
Lavender Tea and Razz Berries (OC x Leon)Commissioned by @epicsphealCommission info~~“I’m fine.”“No

Lavender Tea and Razz Berries (OC x Leon)
Commissioned by @epicspheal
Commission info


“I’m fine.”

“No you’re not, go lie down.”

“Terra, I swear I’m fine, it’s just a little headache.”

“If it were just a little headache you wouldn’t keep grimacing.”

“I’m not grimacing, see? No grimaces here.”

Leon flashed a big smile, though his dear friend Terra didn’t exactly return it. Hands on her hips and still wearing her coat and backpack, her raised eyebrow expressed all she needed to in that the doctor in her was not impressed. The moment Terra had stepped inside Leon’s apartment she had noticed something wrong – Leon’s lagging responses, his attempt to hide those pained expressions, and rubbing at his temples when he thought she wasn’t looking – it all clued into the fact that he had yet anotherdebilitating headache, no doubt caused by the stress of this year’s Gym Challenge.

“Get your ass into bed,” Terra repeated, finally shrugging off her backpack and jacket. “Doctor’s orders. I’ll make you some tea.”

Leon tried to refute her again, only to pause when Terra continued.

“Please, Leon?” she said. “It would make mefeel better if you went to lay down for a bit.”

Leon pursed his lips, paused, then deeply exhaled with a ‘fine’ before trudging to his room as Terra chuckled. Coercion wasn’t usually the tactic she utilized when she could help it, but Leon was a stubborn man. While he usually ignored any ailments if he were the only one suffering, as soon as it bothered another person, he caved. It was an endearing yet frustrating trait of his, one that Terra would capitalize on if that meant the man would acknowledge that he didn’t need to willhimself out of illness and into health. Her medical background certainly helped, as she knew just what medicines would help treat his insistent headache. She hummed to herself as she moseyed about his kitchen, plucking snacks, medicine, and beverages fluidly from the shelves and counters. While she and Leon didn’t live together – as the thought made her blush and scold herself – she knew his home as well as she knew hers.

After prepping a tray of Razz berries, Nanab berries, a bit of dark chocolate, and some lavender tea, Terra quietly stepped into Leon’s room. She breathed out a laugh to see his pout and crossed arms, though it was relieving to see that he was actually resting in bed like she asked.

She set the tray on Leon’s lap, then checked his blood pressure and temperature. Perhaps it was just a headache, but Terra would much rather be safe than sorry if the Champion’s health deteriorated with her sitting right there. Leon took the pain medication, drank some of the water, then started on the snacks and tea that she had prepared. Besides some rolling of the eyes, Leon wasn’t being too terrible of a patient. He finished the Nanab berry and raised an eyebrow at her.

“Temperature and blood pressure?” he asked, his lips pulling into a smirk. “Don’t you think that’s a bit much for a headache? I thought you were off work.”

“I’m not getting chewed out by Rose because the Champion got sick while with me,” Terra scoffed as she put her equipment away into her bag. “He looks like the type to sue my flat ass.”

“Your butt isn’t that flat,” Leon said through a mouthful of Razz berries. It was Terra’s turn to smirk as she met his eye.

“You’ve been looking at my ass?” she teased, eyebrow raised. Leon spluttered a noncoherent response, choking a bit on his Razz berry. He admitted defeat when he refused to respond, instead taking a sip of the tea. Terra chuckled and pat his hand, standing to go tidy up the kitchen while Leon rested. She paused when she felt his fingers curl around hers.

“Would you mind staying for a bit?” Leon asked quietly. “If you can?”

“Of course,” Terra said, offering his hand a squeeze.


“Yes?” Terra asked, watching as his cheeked darkened with a blush. “I said I would.”

“No, like, uh,” Leon mumbled, eyes shifting to the side. “Would you cuddle with me? I think it’d, uh, it’d help my headache.”

Terra chuckled as Leon fumbled with his words and the blanket, and she simply set the tray of snacks on the nightstand.

“Is that a treatment option I wasn’t aware of?” Terra teased, only to give his hand another squeeze. “Of course.”

Leon eagerly made room for her, scooching enough for Terra to fit under the covers with him. He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her snugly into his chest. The motion was a little startling, but not unappreciated as a blush crept into Terra’s cheeks at Leon’s eagerness. As if they shared lungs, they both let out a deep, comfortable sigh as the sheets settled around them.

The window was open, blowing a comfortable breeze into the room as they lay together. This wasn’t the first time they had held one another (and they both hoped it wouldn’t be the last) but that didn’t mean their hearts didn’t patter a little harder at the closeness of the other. After a moment of settling in, Leon let out a hum.

“Thank you, Terra. I know I can be stubborn, but I am feeling a little better.”

“Good,” Terra said, giving Leon a light squeeze. “What do you think caused your headache? Stress?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Leon said. “Maybe I was… dehydrated? Not sure.”

“Or maybe Rose is overworking you?” Terra said, lightly poking Leon’s chest. “Again?”

“No, no, that’s not it,” Leon said, but his tone wasn’t particularly convincing. “I’m handling everything fine.”

“Leon,” Terra whispered gently. She pulled back enough to see his eyes. “You know you can say no to Rose, right?”

Leon’s gaze flicked between Terra’s eyes until his brow furrowed, and he fell back into his pillow.

“Yeah,” Leon groaned, pinching between his eyebrows. “I mean, I guess I can technically, but you know how he is. He was the one that gave me this opportunity, I owe so much to him.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t set boundaries,” Terra said, offering Leon a soothing pat on his chest again. “If this guy is overworking you so much that you keep getting these headaches, I may have to have a talk with him myself as a healthcare provider.”

Leon let out a weak chuckle at that, then again curled his arms around Terra. They simply lay with each other a while, the breeze from the open window whispering over them as their breathing began to slow.

“Thanks,” Leon mumbled. His words were a little slurred, as he was certainly on the edge of sleep. Terra didn’t respond, only to lift her head at his next sentence. “I want you to stay by my side forever, Terra.”

She blinked a few times at those warm words, waiting for Leon to follow up with another thought or comment. When he only offered a light snore, Terra’s face started to warm at Leon’s half-asleep slip of the tongue. She breathed out a light chuckle, resting her head on Leon’s chest again, and she offered Leon a promise.

“I’ll stay with you, Leon.”

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