#edible mushrooms

Sorry about the radio silence folks, I’ve been crazy busy and haven’t had a spare momentSorry about the radio silence folks, I’ve been crazy busy and haven’t had a spare momentSorry about the radio silence folks, I’ve been crazy busy and haven’t had a spare moment

Sorry about the radio silence folks, I’ve been crazy busy and haven’t had a spare moment to update my web presence! Have some little spot illustrations of mushrooms to make up for it. All edible and all found in north america- it’s an informal guess-the-species game, since I uploaded the version without captions.

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Quick studies of Shiitake mushrooms as preparatory sketches for a final rendering.

Quick studies of Shiitake mushrooms as preparatory sketches for a final rendering.

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Some really nice wood ear. It’s edible. You may recognize its Asian variety as an ingredient in your hot and sour soup. Yum!

November 2021, MO.


Pleurotus ostreatus, 12/31/21.

another updated digital version of an old piece

another updated digital version of an old piece

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 Pseudohydnum gelatinosum, called cat’s tongue fungus or toothed jelly fungus, is a saprotrophic spe Pseudohydnum gelatinosum, called cat’s tongue fungus or toothed jelly fungus, is a saprotrophic spe

Pseudohydnum gelatinosum, called cat’s tongue fungus or toothed jelly fungus, is a saprotrophic species of jelly fungus that’s often collected and candied into a sort of mushroom “gummy”. It’s pretty tasteless on its own, so it takes on the flavor of whatever it’s candied with. Honestly, I think it’s not near as tasty as a Haribo bear, but to each their own! 

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