#eren fanfiction


just some general headcanons about actor!eren bc I like this au :-)

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: mentions of mental health issues, but I think that’s it!


  • Eren is pretty tan
  • He likes to spend time outside so he’s pretty friendly with the sun
  • He has freckles
  • (you can see them under the makeup in closeups on camera)
  • He’s very athletic so he’s pretty muscular but in like a lean way
  • He’s literally drop dead gorgeous
  • Like he was cute as a kid/pre-teen but puberty hit him like a freaking truck
  • Like between season 3 and 4 when puberty was finishing up for him he just like
  • Changed into a god
  • So if half the world wasn’t already in love with him they would be now
  • That being said he doesn’t totally enjoy always being praised for his looks
  • Like yeah once in a while but he’s had times where fans just reduce him to his face or his body and it makes him uncomfortable
  • Like notice him for his talent too!!!!
  • Speaking of his face, he has the literal most beautiful eyes ever
  • When the show started airing there were thousands of posts asking whether or not that was his real eye color
  • He confirmed that they are, in fact, his real eyes
  • He’s tall but people don’t always realize it bc the rest of the cast (minus Levi lol) are also pretty tall
  • So when people see him in real life/in pictures with other people they’re always like huh???!!!
  • Bc he’s so good looking he’s done modeling for several luxury brands like Gucci, YSL, Versace, etc.
  • Like he did an ad for the Versace Eros cologne and it wold out within 20 minutes of the ad being released
  • He’s actually really fashionable
  • I see him having similar style to people like Tom Holland, Taehyung from BTS, and Hyunjin from Stray Kids
  • He’s got tons of hoodies too
  • Perfect for stealing
  • (Which the rest of the cast definitely does)

Background/How He Got Started:

  • He has a background in boxing/martial arts that he started in because he got bullied when he was younger and needed an outlet for his emotions
  • So he enrolled in some martial arts and gymnastics classes at a local gym and ended up really liking it
  • He started gaining a small following before landing his role on AOT by posting boxing/martial arts vids and tutorials
  • It helped him a lot when he got the job
  • Speaking of which, AOT was his first role
  • He had started taking acting lessons seriously after he did a few school plays and ended up applying for the open casting call that had been put out for AOT
  • He actually almost didn’t end up submitting his audition bc he figured nothing would happen and they wouldn’t look twice at someone who had no real experience
  • But the directors were like “oh my god this is exactly who we’re looking for where has he been all this time????!!!”
  • Cause like they’d been having major trouble casting their main role
  • The candidates were great and the auditions were good but no one really fit
  • And then came Eren
  • The directors were all like: oh my GOD???!!!!
  • So it was no question that he was going to be Eren
  • He had this haunting way of portraying Eren while also embodying how excited/angry he was in the first few seasons
  • Plus he could already do tons of cool tricks!!!
  • So it was a win-win situation


  • He can sometimes pretty reserved and quiet when he first meets people
  • Which makes people think he’s kind of mean/standoffish and intimidating
  • (Maybe it’s his resting bitch face)
  • But he’s actually super chill and very fun when he gets comfortable
  • He can be very affectionate to the people he’s close with i.e. the main cast and crew of AOT
  • Lots of hugs and arms around shoulders and random friendly cheek pecks all around
  • Expect to be attacked with a bear hug if he sees so much as a frown on anyone’s face
  • He’s actually really funny
  • Like he doesn’t try he’s just funny
  • Idk how to explain it
  • Like the facial expressions he makes when someone does something questionable?
  • Iconic
  • Theres hour long compilations on youtube of them
  • Connie says something weird?
  • Eren has a face for that
  • Jean acts cute for his fans?
  • Eren has a face for that
  • Someone says they ship (idk) Mikasa and Zeke?
  • He spoils so much
  • Because he forgets what has been revealed in the show and what’s been revealed in the manga
  • And like people wonder if some of the stuff that happens in the manga is gonna happen in the show
  • And sometimes he can’t remember so he just says stuff and then Zeke, Levi, and Hange have to do damage control
  • Poor baby just sits there confused until he realizes
  • He has this aura about him that puts people at ease
  • Bc he’s very charismatic and charming and easygoing
  • Someone makes a mistake? Hey, no biggie he’ll help them work on it and they’ll get it next time
  • But he’s also very serious about his work
  • Incredibly hard working and strives to be his best
  • When he doesn’t feel like he did his best he can get very upset and depressed bc he’s actually also very self conscious
  • Being in the spotlight all the time will do that to you
  • But he’s working on it
  • He actually had to have a psychologist on set for season 4-5 because of how bad it was getting and how much bad stuff he had to act like he was doing
  • Like there’d be a torture scene and he’d feel like shit after having to do it even though everyone knew it was just acting
  • But Eren doesn’t like it even if it’s fake
  • (‘cause he’s lowkey a softie and very protective of the people he cares about)
  • Also bc of the amount of just sheer bad stuff Eren the character does in the final two seasons and the amount of controversy surrounding the character he gets concerned
  • Bc idk he works hard on the character and the show and he wants people to enjoy it yk
  • But Eren has an amazing support group with the cast and crew
  • And no matter what happens or how deep Eren gets in his mind
  • They will always have his back

Attack on Euphoria - Masterlist

Follow Eren Yeager and classmates as they navigate their way through senior year of high school dealing with their experiences of identity, trauma, drugs, friendships, love, and sex.

Pairings: Eren Yeager x Black!fem!reader (other pairings will be mentioned once they appear in later chapters)


Warnings: Depictions of Drug Use, Strong vulgar language, Strong violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Internalized homophobia, mentions of Biphobia, mentions of mental illness, Toxic masculinity, Toxic family dynamics, Hypersexuality, TW: mentions of self harm, TW: drug addicts, TW: mentions of Eating disorders


  • I
  • II
  • III
  • IV
  • V
  • VI
  • VII
  • VIII
  • IX
  • X

more to come…


- playlist (coming soon)
