#enhypen jay


j j jay muscles . jay arms . mind boggled . shivering and shaking in my bed as we speak

just saw a tiktok saying “jay would probably be the type to grab you by the chin to kiss you then smirk in between kisses” i cant stop thinking about it im giggling and shaking in my bed

ladies we MUST stay focused


#.chapter twenty-two:: cat & dog


#.author’s notes:: the cat pic is actually a pic of my cat dropie

#.taglist (in bold can’t tag)::@0x1lovebot@itsyaapollochild@meraniki@fairybinie@verifiedsunghoonsimp@simpforsung@msxflower@youreverydayzebra@shrutiajit@creamkwan@heeseungarden@iyeonjuni@meijiamikas@yjwfav@hyuckslytherin@chewychubchuu@you-njinhwang@leefelix-gf@ja4hyvn@lumixen@lokideadontheinside@korejijiyo@meiiiwa@reallysmolrenjun@stoatwashere@robotsahi@acciomylove@minahoeshi@w3bqrl@at1ny0@bigtittietoji@lix-freckle3@sheepgardenenha@yongbokfrecks@vampsvngie@urresidentdrugdealer@c0nvers3h1gh@emobeomgyu@hiqhkey@oureris@shynypeacekitten@big-fool-energy@xtra-cheese@dinosdance@moonsclover-deactivated20220515@rozisisme@odetoyeonjun@junityy@ineedcoffeeandtherapy@jungwonnieee

please do not copy, steal or repost any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove


loving moments with the members of enhypen. in this case, late night convenience store runs with jay.

word count: 1.7k words

genres: fluff, bestfriends!au, female reader

main masterlist.

ethereal moments masterlist.


The university should have known that it’d be a bad idea to keep the library open for twenty-four hours. It’s not even exam week or anything, Jay Park’s just not the smartest of students - specifically when it comes to writing.

Why did all students have to take English 102 anyways? He chose computer science as his major for a reason. Sure, he isn’t illiterate or anything, but the amount of analysis and depth that schools expected from students was way too much, especially from a text such as One Thousand and One Nights. Half-way through Night 146 in the novel, and already into stage 1 of non-REM sleep, Jay had just about drooled into the pages of his eighty dollar text when a hand begins to aggressively ruffle his hair. Snapping up from his bare nap, he sighs in defeat when he sees you - bright-eyed and smiling down at him.

“Ew, get away,” he frowns, turning away from you and towards the wall in an attempt to fall back into a nap.

“Are you gonna just nap here?” Snorting, he nods into his arm, trying to shield his eyes from the fluorescent lighting. “Maybe just go home dude.”

He shakes his head no. “But the vibes here are so much better for naps.”

“Well, you could at least study with me.”

“Does it look like I study, Blue?”

Rolling your eyes, you scoff at him. “You should be. What if you fail a class this sem? What then?”

“But I haven’t,” Jay smiles and you want nothing more than to wipe it off his smug little face. Looking around the library, you notice that there are a few other students that seem to have a long night ahead; a couple giggling together in the opposite corner, a group of friends throwing crumpled papers around at each other, and a few other individuals freaking out over a laptop and/or a stack of books.

Jay had chosen a table far enough from the other groups for the area to feel private, but close enough to still hear the white noise of the public space. With the corner of the space all to yourselves, and with Jay drifting off into whatever dream he’s beginning to have, you take out your own homework and begin working on it. You were comfortable enough with one another that this was natural. It felt like home.

It’s almost funny. You’d both gone to the same school since elementary, but were never close enough to establish a friendship until the first day of university. It was orientation day, and you were randomly placed in the same tour group together, and with your introversion and his first-day nerves, you drifted towards familiarity.

Towards each other.

So as Jay began to snore, to your amusing dismay, you worked for a little over an hour, pumping out answers to math equations you barely understood. From your perspective, his blonde hair is just a mess of a mop, covering his open novel, now used as a pillow. It’s a little past midnight when you decide it’s about time for him to wake up.

Reaching over the desk, you smile to yourself, his half hanging half-open just like his eyes (a terrifying habit that you’ve gotten used to by now). You shake him awake, and again he snaps up, rubbing his eyes and looking around. “Wakey wakey.”

He frowns, stretching and then falling into the back of his chair. “What time is it?”

“12:24,” you reply, having glanced at your phone screen.

“Then why’d you wake me, Blue?” he pouts, pouting like the one emoji with the sparkles in its eyes.

You blink. “I’m hungry.”

Jay sighs. He should be used to this by now, considering you bothering him for food was an almost daily occurrence. Regardless, he is amused to your antics enough to get up and pat his back pocket to check for his wallet. “Let’s go then.”

After packing your stuff, you and Jay make your way through the university halls towards the convenience store just a few blocks away. You, energized by the crisp evening air, skip along happily as he trails behind you at a slow and exasperated pace. Little do you know, the thoughtless song you’re humming and the dimples gracing your cheeks as you do so captivate your dear friend the way you’ve been captivating him since early on in university.

You might be a little afraid to discuss it, much less admit it to one another, but one too many late nights out and one too many classes skipped together just kind of led up to the inevitable thing that can happen with most close friendships. Whatever happens happens, but for now, you’re here and he’s here and you’re both happy.

And from across the street from the library building, you spot the neon lights of the convenience store. There’s an array of plastic tables and chairs just outside by the sidewalk too where you and Jay have made a habit of eating your midnight snacks at. But just before you step onto the street, you feel a soft hand wrap around your wrist. “It’s still a green light, Blue,” Jay deadpans, pulling back to his side.

Blood rushing to your cheeks, you smile at him sheepishly. “There are literally no cars out.” Hence, the empty streets right in front of you.

“But if there were?”

Rolling your eyes, you cross the road once the lights allow for you to walk and into the convenience store you both go. Having visited the place several times a week for a little while now, both you and Jay already know the layout of the aisles and so you don’t hesitate to smile brightly at the tired clerk behind the counter before heading straight towards the back. You argue a little over snack choices but in general, it doesn’t take you both over ten minutes to make your purchases and preparations of cup ramens, chips, and tonight’s soda of choices.

And just like any other night, you and Jay make your way outside and sit at the table farthest away from the front doors of the store. With only the slight breeze of the late autumn air, Jay and you are alone in the night with your food in a world that feels timeless. There’s a full moon, and it looks pretty from where you sit.

“Blue, are you cold?”

Looking up, you shake your head no while continuing to mix the noodles with your chopsticks. “Every night, you ask me that without fail, and every night, I have never said yes.”

“And every night, I give you my jacket anyways,” Jay smiles, scrunching his nose before shrugging the sleeves of his bomber jacket off and despite your protests, you allow him to walk over to your side of the table anyways as he hangs the jacket over your shoulders.

“You’re so annoying, you know that?”

“You’re the one who woke me up from a nap twice in under an hour,” Jay retorts with a smirk on his face before shoving noodles into his mouth.

Rolling your eyes, you lean back in your chair and cross your arms. “Because if you’re going to sleep in public, you might as well just go home.”

“But the vibes at the library are much better for napping.”

“And if I never came, you could have been robbed,” you answer with an amused look on your face as you see the realization hit Jay’s face.

But when you see a smile creep back on his face as Jay leans over the table closer to you, you know he has the perfect retort. “But you came right?”

“But what if I didn’t?”

“But you did. And I trusted that you would.”

As much as you’d love to roll your eyes at his comment, you can’t help but smile back, blood rushing to your cheeks and your heart beating just a little faster than it was earlier. Whenever Jay says something silly like that, something that blurs the line between your friendship and something a little more, it’s never affected you too much. Sharing his jacket with you and spending late nights talking about whatever with you was your normal.

But that trust - that mutual trust that defines everything about your relationship with Jay Park is everything is exactly what makes your heart melt in the moment.

God only knows that if you didn’t love him before, you certainly do now.

And after an hour of snacking, gossiping, and sharing this late night, or early morning, together, you and Jay decide it’s time to relocate back to the library. And of course, on your way back across the street, you once again neglect to notice that the light is still red. You don’t realize Jay has intertwined your fingers together until he tugs you right back to his side, keeping his eyes away from looking at you as you look up to him sheepishly once again.

“What did we say earlier about crossing the road?”

“There are no cars! It is one in the morning Jay,” you insist, pouting up at him and trying to get him to face you. When he doesn’t respond, you huff and look back out into the street. And in a joking fashion, you say, “Stop acting like you actually care about whether or not I would die. If you really loved me, you’d let me break the law.”

“But what if I did?”


“Not the law-breaking part, Blue,” Jay clarifies, tugging your hand when the lights turn green. “What if I did love you? What then?”

And in your flusteredness, you pull your hand away from the warmth of his and both of you stop to look at one another in the middle of the empty street with the full moon in the sky. “I love you too,” you share.

“Gross,” Jay sticks his tongue out, once again taking you by the hand and together, you walk back into the library for the rest of your night, and maybe (just maybe), the rest of your lives together.


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@enhy9ens@hoonsiceprincess@leneswrld​ @taerjin@jungwons-knuckles@gyeraniee@ncityy04@enfinity@nishimochas@cha-raena@miffythoughts@disco-funk-and-soul09​ @softforjungwoo@sailor–yoon@stayzenniesstuff@thenoceurgirl@coco-riki@enhypen-w3b@honeyju@reallysmolrenjun@leefullsun@rosiexq@stxrryemxlys@lvnarjj​ 


all rights reserved © stargirlstories

jay | smother

i want all that is not mine; i want him but we’re not right

Your eyes were looking all over the place as you walked into the venue for the awards ceremony, as ever, there were familiar faces all over the place, making sure that you smiled to as many of those that you recognised as possible whilst staying nice and close to where Jay was too.

Jay had a close eye on you as the two of you walked, standing just a little way back from the rest of the boys as they walked in too, following the members of staff who were pointing the group to where their table was.

“Are you alright?” Jay asked as soon as you reached your table, noticing your names side by side to the left side of the table, looking ahead at the stage.

Your head nodded as you took a shaky breath, trying your best to stay relaxed. As ever, the business of award ceremony season soon started to creep up on you, reminding you of how overwhelming it could all be, even whilst Jay seemed to take it all in his stride.

“I think we might need to go and do an interview before we sit down,” Jay informed you as he listened into conversation, “I promise that we won’t be too long doing it though.”

“Don’t worry, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.”

Jay smiled appreciatively at how understanding you were as Jungwon began to round them all up, following a member of staff across to where a couple of the broadcast stations were doing interviews. You stayed sat at the table, minding your own business until the chair beside you scraped along the floor, a figure deciding to take a seat in it.

“Why’s Jay left you all alone at a place like this?” The man asked you from your right side.

As you looked across, you recognised Hyunjin’s face straight away. You offered him a weak smile, not quite sure what to do or say as you looked around for where Jay and the group had gone, only to not find them anywhere in sight.

With no one else around the two of you, Hyunjin decided to take the chance to get to know you. It didn’t take long before he was asking all about you, laughing and joking with you, unaware of the group’s interviews finishing up, heading back across to the table.

“Who’s that?” Jay asked any of them as he looked across the table and saw the back of someone sat beside you, spotting you laughing straight away as you spoke to them.

Whilst Jay hung back, Sunghoon and Heeseung kept walking towards the table, soon recognising that it was Hyunjin that you were talking through. Their presence quickly made Hyunjin go silent, turning around to see Jay following behind them too.

“Hello,” Jay nervously spoke as soon as he met Hyunjin’s eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “It seems that you’re in my seat, do you mind if I take my seat back?”

Hyunjin nodded, offering you a warm smile as he stood up from the chair, greeting the boys too. The moment Hyunjin left the chair, Jay sat himself back down in it, placing a hand against your thigh, making sure that Hyunjin caught it before he walked back to where his own group were sat.

“He was nice,” you told the boys as they all sat back down at the table with you too, “you guys would like him too,” you added, only to feel the grip that Jay had against the top of your leg tighten as he listened to you speak.

His actions didn’t go unnoticed by the boys either as they noticed Jay’s expression tensing up. “We prefer to just keep to the people that we trust,” Sunwoo told you, trying his best to encourage a change of subject around the table.

“But he seems really friendly.”

“He’s not as friendly as us though,” Jay muttered underneath his breath.

“I know that, I’m just saying that he was nice to me.”

As you looked across to Jay to reply to him, you noticed his expression for the first time. You were confused as to why he looked so irritated until you looked across to Jake who mouthed the word jealous back across to you.

“I bet his group aren’t as good as you guys are,” you spoke up again, spinning things around as you tried to make Jay feel better. His smile turned up slightly as he listened to you, knowing that he was definitely better than Hyunjin was for you.

Your eyes looked around the table for reassurance as the boys all watched Jay too, with Riki especially nodding at you, letting you know that you were doing the right thing.

“Have you guys got anymore work to do before the ceremony starts, or are you staying here now?” You enquired, reaching under the table to rest your hand over the top of Jay’s, intertwining your fingers in tightly with his to be able to squeeze his hand.

As Jungwon talked you through the group’s plans, you were relieved to hear that they were done. The last thing you needed was for them to go away again and to risk someone else approaching you whilst you were alone.

“That means that I can keep an eye on you,” Jay whispered across to you.

“Why would that be? Were you perhaps a little jealous?”

“No,” Jay firmly stated, tightening his grip against your hand, “if you think that I’m jealous about someone like Hyunjin then you’re very much mistaken.”

Jay’s comment had several of the boys stifling laughs as they struggled not to chuckle to themselves. It was apparent to everyone that Hyunjin’s appearance by your side had gotten under Jay’s skin, no matter how much he wanted to suggest otherwise.

The way he bit down on his bottom lip or stared at every single guy who got a little too close to your table let everyone know that he was unsettled. He hated anyone being around you, much preferring to keep you all to himself.

“It’s a good job that you’re here to protect me now then,” you teased, resting your head down against Jay’s shoulder. “I’m not saying that you were jealous, but if you were, then you really didn’t need to be Jay.”

“I wasn’t jealous of him.”

“Course you weren’t.”

Jake’s mutters had Jay’s eyes flickering across the table, staring across at him. “Excuse me for wanting to keep Y/N safe, especially at an event as busy as this one.”

Your head shook as Jake held his hands up to try and protest his innocence. “You can see in your eyes how jealous you were,” Jake told him, winding Jay up even more as his grip got even firmer on you to keep you by his side.

“Let’s try and forget about it,” you suggested, “you guys aren’t going anywhere for the rest of the night, which means that no one will come near me.”

Jay’s head nodded at your suggestion, shooting a glare at the rest of the boys too. There was no way that he was going to admit to being jealous, especially when he would have to admit to being jealous of Hyunjin of all people.

“Stay by my side for the rest of the night,” Jay whispered to you.

“I’m not going anywhere; I think your grip is too tight to let me go anywhere anyway.”

“Sorry,” Jay weakly chuckled, “I don’t want anyone else to come near you, you’re only supposed to be mine.”

“No one else is, I promise.”


After avoiding I-land ever since it was announced… I have finally started watching it because I wanted to see how my Enhypen boys came to be.

I watched all of the performances when they were happening, but couldn’t watch the show because I hate those kinds of shows with a passion…

2 episodes in and I’m already regretting because my heart hurts and I’m pissed

Me, every single non-happy moment:
