#edwardian aesthetic


More than a year ago I created a hashtag on Instagram (the.sparkling.reader), an aesthetic that could be a home for all those particular styles that are inspired by the past: I created #antiqueacademia.

If you like

  • Dark Academia
  • Light Academia
  • Victorian Era
  • Edwardian Era
  • Antiquities
  • Art
  • History
  • Gothic
  • Everything vintage

Antique Academia It’s the aesthetic for you!

Antique Academia it’s a home for artists, for creators. It combines styles such as Dark Academia, Light Academia, Victorian, Edwardian, Georgian and Gothic style.

It’s an aesthetic suspended between past and present, a place where you can find the beauties of the past, vintage objects, art, literature, music and history.

It’s a small place of peace and freedom of expression.

Thank you to everyone who is using this hashtag here on Tumblr !


It’s always worth dusting off old memories and old emotions that we have forgotten in the bottom of the drawer of our mind, because we are humans and humans feed on emotions, whether they are positive or negative.️️


I’m spending these December days in my desk full of university books, drinking cups of coffee, tea and sometimes hot chocolate, watching the rain falling outside the window, enjoying the snowy air coming down from the white mountains and saying goodbye to autumn that always lasts too short and welcoming the winter that will bring with it the joy of Christmas.


Today was a rainy and cold day, leaves were falling on the ground and rain was pattering against the window panes.☕️️


I spent a week traveling around Rome, Pisa and Florence, three of the most beautiful art cities in the world. I’ve walked in some of the oldest streets and churches, I’ve visited museums and monuments that have made history, I’ve cried tears of emotion in front of works that I have dreamed of seeing for a lifetime, I’ve visited flea markets, places where you can find old treasures that have been forgotten for many years and to which you can give new life.️

Now I return to everyday life even if my mind already lives in autumn, immersed in cold weather and rainy days, dry leaves on the asphalt, coats and sweaters that keep warm and drinks to sip in front of a lit fireplace.☕


Today is a rainy day and with a cup of iced tea in my hands I’m thinking about childhood memories. I’m a melancholy person, so I often find myself browsing through old family albums, and seeing the faces of all the people I have loved in my life makes me feel happy. I believe that letters and photos are the best way to make a person exist forever, to always feel them close to you.☕️


Newspaper clippings, the smell of ink, old family photos, porcelain mugs with black tea marks, letters found in the drawers of the grandparents’ house, remnants of candle wax, mini glass bottles with memories of the woods and old ruined books. These are some of the things you can find on my desk.️️


One of the many things that my mum and my maternal grandma have passed on to me is the love for antiques.

I love to collect objects from past eras, objects that have already lived several lives in different eras than the one in which I live, objects that have their own history. I like to fantasize about the previous owners, who they were, what they did in their life. The objects I collect are not simply objects of value (in fact most are not) but objects that have had, and still have, sentimental value, such as letters, postcards, books with dedics.

My latest purchase was this newspaper clipping from the early 1900s on a ledger from the 1830s.

It consists in multiple pages, and most of them talk about the campaigns of excavations at Nippur.

What I imagine when I have these pages in my hand is a woman of the Edwardian era, in her forties, a lover of history and archaeological discoveries, who in her free time cuts out newspaper pieces on the things that interest her most to paste them on this old and abandoned ledger, and perhaps to tell her grandchildren some adventure stories when they come to visit her.️️


A porcelain cup with black tea, milk and cinnamon, old photographs, ink stains, gray and cloudy sky, a knitted cardigan that belonged to my grandmother and my current reading.️☕
