#eating disorder cw



don’t you know it’s not good for your hair to wash it every day. you have to use sulfate and paraben free shampoo. you have to wash your hair with conditioner instead. you should stop washing your hair for a month because actually your scalp has the natural ability to maintain itself. greasy hair can make your acne worse so make sure you wash it every day. you have to use this three step regiment on your face EVERY SINGLE night. buy this $70 serum and use it with the 10 other serums you have but don’t combine them. don’t use anything on your face except a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. do NOT use moisturizer on your face you are DESTROYING your skins natural moisture barrier! acne is just for teenagers you’ll grow out of it :) oh no but adult acne is sooooo common. just take birth control and your acne will go away. cut out all sugar and dairy and your acne will go away. actually those studies are fake, get light therapy treatments instead. take accutane and your acne will go away, only a couple of those kids killed themselves! shave your armpits because it looks better. if you shave your armpits you’re not a feminist. actually shaving your armpits is for HYGIENE. wax your legs. wax your bikini line. but waxing any part of your body can give you ugly ingrown hairs and permanently damage your skin and follicles and besides that’s the patriarchy. (but get laser hair removal instead.) don’t have an eating disorder because that’s too much but definitely do intermittent fasting. don’t eat carbs. don’t eat sugar. don’t eat fat. actually your brain uses carbs as its main energy source. actually fat is necessary but only good fat. you have to DRINK MORE WATER!!! drinking 8 glasses of water per day is a myth. burn fat and get toned by doing these exercises. but cellulite is natural and 99% of women have it so you HAVE to embrace it. take diet pills. ummm don’t you know those are meth?? take NATURAL diet supplements for weight loss. take THESE vitamins to cure your depression and clear your skin and make you better at sex and make your vision better and speed up your metabolism and make your digestion better and make you focus better. i know the ONLY right answer but you have to pay me for it. follow my blog! listen to my podcast! subscribe to my email newsletter! buy my snake oil!!

accidentally lock urself out of ur own dorm room and its dinnertime and ur starving but u left ur sh

accidentally lock urself out of ur own dorm room and its dinnertime and ur starving but u left ur shoes in ur dorm so u have to borrow ur friends shoes but he wears a 13 and u wear like an 8.5 or 9 and the only place that is open is downhill and u keep tripping on the stairs and when u get there ur walking around like a fuckin clown and the shoes wont stay on and u see a guy u like and this guy actually thinks that ur very cool and ur excited that there might be something there but he sees the FUCKING shoes and now ur worried that he wont think ur cool anymore and also he asks about ur friend and u say that the shoes belong to ur friend and he kind of smiles in a certain way and U DONT REALIZE UNTIL LATER that it sounded like ur friend was ur boyfriend and now ur thinking of ways to tell him that u r not dating ur friend and also ur still locked out of ur dorm so u have to sleep in his roommates bed that smells like baby powder

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it’s weird when i step outside of my firmly anti-diet social circle and hear a person talking about doing some pretty severe calorie restriction as if that’s totally normal. like how the fuck do i even begin explaining to someone i barely know that eating only 1300 calories a day is extremely bad for you and that basically everything they think they know about nutrition is false.

the average thin person is so afraid of becoming fat that they’ll do things which are extremely bad for them on every level with zero upsides (calorie restriction is even likely to cause future weight gain!) and this is completely normalized in mainstream culture. anti-fat discrimination is so deeply ingrained in the systems of our society and it’s so fucked.

Diet people never even seem to remember that a calorie is only a measurement of energy, specifically the energy it takes to raise the temperature of water by one degree. Theres no single solid definition of what a “calorie” is in your food and most labelling of such is just spitballing but people talk about it like it’s a literal 1 to 1 measure of how fat a food will make you.

I’ve read that the less you digest a food item, the rougher calorie estimates get. It’s hard to really tell how much energy you get from nuts, for instance.

The part that none of the dieters seem to realize is that if you drive a car slowly, you burn less gas.

Basically, they think “calorie in = calorie out”, so if you eat fewer calories, surely you will start burning your fat reserves, right? But the body has the option to lower your metabolism. Conserve energy by burning slower. Which means:

- the brain needs energy. You are now objectively stupider.

- the immune system needs energy. You are now vulnerable to more disease.

- the muscles need energy. You are now “lazier” and weaker.

Your body has decided how much weight is appropriate for you to carry, without your input, and it will alter your metabolism so that however much you eat, that weight will remain stable. Thus, to lose weight, you need to cut so many calories that the actual process of being alive consumes more than you have. While you’re doing this you better not be doing anything else, because you’re dumb, your emotions are not regulated properly, your reaction time is off, you’re weak, you’re tired, and you’re gonna get sick.

Oh, and after you do this, your body will more or less permanently downshift your metabolism for higher conservation because you’ve just convinced it that starvation is still a thing that can happen to it.

Exercise cannot make you lose weight, really, but it can convert the fat to muscle, which makes you healthier. It’s much better to be fat but muscular than to be thin and dieting.
