#episode one


Oops! Forgot to post it here but I did post it the day of on Instagram. So here’s a picture of Andy (you’ll learn more about him later ) being absolutely proud of himself.

️‍⚧️Happy Trans Day of Visibility Everyone!️‍⚧️

But to be honest with you guys, Trans Visibility Day should be everyday. To anyone who is transgender, non-binary, or gender-nonconforming. Please know that you are always worthy and deserving of love, acceptance, and equality no what you identify as or where you are in the world. And to those who are trans allies, tell your trans or non-binary pals that they look great today! Give them a hug or tell them how much you care for them. And to those who are still questioning their gender identity, let me give you a word of advice. If you feel like you are “faking it” at any point in your journey. Guess what? There’s a 99% chance that you’re not. Questioning is a natural part of life. Being your truest and most authentic self should be something that you should strive for. If you realize that you’re trans then that’s great! If not, that’s great too. As long as you know and feel comfortable in your own skin. Just know that you deserve to be happy no matter what gender. :)

- Bepis-Boii

First Page



Just to let you guys know, our Patreon tiers have been updated and our Etsy is currently having a rework! (New prints, plus Etsy only Pride Month prints will be coming soon )

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