


I have a question?

Do we all set our final goal weight to be underweight, bc that’s what we think it’s pretty and healthy. Or we set it like that bc we want validation, we want satisfaction, we want recognition. We want someone to finally care even if that means to destroy ourselves. We want to see that at least one thing in our life’s is working, even if it’s killing us slowly. This thought has me on choke thinking that my ed can only be just an unhealthy coping mechanism.

But ether way I won’t stop

Tbh I set my goal weight to 80 cause there was a really skinny girl who was my height (at the time like 4‘9) and was 83 pounds.

This was in eighth grade tho so I probably should adjust it.

Also people usually think I’m lighter than I am. I don’t know if I’m the delusional one but people always guess lower.
