#imperial german army


Imperial German Army soldiers marching along a road during the years 1914-1916 of the First World War.

From the archives of the US National WW1 Museum and Memorial.

German troops practice using a kleinflammenwerfer (small flamethrower or “kleif”). The kleinflammenw

German troops practice using a kleinflammenwerfer (small flamethrower or “kleif”). The kleinflammenwerfer was the world’s first man-portable flamethrower. April 4, 1917

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Armies of the World: Germany (1903) 1: The Grenadier Regiment König Wilhelm I (2nd West Prussian) No

Armies of the World: Germany (1903)

1: The Grenadier Regiment König Wilhelm I (2nd West Prussian) No. 7

2. The “shützenkette” or advanced fighting line

3: A patrol of the 3rd Hussar Regiment (von Zieten) reconnoitering

4. The 8th Cuirassier Regiment, “Graf Gessler” on the march

5. The Garrison Artillery of the Guard working 15 cm siege guns

Drawn by Herman Willem Koekkoek for the Illustrated London News.

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Illustration of German soldiers in battle in East Prussia, 1914.

Illustration of German soldiers in battle in East Prussia, 1914.

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