#ebay furby


Plantain is here!!!

A new babe, fresh up on eBay for you to bid on! Good luck to everyone looking to give this cutie a happy new home

Here is the Link!

Auction all done!

Thank you so much everyone for your participation & support!

Everyone meet Domino!!

Domino has sold!

This spotty & long sweet friend has just landed on ebay & awaits your bids, starting at $1 as always.

The last pictures in the set are of Domino’s very special heart, which is stuffed with some of Original LongFurby’s old foam scrap stuffing. It is tucked just behind one of Domino’s chest spots

fieldoffurbs: Hers now… All your yums are belong to her fieldoffurbs: Hers now… All your yums are belong to her


Hers now…

All your yums are belong to her

Post link
fieldoffurbs: Thanks again to @furbyfuzz for this darling longfurby! She’s so soft and made with so


Thanks again to @furbyfuzz for this darling longfurby! She’s so soft and made with so much care!

Her name is Orange Sherbet, as you can see, but her nickname is Slushie

Lockjaw and I just picked her up (as you can see in my previous post)

She’s excited to make many new friends and meet you all!

Slushie Lockjaw is such a good name?????

I hope she has many adventurea with you and your furbies! Thank you for becoming her new home

Post link



Get your bids in now & thank you so much to everybody who participated in this auction! It means the world to me Good luck!

Link is here!

All done! This baby will soon enter hyper-sleep to travel to their new home.

Thank you to everyone who put in bids! Keep an eye out for the next sneaky Long Furby to slip onto eBay


Get your bids in now & thank you so much to everybody who participated in this auction! It means the world to me Good luck!

Link is here!

Say hello to Orange Sherbert!

This cutie is looking for their new home out in the wide word, and is up on Ebay for bidding!

Check them out at this [Link]

Since this lovely has a different (than usual) spine that is a bit less pose-holding than usual, they will be starting at $1. It is just a different brand in a way, and I’m not super satisfied with it.
