

Sunday, October 31, 2021 – 8:12 p.m.

I ask Spirit with a curious heart: what does ‘love has won’ mean?

Love Has Won refers to the fact that we are already in New Earth. There are several beings who are already online and using this New Frequency to create with. It’s like tuning to a different radio station. You need but tweak the knob ever so slightly to the left and you will be tuning into this New Frequency.

Now you are coming in loud and clear. We are here to assure you that the earth allies have won the battle and are now ready to restore the republic in order to shine the beacon of hope around the world. You have been hypnotized by mainstream media but no more. Now you swim in a different stream; one filled with Love and Light.

You can feel your being upgrading as we reach these new fractals of awareness. Begin this evening to see the New World forming around you as the old one is being dismantled. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain as he attempts to portray a false reality outward.

Already millions are seeing the light backstage below the curtain and are poised to view “the final act”. The reality being offered you somehow seems disingenuous, and you want to know what’s behind the curtain?

What is that light?

It is the ever presence of the creator parting the curtains for you to see at long last. Love Has Won means that from a higher perspective this has already occurred. Nothing can stop The Awakening, although some may try.

There are those who have decided to go down with their ship as they lose control. They cling to this old reality not realizing that the old empire has already crumbled. The boom you hear is the dynamite of truth leveling their control.

These things we speak of are coming to pass as you enter the next phase of your development. It is important to be very clear about what you give your focus to. These things desire one last feeding and are desperate to keep people separated and in fear.

This will not occur. The human heart is much larger than they had calculated. They knew this day would come and they are blindly trying to delay its arrival.

It is already here. New Earth is a realty now. Love Has Won and as more and more begin to tune in to this New Energy and play in this dynamic field that has been set up the more the old empire crumbles.

They may question your sanity, but they desire to feel the joy you feel. They desire to be around you as you anchor the Light into Mother Gaia. We have begun to purge this field of the blocks in your consciousness.

Drop the fear and step out into pure bliss and joy. Love what arises. You are watching the crumbling of the 3rd dimensional matrix and it takes “time” to collapse. You are eternal beings ascended into the higher dimensions. You are the first contact ground crew of the New Earth, and you are being led to form this beautiful rose as it unfolds before you.

The curtain opens and light pours out into the room. All the actors take a bow as you witness the greatest story ever told. You have begun the ascension process and are creating a ripple in the very fabric of space/time.

You have reached into the infinite and are bringing back the gifts from the other side. You are showing humanity what has dwelt upon this earth for so long. Mother God is reclaiming her sovereignty one heart at a time. Be patient as this unfolds across the screen of the 3rd dimensional reality because you know that Love has Won means that we are already in unity as we watch the old empire crumble and REAL creativity is set free at long last. We will talk again…

Dedicated to: www.5dfulldisclosure.org
