

Why can I see all my ribs, have a thigh gap, my hip bones stick out, I have no boobs, no ass, but my stomach is massive like someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong


skinny girls dont binge.

skinny girls dont binge.

skinny girls dont binge.

skinny girls dont binge.

skinny girls dont binge.

skinny girls dont binge.

skinny girls dont binge.

skinny girls dont binge.

I’m back, i was at the hospital for some time (not ed related), and extremely happy cause i’ve lost 15 kg since last year

☆.。.:* Low calorie fruits and their properties .。.:*☆

Ps:  please don’t read if you’re easily triggered.

★ Strawberries (53 cals per cup) : great source of vitamin C. High water percentage and fibre, therefore they won’t cause a big spike on blood sugar levels.

★ Peaches (60 cals per cup) : great amount of antioxidants, therefore aiding your body against disease. They aid digestion because of its fiber content. Finally, peaches have been shown to reduce allergy symptoms,

★ Grapefruit (74 cals per cup) : Because of its high vitamin C & A content it boosts your inmune system. Aids weight management,

★ Raspberries (64 cals per cup) : This fruit, my favorite out of the list, has an amazing amount of nutrients (all of this are measured by cup) ; 8 grams of fiber, 54% of the daily vitamin C intake and 41% of your daily Magnesium intake.

All of my sources for further info:






I hope this helps, stay safe, ily.

☆.。.:* Things to do instead of eating .。.:*☆

Ps: this is to avoid binges, please don’t read if you’re easily triggered.

★ Reading.

★ Paint your nails.

★ Bake something for someone.

★ Go for a walk.

★ Go shopping.

★ Play a videogame.

★ Clean your room.

★ Cleo your closet.

★ Donate old stuff.

★ Watch mukbangs.

★ Dance.

★ Do your makeup, take some selfies.

★ Wash your dishes, clothes etc.

★ Take a nice bath.

★ Try a new hairstyle.

★ FaceTime a friend.

★ Take a nap if you’re tired.

★ Finish up some homework.

I hope this helps, stay safe, ily.

Today I did the most ED thing in my life, crunches in my room at midnight, watching mukbangs and chewing mint gum, with a diet coke at the side ofc.

Purged again, the guilt just follows me.

I feel like I’m never gonna be able to escape my body and mind, they all work against me somehow, and idk what to do. At times all I want to be is happy, but my mind is clouded by food, i can’t stop the revolving inner monologue about calories and I’m so sick of it. I just want to be carefree and normal.

Yk everything is going downhill when you’ve watched To the bone 5 times in a week.

12 year old me: imma do the military diet for the fun of it.

*develops a life consuming ED*


I have a question?

Do we all set our final goal weight to be underweight, bc that’s what we think it’s pretty and healthy. Or we set it like that bc we want validation, we want satisfaction, we want recognition. We want someone to finally care even if that means to destroy ourselves. We want to see that at least one thing in our life’s is working, even if it’s killing us slowly. This thought has me on choke thinking that my ed can only be just an unhealthy coping mechanism.

But ether way I won’t stop

Tbh I set my goal weight to 80 cause there was a really skinny girl who was my height (at the time like 4‘9) and was 83 pounds.

This was in eighth grade tho so I probably should adjust it.

Also people usually think I’m lighter than I am. I don’t know if I’m the delusional one but people always guess lower.


i want to be so tiny that someone describes me as “ 100 lbs soaking wet”

YO I’ve been described as 90 pounds soaking wet at like 105 pounds lol.

I am 5‘0 so that probably plays a factor but I’m still chasing that high.
