#eat your weeds

It’s amazing to me that food grows literally everywhere, but we’ve become so out of touch with natur

It’s amazing to me that food grows literally everywhere, but we’ve become so out of touch with nature as a society that we’ve forgotten much of this information.

Purslane and wild amaranth growing between the parking lot and the sidewalk. Both have leaves that can be simply picked and eaten raw (young leaves are best), and amaranth seeds can be used as a grain.

I imagine when I finally get land to grow fruits and vegetables, the weeds will only get pulled because they’re going on the dinner table.

Really though, I will have a section of land I’ll call my native garden where I transplant all the weeds and wild plants I find that are edible. Since they’re wild plants I’ll be able to just leave them alone until harvest. Easiest food garden ever!

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