#vanessa x charity


also maybe a long shot but does anyone know where I can watch all Vanity (emmerdale) scenes if someone’s put them on a GDrive or on YouTube? Thanks.

Chapter 14

Vanessa stood there watching and waiting with baited breath to see what Charity was going to do. Did Charity like the fact that this man was coming onto her? Did she instigate the flirting? Were they even flirting?

“You’ve got 5 seconds to move your hand before I break it!” Said an irate Charity.

“I thought this is what you liked, what you used to get paid for?” The man joked.

“Stop this immediately”, Graham replied.

“Oh give it a rest Graham he’s just having a bit of fun”.

Grabbing the mans hand Charity rips it away from her, twisting it causing the man physical pain, “I warned you that if you didn’t move it I would break it”.

“Ooooh she’s a feisty one, I like it”, the man said although it was clear by the grimace on his face that she was causing him pain.

Vanessa looked on from afar wondering if she should go and stop Charity from getting herself into trouble. Vanessa knew what Joe Tate was like and how he wouldn’t think twice about getting the police involved.

“You ever touch me or anyone else who doesn’t want your sleazy hands touching them I promise you I will break your hand.” Charity said slowly untwisting the mans hand. “Now get out of my pub, you are not welcome here”.

Downing the rest of his drink, pained and rather embarrassed he collected his things and left the pub.

“You’re lucky I’m not throwing all of you out. You’ve got one life left I’d be careful if I were you”. Charity threatened the three of them.

“I rather enjoyed that little altercation, see the thing is Charity you can tell everyone you’ve changed and your a better person. But deep down you are still the money grabbing prostitute that killed my father”.

“Go on get out”, Chas shouted across the bar. “You are not welcome here anymore”.

“Oh don’t worry who wants to spend time in this dump anyway”, Joe replied.

“Let’s go”, Graham said pushing Joe towards the door, as Graham walked past Charity he said “I’m sorry about what just happened, I really am”.

Vanessa immediately rushed over to where Charity was stood, wrapping her arms around her she held onto her as she knew what just happened had upset Charity.

“I’m here, I am so proud of you for how you handled that”, Vanessa expressed in a very calming way.

“How much did you see”.

“I saw all of it, I’m not gunna lie to you when I walked in and saw him with his hands on you I thought the worst. I thought you were flirting with him, I feel bad for thinking it.”

“I don’t blame you, I’d have thought the exact same thing. I felt physically sick when he touched me, the only person I want touching me is you”. Charity said as she kissed Vanessa on the cheek.

“Chas, can she take a quick break?”

“Of course, take as long as you need”.


Making their way into the back Charity sat down on the sofa while Vanessa made her a cup of tea.

“He’s never going to let it go is he?” Charity said.

“Who? Joe?”

“Yeah, he thinks I killed Chris, but I didn’t. I loved him, but while Joe is still around here he will do everything he can to make my life a misery”.

“We won’t let him. We won’t let him ruin anything, I promise”.

“What did I do to deserve you?”

“Well it all started when you were being a sarcastic little madam, but some how I couldn’t stop myself falling for your charm”.

“Sarcastic? Me?”, Charity joked.

“Being serious though for a minute, you have changed and you are a better person. Yes you have your moments where the old Charity can’t help but come to play but I know you’re a better person than you used to be, because otherwise I wouldn’t be with you.”


“Yeah, don’t let some arrogant rich douchebag stop you from shining and blossoming into a softy, but promise me you’ll never lose that sarcastic sense of humour that I love” Vanessa expressed.

“You love my sense of humour?”

“Yes, you make me laugh all the time, sometimes when I should be mad at you.”

“That’s the Dingle charm you know”, Charity joked as she winked at Vanessa.

“Come here you”, Vanessa said caressing Charity’s face as she kissed her.

“I should probably get back to work, even though all I want to do is stay right here”, Charity replied.

“I’m sure Chas wouldn’t mind a few more minutes. While we are alone I just wanted to say how cute this morning was. Seeing you and Johnny get on so well literally melted my heart”.

“He’s a great kid, I must admit when he hugged me I was covered in goosebumps and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. Which surprised me as sometimes I barely love my kids let alone someone else’s”.

“He gives good hugs doesn’t he?”

“Almost as good as his mother”.

“Lets do something one weekend, all of us”.

“Sounds perfect. Right i hate to leave but I must get back to work. Talk to you later?”

“I look forward to it”.

The pair embraced as they said there goodbyes.


While Charity and Vanessa were having their conversation, Graham popped back into the pub to apologise again to Charity.

“Before you throw me out again, I’m not here to cause trouble. I just wanted to check that Charity was ok.”

“She’s taking a break at the moment, she was quite shook up by what happened”,Chas replied.

“I should have stepped in, no one should ever be touched when they don’t want to be or without giving permission.”

“Then why didn’t you?”

“Charity is a very strong woman, I knew she would be able to handle herself. If he hadn’t of listened to her or she couldn’t deal with it I would have stepped in”.

“Look you seem like a decent enough guy but as long as you are working for that nasty piece of work Charity won’t want any help from you”.

“That’s fair enough, like I said I just wanted to make sure she was ok. If you could pass on the message I’d be grateful”.

“Will do”, Chas replied as a Graham left.

Charity reappeared from her break just in time to see Graham heading out of the door, “what did he want?”.

“To check you were ok?”

“Like he cares…”

“He seemed pretty genuine but as long as he’s working for Joe I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. Anyway you ok? All ok with Vanessa?”

“I’m fine, just hated him thinking it was ok to touch me. Yeah she wanted to punch him but she didn’t want to make the situation any worse. She did think I was flirting with him at first”.

“Can’t blame her though really can you?”

“No, even though I feel like I’m changing for the better, my reputation will always be the home wrecker, bitch who can’t take care of herself let alone anyone else”.

“But you do know that’s you anymore”

“I know but she’s still in there deep down”.

“Stop being so hard on yourself and get back to work, there are punters waiting”, Chas said jokingly.

“Alright Alright”, Charity replied.

It was a relatively quiet night at the woolpack and Charity was busy texting Vanessa as there were no customers to serve. The peace was shattered when Debbie came in running her mouth off after hearing what had happened earlier on that day.

“Why didn’t you tell me what happened earlier with Joe Tate and his sleazy business partner?” An angry Debbie asked her mum.

“Because I didn’t want you to get like this and do something you’d regret.”

“Someone’s got to do something, if it hadn’t of been you standing up to him who knows what would have happened”.

“Debbie just leave it, his is not worth it.”

“He needs to realise he cannot mess with my family and get away with it”, Debbie said angrily as she storms out the pub.

“Debbie, Debbie, come back here. Debbie…Don’t do anything stupid”, Charity shouted at her.

Charity knew when her daughter was serious about something and she didn’t like the look in her eyes. Worried she will do something stupid she rings Cain.

Chapter 13:

After the most perfect couple of days Vanessa woke in the arms of her girlfriend, she really was the happiest she had been in a very long time. Turning to face Charity she kissed her on the tip of her nose and quietly said “Morning”.

Charity slowly woke to see a smiley Vanessa lay next to her with crazy bed head, “Morning you! Did you sleep well?”

“All the better for you being here, you did give me a heart attack though. Your hands were so cold when you put them around me last night”, Vanessa replied.

“Oops sorry, I must admit it was rather nice to wake up next to you two mornings in a row”.

Before the conversation could go any further in burst Johnny yelling “mummy”. Charity quickly pulls the covers over her making sure he couldn’t see anything.

“Morning baby boy, come here”, Vanessa replied as Johnny climbed onto the bed to get a morning cuddle off his mum.

“Whose that?”, Johnny asked.

“This is Charity, remember she helped us when we had to go to the hospital, she stayed for a sleep over last night”.

All snuggled into his mums chest he shyly waved to Charity, this instantly put a smile on Charity’s face. Waving back she quietly said “Hello Johnny, nice to see you again”.

“Do you want to see my dinosaurs?” He replied.

“I would love to”. Charity said as Johnny hopped off the bed to go and get his collection of dinosaurs. He returned with his favourites and he sat there on the bed showing Charity each individual one.

Vanessa sat there watching the two most important people in her life at this precise moment interact in such a caring manner. She knew that many people in the village had always criticised Charity on how she raised and was around her children. But in that very moment she knew that Charity was a great mother and could potentially be a great mother to Johnny.

“What noise does this one make Johnny?”

“ROARRRRR” replied Johnny.

“Like this… ROARRRR.”

Vanessa sat there giggling away, “if you could see yourself right now”.

“Shhh, I am bonding with your son. I think I make a very good dinosaur.”

“Well no doubt you’ve been compared to them in the past”, Vanessa joked.

“Oi”, Charity replied throwing one of Johnny’s dinosaurs at her.

“Ouch, that hit me right in the face”

“Was a good shot then”.

Johnny sat there laughing at his Mummy and Charity being silly.

“Do you know who else likes dinosaurs johnny?” Charity asked.


“Moses, my son! Would you like to come and play with him on day?”

“Yes please, can my dinosaurs come?”

“Of course they can, all of them”, Charity replied.

“Looks like we’ve got ourself a play date”, Vanessa proudly responded.

“Let’s just hope they get on”, Charity said leaning over to kiss Vanessa gently on the lips. “I’ve got to head off as I promised a Chas I’d open up, I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah I’ll pop in for a pint”.

“I look forward to it. Johnny I’ll see you soon, can I have a high five?” A hopeful Charity asked.

Instead of a high five, Johnny leaped into the arms of Charity and gave her a big hug. Covering her body in goosebumps and her face with love, could this be her future? Could these two be a part of her family for the rest of her life?


Over at the Woolpack Charity is rushing round making sure everything is ready for opening as she knows Chas will be on her back if it isn’t.

“You’re actually ready for opening”, a shocked Chas said.

“New day new me and all that…”

“I take it you had a nice evening last night?”

“It was lovely thank you, this morning was even better though.”

“Ohhh I don’t need to hear about your morning sex”.

“No actually it had nothing to do with that, I had time to play with Johnny this morning and bond with him.”

“You really have fallen hard haven’t you?”

“I think there are some glasses I need to collect.. over there”, Charity said trying to avoid answering that question.

“It’s nice to see”, Chas shouted to Charity across the bar, she couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on her face.

Charity was still in such a good mood after what happened this morning, she was actually being nice to everyone today which made a change from her usual sarcastic self. Her mood quickly turned sour when Joe Tate, Graham and Jimmy walked in, they had arrived to have a business meeting with a potential client.

“How’s Noah?”, a smug Joe asked Charity, as he knew it would wind her up.

“He is fine, not that it’s any of your business”.

“3 pints when you’re ready please Charity”, Jimmy asked. “We’ll be over there”.

“I’m not a waitress, you can take your own drinks to your table”.

“There’s the service we expect from a place like this”, Joe replied.

“Well if you don’t like it, you know where the door is!” Charity said slamming the last pint on the bar. They took their drinks over to their table and waited for their potential client.

“Ugh that boy makes my blood boil”, Charity said to Chas.

“He’s so smug”.

“I just wish he’d never come back here, I’m just glad Noah seems to have lost interest of getting to know him”.

“We can but hope”, Chas replied. The pair stood there people watching wondering what was going on in everyone’s conversations, when a hunky young man walked in.

“Shot gun”, Charity yelled.

“Remember you’ve got a girlfriend”

“Oh yeah, you better serve him then”, Charity said with the smallest hint of disappointment in her voice. Making herself look busy Charity listened in on the conversation between Chas and this new fella.

“What can I get you love?”

“I’ll have a slim line gin and tonic please”

“Sure thing, so I’ve not seen you around here before?”

“I’m here for a business meeting with a Mr Tate”

“Good luck with that one”, she sarcastically replied.

“Thanks, I think”. He replied as he walked over to join the business meeting.

As soon as he walked away Charity came rushing over to Chas, “so… who was he?”

“I don’t know, didn’t ask for his name did I?”

“You are useless, wonder what his deal is with Joe”.

“No idea, he seemed like a nice enough guy”.

“He seemed mighty fine to me”, Charity said. Chas gave Charity a very disapproving look, “i know I know I’m off limits but a girl can still admire”.


The business meeting was still in full swing and Charity was doing her best to listen into what was being said.

“You look like your constipated? Is that your concentration face?” Ross joked as he walked into the pub to collect Moses.

“Shut up Ross I’m trying to listen to their conversation”.

“What from over the other side of the bar? You got the hearing of a bat or something?”

“No, but maybe if you shut up for one second I’d have more chance hearing”.

“Look is Moses ready or…”

“He’s currently taking a nap, he should be awake soon”

“Ok, well I’ll have a pint while I wait… what’s this I hear about you having a girlfriend.”

“News travels fast round here doesn’t it. Vanessa is my girlfriend and we are very happy”.

“Doesn’t bother me, I mean I didn’t see it coming but it’s non of my business is it. I’m just the baby daddy”.

“Oh Ross you are so much more than a baby daddy, you’re a great babysitter when I need one too”, teased Charity. “Joking obviously, your a great dad and Moses loves you”.

“Where’s the bitchy, mean, heartless Charity disappeared to?”

“Ha ha.. funny. I’m trying to be a nicer better person to important people in my life. And as Moses dad you are one of those”.

“Look I’m happy for you, if Vanessa is the one who can tame and make you a nicer person then I’m all for it”.

“I think that was a compliment”

“It’s all your gunna get. Right I’m gunna go get Moses, I’ll bring him back tomorrow evening, ok?”

“Perfect, make sure you give him his blue dinosaur when he goes to bed, he can’t sleep without it at the moment”.

“Will do”.

As much as Charity loved having free and alone time from her kids, she never got used to the image of them leaving even if it was just for the night. Deep down she really was a softy.

Determined to find out what the meeting over in the corner was about Charity walked over ready to flirt her way to obtain answers.

“Top up gentlemen?”

“Well have the same again please Charity”, Graham politely responded.

“So you’re the famous Charity I’ve heard so much about”, the hunky business man said.

“All good I hope?”

“Pfft, with your background. The only thing I could possibly tell anyone about you is Noah” Joe said in an aggressive manner.

“Joe don’t…” Graham replied trying to calm the situation down.

“Oh I don’t know, I heard in the past you went at a good rate”, the business man said grabbing onto her arse.

At the exact time he grabbed Charity’s arse, in walked Vanessa. She stood there in shock waiting to see what the hell was going on before jumping to any conclusions. Surely Charity hadn’t already started making moves on others? There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this…

Chapter 12

Rhona and Vanessa are enjoying a catch up over a few drinks in the pub, “so come on then where did you take her?”, Rhona asked.

“So we went to that fancy new spa, it was beautiful and they couldn’t do enough for us. They gave us one of their executive suites, endless champagne, they also gave us the best seat in their restaurant. It was just amazing”.

“An executive suite? How did you manage that?”

“I don’t really know, I just explained that I wanted the night to be perfect, as it was our first proper date and I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend”.

“What? You asked Charity to be your girlfriend?” A shocked Rhona asked.

“Well no, in the end I didn’t get the chance to”.

“What do you mean didn’t get the chance?”

“Well she beat me to it, I went to the toilet, returned and there was a note on my chair asking me if I wanted to be her girlfriend?”

“Wait, hold up a minute… Charity Dingle asked you if you wanted to be her girlfriend? The woman who doesn’t do labels or romance asked you, Wow I did not expect that”.

“I didn’t expect it either, I was blown away.”

“So… what did you say?”

“Yes, Of course”

Rhona was very happy for Vanessa, so happy in fact she gave her a high five over the table.

Meanwhile over at the bar a very similar conversation was going on between Charity, Chas and Paddy.

“So come on I want the details, apart from the handcuffs did everything else go to plan”, Chas asked.

“It was perfect, the hotel spa was beautiful, the food was delicious and she said yes”.

“She said yes to what?”, a shocked Paddy quickly asked.

“To marry me, I know it’s early on but true love is true love”, after a long pause Charity laughed, “you two should see your faces, I asked her to be my girlfriend.”

“I believed you for a second there”, Paddy replied.

“You asked Vanessa to be your girlfriend? You really are turning all mushy on us” Chas teased.

“No, I’m not turning mushy I just listened to what everyone was saying and decided to bite the bullet and go for it”.

“As if you asked Vanessa, where’s the bitchy, ice cold charity we all love to hate gone?”, Paddy joked.

“Shut up Paddy, no one asked you anyway”.

“I’m proud of you, well apart from forgetting the key. You are never going to live that down”, Chas said.

Charity smiled, “is it ok if I go talk to Debs, she won’t forgive me if I don’t tell her myself”.

“Yeah go on”.


Charity made her way to the back where she found Debbie and Sarah watching TV, “guess whose back”, Charity yelled.

“Granny Charity” Sarah said as she jumped off the sofa to give Charity a hug.

“Less of the granny please”

“So how was your date?” Debbie asked.

“Who was your date with?”

Charity looked over at Debbie, as if to ask do I tell her. Debbie gave her mum the nod as if to say nows the time to have this conversation.

“Come sit with us Sarah, so I went on a very nice date with a woman yesterday, you may know her. Vanessa the vet from down the road”.

“The one whose sisters with Tracy”, Sarah replied.

“Yeah that’s her. Some people in life will say that it is not normal for two women or two men to date or marry, but those people are ignorant and quite frankly wrong. There is no such thing as normal and I’m a firm believer that if two people love each other then regardless of gender, age, race or any other factor they should be able to live happy and love one another.”

“I understand don’t worry, like Aaron and Robert.”

“Yeah that’s right, you see us dingles we don’t judge people for who they love or are dating. Others will but we ignore them and just live happy”, Charity said with a smile on her face.

“So you and Vanessa, how was your date? I need details granny”.

“Not too many details alright mum”, Debbie joked.

“She took me to a really nice spa, we enjoyed some dinner, a massage and I also asked her to be my girlfriend”, Charity said blushing.

“So I’m going to have two grannies now?”

“Woah babe, slow down. It’s still the early stages of our relationship”.

“I’m happy for you mum, you seem really happy and the fact you asked her is a massive step for you, especially as you have a phobia of labels well and commitment”.

“So if Vanessa came for dinner one night would you like to meet her properly?”

“Yeah I’d love to…” Sarah replied with a big grin on her face.

“Come here you two, I don’t tell you this enough but I love you both very much”, Charity said hugging the two of them tightly.


Now that Vanessa had filled Rhona in on her love life, it was time for Vanessa to find out what was going on with Rhona.

“So how’s things going with pete?”

“Yeah really well, he’s actually such a nice guy. I’m having fun and that’s what I need to get over Paddy”.

“I’m happy for you Rhona, it’s nice to see you with a permanent smile on your face. And thanks for looking after Johnny last night, I really appreciate it”.

“Anytime you know that!”

Charity walked over to them both with a fresh round of drinks, “here we go ladies, mind if I join you”.

“Take a seat been meaning to congratulate you”, Rhona replied.


“On beating Vanessa in the race to pop the girlfriend question”.

“Ooooh Thanks, I thought it was time I manned up and got the girl before she got bored of me”, Charity said winking at Vanessa.

“I could never get bored of you”.

“So Rhona how are things with Pete?”

Vanessa and Rhona looked at each other and laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Charity asked.

“Nothing, Vanessa just asked me the exact same question. Things are going well, I’m enjoying his company and well he is very good in bed”.

“Always a bonus”

“Watch it you, men are off your radar for the foreseeable future”, Vanessa said with authority.

“Yes babe I know they are, I’m just saying someone who knows what they are doing in bed is always a bonus”.

“Well let’s just say Pete could be regarded as an expert”. Rhona bragged.

“Yes Rhona, girl is getting some”, Charity replied. “Right ladies I’d love to stay and chat but Chas is giving me the evils, Rhona is was nice seeing you and babe I’ll see you tomorrow”, Charity said kissing Vanessa on the cheek.

“Bye”, vanessa said with a slight sad tone to her voice.

“You two are adorably cute!”, Rhona said. “Right i should probably go, Petes cooking me dinner, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You will indeed, have fun. I’ll walk out with you, need to go see my little boy”.


“Last orders”, Charity said to a very empty pub. “Chas…”.


“Any chance you can close tonight.. I’ll open up tomorrow”

“Go on then… don’t be late tomorrow”.

“You’re the best”, said a smiley Charity as she disappeared into the back. The reason why Charity was so desperate to get away quickly is because she planned to use the key Vanessa had given her earlier on in the day to surprise her.

The time was around 11:30 and the village was quiet, Charity wrapped up warm to take the short walk to Vanessa’s. The house was dark, she quietly let herself in trying to make sure she didn’t wake up anyone. She slowly made her way upstairs walking into a sleeping Vanessa’s room, taking off her clothes she climbed into her bed. Vanessa woke due to the movement in the bed, “hello?”

“Only me babe”

“What you doing here?” Said a half sleeping Vanessa.

“Wanted to fall asleep with my girlfriend”, Charity replied wrapping her arms around Vanessa, snuggling up for the night.

“I could get used to this”. Vanessa said lovingly.

Chapter 11

Morning came as the sun beamed through the window of the hotel suite. After a day of passion, love, happiness and some misfortune the couple lay there peacefully asleep interlocked with one another. Vanessa woke to the sight of her girlfriend asleep next to her, she thought to herself how close to perfect yesterday was. After reflection about the handcuff situation she giggled about it to herself, as only Charity could forget the key.

Carefully getting out of the bed she wrapped herself up in the bed sheet, made herself a cup of tea and sat out on the balcony in the glorious sunshine. She took the alone time to reflect on the past couple of months, she couldn’t quite believe the direction her life had taken. Not only was she happily dating a woman, she was dating the woman who nearly put her father in prison, she was fully aware that Charity had her flaws but she was willing to let the past be the past and only look to the future.

Meanwhile inside Charity woke to find the bed beside her empty, a moment of panic came over her. Had the mistakes of the night before made Vanessa think twice about things? Had she done a runner? She frantically looked for Vanessa around the room, her pulse slowed once she saw her sat outside on the balcony. Putting on her robe, she makes her way over to open the door, “Good morning”, she said smiling at Vanessa.

“Morning, come join me”, Vanessa said tapping her knee inviting Charity to come sit down.

“If I sit on your knee I’ll break it”, Charity joked. “Ill sit down and you can sit on my lap”.

Vanessa changed places with Charity as she didn’t want to miss the opportunity to have a morning cuddle in the sunshine.

“Well this is rather cosy, I could get used to this”, Vanessa said squeezing Charity’s arms that were wrapped around her.

“I just wish it was slightly warmer”, Charity responded.

“I’m going to go order our breakfast and then head for a shower”.

Charity desperately wanted to say that she would come and join Vanessa in the shower but she knew she needed to get her final surprise ready. “Alright babe, I’m just going to chill here for a little bit”.

Vanessa headed off to order room service, making sure the coast was clear Charity took a jewellery box out from her robe pocket. What was in the box? Surely it wasn’t a ring already?

*beep beep* Charity’s phone went off, it was Chas checking in to see how their date had gone.

*Morning, just checking to see you’ll be in work later? But also to see how the big date went… can you tell me what your surprise was yet? Chas x*

Deciding it was easier to give her a ring, Charity phoned Chas.

“Hiya, only me”

“So… how did it go?”

“It was eventful, I forgot the keys to the handcuffs”

“Hahaha, you didn’t..only you”

“Alright Alright no need to rub it in”

“How did you manage to free her”

“Bolt cutters”

“Oh god, this is priceless”

“You tell anyone Chas and you are dead”

“But it would be worth it…”

“Goodbye Chas”, Charity said hanging up the phone.

Charity takes one last look at what’s in the jewellery box, takes a deep breath and heads inside. There was a knock at the door, it was a member of staff with their breakfast, “thank you” Charity said.

“Ness breakfast is here”

“Two seconds”

Charity took this opportunity to lay the table and make it look pretty, she placed the jewellery box on the table.

A chirpy Vanessa walked in with a spring in her step, “wow this looks delicious” she said sitting down without noticing the box on the table.

Tucking into her full English Vanessa still hadn’t noticed the box, she wondered why Charity hadn’t started eaten yet…”You not hungry?”

“Yeah sorry I was miles away… it looks yummy”.

Coming to the end of their full English the box was still sat there, Charity decided to mention it, “babe what’s that black box?”

“Ohh I don’t know”, she replied taking the lid off the box. “Oh my god”, Vanessa said in a loving way.

“What…What is it?”

“You know exactly what is it…” Vanessa took out a silver heart shaped locket, she looked at Charity and gave her the softest smile in the world.

“Open it…”

With her hands shaking from excitement, Vanessa opened the locket to find a photo of her little man Johnny and the other side a photo of herself and Charity. She was speechless, tears began to fall down her face, she couldn’t believe that this was happening.

“Babe don’t cry”, Charity said reaching across the table to comfort her.

“They are happy tears, it is beautiful. I love it”. As she met Charity half way across the table giving her a kiss.

“Here, ill put it on for you”, Charity said, moving all of Vanessa’s hair out of the way.

“It’s beautiful thank you so much”. The pair embraced, as Charity wiped away the tears from Vanessa’s cheek.

“It makes my present look really boring now” said Vanessa.

“Ooooh you’ve got me something?”

“Of course”, Vanessa said as she left to go get the present. She handed Charity a key.

“You’ve got me a new car? You shouldn’t have!” Joked Charity.

“It’s a key to my place, I just want you to feel like you can come and go whenever you please. I know we are nowhere near the living together stage yet but it just makes life easier.”

“Thank you, i will 100% be using this all the time. No getting rid of me now. Right shall we pack and head back to the village”.

“We can pack yes but I’ve booked us a couples massage for this morning”

“A couples massage ey? Shame there will be other people in the room.. all that oil we could have had some fun”, Charity joked.

“We will have to save that for another day”, Vanessa said winking at Charity.

They packed their belongings up and headed down to their massage. The beds were set up right next to each other, they lay there having their massage, both so relaxed. Half way through the massage Charity reached over to hold onto Vanessa’s hand, they led there holding onto one another for the rest of the time. Charity knew that being somewhere where neither of them were known by anyone she had the opportunity to show her soft side and be the romantic she wish deep down she could be back at home.

The pair walking hand in hand arrived at Vanessa car, “before we head back to reality I just want to say thank you for the best date of my life”, Charity said.

“It was my pleasure, you are my girlfriend after all”, they embrace each other kissing passionately before heading home.


Back in the village, Chas, Paddy and Rhona were having a drink at the bar.

“I wonder what Vanessa planned for the date?” Rhona asked.

“I’m more interested in what Charity had planned”, Chas replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Well yesterday she told me she had something planned but couldn’t tell me what, so I messaged her this morning and she rang me. Apparently there was an incident with some handcuffs, but you didn’t hear this from me!” Chas said trying to contain her laughter.

“Oh god I dread to think what happened” Paddy replied.

“I think I’ve got some upstairs, I’m tempted to chain you to the bar for when they walk in. Pay back for all those times she’s dropped me in it”, Chas stated.

“Oh go get them quick before they arrive”, Rhona added.

Chas returned with a pair of handcuffs, “Come here Paddy”.

“This isn’t where I would have imagined being tied up by you, but I’ll go with it”.

In walked a smitten Charity and Vanessa only to see Paddy right in front of then handcuffed to the bar. “Chas I could bloody kill you right now”, Charity said whilst giving Chas the death stare.

“Sorry but payback is a bitch”

“Very funny guys, I bet Chas has the key though to let you out. Unlike somebody else I know”, Vanessa said teasing Charity.

“I don’t know if I do actually…” Chas replied.

Paddy’s faced dropped, “you better be joking”.

“Of course i am”.

“Right get us a pint then, we’ve had a long journey”, Charity ordered Chas.

“Get your own pint, as of two minutes ago you are working”.

“Welcome home Charity, hope you had a nice time Charity… ughhh”. Charity mumbled under her breath. “Same again then?”

“Yep”, Paddy answered.

“I’ll have a pint please babe”, Vanessa said winking at her girlfriend. “We’ll be over here”.

Vanessa and Rhona headed over to a table, leaving Paddy and Chas at the bar, “you have a lot to fill me in on, I want all the details”, Rhona said,

“Don’t worry I will tell you everything” a smiley Vanessa replied.

Chapter 10:

Palms sweaty, a nervous Charity is ready to finally reveal what’s she’s been planning all day. “So I wanted to ask you if you’d like to be my…” Charity paused taking a deep breathe in, “my girlfriend?”

A smile appeared on Vanessa’s face as she replied “you are joking?”

“No, for once in my life I’m being deadly serious, it’s taken me days to pluck up the courage to put my stupid phobia about labels in the past and ask you to be my girlfriend”, Charity said in a serious tone.

“No no I don’t mean joking about being your girlfriend, the envelopes the final sentence was going to be *will you be my girlfriend*. I just can’t believe we had the same idea”.

“Really, well I’m glad I got to ask you first, so will you?”

“Yes, a thousand percent yes. I’ve been wanting you to ask for ages, I want everyone to know that I am Charity Dingles girlfriend and I am so proud to be it”.

Charity had never looked so happy, she lent over the table and kissed Vanessa. “Do you want dessert or shall we go back to our room?”

“What do you think?” Vanessa said as she made eye contact with the waitress to ask for the bill.

“This ones on me, I’ll sort the bill out you head back to the room and set the scene” Charity said.
Vanessa headed back to the room, she couldn’t quite believe that a woman who didn’t like labels beat her to it by asking her to be her girlfriend first. A smile beaming all over her face, she slipped into her sexy lingerie, lit the candles and poured the champagne.

Moments later a smitten Charity entered the room, “close your eyes, you cant look until I say, ok?”

“Ok ok, but hurry…”

Rushing into the bathroom Charity gets into her sexy new black silk lingerie, she can’t keep the smile off her face. Who would have thought it would have been Charity asking Vanessa to be her girlfriend. Freshening up, she ties her hair in a high pony, sprays herself with her new perfume and puts on her ruby red lipstick.

“Eyes still closed Miss Woodfield?”, Charity asked.

“Yes, but hurry as it’s making me feel sleepy”.

Charity walks towards Vanessa in her lingerie holding a pink fluffy pair of handcuffs, she stops just in front of Vanessa.

“You can open your eyes”.

Vanessa opened her eyes, stunned to see how gorgeous her girlfriend looked, “wow, you look unbelievable. I still can’t believe you are my girlfriend”.

“Better start believing it because I’m not going anywhere, neither are you”, Charity said holding up the pair of handcuffs.

“You better have the key to those before you put them on me”, Vanessa said with a hint of panic to her voice.

“Of course i do babe, now give me your hand!”

Placing the hand cuff around Vanessa hand, Charity leans in for a kiss as she takes the other handcuff and locks it around the bed post. Forcing Vanessa to lie down with her left arm raised above her head.

“You don’t know how tempted I am to tickle you right now”, joked Charity.

“Don’t you dare”.

“Or what?”, Charity teased as she climbed onto the bed, straddling Vanessa. Moving Vanessa’s hair out of the way she tucked it behind her ears caressing her face. “My god you are beautiful”, Charity said lovingly. The pair kiss passionately, as the intensity rises Charity makes her way down Vanessa’s body, gently kissing down her torso. Vanessa breathing increasing with every kiss, Charity reaches under Vanessa to undo her bra, sliding it off one arm but coming to the realisation she can’t get it off the other side due to the handcuffs.

Letting out a little giggle Vanessa joked, “didn’t think that one through did you”.

“Me trying to be romantic never works out”, Charity replied as Vanessa bra was hanging off her left arm.

That little incident didn’t stop the passion and intensity between the two of them at this point, Charity had made her way down to Vanessa knicker line. Hands firmly grasped onto Vanessa’s boobs, Charity tried to show off by attempting to take off Vanessa knickers using her mouth only. Lets just say she failed miserably, she managed to get them to move a couple of centre-meters before moving her hands to help.

Again Vanessa can’t help but let out a giggle, “smooth.. real smooth”. Charity just looked at Vanessa with piercing eyes as if to say shut up.

Charity had finally managed to take Vanessa knickers off, she flung them across the room. Placing her hands firmly back onto to Vanessa chest, Bentley massaging them as she decided it was time to show Vanessa what her *acid tipped tongue* could do.

The room fell silent with the only noises that could be heard being Vanessa’s moans. The moaning becoming louder and more frequent as Charity continued to show Vanessa what she could do with her hands.

Taking a sharp intake of breath Vanessa mumbled, “Right there… don’t stop”. The intensity increased, “Oh my god… YES”, Vanessa screamed. Charity’s face appeared with a huge smile on it, licking her lips she pulled the sheet over them. The pair lay there getting their breath back basking in the romance, “shall I open another bottle?”, Charity asked.

“Yes, i need a drink that was intense”.

A naked Charity climbed out of the bed, walking over to the champagne. As she walked Vanessa admired her perky bum from the bed, “your ass is just perfect”.

“That’s not all that’s perfect about me”, joked Charity.

“Well it’s the only things I’ve managed to find so far”, vanessa teasingly replied.

*POP* as Charity opened the champagne, she poured them both a glass and walked back over to the bed. “I guess your boobs are pretty perfect too…” Vanessa said trying to get herself out of the hole she just dug for herself.

“Nice try babe…” she replied as she got back into bed.

“As much as I love being under your control, any chance you can take the handcuffs off now, my arm has actually gone numb”.

“Yeah I’ll go find them”. Charity said as she hopped out of bed, put on her silk dressing gown and went to look for the keys.

Time passed and Vanessa was beginning to panic as it shouldn’t take long to find a set of keys, “You found them yet?” She shouted from the bed.

“Not yet, they are here somewhere don’t worry”, Charity replied as she began to think she might have left them back at the pub. She emptied her whole bag and the keys were no where to be seen… “we may have a slight problem babe”, Charity quietly said.

“You don’t have the keys do you?”, Vanessa replied with a real sense of worry in her voice.

“No, I don’t know where I put them. I’ve emptied my bag and they aren’t in there…”

“Well what are we going to do?”

“I’m sure there must be a safety latch or something, here let me look”. As she took a closer look at the handcuffs she could see that Vanessa wrist was beginning to turn red from where they were too tight. Trying not to alarm Vanessa she joked, “with my criminal past I’m sure I can pick the lock! You don’t happen to have a hair clip do you?”

“No Charity I don’t, I don’t happen to carry hair clips around with me just incase I get handcuffed to a bed”, a sarcastic Vanessa replied.

“Right you stay here, I’ll go ask at reception if they have bolt cutters or something. I’ll sort this don’t worry”. Charity said leaning into kiss Vanessa, but Vanessa moved her head out of the way.

“Just go…”
Realising she had messed up big time Charity rushed to reception to see if they had anything that could help. Charity being Charity told the staff exactly what had happened leaving out no details, the staff couldn’t help but laugh t the situation.

“I’m sure we have some bolt cutters around somewhere, would you like someone to come and do it for you?”

“Best not I’m already in enough trouble I doubt she wants an audience”.

“Ok, someone will have to wait outside as these could technically be used as a weapon”.

“Sure no problem, thanks so much”.

Making her way back to the room, Charity had to try and get rid of the cheesy grin that was on her face. She felt bad for finding all of this funny but she couldn’t help it. “Right wait here, I won’t be a minute”.

“I’m back, Charity to the rescue”, she joked.

“Just get on with it, my wrist is killing me”, an agitated Vanessa replied.

“Ok, I’m going to try and be as gentle as I can be, if it hurt you I’m sorry”. Charity places the bolt cutters in between Vanessa hand and the handcuffs, *snap* she manages to break them. Vanessa grabs her wrist straight away and runs it under some cold water. Charity gives the bolt cutters to the member of staff waiting outside, “is she ok?”.

“She’ll be ok, I’ve got some apologising to do. Thanks again”.

Charity cautiously approaches a visibly angry and hurt Vanessa, “Babe you ok?” Charity asks as she carefully holds Vanessa hand to see what the damage to her is, she can see that Vanessa has a small cut on the inside of her wrist. “Here let me clean that up and pop a plaster on it”.

“No its ok, I’ve got this”.

“Ness, I’m cleaning it and sorting it for you. Let me look after you”. She carefully cleans the cut and places a plaster over it, she can tell that Vanessa is mad at her. “I’m sorry I forgot the key, I’m sorry I messed our date up”.

“Trust you to forget the bloody key”, Vanessa said with a smile appearing on her face. “Im not going to let this ruin our date, I think I’m going to have to punish you”.

The word punish excites Charity, she knows that Vanessa has a tough side and can’t wait to see it come out within their sex life. “Yes ma’am, I deserve to be punished”.

Vanessa rips off the robe Charity is wearing and pushes her onto the bed and has her wicked way with her.

Chapter 9.

The day of the big date had arrived and Vanessa was excited but extremely nervous, she had never felt like this before. She had organised a romantic night away at a beautiful spa, a 3 course meal cooked by a Michelin starred chef and endless champagne. Surely even Charity would be impressed by this. Unbeknownst to Vanessa Charity had done some of her own planning for this evening. What could she possibly have planned?

An excited Vanessa texted Charity *Good morning, you need to pack an overnight bag, it must include your finest lingerie. I will come and collect you at 11am, see you in a bit*.

Over at the pub Charity receives the text, “an overnight bag, wonder where she’s taking me” Charity said thinking out loud.

“Chas, I need your help” Charity shouted down the stairs.


“Come here a minute”

Chas makes her way upstairs, “what do you want?”

Holding up her sexiest lingerie Charity asks “do you think Vanessa will like these”.

“Charity I do not need to see your collection of sexy underwear”.

“Look tonight’s really important for me I’m planning something so I need to make sure I’m looking my best”, a nervous Charity replied.

“Planning what?”

“I don’t have time to explain, you’ll hear all about it tomorrow”

“Your not proposing are you?” Chas asked.

“No don’t be stupid, which colour, black or red”.

“The black, more sophisticated and less slutty”.

“Thanks babe, appreciate it”.

Charity finishes packing her bag, popping in a few surprises for the weekend away. Now time to pick a kick ass outfit to knock Vanessa’s socks off, she decided to go semi casual with a pair of jeans, a black blouse and her black jacket, along with a pair of boots. Straight hair, nude makeup but with a red lip. She had packed her favourite trouser suit to wear for dinner.

There was a knock at the door, standing there with an envelope was a smiley Vanessa, “you ready for the best date of your life”.

“Well I’ve had a few spectacular dates in the past so no pressure babe”, Charity joked as she leans forward kissing Vanessa on the cheek.

“Here…” Vanessa said handing Charity the envelope.

“What’s this”, Charity said opening the envelope. On the piece of paper was the word *be*, Charity was very confused. “Be, whats that supposed to mean?”

“Just collect the words throughout the day and then piece it together together”.

The pair of them got into Vanessa’s car and set off for the spa. Charity still had no idea where Vanessa was taking her, “so where you taking me then babe?” Charity asked.

“Somewhere I can wine, dine, relax, soak up the atmosphere and spend some quality time with you”, an excited Vanessa said moving her left hand onto Charity’s leg.

Charity moved her hand onto Vanessa’s, “sounds perfect”.


Arriving at the spa Charity’s face lit up as she knew this was the best spa for miles, Vanessa had gone to the trouble of organising all of this just for her.

“Babe, this place is incredible”.

“Only the best for our first proper date”, Vanessa said, taking Charity’s hand the pair walked to the reception. When Vanessa took hold of her hand Charity got butterflies in the pit of her stomach, she felt her face start to blush.

“Welcome ladies, as you are our VIP guests today we have some champagne for you to begin with. We have organised a member of staff to take your belongings up to your suite so you can go on a guided tour of the facilities.” The receptionist informed the pair.

“A suite”, Charity said to Vanessa with shocked look on her face.

“Like I said only the best for you”.

The receptionist interrupted, “our we celebrating anything special this evening?”

“Nothing specific no, just some alone time together”, Vanessa replied.

They were taken on their guided tour of the spa’s facilities, they were both blown away with the amount of things they could do and how amazing the spa and hotel was. They were taken up to their suite, the door opened to the most beautiful room, with rose petals scattered all over the bed and in the hot tub bath that was also in the room.

“Wow, there may be plenty to do in the spa but I don’t think I want to leave this room”, a shocked Charity said.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it, what shall we do first then”.

“First you need to come here so I can kiss you for organising this amazing suite”.

“Don’t have to ask me twice”.

Vanessa makes her way over to Charity grabs her around the waist, pulls her in close and kisses her passionately. “Can I tempt you in a hot bubble bath?” Vanessa temptingly asked Charity.

“You go run the bath, I’ll pour the champagne”.

Over by the bottle of champagne was another envelope, Charity opened it, this piece of paper had the word *you* on it. She was just as confused as the previous word. She poured the champagne and made her way to the bathroom, she opened the door to find candles lit and Vanessa in the bubble bath waiting for her. Charity placed the glasses on the side while she slipped her clothes off and joined Vanessa in the bath.

“Give us a back rub then babe”, Charity asked.

“I’ll give you one if you return the favour”

“Deal”, Charity said as she put bubbles on the tip of Vanessa’s nose and blew them off.

They both gave one another back rubs, once they had finished Charity decided that she just wanted to lie there in the hot water with the candles flickering wrapped up in the arms of the woman she was falling for.


While Vanessa was getting changed ready for their meal, Charity was slyly trying to get her surprise ready.

“Babe what you going to wear tonight?” Charity asked trying to stall Vanessa.

“Think I’m going for my black dress, got to make an effort don’t I . What about you?”

“I’ve got my favourite trouser suit, it’s the one you love”. As Charity stepped out of the bathroom she saw Vanessa in her black dress for the first time, “wow, you look absolutely beautiful. Are you sure we have go for dinner and we can’t just stay here so I can rip your clothes off”.

A blushing Vanessa replied, “you don’t look bad yourself, the sooner we go to dinner then sooner we will be back here. Lets go”. Reaching out for Charity’s hand the pair walk to dinner.

Walking in to the restaurant they were blown away with how beautiful the surroundings were, they were taken to a secluded table near the balcony. It was dark in the restaurant, the table lit by candles. “How beautiful is this” Vanessa stated.

“It’s incredible, I cant believe how well you’ve done so far with this date”.

“Did you not trust me?”

“Of course i did, I just didn’t expect this”.

They couldn’t take their eyes off one another, finishing their main courses Charity popped to the restroom to freshen up. While she was away from the table, Vanessa put the next envelope on Charity’s seat so she would see it before sitting back down. Charity returned to the table to see the envelope on her chair, she opened it to find the word *you*.

A confused Charity said “I still have no idea what the final sentence is going to say, I never was very good at puzzles”.

“It won’t be long until you’ll be able to work it out”

“I know the date isn’t over but I just wanted to say this truly had been the best date I’ve ever been on, the food was amazing, the company has been even better.” Taking a deep breath in Charity had something she needed to say, “so I’ve been waiting for the right moment to ask you something, I think that time is now.”

Vanessa had absolutely no idea what Charity was about to ask, she was nervous but extremely excited at the same time. What could Charity be about to ask…

Chapter 8:

A couple of days had past in the Village and Vanessa was hard at work, getting ready to perform surgery on a poorly dog. Rhona was in as well helping her with the surgery, which was good as Vanessa needed her help.

“Rhona, What can I organise for mine and Charity’s first official date?”

“Ooooh, that’s a good question. What sort of date are you looking for? Dinner? Drinks? Some sort of activity?”

“I want to do something that she will always remember”, Vanessa replied.

“How about a night away somewhere?”

“Yeah, we could do I guess. Why is this so difficult”, Vanessa said laughing. “I honestly feel like I’m back in school trying to impress my crush”.

“Well you’ve already impressed her, just go have some fun and don’t put too much pressure on the date. Why don’t you have a word with someone that knows Charity better than I do? Chas or even Debbie.”

“Well Debbie wants to talk to me anyway, which is a bit scary. She wants to get to know me apparently”.

“Have fun with that one, that girl scares me a little and I’m old enough to be her mother”.

“She scares me too”, Vanessa replied.


After Vanessa had successfully finished the surgery she decided it was time to go visit Debbie and get this chat over with. Why was she so nervous? She was only going to talk to someone, I mean how bad could it be? Walking into the pub she is spotted immediately by Charity, “oh hey babe, I didn’t know you were coming to see me”.

“Hey, I’m actually not here to see you. Is Debbie around?”

“Ooh your here for the chat. Nervous?” Charity teased.

“Stop it, I’m bricking it”.

“Babe don’t be, she only wants to get to know you. Well I think that’s all she wants”.

Giving Charity a very disapproving look, Vanessa heads to the back to find Debbie.

“Good luck”, Charity shouts as Vanessa disappears into the back.

*knock knock*

“Hey, is this a good time to talk?”, Vanessa asked.

“Sure, come on in. Can I get you a drink?”

“I’d love a tea, thanks”.

“Coming up. I need to apologise for the other night, I was rude. It’s nothing against you, I just wish she would tell me things first”.

“I totally understand, it must be strange seeing your mum with a woman”

“No not at all, I mean it was very much out of the blue but it doesn’t bother me that you are a woman. I just hate being the last to know everything”.

“I will try and make sure she tells you anything important first from now on”.

“So are the two of you serious?” Debbie questioned.

“I mean we’re not ‘girlfriends’ officially yet but I care about your mum very much and I’d like to be official official but your mum doesn’t like labels”.

“Yeah she usually messes things up when things get serious. One piece of advice I can give you… don’t let her pull all the strings, give back as good as you get”.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let her walk all over me. I’m too old to be playing games”.

“That’s good then, should keep mum on her toes”.


Back in the bar Charity began to wonder what was taking Vanessa and Debbie so long, maybe Debbie did want to grill her. She couldn’t understand what Debs could possibly want to know.

“Chas, go pop your head around the door and see what’s going on in there”.

“And what precisely would be my reason for going in there?”

“I dunno, make something up”.

“I’m sure everything will be fine, I mean they haven’t been in there that long have they?”

“Long enough for Debs to put Vanessa off me”.

“True, that wouldn’t take her long to be honest”, Chas replied.

“Surely Debs just wants me to be happy”.

“Of course she does”.

This helped to put Charity’s mind at rest for a few minutes while she waited for Vanessa to come back through to the pub.


The conversation seemed to be going really well Debbie could tell by the way Vanessa was talking about Charity that her feelings were genuine.

“I’ve got a question to ask, so we haven’t been on a proper date yet and I’d really like to do something special but I have no idea what to do. Any ideas?”

“Umm.. maybe something away from the village? It’s tough she’s so hard to please!”

“This is true, I have an idea in my head I think I’ll just run with it. I should probably head back to work, Paddy will be wondering where I’ve got to”.

“One last thing, I’d like you to get to know Sarah and Jack especially if you and mum are serious. With all her other relationships they’ve always been left in the dark, I don’t want that. I want them to see her happy.”

“I’d love to get to know them, they seem like great kids”, Vanessa said as she walked back through to the bar.

Charity with her eyes fixed on the door leaped up as soon as she saw Vanessa, “babe you were in there for ages, everything ok? What did she say?”

“I sense some nervousness in your voice!” Vanessa teased. “She just wanted to know how I felt, whether we were serious, whether I had what it takes to tame you”.

“And.. what did you say?”

“That is for me to know and you to find out” teased Vanessa as she kissed Charity goodbye as she needed to get back to work. “Don’t work too hard”

“Oi, you cant leave me without any information… Ness…” Charity said loudly as Vanessa disappeared out of the door.

Charity hated the fact that she had no idea what had been said, she hated when she wasn’t in control. She also knew that with Vanessa she wasn’t going to have that control all the time. “Debbie, come on then fill me in”, Charity asked with a real sense of urgency.

“Who says I’m going to tell you?”

“Don’t you start, I got nothing out of Vanessa. What’s the deal?”

“If I tell you, you cant say anything…”

“Ok, I promise”

“If she had it her way you two would be ‘girlfriends’ yes she’s happy that you are both giving it a go but she would like it official official. She’s also going to make sure you talk to me before telling the whole village, she wants to get to know the kids and wants to take you on a proper date. So make sure you go along with whatever she decides to do… ok?”

“She wants to be my girlfriend? Debs that word scares me”

“Grow up , its just a word. Look life is too short to wonder what if, if you want to be her girlfriend just go for it. Stop acting like a two year old and make things official before it’s too late”.

“Yes mum”, Charity joked.


A very chirpy Vanessa arrived back at the vets with a spring in her step, she was happy that the chat with Debbie had gone well.

“Someone seems happy, I take it the chat went well?” Rhona asked.

“It went really well, she wants me to get to know her kids. She wants me to make sure I don’t let Charity walk all over me but she also just wants us to be happy”.

“That’s good, ah I’m glad it went well, did she help you with the date”.

“Not really but I think I’m just going to go with my gut instinct.”

“I’m sure she will love it no matter what”.

“Fingers crossed”, Vanessa said with a smile on her face. She was getting all excited at the thought of spending some quality time with Charity.

Chapter 7

Heading back over to everyone with a round of drinks, Charity can’t keep the smile off her face. “Here we go everyone, don’t say I never treat you all”, Charity sarcastically says.

“I could get used to this treatment”, Frank said.

“Oh babe this is a one night only deal, don’t go getting used to it”, Charity said passing Frank his pint.

After she had finished giving everyone their free drink she sat down besides Vanessa, placing her hand on Vanessa’s leg. “Happy babe?”, Charity asked.

“Very”, replied Vanessa, who placed her hand on top of Charity’s hand. “So when you going to let me take you on our first date?”.

“Like a proper date?”

“Yeah, i mean we kind of skipped the whole first date part and went straight to the sexy part. I mean I’m not complaining but dating can be fun and I want to see you all dressed up”.

“Thought you preferred me without my clothes on”, Charity said winking at Vanessa.

“Well there is that, but I’m going to organise a proper date and you have to promise to go along with everything”.

“Oh god really? Ok but nothing too mushy, ive done all my mushy stuff for a while”.


Over the other side of the table Paddy and Rhona were admiring the two of them, “do you think that little speech was real?”, Paddy quietly asked Rhona.

“I genuinely think she meant every word. I mean look at them Paddy, have you ever seen Vanessa this happy? All the years you’ve known Charity have you ever seen her this smitten?” Rhona responded.

“I guess your right, I’ve never seen Charity like this which scares me slightly as we don’t know what her next move will be”.

“Lets give her our support and hopefully all will be perfect”.

Everyone was getting along swimmingly, conversations were flowing and the mood was one of pure happiness.

In walked Debbie, spotting the little family gathering in the corner she wondered why she hadn’t been invited or involved in it, “this looks very cosy, what have I missed”.

Chas replied, “oh nothing much, just your mother getting all mushy and protective over her relationship with Vanessa”.

“Relationship?”, Debbie questioned.

Charity smile slowly disappeared as she knew Debbie would be mad at her for not telling her what was going on. “Yeah, me and Vanessa are giving things a go”.

“Sounds about right, always the last one to know anything that happens in your life mother”, Debbie said with a look of sadness on her face. “Congratulations”, she mumbled walking off into the back.

“Debs wait”, Charity responded.

“Oh leave her, she’s just moaning because your in a relationship and she’s not”, said Chas.

“I better go sort this, sorry. I won’t be long and then we can get out of here”, Charity told Vanessa.


Charity makes her way into the back to find an angry Debbie, “What was that all about?”, Charity asked.

“So you’re a lesbian now?”

“Why should that even matter debs?”

“Well it doesn’t, i know it doesn’t. I’m just angry that yet again I’m last to find out what’s going on in your life”.

“I’m sorry, it’s not like I did it on purpose. Normally when I talk to you about my love life you either take the piss or walk away because I bore you”.

“That’s not fair, I want to know what’s going on. Especially if they are going to be around the kids, I mean I barely know Vanessa”.

“That’s fair, i should have told you and from now on I will I promise.”

“So what’s the deal then, you an item?”

“I guess you could say that yeah, we’re giving it a go to see what happens. Debs I’ve not felt like this in such a long time, I feel like a teenager again.”

“Well that’s good, just don’t screw it up”

“Why does everyone keep saying that? I won’t I genuinely really like her”.

“Good, I want to get to know her. I want the kids to get to know her, especially if she’s going to be hanging round”.

“Ok, we can sort that, just promise me you’ll be nice”.

“I promise”.

“Right well I’m going to go back and join everyone, but I will sort a time where you and Vanessa can sit down and have a chat”.

A relieved Charity headed back to the table, as she walked back into the pub she looked up to see everyone bar Vanessa had left. “Where did they all go?”

“They’ve all got early starts tomorrow, they said thank you again for the free drinks and told me that they will support us 100%”, Vanessa answered.

“Ah that’s fair enough, I’m glad I’ve got them on my side even if it is just for now.”

“Everything ok with Debbie?”

“Yeah… she’s just being Debbie. Moody with me because I hadn’t told her we were an item. It’s not that I didn’t want to, I just had more important things to do, like get everyone on my side”.

“Phew, I thought it was because she didn’t like me”.

“No babe, she actually would like to have a sit down with you and get to know you a bit more”


“Yeah, don’t be scared. Take it as a compliment that she thinks it’s worth taking the time to get to know you”.

“Sounds good to me”.

“Right lets get out of here… your place or mine?” Charity asked.

“Well as there is no one at mine, we can make as much noise as we like”, vanessa said winking at Charity.

“Yours it is then”.

Gathering their things the pair rush back to Tug Ghyll as they can’t wait to rip each other’s clothes off. As soon as they stepped foot inside the house, boots were flung off in one direction, coats in another. The pair really couldn’t keep their hands off each other, kissing passionately whilst trying to tackle walking up the stairs and taking their shirts off. Vanessa the one walking backwards up the stairs almost trips near the top, but Charity manages to grab her in time pulling her in close, “gotcha”.

They finally make it to the bedroom, both injury free. They stood their still attached by their locking lips, Charity pops the button on Vanessa’s jeans, unzips them and slides them off her. She throws them on the floor as she makes her way back up her body, kissing her once more. Reaching around the back of Vanessa, Charity tries to be smooth by attempting to undo Vanessa bra with one hand while the other slid down her back to grab onto her bum. Unfortunately she failed and ended up snapping the bra clasp against Vanessa’s back, “ouch, what did you do that for! I thought you were good at this”.

“Sorry, I usually am. I think it’s stuck”, said an embarrassed Charity as she now attempted to undo it using both her hands.

For the moment the romantic ambience had disappeared but Charity was determined to get it back. “Babe turn round quickly so I can get this bloody thing off”, Charity said as Vanessa turned round to make it easier for a struggling Charity.

“Finally”, sighed Vanessa.

“Right where were we”, Charity said as she placed one hand on the back of Vanessa’s head pulling her closer in order to passionately kiss her. As things started to heat up again, Vanessa seemed to have perfected taking off Charity’s bra. “That’s how you do it babe”, she whispered into her ear, gently biting it as she moved down her neck making her way back to Charity’s lips.

Vanessa pushes Charity onto the bed so that she could take off those suit trousers Charity loved so much. As Charity lay there in anticipation for what’s to come, Vanessa using a voice of authority says “don’t you move a muscle! Tonight Miss Dingle it’s my turn to rock your world”. Charity’s heart rate began to rise as Vanessa takes control, with blood pumping around her body, charity’s breathing becomes heavier and louder. “Oh babe”, she moaned as Vanessa continued to have her way with her. “Right there”, Charity screamed as Vanessa continued to show off the skills she had learnt over the past few months.

“WOW”, Charity said attempting to get her breath back.

“I’m improving then”, Vanessa asked.

“Babe that was amazing”.

“Good”, Vanessa said with a huge grin on her face.

Vanessa made her way over to where Charity was led, wrapping her arms around her and cuddling in tightly. “Tonight I’m being big spoon”, Vanessa joked as they both get ready to fall asleep.

“Night babe”, Charity said.

“Night” Vanessa replied kissing Charity on her back.

Chapter 6.

With Charity still on her break from the pub, Chas begins to worry that Charity did hear the conversation between herself and Paddy earlier.

“She’s been gone a while, she must have heard us Paddy”.

“She would have said something though surely, this is Charity were on about!”, Paddy replied.

“I need to go find her, she was in such a happy mood today and to think we might have ruined that”.

“Look go find her, ill cover for you”

Chas grabs her coat, kisses Paddy on the way out and goes to find Charity. It didn’t take long for Chas to spot Charity, she was sat on the swings staring into space, “Oi, I thought you were off to see Vanessa”, chas shouted.

Charity turned to look at Chas but didn’t respond, Chas decided to sit on the swing next to her. “You heard everything we said ey?”

“Every single word”.

“I wasn’t that mean was I?”, Chas joked.

“Well apparently I like to mess people around, I’m a screw up, I’m a game player and I’m likely to hurt Vanessa.”

“No, we didn’t say it like that, yes the old Charity was a screw up. You’ve been in so many failed relationships because you liked playing games and messing with people. That’s not new information, but if you were listening I said that it was different this time. I see a change in you and it’s a good change”.

“Then why does everyone keep telling me or telling others that I’m going to mess this up and hurt her. The more I hear that the more likely I am to do something stupid”.

“Ignore what everyone else thinks or says, they don’t know how you are felling in your heart and in your head. It’s none of our business”, Chas said with real emotion in her voice.

“Everyone just needs to keep their opinions to themselves and let us try and make this relationship work, I need to talk to everyone. You, Paddy, Rhona, Tracy, Frank… everyone”.

“Ok, get everyone to the pub and talk to them then, take charge and show them you mean business”.

The pair head back to the pub, where Charity decides to send out a group text: * Charity here, I need you all to come to the pub this evening I’ve got some things I’d like to say* This text was sent to Frank, Tracy, David, Rhona, Pete, Paddy, Chas and Marlon.
Back over at the Vets Rhona’s phone beeps, “Ness can you check my phone I’m currently covered in dog shit” Rhona shouts from the back room.

“Sure thing” said Vanessa reaching for Rhona’s phone. “It’s Charity…she needs you to go to the pub tonight as she has somethings she needs to say”. Vanessa’s expression was one of confusion, “why is she sending a group message out to everyone bar me? It’s not my birthday… god she better not be proposing!”

“Steady on Ness I don’t think you guys are at that stage yet. She probably just wants to organise a meal or something, but I definitely don’t think you were supposed to see that message”.

“Hmm how strange, I’m worried now. Maybe I should turn up too?”

“If she wanted you there she would have texted you”.

Vanessa was extremely confused as to why she wouldn’t be invited, you could tell that she was visibly worried by the whole situation. Suddenly the door of the vets opened, Vanessa turned round to see Charity walking towards her. “Afternoon, I’ve come to return the key to our little love nest”, Charity said winking at Vanessa.

“Thank you, I really appreciate everything you did last night”.

“Anytime, you know that, I’m just glad Johnny is ok!”

“Me too, anyway drink later? Take off where we left things?” Vanessa asked.

“Oh babe I’d love to but I’ve got to work tonight? I could meet you after, or you could meet me at the pub at closing and we can walk back to yours”.

“Ok umm… I’ll come meet you and we can walk back”.

“Alright I shall see you then, I look forward to it”, Charity said leaning into Vanessa for a kiss goodbye.

“See ya”. Vanessa said looking disappointed because she knew that Charity had just lied to her face.

“Give her the benefit of the doubt Ness, i will let you know what happens I promise you”.
The evening arrived, Charity pacing back and forth waiting for everyone to turn up.

“You alright?” Chas asked.

“I will be when this is over”.

In walked Tracy, David and Frank. “What are we doing here Charity?”, said Frank.

“How about I get you all a drink and we wait for the others to arrive? 2 pints and a white wine? I’ll bring them over.” Charity responded.

As she was pouring their drinks the others arrived, “your usuals? I’ll bring them over”, Charity said.

All the people she wanted to be there had arrived, she suddenly began to feel nervous, she knew that the next few minutes were going to be tough as she wasn’t good talking about feelings.

Sat there in front of her, Marlon, Chas, Paddy, Rhona, Pete, Tracy, David and Frank, all with confused expressions on their faces wondering what the hell they were doing there.

“Thank you for coming, I know you are all wondering why i brought you here tonight. I know many of you aren’t my biggest fan, I’ve probably hurt or done something stupid to you in the past and for any of that I am truly sorry. Umm I know that most of you are suspicious about my intentions with Vanessa and you think I am messing her around and will end up hurting her. But I am here tonight to let you all know that my intentions are only good, I have not been this happy in years and that is all down to Vanessa. Yes I can’t promise you all that it won’t end in hurt or heartache but I will do everything in my power to stop that from happening. All I ask is that you support us, instead of talking behind our back and doubting our feelings. Thank you for listening, any questions?”. Charity let out a big sigh after giving that speech.

Frank immediately asked “do you love her?”

“Love is a word I don’t use lightly, can I see myself falling in love with her… yes I can. But am I in love with her right now… no”, Charity responded.

“Thank you for your honesty”.

Chas added, “as long as the pair of you are happy then I support you 100%, isn’t that right Paddy?”. Paddy nodded in agreement.

“All I ask is that you treat her right and you are always honest with her”, Tracy said in a supportive manner.

“I will, I lied to her tonight but I didn’t know how else to get you all here, don’t worry I’ll apologise to her”

“You don’t have to, she’s stood behind you”, Rhona responded.

A shocked Charity turned round to see Vanessa stood there with a tear in her eye, she asks her “how much of that did you hear?”.

“All of it”, Vanessa replied.

“Look I’m sorry I lied to you, it was just a little white lie. It was the only way to get everyone here”, Charity said reaching for Vanessa’s hand. “I just needed them to understand that yes I’m not perfect but I will give this relationship everything, I want to rock your world Vanessa! I just don’t want anyone to stand in my way or put you off me” she added squeezing Vanessa’s hand tight.

“You’re forgiven, I cant believe you went to all this trouble just to get everyone on your side.”

“I’d have dragged them all here if I had to”.

“Can you really see yourself falling in love with me?” A nervous Vanessa asked.

At that moment the pub went silent, everyone looking on to see how Charity would respond. “Oh you heard that bit then… I can see myself falling in love with you… yeah!” Charity responded.

“Well good because I can see myself falling for you too”. The pair embrace, all the on lookers have smiles on their faces as for the first time they truly believed that Charity meant what she said.

“Go join everyone, I’ll grab us some drinks”, Charity said as she kissed Vanessa on the cheek.

Chapter 5:

Vanessa checked to see how Johnny was this morning, he was much brighter and back to his usual happy self. As Vanessa needed to rush off to work she had ask her Dad to look after Johnny for the day.

With a sleeping Charity still at the kitchen table, she decided to leave her a note. The note read “Morning sleepyhead, I just wanted to thank you again for all you did for me and Johnny last night. You were incredible! I’ve had to rush off to work but I didn’t want to wake you as you looked so peaceful. Here’s the key if you can lock up on your way out and bring the key to the vets that would be great. xoxo Vanessa”. She grabbed her things, kissed a sleeping Charity on the forehead and headed off to work.

Time passed and Charity woke with a dead arm, dribble all over her face and serious bed head. Once she had finally woken properly she noticed the note and key sat beside her, as she was reading the note a smile appeared on her face. Charity gathers her things and heads back to the pub to shower and change to make herself look presentable.


Over at the veterinary centre Vanessa is struggling to stay awake after the ordeals of the night before.

“Keeping you up Vanessa?” Paddy asked.

“She had a romantic evening with her girlfriend”, Rhona teased smirking at Paddy.

“If you must know we spent the evening…”

“Stop there I don’t want to know what you and Charity Dingle got up to last night”, Paddy interrupted.

“Shut up Paddy, let her finish”.

“We spent our evening at the hospital with Johnny”, Vanessa responded.

“Oh no is everything ok?” Paddy asked.

“Turns out he has a mild form of asthma and had an attack last night, he’s ok though. We’ve been given an inhaler just incase it happens again”. Vanessa explained.

“Ness you must have been so worried! You should have called I’d have come and sat with you”, a concerned Rhona said.

“Thanks but I had Charity there with me, I know you all joke about her and deep down you think she’s no good for me. But last night she was amazing, and the way she was with Johnny it melted my heart. I don’t want to get ahead of myself because we are taking things slow but i think I’m falling in love with her,” Vanessa said.

“You really are falling for her aren’t you?” A concerned paddy replied.

“Paddy be quiet, look Ness we are BOTH behind you 100% and I can see how much you care about her. I’m glad she’s making and effort with both of you just make sure you are positive she’s the one before throwing the L word around. I just don’t want to see you get hurt”.

“Don’t worry I know what I’ve let myself in for, ill be careful I promise”.

“Right as much as I love hearing about your relationship, shall we actually do some work?”, moaned Paddy.


Back at the Woolpack a very chirpy Charity is dancing around the kitchen in her towel, whilst waiting for her tea to brew.

“Charity turn the music down, we can hear it in the pub”. Chas shouted.



Reluctantly Charity turned the music down, “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you”.

“Exactly, that’s when you know it’s too loud. What’s made you so happy or do I not need to even ask?”Chas asked.

“Just life… life is good. I’m in a good place and I don’t want it to change”. Charity explained.

“I’m happy for you I really am! But put some clothes on and get your ass behind the bar your supposed to be working”.

“Yes Boss”.

Realising that she won’t be able to drop the key off with Vanessa anytime soon, she decides to give her a quick text.

*”Hey V, Chas has got me working on my day off. Will drop the key off during my lunch break if that’s ok? Hope Johnny is feeling better! See you in a bit x”*

Charity finishes off getting ready and makes her way to the bar to start work, “Chas I need to take my lunch at 1, k thanks”.

Before Chas could reply with a sarcastic comment, Paddy rushes into the pub and drags her through to the back.

“Woah, what’s wrong”, Chas asks trying to catch her breath.

“It’s Vanessa” Paddy answered.

“What about Vanessa? Paddy you are starting to worry me”.

“She… she the used the L word when talking about Charity and I’m worried that this is all just a game for Charity and she’s gunna end up hurting Vanessa”.

“Paddy, calm down ok. Vanessa and Charity are both grown women who can deal with their feelings themselves. I love the fact you care so much about your friends but I’m 99% sure that the feelings are mutual, we’ve just got to let them get on with it”.

“We all know Charity though… she loves to mess with people, she gets a kick out of it. I won’t let that happen to Vanessa”, a concerned Paddy replies.

“I can see why you are worried because yeah she does like to mess with people but I genuinely believe that she won’t screw up this time and that she actually wants to make things with Vanessa work”.

What neither Paddy or Chas realised was that Charity was listening to their whole conversation from just outside the door. Hearing that Chas one of her closest friends thinks that she could mess things up yet again hurts her, it plants a seed of doubt in her head that maybe she can’t change, maybe she can’t be a better person. Did everyone still see Charity as just this girl who messes everything up?

Peering around the corner Charity quietly says, “I’m just popping to drop Vanessa her key”, trying to hold back her emotions.

Paddy and Chas look at one another in sheer panic, Paddy whispers to Chas “do you reckon she heard all of that?”.

“Knowing our luck probably”.


Deciding to go for a walk to clear her head and gather her thoughts before seeing Vanessa, Charity headed off. She couldn’t understand why people close to her didn’t think she could change, was she really that much of a screw up that she couldn’t change and become a better person.

Should she spare Vanessa’s feelings now and end things just incase she does mess things up in the end? Or does she prove everyone wrong and make this relationship work?

Chapter 4:

The pair arrive back at Vanessa’s with the cheesiest grins on their faces, Vanessa had never seen Charity so happy. She was smitten because she knew the major reason that Charity was so happy was her, a 41 year old Yorkshire vet. How could this be possible? Vanessa was never one to have much confidence in herself, but every second she was spending with Charity her confidence was growing and growing.

“Got any wine babe?”, Charity asked.

Vanessa was in a world of her own, lost in her thoughts.

“Babe, hello earth to Vanessa…”

Snapping out of her day dream Vanessa replied, “Sorry, i was miles away”.

“Anywhere nice?”

“I wish! A beach somewhere would be nice”

“Can i join you?”

“Hmmm not sure about that” joked Vanessa. “I was just thinking about the last couple of hours, i mean did they actually happen. Did you really buy me flowers and are we really an actual thing now?”

“I know its hard to believe that me, a sarcastic ice queen can be romantic but i am trying”.

“Just keep doing what you are doing because i find it a real turn on. Charity Dingle being soft and mushy… Yes please”.

Walking towards Vanessa, Charity took of her suit jacket and threw it on the sofa. Reaching Vanessa, she grabbed her around the waist, pulled her closer and softly kissed her on the lips. “I can be soft and mushy as much as you like, as long as you don’t tell anyone”.

“You’re secret is safe with me”.

As the passion heats up, Charity helps Vanessa slip off her jumper, throwing it on the floor. She slowly undoes the buttons on Vanessa shirt caressing her body as she takes it off. Taking a big sigh Charity looking at Vanessa body says “Wow”. Vanessa whose cheeks were starting to turn red, starts to undo Charity’s blouse, this was a position Charity wasn’t used to being in, she was used to being in charge. With both their hearts racing, the kissing became more passionate, just as Charity gets ready to undo Vanessa’s bra strap, Frank bursts in the door with Johnny.

The pair rush to cover up, “Dad have you ever heard of knocking? Vanessa shouted.

“Well its not like he’s never seen me naked”, Charity Joked.

“Sorry to interrupt ladies, but its Johnny, he has been struggling with his breathing”, said a concerned Frank.

Vanessa rushing over to see her little boy notices that his face is very pale and his breathing is shallower than usual.

“We need to get him to a doctor! I’m sorry, were gunna have to postpone tonight”.

“Of course, right Frank go start the car, Ness give Johnny here while you get changed and well go get him checked ok! Everything’s going to be fine”. Charity said in a very calm tone.

While Vanessa rushed to get changed she noticed Charity holding Johnny in close singing to him to keep him calm. In that moment Vanessa thought to herself, I am one lucky woman.

“It’s ok sweetheart, mummy will be back any moment and we will go see the nice doctors”.

“Right lets go” Vanessa said with authority.

“You go get in the car ill lock up and be there in 2 minutes”.
Over at the hospital Vanessa and co are waiting with Johnny to see a doctor to work out what’s wrong with him. It is very obvious that Vanessa is extremely worried, Charity reaches out and takes hold of her hand, kisses it and tells Vanessa “Everything is going to be ok, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere”.

Vanessa turns to Charity and simple mouths “Thank you”.

Johnny’s condition started to improve, but the doctors wanted to run some tests to try and figure out why his breathing suddenly went so shallow. It was currently 2 o’clock in the morning and Vanessa was still in with Johnny getting tests done. Frank decided that he really needed to get back to the village as he had work early in the morning, Charity decided to go with him so she could collect her car and come back to the hospital. They didn’t have time to tell Vanessa the plan.

Tests had been completed, Vanessa and Johnny had been sent back to the waiting area to wait for the all clear. She opened the door to the room expecting to see both her father and her lover, yet the room was completely empty. Her face dropped, why would they leave? Especially at a time like this. Anger and disappointment covered Vanessa’s face, yet seeing her little boy back to his usual smiley self made a smile appear on her face.

“I love you so much little man, you are my world. I know i can rely on you! Unlike some other people” Vanessa said looking lovingly at Johnny.

A voice from behind her replies “I told you i wasn’t going anywhere, you can rely on me you know”.

A shocked Vanessa turns her head to see Charity stood there with 2 coffees and Johnny’s favourite teddy bear. “I thought you’d gone?” Vanessa softly said.

“Your Dad needed to go back so i asked for a lift so i could get my car and come straight back. I also thought that the little man would want his teddy. I would never leave you at a time like this.”

“Thank you, i really don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you” Vanessa replied.

“You might not be saying that down the line when I’ve done something wrong”, Charity joked.

“Probably not, but right now you and Johnny are all i need.”

“I’m right here”, Charity said as she put her arm around Vanessa and squeezed her tight.

Time past and both Vanessa and Johnny were sound asleep being cuddled by Charity. The doctor eventually came out to let Vanessa know that Johnny may have a weak form of Asthma but right now to give him the all clear to go home.

“Thank you so much doctor.” Said Vanessa shaking his hand, looking down at a sleeping Johnny she whispered, “lets get you home little man”. The three of them head home after a very stressful evening.
Arriving back at Tug Ghyll, Charity tells Vanessa to go and put her feet up while she gets Johnny sorted in bed. She knew that Vanessa was emotionally drained after today so she wanted to take the pressure off her and allow her to relax.

Tucking Johnny into bed she kisses him on the forehead and whispers, “sleep well little man, don’t ever scare me like that again”.

Charity walks downstairs to find Vanessa asleep on the sofa, she finds a blanket and wraps her up warm. She kisses her on the forehead and sits down near to make sure she was there in case Vanessa needed anything.

Morning came and Vanessa woke to find a very uncomfortable looking Charity, who had fallen asleep with her head resting on the kitchen table. Vanessa transferred the blanket Charity had used to keep her warm onto a sleeping Charity then goes to check on her little man.

Chapter 3:

Vanessa puts on her sexy yellow knitted jumper ready to head over to the pub to do her best to distract Charity from doing any work, not that that will be difficult. As well as the jumper she has put on her super tight skinny jeans, her black heeled boots, straightened her hair and is trying out a new shade of lipstick “rose” lipstick.

Over at the Woolpack Charity who has also made an extra effort with her appearance tonight, has her favourite black blouse on along with her grey trouser suit, keeps checking the door every 2 seconds waiting for Vanessa to appear.

“Expecting someone?” Chas questioned, “only you haven’t taken your eyes off that door all night!”

“Not that its any of your business, but i am expecting Vanessa to appear at some point”, a blushing Charity answered.

“I spy with my little eye someone who may be falling for a certain Vanessa”.

Before Charity could tell Chas to fly to the moon, in walked Vanessa holding a bunch of flowers. Pushing Chas out of the way, Charity walks towards Vanessa with a huge smile on her face. Eyes lit up at the sight of both the beautiful flowers and Vanessa, “you shouldn’t have babe”.

“Oh no, these aren’t for you, they’re from Paddy for Chas”, Vanessa replied.

Chas barges past a disappointed Charity and collects the flowers, “oh Paddy Kirk i do love you, Thanks Vanessa”.

“No worries, he couldn’t make it this evening so wanted me to give you these to say sorry”. Vanessa explained, “ill have a pint when your ready Charity”.

Trying to wipe the disappointment off her face, Charity replies “sure thing babe ill bring it over”.

As Chas walks past she whispered into Charity’s ear, “Flowers are normally a thing couples do, you sure your not wanting more from Vanessa”.

Things suddenly dawned on her, maybe she did want more than she first thought. Did she want things to be official? Did she want a girlfriend, a partner to take care of and spoil?

Trying to get rid of the worry and panic written all over her face, Charity takes the pint over to Vanessa. “Here you go babe, sorry for the wait! As you can see we are rushed off our feet”.

“The sight of you in that suit is always worth the wait”, Vanessa replied with the cheekiest grin on her face.

“Flattery will you get you everywhere Miss Woodfield. I see you wore my favourite jumper”.

“Well I couldn’t have you eyeing up anyone else in the pub could i?”

“That’s how i get my tips?” A sarcastic Charity responded, “anyway best get back to it”.
“Chas a word…”

“Yes Boss”

“What you said earlier about me falling for Vanessa, i think you’re right and I’m freaking out”.

“Breathe, just calm down. ive never seen you like this before, anytime she enters the room you light up, a massive grin appears on your face and your eyes glow.”

“I know, my heart races anytime she’s near me, i feel like a teenager again and its freaking me out”.

“Talk to her, explain how you feel.”

“I cant! I’m no good for her. If we become official i will go into self destruct mode and ill ruin everything like i do all the time. I cant have her hate me.”

“Right, stop all of this. Yes your past hasn’t exactly been great but I’ve seen a change in you and it’s a good change. Just tell her”.

“Ok, I’ll do it. Cover for me I need to go to the shop”.

“You’ve got 10 minutes, if Vanessa asks ill tell her Moses needed you”.
Charity rushes over to the shop before it closes, “Tracy i need your help”, Charity shouted across the shop.

“Hello Tracy nice to see you, how are you?”, Tracy sarcastically mumbled.

“Sorry, I don’t have time for niceties, Vanessa what’s her favourite flower”.

“Flowers? That’s rather nice of you, what have you done wrong?” Tracy asked.

“Nothing, why would i have done anything wrong”.

“Charity Dingle buying my sister flowers, its just something i never thought I’d see”.

“Well I’m trying to be a nicer person aren’t i!”.

Tracy hands Charity a beautiful bouquet of red roses, “these are her favourites, i know a rose is quite romantic but we don’t have much left tonight”.

“Ill take them, Chocolates? Or is that too much?”

“Stick to the flowers”.

“Ok, thanks. I appreciate your help”.

“Good luck”.
Rushing back to the pub, Charity enters through the back making sure Vanessa didn’t spot her or the flowers.

“Psst.. Chas” Charity whispered.

“Wow, red roses how romantic”.

“Shut it, is the pub still heaving?”

“Yeah… you’re going to have an audience”.

Charity knew that as soon as she walked out into the pub with the flowers, everyone’s attention will turn to her as she’s known for not expressing feelings. Taking a deep breath in Charity heads out of the back into the pub, Immediately she is noticed. Vanessa yet to clock that charity is heading towards her with a bunch of flowers, has her head buried in her phone. With the chatter in the pub increasing, Vanessa lifts her head to see Charity stood there with a bunch of red roses, with her jaw dropping to the floor Vanessa asked “are they for me?”

“Yep, i thought you deserved some flowers and well Tracy said they were your favourites”

“They are beautiful! Thank you” said a smiley Vanessa as she lifted the roses to her nose to smell them. “What’s the special occasion then…”

“Chas said something to me earlier which go me thinking a lot about things. You know I’m not one for expressing feelings, but i have realised that you make me smile a lot and thats not happened to me for a very long time.” Charity said checking over her shoulder to see who else was listening. “I don’t want to label what we have because as soon as i do that i will end up doing something stupid. I want to be the best person i can be for my family and you make me a better person”.

“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

“Well not exactly, because i hate the labels but i am asking you if you want to be with me?”.



“Yes, i want to be with you. Neither of us are perfect and we are bound to make mistakes and fall out and probably annoy each other but we can make each other happy. I want to make you happy”.

“Come here you”, Charity said as she grabbed Vanessa’s face and kissed it passionately.

As the pair kiss, wolf whistles and cheering sound around the pub. “Right now all that mushy stuff is over can you come and help serve, as you can see we are rather busy tonight”, Chas said.

A smitten Charity responds “yeah, Im coming. Another pint babe?”

Vanessa stuck for words just smiles and nods, she can’t quite believe what has just happened.

“I got a bit teary eyed watching you declare your love for Vanessa”, Chas teased.

“We’re not in love, we are together yes but we are taking things slow”.

“I’m very happy for you”.
Rhona and Pete walked into the pub to see Vanessa sat there with a gorgeous bunch of flowers. “Oooooh who are those from?”, Rhona asked.

“Who do you think?”

“Charity the queen of ‘we’re not a thing’ Dingle?”

“Yep, well we technically are a thing now just not with the ‘girlfriend’ label”.

“And this is what you want yeah?”

“I know you are scared she is going to hurt me, but she makes me happy. I haven’t been truly happy since johnny was born, I deserve this and well if it goes wrong at least I had some fun”.

“Go for it, I think you make a great couple”, Pete added.

“I agree, just be careful ok?” Rhona said with a slight ounce of worry in her voice.

“Thanks guys, I’ll be careful I promise”.

Pete pops to the bar to get a round of drinks in, “3 pints please Charity, ill make it 4 if you can come over and join us?”

“I don’t want to intrude though?”, Charity said with a sense of nervousness to her voice.

“Intrude? your part of the group now, so come join us”.

Both of them walked over to where Rhona and Vanessa were sitting, put the drinks down on the table and sat next to their significant others. It felt very much like a double date, Charity was a little apprehensive as she knew Rhona wasn’t her biggest fan. Knowing she had to try and make a good impression Charity decided to take an interest in Pete and Rhona’s relationship, “so you two make a really cute couple”.

“Thank you, we are taking things slow but we are both very happy at the moment”.

“I’m really glad to hear that, you deserve happiness Rhona, you really really do”, Charity responded. As those words came out of Charity’s mouth Vanessa reached for her hand and squeezed it tight, she was proud of her girl for being so nice to her best friend.

“What about you two? You seem very happy!”, Rhona asked.

Looking at each other Vanessa and Charity both smiled and responded “we are, were very happy”.

Charity then added, “why don’t we head out for dinner one day next week and have some fun?”

“We would love to”, responded a shocked Rhona.

“Perfect, looking forward to it. Right guys, were going to love you and leave you as I have a free house tonight as Johnny is with me dad so were going to make the most of it”.

“Too much information”, Rhona replied. “Ill see you tomorrow, have fun ladies”.

The pair left the pub hand in hand with the largest smiles on their faces.

Chapter 2:

Noah with the help of Chas and Marlon had been extremely busy while his mum was over apologising to Vanessa. He knew it would take his mum a while to find the right words to say to Vanessa, she he took his time organising everything. He had tidied the living room and dining area, set the table using the best cutlery, Chas had helped him pick out a good bottle of wine and Marlon was busy making their dinner. He had ordered his mums favourite hoping that Vanessa would have similar tastes.

The pair walk in, hand in hand shocked to see what Noah had done for them, “babe did you do all this?” A surprised Charity asked.

“Yeah!… well I had help from Chas and Marlon, but I did most of it”, Noah explained.

“It’s amazing, thank you Noah”, Vanessa said with a huge grin on her face.

“Sit down, make yourself comfortable”, Noah said as he attempted to open the bottle of wine.

“Should have chosen a screw top babe!, give it here”, said Charity trying not to laugh.

As Charity expertly opened the wine bottle, Noah popped into the kitchen to see how the food was coming alone.

“Marlon, how long on the food?” Noah said in a bossy manner.

“You sound just like your mother!, shouldn’t be long about 5 minutes boss”, Marlon replied.

“Ill just wait until its ready then, can I try the mushy peas?”.

“Go on then but just a little bit”, Marlon said.

Meanwhile back in the dining room, Charity and Vanessa are enjoying the wine and the atmosphere. “When you said dinner I wasn’t expecting this! Your boy has done good”, a smitten Vanessa said.

“He’s done very good, I wasn’t expecting this either. I wouldn’t have been surprised if beans on toast has of been served”, the pair laughed. “He went to all of this trouble to make sure that i apologised to you and that we were on good terms”, explained Charity in a soft and caring manner.

Noah clears his throat *cough cough* to break up the little romantic conversation that was going on, “main course is served”.

“Oooooh, this looks nice”, said an excited Vanessa.

“You’ve got a steak and ale pie, served with chunky chips and mushy peas”, Noah described.

“Babe, this is amazing. Make sure to thank Marlon and Chas for all the help yeah?”.

“Will do mum”.

The three of them all tucked into their meals, the atmosphere around the table was a little tense as no one really knew what to say. As the silence grew, Vanessa caught Charity’s eye and gave her the look as if to say *say something would you*. Charity quickly chimed in and asked Noah how his video games were going as if she actually knew what she was talking about. “Completed anymore levels on your game yet noah”.

“They are called missions mum, not levels”, Noah said in a disappointed tone.

“Oh my bad, well have you completed any more missions then?”

“Yeah loads, i find it really easy.”

“Do you reckon you could give me a lesson one day? So that when johnny is old enough i can beat him”, Vanessa asked trying to make a connection with Noah.

“Yeah sure, anytime. Once johnny is old enough i can give him so lessons too”, said a very enthusiastic Noah.

Charity’s smile grew bigger and bigger, as she could see the pair getting along extremely well. Could her son and the woman she has feelings for be sparking up a friendship? Could this be the beginning of the rest of her life?

“I would love that, i have to warn you I’ll probably be rubbish. But ill make sure i bring over sweets and pop and we can make and afternoon of it”, Vanessa replied with a beaming smile on her face.

The three of them finished their dinner and came to an agreement that because Noah went to all the effort of organising and sorting the meal, Charity and Vanessa would do the washing up. As Vanessa got her rubber gloves on, Charity ceased on the opportunity to fill the sink with too many bubbles as she knew this could lead to some fun. As Vanessa washed the dishes she suddenly felt a spot of water on her cheek, as she turned to face Charity, an onslaught of bubbles smacked her right in the face.

“Oh my god, your dead”, Vanessa said as she flicked water in Charity’s direction.

“You didn’t”, said a playful Charity.

“Oh i so did”, Vanessa replied.

The pair continued to cover one another in hot soapy water for the next 5 minutes, both covered completely, soaked through. “Hey, I didn’t know this was a wet t-shirt competition”, Charity said.

“I’d deffo win, I’m a tiny blonde rocket woman remember”, a smirking Vanessa replied.

Charity gives off a quiet giggle, as she grabs Vanessa’s waist and pulls her in close, whispering “your my tiny blonde rocket woman”. Kissing her passionately on the lips. “I think we need to get out of these clothes, stay with me tonight?”

Taking off her wet shirt, Vanessa replied “Try kicking me out of that bed, but I do need to just ring trace and ask her to look after johnny”.

The pair headed of upstairs for a wild night in the sack.


Morning came with the bright sunshine beaming through the curtains of Charity’s bedroom, Vanessa led there spooning Charity as she peacefully slept. She lay there thinking to herself I could get used to this! Her thoughts were interrupted as Charity’s alarm went off, Vanessa carefully untangled herself to quickly turn the alarm off allowing Charity to sleep in. Covering herself up using Charity’s black silk robe, Vanessa headed downstairs to make a start on Noah’s breakfast.

Unsure of what Noah usually ate for breakfast she decided that it was best to make him some toast and cereal. A sleepy Noah walked down the stairs, surprised to see Vanessa, but even more surprised to see she had made him breakfast.

“Morning, I didn’t know what you normally had, so i made you a couple of options”, said Vanessa.

“This… this is for me? But its not my birthday!”, a shocked Noah expressed.

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, of course this is for you”.

“Thanks, ill have them both please”, said a grateful Noah.

“Ive also made you a packed lunch, I wasn’t sure if you had school dinners or not but i made you one just in case”.

“This is the best day ever, thanks. I normally have to make my own lunch and i usually cant be bothered so just eat chocolate. Thank you so much”, Noah replied.

“You’re welcome”.

As Noah finished his breakfast, he grabbed his lunch for school, he approached Vanessa and gave her a hug. A stunned Vanessa gave him a hug back and watched him leave for school. Overcome with happiness a smile covered her face, she heard a creek from one of the floorboards on the stairs. “You scared me! How long have you been there?” Vanessa said.

“Long enough to see how amazing you are with Noah, you let me sleep in, made him breakfast and packed him a school lunch. I could kiss you right now”, Charity explained.

“Come here then!”, Vanessa demanded. The pair kissed, “sit down, its my turn to treat you! Breakfast?” Charity said.

“Breakfast sounds perfect!”

“I still cant quite get my head around the fact that you did all that for Noah, well and for me!”

“It was no big deal, just breakfast. He’s a good kid Charity, you should be proud of how you’ve raised him. I know i would be if he was mine!” Vanessa expressed with sincerity.

“That means a lot, I’ve not been the best mother in the past but i do try and raise him the best i can. I even forget how old he is most of the time!”

“That’s old age creeping in”, a giggling Vanessa said.

“Oi, watch it you”, Charity said leaning in for a kiss.

“Ive got to head to work, but I’m free later so ill pop in and see you while your working. You can provide me with pints and ill provide you with the eye candy”, Vanessa said winking at Charity.

“It’s a date, but only if you wear that sexy yellow knitted jumper”, joked Charity.

“Deal” said Vanessa as she kissed Charity one last time before heading to work.

Chapter 1:

Over at Home farm, there was a quiet knock at the door, Graham opens the door to see Noah standing there. “Noah i thought your mother didn’t want you coming up here?”

A voice from the kitchen interrupted, “Oh never mind that Graham, he’s here now and ready for me to teach him to play poker”.

“I don’t think this is a good idea”, Graham murmured from across the room. “Charity made it very clear she didn’t want you seeing him”.

“I’m not here to play, i want you to tell me about my father”, a tentative noah said.

“Here’s the thing little brother, I don’t really remember that much about him. I know that he was a good man who loved to make money and live the good life”.

“Mum said he sent you away to boarding school so you weren’t in the way? Is that true?” Noah asked.

Joe’s expression changes, a slight look of anger mixed with sadness covered his face. “It wasn’t to get me out the way, when dad had his accident life became more difficult for him, me being here all the time didn’t help.”

“So it wasn’t my mums fault that you went to boarding school?” Noah asked.

“No, i was already at boarding school but it is her fault my father died”, an angry Joe stated.

“Now is not the time for this Joe, Noah come with me I’ll take you home”, Graham said trying to calm the situation down.

“How is it her fault? What did she do.” Noah replied with a quiver to his voice trying not to get upset.

“She poisoned him, all she ever wanted was his money. She killed our father Noah”, Joe shouted.

Noah physically started to shake, fighting back the tears he ran out of home farm. Graham chased after him, “Noah wait, I’ll give you a lift”.


Meanwhile over at the Pub Charity and Vanessa were having a catch up over a drink and a bite to eat.

“What can i get you two love birds?”, asked a smiling chas.

“Oh shut it chas, and get us a couple of pints”, an embarrassed Charity replied.

Over at a quiet table in the corner of the pub the ladies were filling each other in with what’s been happening in their lives. Charity jokingly asked “so babe where you taking me on our next date…”. Before being able to finish her sentence the pair were interrupted by a devastated Noah rushing into the pub. A worried Charity shouts “Noah babe, why aren’t you at school?”

“Just leave me alone”, Noah replied with tears streaming down his face.

Charity’s face drops, her smile disappears, worry starts to set in. A concerned Vanessa does her best to encourage charity to go comfort him, but she knows what she’s like. “Go after him, go see if he’s ok! I can wait, he’s more important right now”, Vanessa said in a calming manner.

Agreeing, Charity leans forward towards Vanessa kissing her gently on the lips. She whispered “thank you” as she got up and made her way into the back.


Charity rushes through to the back room, composing herself she asked, “Noah babe what’s happened?”

“Like you don’t know”.

“Know what babe? I cant help if I don’t know what’s wrong”.

“My dad, it was you that killed him? You wanted his money so you poisoned him”. An angry Noah shouted.

“This is all Joe isn’t it? What did i tell you about spending time with him? He is toxic, he messed with Debbie’s head and now he is trying to mess with yours”. She started to pace around the room, not knowing what to say or do, breathing increasing with every footstep. “I loved your father, yes we had our bad times, but show me a couple who doesn’t. He died in my arms Noah and there was nothing i could do to save him, i was devastated when he died”. As the tears filled up her eyes and the sadness crept into her voice she mumbled, “I have done some pretty messed up things in my life, but i promise you with my whole heart I didn’t kill your dad”.

“Why would he lie to me?”, questioned Noah.

“Because he is messing with you to get back to me… surely you can see that, even you cant be that stupid”, an angry charity shouted.

Noah picked up his bag and stormed out the room slamming the door behind him. He rushes past a worried Vanessa, “Noah, everything ok? Noah.. wait”. Ignoring everybody in sight he runs out of the pub.

Worried about what’s just happened, Vanessa tracks down an angry Charity. “What’s happened?’ She said calmly, reaching to hold onto charity’s hand.

“That little weasel has brainwashed Noah into believing that i killed his dad.”

“What? Surely he didn’t believe him. I mean you had nothing to do with him dying… did you?”

“VANESSA, did you honestly just ask me that? I thought you of all people would believe me and know I wouldn’t do that?” Questioned Charity as she moved her hand from underneath Vanessa’s.

“Umm.. of course i know you wouldn’t” mumbled Vanessa.

“You know what just leave.. go on GET OUT”. A visibly upset Charity shrieked.

With her heart racing, Vanessa gathers her thoughts and reluctantly leaves, as she moves towards the door she whispers, “im sorry”.


Whilst walking home, Vanessa spots an upset Noah in the distance. Not wanting to make a scene she quietly makes her way over to where he is sat and sits down beside him. She reaches into her handbag searching for a tissue, she pulls one out of the packet and hands it to Noah, “here, take this”.

Wiping away his tears, he snuffles “thank you”.

“Everything ok?” Vanessa asked in a calming manner.

“All i wanted was to get to know my brother, yet my family hate him and i just don’t know who to believe anymore”.

“Things are complicated between your family and Joe. Joe blames your mum for things she didn’t do, and because he blames her he’s done some really nasty to things to your family”.

“Why is he saying mum killed dad”.

“I really don’t know, maybe he is trying to find someone to blame. But the truth is your dad was a very ill man and he tried to frame your mum for his murder because Charity was seeing Cain behind his back”. Expressed a concerned Vanessa.

“So because mum was cheating on him, he tried to make it look like she killed him”.

“Yeah, i know your mum can be a nightmare sometimes. Even i have experienced first hand what your mum can be like. But she would do anything for you, to protect you and she loves you with her whole heart”.

Noah replied, “I know she loves me but sometimes i just wished she didn’t always have a go”.

A smiling Vanessa explained, “That’s our job, we nag, we moan when your bedroom isn’t clean or when you spend too much time playing video games, but we do it because we care.”

“I guess so”.

“How about we go and get a milkshake and a cake and figure out what you want to say to your mum”.

With a smile creeping back onto Noah’s face, he nods in agreement, wipes his eyes one last time and the pair make their way to the cafe.


Back over at the Woolpack Chas has poured Charity a large glass of wine hoping it will calm her down. Pacing back and fourth Charity is losing her mind worrying where Noah is, “i should be out there looking for him”.

“If you go in this state you will end up saying something else you regret”, Chas replied.

“Well i cant just sit her waiting can i?”, Charity responded.

“Look you’ve already upset two people today, just sit there and drink your wine and i will go find him. Marlon can cope for 20 minutes on his own”.

“Thanks Chas”.

Before Chas even had the chance to leave the room, Vanessa entered the room with Noah in toe. “Noah, where have you been? Ive been worried sick, i called you a million times”, said a frantic Charity.

“I went for a walk, then we went for a milkshake”.

“Look I’m so sorry for shouting at you and for calling you stupid. Because you are anything but stupid, you are the smartest boy i know”. Charity expressed as she walked over to embrace Noah.

“I’m sorry for saying you killed dad, i know your not capable of doing anything like that”. Noah replied squeezing his mum tightly.

“I best be going, Noah if you ever want another milkshake you know where i am ok? Ill see you soon”, Vanessa said from the other side of the room.

Before Charity could respond or even look at vanessa, she was gone. She knew by the tone of Vanessa’s voice she was upset and hurt by what was said to her earlier.

“Mum you can let go of me now”, said Noah who was struggling to breathe due to charity squeezing him so tight.

“Sorry babe, I just don’t ever want to lose you, you are too important to me”.

“I’m not going anywhere, but you are! Go after Vanessa mum, you need to apologise to her for whatever you have done. I like her, she nice and well she got me cake as well as a milkshake”.

“When did you grow up so much?”

Realising she had messed up big time with Vanessa, Charity knew she had to take Noah’s advice and go sort things. Taking the short walk from the pub to Tug Ghyll, taking a deep breath in she knocked on the door. Vanessa opened the door to a nervous looking Charity, “Hey babe, I’ve got some apologising to do”.

A hesitant Vanessa invites her in, “come on in”.

“Firstly i need to thank you for looking after my boy, he really likes you you know?”

“Well he’s a great kid, all he wanted was to hear the truth” Vanessa stated.

“I know and i should have told him a long time ago i just wanted to protect him from it all. I also owe you a massive apology, i should never have spoken to you the way i did, even being angry. It was no excuse and i will do my best to make sure it never happens again”.

“I accept your apology, i should never have doubted you and for that i am sorry. I didn’t know the Charity back then, i hear she was a bit of a wild one, but the Charity i know now would never be capable of anything like that”.

“So were good? Because Noah and I would like to invite you over for dinner tonight, he told me I wasn’t allowed to take no as an answer”.

“I would love to”, Vanessa replied with a smile the width of her face.

Grabbing Vanessa’s hand, she leads her to the door and the pair make their way to the pub for dinner.


Coming to terms with her sexuality was a big deal for Vanessa, she didn’t have the chance to come out the way she wanted, instead she was thrown out. She had forgiven Charity for how she handle things and she seemed to be in a happy place.

She knew that what she felt that night with Charity was mind blowing and she felt she owed it to herself to follow her heart and see where dating a woman could lead.

After a couple of wild nights with Charity, Vanessa was contemplating whether or not to put, “all her eggs in one basket”, and see where things with Charity could lead. Worried about being hurt or over committing Vanessa was acting weird and it hadn’t gone unnoticed.

Over at the woolpack, Vanessa and Charity have been enjoying some much needed alone time. With both of their pulses racing, they let out a big sigh…”wow, that was amazing”, a cheerful charity expressed. “Wow indeed”, Vanessa replied.

The pair of them led there getting their breath back, Charity cosied up into the chest of Vanessa, wanting to get comfortable for the night ahead. Vanessa suddenly became restless and fidgety, “babe you alright?”, Charity asked.

“Yeah, fine”, Vanessa mumbled. “Just need to be getting back to Johnny”.

“You’re leaving?”, a confused Charity responded.

“Yeah, sorry. Rhona has an early start.”

“Ok.. umm well I’ll see you tomorrow then?”, a hopeful charity asked.

“Yeah, see you tomorrow”, Vanessa replied leaning in to kiss Charity goodnight.

As Vanessa left, Charity’s happy mood suddenly turned sour, she kept thinking to herself, why does Vanessa never stay? She always leaves? Have I done something wrong?

The following morning Charity woke up in an awful mood, with a million thoughts and feelings running through her head. Making herself a strong coffee, Charity sits down contemplating what could possibly be going wrong between her and Vanessa. Thinking that its not normal for people to leave straight after making love.

A bright and breezy Chas walks in, “Morning, how was your wild night of passion?”.

“Don’t ask”, mumbled a visible irate Charity.

“Trouble in paradise?”, Chas replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Sit down, i need some advice from you and yes before you make some witty, sarcastic comment, i am asking you for advice”. Charity reluctantly asked.

“Go for it”.

“I think I’ve done something to upset Vanessa, i mean the sex is fantastic and i get no complaints from her”, she said proudly with a massive grin on her face. “But she never stays over, she never falls asleep with me, she always leaves and I don’t get why?”.

“There could be many reasons why she doesn’t want to stay over, maybe she turns into a werewolf at midnight?”, Chas chirped back, letting off a slight giggle.

“CHAS, I’m trying to be serious right now!” Charity shouted.

“Look speaking from experience when I didn’t want to stay over it was either because i was just interested in the sex, scared of committing or scared of being hurt”. Chas answered in a very serious manner.

A confused looking Charity left the room in a swift manner.


A knock at the door of Tug Ghyll bewildered Vanessa. Who could possibly be knocking on the door at this time in the morning? Vanessa opened the door to a smiley Rhona, who stood there holding two hot coffees and freshly cooked pastries from the cafe.

“Morning sunshine, mind if i come in?” Asked a chirpy Rhona. “What’s with your miserable face?”

“Ohhh don’t ask”, Vanessa sighed.

“Well i just did, so get comfy lady I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong”.

Letting out a big sigh Vanessa replied… “I’m scared, scared of getting hurt”.

“Getting hurt, what do you mean?”a puzzled Rhona asked.

“I’m scared I’m falling for her, every minute i spend with her the further I’m falling and it scares the crap out of me. I cant even stay the night because for me that’s showing commitment and I’m scared to commit in case its not what she wants”. Explains a visibly upset Vanessa.

Rhona took a deep breath in, took Vanessa hand and held it tightly. “There’s no lie that Charity in the past hasn’t had the most successful time with her relationships. I mean there was Chris, Cain, Jai, Declan, Ross, Cain again… its an impressive list of failed relationships.”

“Rub it in why don’t you Rhona, that’s not helping me”.

“You didn’t let me finish, I was going to say yes, she has failed miserably in the past but… the last few months I’ve seen a different side to Charity. She smiles when you walk into the room, she’s nicer when she’s around you, she’s shown that she does care about you. I know I’m not her biggest fan, but give her a chance, its scary and she may well end up breaking you heart. But she could also turn out to be the love of your life. You know ill always be here to pick up the pieces if it does go wrong, and well if it goes right i expect to be your maid of honour”, Rhona said with a smile on her face.

“You really think i should go for it?”

“I think you should at least sit down and have a chat with her”.

Deciding that there was no time like the present, Vanessa grabs her coat and makes her way to the Woolpack.


Over at the Woolpack, Charity with a miserable expression on her face is reluctantly finishing her shift. In walked Vanessa with a air of self confidence surrounding her, Charity instantly clocks her, putting a smile straight on her face.

“Can we talk?” Vanessa asked.

Charity looks over to Chas who gives her the nod of approval to take a break, “Yeah, come on through”.

Acting like a pair of nervous teenagers, Vanessa sits. An agitated Charity cant keep still so asks Vanessa, “can i get you a drink? Tea, coffee, wine, something stronger?”.

“I’m fine thanks, just come sit.”

“Why do i suddenly get the feeling that your about to give me some bad news?’”

“What? No.. i came to try explain why I’ve been acting weird and why i keep leaving after you know… we’ve had sex”.

“So there is a reason. Ive been so worried all day that I’ve done something wrong or you didn’t enjoy yourself.”

“No, nothing like that, its amazing, your amazing.”

“Then what? You can talk to me, I don’t bite.. well not all the time” Charity added cheekily.

“The reason I’ve been acting weird and leaving is because I’m scared to commit, I’m scared that I’m just another fling for you”.

Charity grabs Vanessa hand, squeezing it tight, “You are not just another fling, you are so much more to me than that. I care about you, I know I don’t express things like this enough and I’m working on it. You make me a better person, a person I like being. Yes i make mistakes and do stupid things but i am happier around you”.

Sighing, vanessa responded, “I want to not have to worry about whether or not you’ll be there in the morning when i wake up. I want to be able to trust that I’m enough for you and that you wont go searching for happiness elsewhere”.

“Look i cant promise you that i will never hurt you, or make mistakes. But i will do my best to treat you like you deserve to be treated, i will make you happy until you decide otherwise. But most importantly i want to be able to fall asleep next you and wake up to your beautiful smile”.

Vanessa’s expression immediately changed, looking directly into charity’s eyes she calmly said “Ok, so here’s the deal. We both do our best not to hurt one another, we try to focus on making each other happy, but most importantly we communicate. We are both grown adults and for this to work we have to be able to talk to each other.”

“Oh we can talk, but for now I’m done with talking. Vanessa Woodfield would you do me the honour of escorting me to the bedroom and staying the night”. Charity expressed whilst leaning in for a kiss, Vanessa nodded as the pair made their way upstairs.

Me whenever McDonald’s tell me the McFlurry machine isn’t working ‍♀️

Chapter 24

“I love you two babe”, Charity replied trying to control her breathing from the crying. Charity couldn’t believe that her little boy was awake and speaking after the trauma he had gone through. She knew it was going to take time for him to reach 100%, but the fact that he was awake and responding was a step in the right direction.

“Hi Noah, I’m Dr Noble. But you can call me Adam. How you feeling? If it’s too hard to speak a thumbs up or thumbs down will do”.

Noah tried to get the words out but his throat was too dry, he managed to raise his thumb and give his audience a smile.

“Thats a good start, does anywhere hurt?”, Adam replied.

Noah managed to point to his leg which had been badly bruised in the car crash.

“Ok, good. So no pain anywhere else then?”

Shaking his head, Noah replied.

“This is all really good news, the fact that the only pain he has is in his leg which we knew was damaged. It’s all looking really positive. I’ll leave you to it, any change just press the buzzer”, Adam said stepping to one side to speak to the pair.

“Thank you so much, for everything”, Charity replied.

“You’re welcome”.

As Adam left Charity walked to the other side of the bed, while Vanessa was still on the other side.

“Hey Noah, boy am I glad to see that smile of yours!”, Vanessa said squeezing Noah’s hand. “You make sure you make a speedy recovery I’m still waiting for that video game lesson”.

Noah turned his head to look at Vanessa and gave her a big cheesy grin, clearing his throat he attempted to reply. “Th..ank you. Fo..r loo..king after m..um”, he replied the best he could.

With tears filling her eyes Vanessa looked over at Charity smiled, looked back at Noah smiled even more and replied, “it was my pleasure. Do you want some water for your throat?”

Noah nodded, Vanessa left the room to go and find some cold water to try and help sooth Noah’s throat.

“How did you know Vanessa had looked after me?”, Charity asked. “Could you hear us when you were in the coma?”

“Yes, everything”, Noah replied

“Everything?” Charity said worryingly. What if Noah knew it was his sister that is to blame for his accident?

Noah nodded and began to laugh.

“You didn’t hear that?”

“You two got caught”, Noah replied laughing.

“Oh no, you can’t let Vanessa know you know that we got caught. She’ll be so embarrassed”.

In walked Vanessa to the pair laughing, “what have I missed?”

“Noah could hear when he was in a coma”, Charity said whilst giving Vanessa a semi concerned look.

“Really? Wow that amazing… wait no… he knows doesn’t he. Oh god”. Realising she was never going to be able to forget getting caught, she decided to embrace it and laugh along with them.

“I’ll be able to use it against you both”, Noah teased.

“I don’t think so babe”.

“Here have some water, it will help your throat”, Vanessa said helping Noah to drink. “Right I’m going to head back to the village to fill everyone in on the good news, need to see Johnny as I’ve been a bad mum recently and I’m going to grab a shower. If there’s anything you need from the pub give us a text and I’ll grab it for you, I’ll come back to see you later”. Vanessa said walking over to Charity, “I’ll see you later” she said kissing her girlfriend.

“Right I’m going to pop to the hospital shop to get some snacks for us, do you want a magazine or anything?”

“Surprise me”, Noah replied.

Rushing to catch up with Vanessa, Charity was concerned about how much Noah really did hear! “Ness wait, Noah claims he heard everything? What if he knows about Debbie?”

“Oh god I totally forgot about that… I guess you wait and see if he brings it up?” Vanessa replied.

“Ok so I need to try and figure out what he heard, right I’ll see you later”, Charity said as she walked in the opposite direction.


Back at the village a chirpy Vanessa headed straight for the pub to let everyone know the good news about Noah.

“Vanessa! How’s Noah?”, Chas bombarded Vanessa as soon as she walked into the room.

“He’s awake!”

“Oh my god, I’ve never been more relieved in my life”, Chas replied.

“So is he all ok?”, Cain asked.

“So far so good, he’s not complaining of any pain which is good. His throats causing him the most pain but he’s in good spirits”.

“It’s great news it really is”, Paddy added.

“We’ve had a collection round the village and we’ve got some cards and presents for him. Shall I give them to you sis?”, Tracy asked.

“Yeah Trace, I’ll be heading back there later. Need to see Johnny first I’ve completely neglected him the last few days”.

“Hey, don’t feel bad. He understands that you’ve been looking after Noah”, Tracy replied.

“You’ve been brilliant Vanessa! They are both very lucky to have you and I know Charity appreciates it a lot”, Cain said from over in the corner.

“Thanks, I’ve tried”, Vanessa responded, Cain had barely ever said two words to her let alone praise her for being there for his ex.

“Is he up for visitors? Moses is dying to see his big brother”, Paddy asked S he had been helping Chas with the kids over the past few days.

“Yeah, I believe so. I’m sure he would love to see some friendly faces”.

“Perfect, I’ll get him ready and we will head over there now. Thanks Ness” Paddy said.

“Right I need to go attend to some mummy duties, I will hopefully see you all soon for a much needed pint”, Vanessa said as she got ready to leave the pub.

“I think she really does love Charity!”, Paddy said to Chas.

“I genuinely think they are the real deal”

“I feel stupid now for all that drama we caused at the beginning for them”

“We were only being cautious”

“Right, I’m going to get Moses ready, so that when Debbie makes an appearance we can go see Noah”, Paddy said.


Charity returned from the shop with lots of goodies for herself and Noah, she walked into the room to find that Noah had managed to sit himself up. “You’re looking a lot more human now”.

“I feel a lot better”, Noah said quietly as he was still struggling with his voice.

“Good! So I’ve got lots of goodies, got you some chocolate buttons, a twix as they are my favourites. Some biscuits, monster munch, a selection of magazines and a cuddly toy”.

“Mum I’m not a little kid”

“I know but I couldn’t resist. If you don’t want it you can give it to Moses! So what else did you hear?”

“I heard Joe come to visit, Debbie was here but I don’t remember anything from that visit. Oh and you told Vanessa you loved her”, Noah said quietly trying to stop her throat from hurting,

“That’s about all that happened really! So strange to think you heard it all”, Charity said relieved that he couldn’t remember everything.

“So do you love Vanessa mum?”, Noah asked.

“Yes, I do. I’m happier when I’m around her”.

“Good, because I like her too. She’s nice and wants to play video games with me”.

“She’s still waiting for that lesson”.


“Yes babe”

“Don’t mess this one up.”

“When did you get so smart? Don’t worry I will do my very best not to mess this up. Right shall we crack open the chocolate?”, Charity said as she climbed onto Noah’s bed.

“I’m sorry for getting Joe to pick me up from school without telling you!”.

“I forgive you, next time just tell me. So I know where you are! I was worried sick about you Noah. I know sometimes I’m not the best mum in the world but you and Moses mean the world to me and I would do anything to make sure you are safe.”

“Don’t forget Debbie”

“And Debbie..” Charity reluctantly said.

“Anyway I think your the best mum ever”, Noah said cuddling up to his mum. Charity sat there and smiled, hearing those words come out of her sons mouth made her forget the fact that Debbie was the cause of this accident.

There was a knock at the door, Chas, Paddy and Moses entered the room armed with lots of presents and balloons for Noah.

“Up for some visitors?”, Paddy said peering Moses round the corner of the door.

“Moses baby”, Charity said leaping off the bed to cuddle her youngest.

“Hey Noah, how you feeling?”, Chas asked.

“Much better thanks”.

“We’ve got some presents from the village for you”, Paddy said handing Noah the bag of gifts.

“Thanks”, Noah replied as he started to open his presents. “Is Debbie coming to see me?”.

Chas, Charity and Paddy looked at one another as none of them knew how to answer that question. Paddy decided to answer, “shes really busy at the moment with the garage but I’m sure she’ll come see you soon”.

“So what did you get?”, Charity asked trying to change the subject.

“I got the new FIFA game from everyone”, an excited Noah said.

“Wow, you’ll have to make sure you thank everyone when you get home”.

“I will don’t worry mum”.

“Any news on when he’ll be able to go home?”, Chas asked Charity.

“No idea, I’m just so glad he’s ok. Never been so worried in my life!”

“I bet! What you going to do about the other problem?”, Chas asked referring to the problem with Debbie.

“No idea, to be honest right now all that matters are my two boys and Vanessa. She’s gone a step too far this time and I don’t know if I can forgive her”.

“Things are getting serious with Vanessa then?”

“Yeah, they are and I’m excited”, Charity responded with a massive grin on her face. “Can you do me a favour?”

“Of course, what’s up?”, Chas replied.

“Can you stay with Noah while I go back to the pub and shower? I feel so dirty”.

“No problem, me and Paddy we’ve got this”.

“Thanks”, Charity said kissing her two boys before leaving heading back to the village.

Chapter 23

A new day dawned and the sun was shining brightly through the window of Noah’s hospital room. In between the beeping of the machines and the ladies snoring in the corner you could just hear the chirping of the birds from outside, was this a sign of good things to come. The bed must have helped the pair sleep as it was gone 9am and they were still fast asleep, that was until a knock at the door woke Charity.

“Come in”, Charity responded still half asleep.

In walked Graham pushing Joe in his wheelchair, “sorry to interrupt your sleep, I just wanted to wish Noah good luck for his big day” Joe replied.

“It’s fine, just keep the noise down Ness is still sleeping”.

Joe made his way over to Noah, “hey buddy, you make sure you show those doctors whose boss today by waking up. Because I miss our chats and of course beating you at chess. I’m being discharged today, but don’t worry I’ll come visit as much as I can. I love you buddy”, Joe emotionally said.

Charity had never seen this side of Joe before, he actually did have a heart. She could tell how much Noah meant to him, “you can visit anytime you want, he would want you here!” Charity replied.

“Thank you. I’ve got everything crossed that he wakes up today”.

“We both do”, Graham added.

“As soon as anything happens I will let you know”.

“Thanks, I’ll leave you to it!”. Joe responded as they both left the room to head back to Home farm.

“That was nice of him, he seems to genuinely love Noah”, a little voice from over in the corner said.

“Good morning sleepy head, it’s nice to see this side of Joe but there’s still something off about him, I just can’t place my finger on it”, Charity responded.

“Well it’s nice to see you giving him a chance”.

“A chance being the important thing, he’s got one chance. The moment he screws that up I’m done”.

“That’s fair, do we know when the doctors coming?”

“In about an hour and half I think, I’m so nervous I got throw up. What if he doesn’t wake up Ness?”

“Then we wait a few more days and when the doctor thinks he’s ready to try again we will. And we won’t stop until he wakes up, ok?”

“Yeah, you’re right!”

“I always am, you should know that by now. I’m just going to go ring Dad and check that everything is ok with Johnny. I won’t be long”.

Vanessa left the room, stepping just outside “Hey Dad, How’s my little man?”

“Hey Teenie, he’s absolutely fine. Loving having sleepovers at Grandads”, frank replied.

“That’s good to hear. I feel so bad not being around. Give him a big kiss from me and tell him I will see him soon. Oh and dad..”

“Yes sweetheart?”

“I know I’ve said it a million times already but thank you”.

“Anytime, I love hanging out with him. He’s a joy”.

“See ya, dad.”

“Bye Teenie”.

Vanessa was very relieved to hear that Johnny was ok and behaving himself whilst staying with his grandad. She felt like she was being an awful mother to him but at the same time felt like she was being a step-mum type figure for Noah. She made her way back into Noah’s room to see Charity half naked as she was getting changed, “damn girl”, Vanessa said in an American accent.

“Ey, you like what you see?”, Charity responded in a mobster accent as she seductively turned around.

“I sure do! But let’s cover up before someone else walks in”, Vanessa replied trying to avoid anymore embarrassment.

“I seem to have lost function in my arms will you come help me put my bra on”, Charity said teasing Vanessa.

Vanessa couldn’t resist getting her hands on her girlfriend, “Come here then”, she said sliding Charity’s bra straps onto her shoulders, caressing her skin as she clipped the hooks together on her bra. “There you go”, Vanessa said kissing Charity up her neck.

“You can’t stop there!”

“Yes I can, now put your top on before the doctors walk in”.

“You’re no fun”.

*knock knock* “we all decent”, Dr Noble joked after hearing what happened yesterday.

Vanessa looked at Charity, “he knows we got caught” she whispered.

“We’re decent Dr”, Charity responded.

“Morning ladies, nice to see we have all our clothes on today”, he joked.

“We’re really sorry about that, it should never of happened”, Vanessa responded in a very apologetic manner.

“It’s not a problem, it’s nice to see two people in love and having some fun”.

“See, no reason to be embarrassed by it”, Charity said aiming it directly to Vanessa.

“Anyway, are we ready to see how Noah responds from us taking him out of his coma?”

“Yes, so ready”, Charity replied.

“I do have to warn you that there may be no change in his condition, he might not wake. If that is the case then we wait, give him more time and try again another time. I am hopeful that he will wake, his vitals and test results show his body responding well to the medication. Do you have any questions?”

“I don’t think so…”, a nervous Charity responded reaching out for Vanessa hand.

The pair went and stood over the far side of the room out of the way of the doctors and nurses, so they could get on with their job. Charity began to shake, Vanessa wrapped her arms around Charity holding on to try and calm her nerves. “I’ve got you”, Vanessa said calmly and lovingly.

“Noah, we are about to inject something into you which is going to hopefully help you wake. Go with the flow and don’t try to fight it. We are here with you every step of the way”.

As the nurse began to inject Noah, Charity’s grip on Vanessa tightened. The medication was in Noah’s system and all they could do was watch and wait to see if it had any effect.

“Come on little man”, Charity quietly said from the far side of the room.

As the seconds ticked past the tension in the room grew, there had been no movement or sign of Noah waking up.

“Because Noah’s vital signs are staying at a stable and consistent rate we are going to give him a couple of hours to see if they stay that way. If they do we will not be putting him back into an induced coma, we will let him come around in his own time”, Dr Noble told the pair.

“So that’s a good thing?”, Vanessa asked as Charity was stood their frozen in worry.

“It’s a very good thing, it means that Noah’s body wasn’t relying on all of the medication we were giving him. So with time he will wake up, it could take minutes but it could take hours”.

“Thank you we will stay by his side and wait”.

“I’ll leave you both to it! A nurse will be in every 10 minutes to check on him”.

“Thank you”, Charity managed to say.

“Babe this is such good news, your boy is going to be ok!”, Vanessa said holding onto Charity’s face in a loving manner.

“I can’t believe it, he’s going to be ok!”, she replied leaning in to kiss Vanessa. “Babe do you mind calling Chas and letting her know”.

“Of course not, want me to ring joe as well”.

“If you could. I’d be grateful.”

“No worries”.

Vanessa made her way outside to give both Chas and Joe a ring to let them know the good news. “Vanessa?”, Chas answered.

“Hey Chas, so I have some really good news”

“Noah? He’s awake?”

“Not yet, but they have taken him out of his coma and are hopeful he will wake within hours”.

“Oh that’s wonderful news, I’m so happy. Give Charity a hug from me!”.

“Will do, Umm you couldn’t do me a favour could you.. can you tell Debbie for me! I know things are not good between them at the moment but she deserves to know!”

“You sure? Might not go down well with Charity!”

“I’ll take the risk. Thanks Chas”. Vanessa said as she put the phone down. She knew telling Debbie would be taking a big risk but she felt deep down it was the right thing to do.

Next she needed to let Joe know, but he didn’t answer his phone, so she decided to leave him a message. *”Hi Joe, it’s Vanessa. I just wanted to let you know that Noah is out of his Coma, he’s not awake yet but the doctors are hopeful that it should happen in the next few hours. If anything else happens I will let you know”*. As she hung up the phone she heard a shout from inside Noah’s room.

“Somebody help he looks like he is having a fit”, Charity screamed.

Vanessa along with Dr Noble rushed into the room to see what was happening.

“Please do something”, Charity yelled as she was panicking.

“This is a normal reaction when medication has been lowered, it should pass quickly”, Dr Noble calmly said.

Noah’s body slowly started to stop shaking, it eventually stopped, his hand began to move. Charity quickly grabbed his hand, “Noah babe can you hear me?”. As Charity spoke to her son, he gently squeezed her hand, “you can hear me… he’s squeezing my hand”.

“Noah I’m Dr Noble, can you open your eyes?”, Noah’s face began to strain as he tried to open his eyes, after a couple of attempts they finally opened.

“Hey babe, it’s nice to see you again”, Charity said to Noah.

“M…um”, he managed to say quietly.

“Noah.. I’m here babe”, Charity replied as the tears streamed down his face.

“I… lo..ve you”, he said trying to smile at his mum. Over come with emotion Charity dropped to her knees, Vanessa rushed over to embrace her girlfriend.
