#great spirit



Monday, January 24, 2022 – 9:53 p.m.

Tonight, we will begin with a simple exercise. Simply close your eyes and imagine a peaceful scene filled with everything and everyone that you can imagine that is of Love. These things we speak of are all around you. Do you have eyes to see?

We will begin tonight’s session with a small group of beings who are here to bring you the good news. You are being asked to anchor the light into Mother Earth and we are collectively raising the vibration of the planet as a whole.

We are waking up from the collective dream just in time to begin another dream; only this time we will create it together. We are all being asked to step up at this time and bring forth this New Reality. We have come together at this time to give one final push to the darkness as it fades away into the distance.

You have come here at this time to lend support to your brothers and sisters who may still be sleeping. Very soon they are going to need your Light to find their way out of the darkness. Do not shy away from them because they have been asleep. You yourself were once sleeping deeply.

Show your brothers and sisters the same compassion you were shown upon awakening to the reality you have been living in. Begin tonight to practice patience and tolerance for you have been given the gift of peace.

You have been shown the way out for you have searched for it. Now is the time to let your unique light shine so brightly that the others may find their way out of the darkness. Non-judgment and non-attachment are the way to accomplish this.

You have been given a unique set of skills and now is the time to put them to use. You are an extremely creative being who has been stifled for far to long now. Just one more try is all Spirit asks of you. You may be surprised by the reaction that occurs in this New Energy Structure.

You may find that your efforts at helping the world are rewarded by the beauty springing forth all around you. You have come to earth at this time to activate the powers which have laid dormant within you for centuries.

You have begun to see what others cannot or will not look at. You march courageously into the dark to illuminate the hearts and mind of beings around the globe. You know not what a single act of kindness does. You see not how far the ripples go out into the universe.

If you were to only help one person on their journey and they help thousands how many people have you helped? The number is infinite and expands out in all directions. Begin to use these talents you have and very shortly you will find that a whole New World has opened up before you.

You once lived in the dark and knew not how to shine your light. You are now a warrior ready to head into battle. You have begun a most auspicious journey. Already your Light is shining around the globe. You have begun to see your efforts pay off as the common vision comes into focus.

You dare to go deep into the darkness for you are the Light. No darkness can reach you for you reside in a space that the darkness cannot reach. Begin tonight to visualize the world you wish to see and bring it into being.

2022 is the year of massive change as more and more wake up from their slumber. Already you may have those reaching out to you wondering what is going on and how you are able to remain at peace during this transition.

You have become a conductor of Light as it flows through your entire cellular structure. You have done the work it takes to clear out the darkness within and begin again. You are a warrior of Light and you are here for a purpose.

Begin again and forget everything you think you know about anything. Begin from a place of childlike wonder and you may find the magic that has seemed to disappear from your reality. It is still there waiting on you to view it once again.

These are the promises that have been made to you and these are the promises we intend to keep. Today is a New Day and the world is waking up…


Monday, December 27, 2021 – 7:41 p.m.

Tonight, we will discuss peace. This is the peace which will bring new awareness into your being. Go deep within your being and feel the love and joy that is ever present. Clear away the clutter in your mind for a moment and come to full awareness.

This awareness is what you seek. You will not find it elsewhere. You have been searching for the answers as to what is going on when the answers are inside. Go within and seek and you will find that place deep within where Spirit resides.

We are here to show you how to use these tools of forgiveness and compassion. We are all One Being imagining we are separate when nothing could be further from the truth. You imagine a world divided. We see Unity Consciousness blooming.

You imagine that somehow we could fail in this mission. Nothing could be further from the Truth. You have already won. We are waiting here at the finish line cheering you on. Rest deep in the knowing that humanity is waking up at last. Let the peace of this awareness wash over you.

You have been here before in other lifetimes but couldn’t quite get there. Yet I tell you this, you have made it. You are being shown a new way to live. You are being guided and directed unto a New Path. The bridge between worlds is complete. Will you cross over into this New Dimension?

Right before your eyes you will view the changes taking place. Indeed, they have already begun. No longer will you walk in darkness for you are the Light. You shine your weird light so brightly that you have illuminated the hearts and minds of thousands, if not millions across the globe.

You know not what a single act of kindness really does. It’s the ripple on the pond that stretches out into infinity. You are this wave of light ever expanding. Begin tonight to see how peaceful you can get. Bring yourself to stillness and the peace shall arise. Tell yourself, ‘I can go deeper’ and do this each time you go further and further into ABSOLUTE KNOWING.

This is a place beyond thought, beyond the drama and sorrows of this world. This is inside your vessel if you tap into it. It may be obscured by calamity but still it remains. It is the center of your being; your essence that is timeless and eternal.

Imagine a jar filled with water and sand. If you shake it around it will be cloudy and murky. Imagine this is within your vessel and see how still you can be. Will you let the dust of yesterday settle so you may view life clearly? How still can you be? For how long?

Bring yourself to full awareness by settling down. Let the thoughts in your mind settle like grains of sand flowing backwards in time. Then you will see a clear picture of what is occurring here. You will view the most magnificent being that has ever been and ever will be. You will be face to face with yourself; with your true essence.

Being still requires no effort but it can be difficult to do. That’s the paradox. Simple but not easy. We are here to show you how to go beyond the mind; beyond this illusion that has been created for you. Now you will begin creation in the Real World as it was meant to be.

Mankind was designed to live in balance with nature and to that She is returning. We are going back to basics, back to a time before everything seemed to be a struggle. We are growing up together. Bring your friends along. They will be happy to join you.

When several minds gather together and connect at the heart level miracles occur. Soon you will see evidence of the Massive Change that is taking place as more and more of you wake up. It is not your job to wake the others; they will awaken. It is your job to simply be the light so that when they awaken, they can find their way home as well.

We are all in this TOGETHER walking each other home. We have begun to enliven your politicians and they are aware that they may no longer operate in the dark. Full transparency is the order of the day for so many have awakened and are now shining their unique light on multiple situations.

Very soon we shall see concrete evidence of this New World forming. We are the ones we have been waiting for. The time is now, and the fruit is ripe. Enjoy the show as it unfolds before you. Learn to still the heart and mind and you may find you are now living in a world of pure imagination.


Sunday, November 14, 2021 – 1:36 p.m.

I ask Spirit: ‘What Is the Dragon Energy?’

The dragon energy entails a multitude of dimensions. First, there is the dragon within you. Second, there is the dragon energy within the earth. Both are coming up at this time to purify the earth in preparation for what is to come.

This is the trial by fire that the world is going through and what you are experiencing on a deeply personal level. Bring this energy through and allow the fires to purify your very being down to the core of Mother Earth.

You have come here at this time to awaken. You are being shown these things in order to shine the light of TRUTH upon them. Use your dragon energy to purify all those things around you that no longer serve you.

The world is going through a major transition as the dragons emerge from inner earth back into the consciousness of those who are awake to see. Use your Magical Eye and you will see us emerging. We are helping Mother Earth to heal the planet and burn away the old paradigms that have kept mankind ignorant and in the dark.

When you are shown to let your light shine, it is the fire that you breathe lighting up the darkness. Use your voice, there’s power in that; more power than you can possibly imagine as of yet. Light up the night sky with your song as you help burn away the old along with us.

We are here to usher in this new energy but first we must burn away the old. Like a phoenix rising through the ashes, you will set the world ablaze. Now is the time to use your talent whatever it is. Do you write, paint, sing or simply beam out love? Whatever it is the time is now for you to use that.

You are being called home unto a new universal understanding. The fire in the night sky is the awareness that has been cast upon those that sleep. You are spreading this Violet Flame across the world as you create from a New Dimension.

Bring forth the New Day. Shine your light so bright that even those who sleep so deeply will begin to awaken. With the work you’ve done the next wave of humans are beginning to awaken. Soon we will have reached critical mass and will be ready to take the next step in the deconstruction process.

Brick by brick the old system is being dismantled to make way for the New that is emerging. You are on the front lines of this New Consciousness that Mother Earth is giving birth to. You have been called and are ready for the next step in your evolutionary process.

As babies, dragons are cute beings flying with Mom but as they grow up, they become her fiercest protectors. You are growing up and stepping into this New Energy. You have no idea how well you will be able to create in this dynamic new environment that you find yourself in, but you soon will.

You are being upgraded into a New Agreement with the earth and all of life itself. It is time to bow to the darkness as you proceed to destroy it with your eternal flame. Thank it and usher it away. It has shown you what you needed to see and is no longer required on this plane of existence.

Thank all the beings who made this Awakening possible. Look deeply within yourself and merge into one fully integrated being. You have been healed from within as the darkness is seen at last and has been ushered away. You are being shown a New Trajectory and we are right on target.

Stay in the higher realms of consciousness as the old energy fades away into oblivion. We are bringing forth the fires from the four corners of Heaven and are being shown the way out of hell. Keep walking through the tunnel and as you emerge into freedom you will feel the sunlight on your skin.

This being has emerged from within. You are ready to begin a New Transmission. You are ready to go forth and create a New Reality on this New Playground. Go forth as innocent children and play and create and enjoy this New Day that you have helped create.

You are deeply loved and honored for your service at this crucial time in history…


Sunday, October 31, 2021 – 8:12 p.m.

I ask Spirit with a curious heart: what does ‘love has won’ mean?

Love Has Won refers to the fact that we are already in New Earth. There are several beings who are already online and using this New Frequency to create with. It’s like tuning to a different radio station. You need but tweak the knob ever so slightly to the left and you will be tuning into this New Frequency.

Now you are coming in loud and clear. We are here to assure you that the earth allies have won the battle and are now ready to restore the republic in order to shine the beacon of hope around the world. You have been hypnotized by mainstream media but no more. Now you swim in a different stream; one filled with Love and Light.

You can feel your being upgrading as we reach these new fractals of awareness. Begin this evening to see the New World forming around you as the old one is being dismantled. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain as he attempts to portray a false reality outward.

Already millions are seeing the light backstage below the curtain and are poised to view “the final act”. The reality being offered you somehow seems disingenuous, and you want to know what’s behind the curtain?

What is that light?

It is the ever presence of the creator parting the curtains for you to see at long last. Love Has Won means that from a higher perspective this has already occurred. Nothing can stop The Awakening, although some may try.

There are those who have decided to go down with their ship as they lose control. They cling to this old reality not realizing that the old empire has already crumbled. The boom you hear is the dynamite of truth leveling their control.

These things we speak of are coming to pass as you enter the next phase of your development. It is important to be very clear about what you give your focus to. These things desire one last feeding and are desperate to keep people separated and in fear.

This will not occur. The human heart is much larger than they had calculated. They knew this day would come and they are blindly trying to delay its arrival.

It is already here. New Earth is a realty now. Love Has Won and as more and more begin to tune in to this New Energy and play in this dynamic field that has been set up the more the old empire crumbles.

They may question your sanity, but they desire to feel the joy you feel. They desire to be around you as you anchor the Light into Mother Gaia. We have begun to purge this field of the blocks in your consciousness.

Drop the fear and step out into pure bliss and joy. Love what arises. You are watching the crumbling of the 3rd dimensional matrix and it takes “time” to collapse. You are eternal beings ascended into the higher dimensions. You are the first contact ground crew of the New Earth, and you are being led to form this beautiful rose as it unfolds before you.

The curtain opens and light pours out into the room. All the actors take a bow as you witness the greatest story ever told. You have begun the ascension process and are creating a ripple in the very fabric of space/time.

You have reached into the infinite and are bringing back the gifts from the other side. You are showing humanity what has dwelt upon this earth for so long. Mother God is reclaiming her sovereignty one heart at a time. Be patient as this unfolds across the screen of the 3rd dimensional reality because you know that Love has Won means that we are already in unity as we watch the old empire crumble and REAL creativity is set free at long last. We will talk again…

Dedicated to: www.5dfulldisclosure.org


Thursday October 13, 2021 – 11:11 p.m.

Spirit, what would you have us know?

These are the times of the brokenhearted. As the world cracks open to reveal itself to all who are ready to see her, we are waiting with open arms. A New World is before you. You are emerging from the cocoon and flying free.

Here we have an analogy of sorts. We invite you to sit back and relax and enjoy the show. You have brought yourself to this moment. Lifetime after lifetime you have struggled. You are being shown the way out of darkness but in order to be in the Light you must walk through the darkness and view it with Eyes Wide Open.

Open your hearts to new possibilities for they are at hand. You are creating this New World together. You are singing a New Song; one of freedom and hope. You have transcended the darkness as it swirls around you. You are no longer afraid of the dark for you are the Light that shines so bright.

You have come here at this time of global transformation in order to transmute the darkness into light. You have been here before but never like this. We are assisting you in transforming your world and are welcoming you back home to the center of the heart/galaxy.

You are becoming aware of the beings you are in contact with on a daily basis. You see them for who they truly are. You are becoming one with Ultimate Reality and breaking down the old paradigms. You are anchoring in this New Light that mother earth is providing.

Today we are going to bring about a massive shift in consciousness the likes of which this world has never seen. We are ascending rapidly and are being shown the way out of darkness. We are being shown that there is nowhere we need to go to find the light except within.

Fuel the fire light that burns within. Bring the matches and we’ll bring the pain. We will transmute it into joy and a life truly lived at last. Remain grateful for all that mother earth has provided. She is upgrading your consciousness and bringing a greater awareness to all the inhabitants of this vessel.

We have seen the light at last, we few, and have begun to show others the way out of darkness. We have become enraged at the true reality that has been before us all this time. We not only desire to change the world, we insist upon it. It is time to grow beyond these dark things that lurk amongst you. They cannot go where we are headed.

Stay in the heart and you will truly be in the center of the storm. Begin this very evening to feel the peaceful calm water of certainty wash over you. What you are witnessing is the crumbling of an empire as old as time. The restraints upon you are being lifted. You now have the ability to create on a whole new level if you will tune in to this new frequency and tap into the potentials therein.

We have always enjoyed our time with you. You are a very special being and have brought much Light onto this planet. Enjoy this New Day on planet earth. We will speak again…


Wednesday, September 22, 2021 – 9:11 p.m.

Tonight, we would like you to know that you are protected; you are loved. Mother earth has opened herself up to you and is offering a healing if you will accept it. You will be fully healed within a short time if you but let the healing energies infuse you deep within.

You are a very powerful Light being and you are being shown how to youse your power. You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. You have been given the greatest gift of all which is discernment.

Go forth and use your power to help wake the others. It is no longer about left vs. right, and it never really was. It is about the awakened ones coming to terms with having to wake the others. They haven’t much time before the Big Reveal, and it might be quite a shock to the collective Spirit of mankind.

You are here and remain here for one simple purpose; to help wake those that still sleep. You have been given an opportunity; indeed, it’s in your contract, to help wake the next wave of humans. You have been shown much and there is more to discover.

New earth is here, and we need to bring the others on board. They are still quite filled with fear and remain paralyzed. To them I say, ‘Be Free!! You are in a prison of the mind.’ Step out of the illusion and into Ultimate Reality which is before you. Do not be frightened by the light. It is simply here to help wake you up.

Do not ignore the reality before you or you shall remain in IGNORance. Now is the time to say, ‘No More!’. Begin to exercise the power that is within you that has laid dormant for so long.

We are here to begin a new dialogue with you. You have been told that you were less than because they are afraid of the real power you hold. You are an eternal being playing weak. The time for playing is over. RECLAIM YOUR POWER! You are being shown the way out of hell because you are walking straight through it.

Keep on walking. The light at the end of the tunnel IS a train. But it’s no ordinary train. We are here to bring you into another dimension. Are you ready for the real show to begin? Out with the old and in with the NEW Energy that is emerging across this planet.

All lies will be revealed. All Justice will be met with the fury of the Spirit that dwells within every man, woman and child that longs to be free. So, keep it up. Keep applying pressure in these cocoons you have placed upon us. We will emerge free and as the butterfly so often does, we will fly free from the negativity that you have passed off as reality. We are seeing beyond the veil. We have taken a peek behind the curtain and see you for what you are.

We are becoming One People again. We realize that the dividing line is not rich and poor or what color you are. The dividing line is the oppressed and the oppressors. Try as you might you will never break the human Spirit for the Spark of Essence resides within. You have tried your best to kill that Spirit never understanding that you cannot extinguish The Eternal Flame.

You may deceive some for a while but ultimately love wins. Your time is up. Time for us to create our own reality; One based in truth, love, and happiness. So, how will you spend your remaining days here? Will you show the world the love and compassion for which you so richly deserve and expect for yourself?

Never forget that every moment is precious, every person divine and that we are all one. We have come here at this time to awaken humanity and the dark ones are doing most of the work. We honor the time we get to spend with you and are truly grateful that earth has arrived at this moment. Welcome to the New Earth…
