen to the song while reading the piece. The song title and artist have the link for he music video.

Pairing: Izaya x fem!Reader

Song Choice:Without Me by Chvse

Warnings: alcohol consumption, angst, violence

Word Count:1.7k

Keep reading
