#again again

tripleredeye4sam: the god bullet wound // the dark half, stephen king tripleredeye4sam: the god bullet wound // the dark half, stephen king tripleredeye4sam: the god bullet wound // the dark half, stephen king tripleredeye4sam: the god bullet wound // the dark half, stephen king tripleredeye4sam: the god bullet wound // the dark half, stephen king tripleredeye4sam: the god bullet wound // the dark half, stephen king tripleredeye4sam: the god bullet wound // the dark half, stephen king 


the god bullet wound // the dark half, stephen king 

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  • : What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
  • : Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
  • : What is your OC’s most painful memory?
  • : Where does your OC feel most comfortable?
  • : Do they share any features or traits with any family members?
  • : What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other?
  • : Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
  • : Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?
  • : Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
  • : How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What’s their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
  • : What’s something your OC counts as unforgivable?
  • : Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people?
  • : What is something that’s sentimental to you OC?
  • : What’s a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What’s a crime they’re most likely to get arrested for?
  • : Where does your OC go to think?
  • : Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
  • : What’s one of your OC’s pet peeves concerning food?
  • : Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them?
  • : What’s your OC’s favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
  • : If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
  • : How does an OC spend a lazy day?
  • : Are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate? Or love?
  • : What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?

I haven’t done this shit in ages,hey old timers,remember my characters?,cause I don’t but I’d like to,

walrus-furbs: I’m officially open for a long furby commission! Only one slot for now. I’ll make yourwalrus-furbs: I’m officially open for a long furby commission! Only one slot for now. I’ll make yourwalrus-furbs: I’m officially open for a long furby commission! Only one slot for now. I’ll make your


I’m officially open for a long furby commission! Only one slot for now. I’ll make your long furb exactly to your specifications, from the fabric to the faceplate! I know it seems pricey, but here are reasons: I’m gonna spend $30-40 in materials alone, and long furbys take long hours to make! So you’re paying for materials and the work that goes into assembling them. I’m going on a first come first serve rule: first to PM me gets the slot. 

Note: I am not the original creator of the long furby, I just really love the idea and I want to help other people achieve their long furby dreams too!!

I accept payments via paypal

I love & support u

Post link
fieldoffurbs: Hers now… All your yums are belong to her fieldoffurbs: Hers now… All your yums are belong to her


Hers now…

All your yums are belong to her

Post link
fieldoffurbs: Thanks again to @furbyfuzz for this darling longfurby! She’s so soft and made with so


Thanks again to @furbyfuzz for this darling longfurby! She’s so soft and made with so much care!

Her name is Orange Sherbet, as you can see, but her nickname is Slushie

Lockjaw and I just picked her up (as you can see in my previous post)

She’s excited to make many new friends and meet you all!

Slushie Lockjaw is such a good name?????

I hope she has many adventurea with you and your furbies! Thank you for becoming her new home

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corantus:what if furby…..had a sword…… A powerful guardian


what if furby…..had a sword……

A powerful guardian

Post link


I am happy to announce my first ever sticker design, Furby On Board!
Available in 3 sizes!

(Crangus for scale)

Perfect for your car, whether your Furby is the passenger…..

or the driver!

(or you can just slap these bad boys on whatever you like)

Buy it here !

I literally just ordered one of these yesterday for LongFurby’s cat backpack for Anthrocon… 100/10 worth my life

softservos: kah may-may oo-nye.., furby stickers are now available on my redbubble!! ✨ CHECK EM OUT softservos: kah may-may oo-nye.., furby stickers are now available on my redbubble!! ✨ CHECK EM OUT softservos: kah may-may oo-nye.., furby stickers are now available on my redbubble!! ✨ CHECK EM OUT


kah may-may oo-nye.., 

furby stickers are now available on my redbubble!!


(also, Original Long Furby design credited to @furbyfuzz!!)

Dah Doo-Ay, Wah!

Please have a look at these fantastic & adorable stickers made by a good friend!

LongFurby strongly approves of these & looks forward to adding her own likeness to her personal collection ❤

Kah May-May U-Nye!

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dollsahoy: evolution My dude…… I dont know if I want 2 fight u or kiss u…&helli



My dude…… I dont know if I want 2 fight u or kiss u……

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wellfine: alright, game freak, but I still have some questions He he he


alright, game freak, but I still have some questions

He he he

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jayrockin: I really like the idea of Furby anthros. It’s unsettling enough to keep people on their t


I really like the idea of Furby anthros. It’s unsettling enough to keep people on their toes, but ALSO there’s great potential for both biocore and robocore designs. These two are enjoying some summer snacks. :)


Highly blessed….. Anthro fubbs…. By one of my favorite artists?????

Sign me the heck up!!!!!!!!!!!

Hell yeah babeyyyyyyyy

Post link


welcome to my 300 follower giveaway!:)

please read all of this if you would like to enter!!

I am giving away one of my darling leopards!
I will ship anywhere, so doesnt matter where you live!

a little bit about her:
- she has been skinned and cleaned and given a new zip tie
- she is like. so soft and plush. i dont even know how.
- she does not have msa
- someone before me painted her beak and tongue with nail polish, i sanded it down and painted over, but you can still see a bit when she opens her mouth
- her little beak sometimes falls down and she talks without moving it like some kind of ventriloquist. its a quirk!



0) if you are under 18 you musthave a parents/guardians permission to enter the giveaway.
1) this giveaway is open to followers only. you cannot win if you do not follow this blog!
2) like and reblog this post ONCE (one entry per person only)
3) when you reblog you are assigned a number (first person to reblog is #1, second person is #2, ect) reblogging multiple times will not give you more numbers, you only get one.
4) i will use a random number generator online to pick the winner!
5) the giveaway ends feb 2nd 2019. after that date no new entries will be counted
6) i will contact the winner through dms to get your shipping address!

**please only enter if you plan on giving her a nice home!
questions/concerns, dm me or send an ask!


What a sweetheart, you did really well!


My long friend is finally finished!

I didnt have a real furby to do surgery on so i had to make him from scratch, the face is made out of polymer clay, and his hair is made with brushed out yarn. The rest of him is just old clothes. I made his spine using a lot of wire and then i covered it in fabric so it wouldnt end up poking holes in him, and it wasnt the best spine, but it works for what it is.

He was mostly intended as a test, because i want to try to make another one later, and I wanted to see if the pattern i drew would work well for him.

His name is Raggedy Furbolicious McScraps, but his nickname is Rags, or Raggy.

This was worth spending time on. 10/10 would do it again.

The original long furby creator is @furbyfuzz, and I really wanted to make one after i saw @strange-aeons make Thursday.

Dont tag as kin/me/id/any kind of sona tag.

He’s gorgeous and perfect in every way??

Blessed boi

Thank u for gracing my eye holes with this beautiful being today

I love & support him (and you!!)


Emergency Commissions!

Slots for Blobbys, Clothes and Bitbys:

Slots for Long Furby:

Prices are as listed above. Modifications can be made to designs if arranged may change prices.

If you donate and show me the screenshot we can discuss your ideas and what your little creature will look like.

In the spirit of full transparency, I will not be working on these commissions from dec-jan. Dec is going to be very busy for me because of a lot of issues already addressed in the link above and Jan I will be working on already commissioned work. These will be done Feb- March.

I will be capping these at 6 for the first 2 options including the clothes and 1 for a long Furby because its a lot to ask commissioners to wait that long.

Thanks so much for reading!


Hello lovelies, please if you can help this friend of ours out?

It would mean a super lot to help out! Please consider commissioning them if you can.

Lots of love from me over in LongFurby’s land



This is…… My fault…………………..


The Great Furby Escape

Instagram Edition

  • posted December 7th, 2018

okay folks here’s the rundown –

what is instagram? well, instagram is like. tumblr but very very heavily image focused. like mainly images, sometimes short vids. you can find the instagram app in the app store for your phone type!

instagram already had a thriving furby community before any of us even thought about maybe having to leave tumblr, and many of our furblr community members are already there! so in this instance, it definitely wasn’t that the migration effort built or made it like we did with the amino, and like we’re doing with reddit currently. we just got kindly shown around by the folks already there. 

so! i am passing this tour on to you. check it out–


instagram tags differ from tumblr tags in that it’s a space and not a comma that breaks the tag SO as a result, instagram tags have to be all one word

the tags people have been posting to are as follows, and they pretty closely mirror the tumblr tags


is general furby content! there’s also a japanese furby enthusiast community who uses this tag which is pretty neat imo


all the furbs same as here


low-stress furby content! no nsfw, no discourse. i personally refrain from posting my oddbodies to this tag bc i know they bother some folks. i’m not saying that’s The Law, i’m saying that’s what i’ve chosen to do


is the tag for connecting with other furb folks migrating! 

special note about side accounts: 

you can have side accounts linked such that you don’t have to sign in and out to move between them, but you don’t get a pooled dash. instead, you have to sign up for each account via a separate email, and swap between them via a drop-down menu on your insta profile. the cool bit about this is that you can have a furby dash, and a personal dash, and another hobby dash, etc, without crossing the streams. 

this is nice for me bc it means i can maintain my rootplush insta and my personal furb insta separately! a net win honestly

it’s up to you whether you want to make a furb-specific insta, or be fubby on main. it’s basically the same decision you’d make for sideblog vs. fubby on personal blog here, and it’s up to you what you want to do! 

alright yall,

i hope to 

See You There !! 

– root


hey furblr, it’s Root

& i absolutely refuse to let the furby community get taken to bits by this website staff’s incompetence, so im organizing the

Effort for the Great Escape

Furby Haven

we will be focusing on the following platforms

  • Reddit
  • Instagram
  • Pillowfort

and carving out a space for us to be on these sites

i am going go be managing the Reddit Tetrising on r/furby thanks to @tarotfurbyandchill granting me Powers of Modship. ive made flowcharts. its gonna be great

so if you want to aid the effort, or just keep up to date while this goes on, join us here!

thank you, from the whole roost. it’s been lovely to be here with you, and i hope to make our hobby spaces just as amazing as we change and grow

Join us here!


Join us here!

& thank you for the lovely times furblr. heres to many more to come

p.s. please screenshot this post if you can! you have my explicit permission to repost this to the furby tags if this post or my blog gets taken down. i will be leaving the invite link open

p.p.s. you can find me on reddit as u/isle-of-misfit-joys

Let’s go furblr! A new adventure should we need be!



We’ve noticed that the selfship community lacks support for mlm/nblm selshippers, and wanted to do something to help!

If you’re a mlm/nblm (aligned or not) you’re free to join this server! Share art, edits, fanfic, and make friends! Hopefully this will make the experience as a mlm/nblm self insert content creator a little less lonely <3

A couple things to be mindful of before joining:

  • Please only join if you Are a mlm/nblm (both owners and the current mod are nonbinary). You can support us by reblogging our content.
  • We will not tolerate hate speech. making fun of cishets is fine.
  • Exclusionists, terfs, transmeds, etc. will not be tolerated
  • Overall, please respect each other’s boundaries and try to be civil.

Join the fun!
