#east prussia

  • Stealing during pregnancy = Your child will be a thief
  • Going to consume food or drink at another person’s house = Your child will be a freeloader
  • Looking at ugly things = Your child will be ugly, unless you look at said ugly thing very closely and intensely 
  • Going to a zoological garden = Your child will end up looking like whatever animal you’re regarding 
  • Looking at a corpse or attending a funeral = Your child will either die or be pale or have eczema 
  • Eating apples / pears = Your child will either have a round or an oval-shaped head
  • Looking after a funeral procession = Your child will be shortsighted
  • Touching your own skin after something startled you, or you saw a mouse, or a spark flew into your face = Your child will end up with various types of birth marks 
  • Looking through a crack or a key hole or into a bottle = Your child will squint 
  • Crawling through a fence = Your child will either be disabled or fond of climbing or have a wide forehead or be a thief