#ecological collapse


I leave it up to you to extract the metaphor being played out in this animated short. 

Creative Writing, University of Rochester


i need y'all to steal and repost my anti-lawn memes to as many pinterest boards and facebook pages as possible

[Image caption: a bunch of memes, explained as follows.]

  • “Your ancestors’ lawn:” a natural grassy field with bushy grass and wildflowers. “Your lawn”: a suburban monoculture lawn cropped close. “Your descendands’ lawn”: a completely barren dirt field stretching to the horizon. “If you have to poison your lawn with pesticides and herbicides that kill wildlife, eliminate biodiversity, and contain the ecosystem to ‘maintain’ it… maybe it’s not supposed to look like that.”
  • “If you think wild plants are ‘weeds’ and insects are ‘pests’…” Photograph of a concrete basement, with photographs overlaid of a roll of sod and a potted tree. Text continues: “You don’t want a back yard… you want this.”
  • “You: ‘Why are the bees and butterflies dying out?” Your yard: [single-grass mowed lawn].”
  • Photos of various natural environments with the text overlaid, “Life-sustaining habitat for birds, bees, butterflies, and humans.” Then a mowed lawn, overlaid with “Chemical-soaked, poisonous wasteland with no food, shelter, or biodiversity.”
  • Several similar photographs of natural environments with overlaid text: “If you needed to ‘maintain’ your lawn by spraying herbicides to kill every plant except a single type of grass, nature wouldn’t look like this. Biodiversity exists for a reason.”
  • Photo of a mowed lawn in a yard with a building visible in the distance, with text reading: “If you ever catch yourself thinking ‘surely people can’t be that stupid’, keep in mind that the lawn care industry has successfully scammed millions of Americans into paying hundreds of dollars to make bees go extinct faster.”

[End caption.]
