#eleanor bishop

verafarmiga:VERA FARMIGA as ELEANOR BISHOP in every episode of HAWKEYE1.01: Never Meet Your Heroesverafarmiga:VERA FARMIGA as ELEANOR BISHOP in every episode of HAWKEYE1.01: Never Meet Your Heroesverafarmiga:VERA FARMIGA as ELEANOR BISHOP in every episode of HAWKEYE1.01: Never Meet Your Heroesverafarmiga:VERA FARMIGA as ELEANOR BISHOP in every episode of HAWKEYE1.01: Never Meet Your Heroesverafarmiga:VERA FARMIGA as ELEANOR BISHOP in every episode of HAWKEYE1.01: Never Meet Your Heroes


1.01: Never Meet Your Heroes

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Soo, since the hate for Eleanor has died down… can we all admit already that she looked fine af in the last hawkeye episode, because that dress had me low key foaming in the mouth

I kind of feel bad for hating Jack, I knew Eleanor was guilty of something but I thought both of them were together in all of this.

But Jack was quite literally, only a himbo with a sword lmao


my favourite things about the hawkeye series, in no particular order:

  • the use of the nutcracker score, fcking superb
  • yelena belova
  • ‘my daddy says it’s good for you’
  • yelena’s :O face
  • clint and kate getting beaten to shit
  • yelena belova
  • rogers, the musical
  • the inclusion (finally) of clint being hard of hearing
  • yelena belova
  • maya taking zero (0) shit from anyone
  • maya as a whole
  • 'stop making me like you!’
  • jack being a himbo
  • the general chaos. literally everywhere. all the time.
  • y e l e n a b e l o v a

things i forgot to add, but are equally as important:

  • the use of the vormir theme when talking about natasha (this brokeme)
  • the whistle
  • eleanor having big 'this is my step-dad’s wife’ 'don’t you mean your mum?’ 'no i mean my step-dad’s wife’ energy

kate bitch slapping yelena for literally no reason and then immediately getting the fear of god put into her was the actual best moment in the series. 

Arghh Clint probably was so reluctant about calling Kate his partner because his last! partner! was! nat!

I read how Clint’s ‘the shot I didn’t take’ reflects with Kate not shooting Yelena but I think there’s gonna be a bigger payoff for that. Or there should be, atleast. Yelena’s slight head nod seemed a lot like You’re out of your depth kid. you don’t wanna do that. I like the idea of a scene where Yelena truly is helpless, Kate has a better idea of what a widow is aside from Natasha Romanoff was one. That would be a wonderful way to start the new Widow-Hawkeye partnership.

Also, didn’t fail to notice how Yelena made sure Kate didn’t… fall to the ground. Maybe because she doesn’t want to kill more people than necessary, but I also read somewhere that the person who Eleanor called after Hawkeye left was Val, and told her to go easy on Kate. She’s just a kid, she’s harmless, just let her go.

Also, I feel like in the finale there’s going to be a scene where Kate saves the day by tossing a coin and hitting something.

P.s is it just me or do we like Jack now? I feel like his whole thing is a red herring, and he’s just a dude who likes swords. Somehow has connections to tracksuits but stand up guy.

Hawkeye Predictions: Yelena shows up in the last scene of the last episode. I’m sorry, but it feels more and more likely. First I thought maybe the tracksuits were connected to her (because Russian) but nop. I can’t see Val’s influence that strong yet, and besides, this is Clint and Kate’s passing the baton. BW was Nat and Yelena’s passing the baton.

There will be a clint/yelena fight scene. And I will riot if they don’t mention how similar Yelena’s fighting style is to Nat’s. The fight scene in Budapest was like 2 people fighting with a mirror. No way Clint doesn’t immediately think ‘OMG Red Room.’ Take it a step further, the scene could be inspired by the avengers or civil war fight scenes. Clint pulled her hair and Nat bit him. Icons.

Kate: I saw a post which said that Kate’s reckoning won’t be when she finds out Clint is Ronin, because she already kinda sorta knows Ronin is close to Clint, but instead when she finds out Eleanor is fishy. I could easily see that happening, but I could also see Kate being upset after realising her role model since she was 9?10? is a murderer. But her mother’s stuff would probably be more upsetting. They do love each other, and I would really love if Eleanor wasn’t evil, and it’s a double bluff.

Eleanor: Eleanor and Kate’s dad were arguing over whether to sell the house or not, probably because Bishop securities wasn’t doing too well? And now that the House stands tall and very much is theirs, I think Eleanor got up to suspicious dealings with bad people i.e Tracksuits after 2012 to save Bishop Securities, which is why they’re still rich. And I think some of the suspicious stuff includes the phone number tracking thing that even Kate used because you just put someone’s name in and you have an exact location on them does not sound very legal.
