#victorian aesthetic



I just want to wander a thorn-covered castle by candlelight, write you love letters as a storm thunders outside, and drink red wine as I read poetry by the fire.

I would just like to take a carriage ride to the museum.️

More than a year ago I created a hashtag on Instagram (the.sparkling.reader), an aesthetic that could be a home for all those particular styles that are inspired by the past: I created #antiqueacademia.

If you like

  • Dark Academia
  • Light Academia
  • Victorian Era
  • Edwardian Era
  • Antiquities
  • Art
  • History
  • Gothic
  • Everything vintage

Antique Academia It’s the aesthetic for you!

Antique Academia it’s a home for artists, for creators. It combines styles such as Dark Academia, Light Academia, Victorian, Edwardian, Georgian and Gothic style.

It’s an aesthetic suspended between past and present, a place where you can find the beauties of the past, vintage objects, art, literature, music and history.

It’s a small place of peace and freedom of expression.

Thank you to everyone who is using this hashtag here on Tumblr !


It’s always worth dusting off old memories and old emotions that we have forgotten in the bottom of the drawer of our mind, because we are humans and humans feed on emotions, whether they are positive or negative.️️


I’m spending these December days in my desk full of university books, drinking cups of coffee, tea and sometimes hot chocolate, watching the rain falling outside the window, enjoying the snowy air coming down from the white mountains and saying goodbye to autumn that always lasts too short and welcoming the winter that will bring with it the joy of Christmas.


Today was a rainy and cold day, leaves were falling on the ground and rain was pattering against the window panes.☕️️

For those who may be interested, this is my Instagram account the.sparkling.reader.

I hope you enjoy it!☕️️

It is my dream to live in a Victorian Gothic style home.


we could be gods.

try and hurt me, see if i care..

dear prudence, greet the brand new day

out in the garden there’s half of a heaven

credit :: @nonalimmen

smell like the devil but you feel like the lord

but nothing is better sometimes

the ideal woman


i’ll watch them unravel you

credit : @nonalimmen

porcelain corsets


Remain an enigma, talk less about yourself. In social situations, make it a game, even if you are a rather social person, to shroud yourself in mystery. If others show interest in you, answer vaguely. Disappear at specific times. Reveal little of your background. When you do speak, speak in riddles or quotes. That isn’t to say you should never speak up in class or in debates, have opinions and remain socially active; however, keep people guessing a lot of the time, and, if you’re really into it, only speak when spoken to.

what a man

chapters on romance are falling apart..

it’s easy to pretend, it’s easy to believe..

art by Robin Isley



girls r so pretty hhhhhhh….

I looked at this pic and immediately thought of this poem by John Keats

The Kiss,Antonio Ambrogio Alciati

eat me whole
