#eren yeager x reader


  • Eren is a very passionate guy so it’s likely there’s gonna be some arguments at some point - but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing 
  • (On a personal note - couples that never argue? That’s fuckin’ weird)
  • Small arguments are usually resolved quickly and don’t need much shouting. Eren doesn’t mind admitting he’s wrong and apologising and neither do you
  • Bigger things though, such as weather to join the Scouts or a huge decision involving your futures, is likely to result in a much bigger argument
  • With important things, Eren is less willing to compromise and has a pretty one-track mind, at times refusing to see alternative strategies or other points of view 
  • It’s something he learns gradually but in the beginning it’s going to cause a few issues. If Eren perceives you to be standing in the way of his goals, weather those be personal or ‘for the good of humanity’ he’s gonna get understandably passionate 
  • It usually ends with him saying a lot of things he doesn’t mean and then storming off. And by God, Eren knows exactly which buttons to press when he needs to 
  • The silent treatment usually comes next, the length of which depends on how serious the augment is and how hurtful Eren was initially 
  • Apologies will come eventually, moreso for Eren allowing his tongue to run away with him rather than his stance on the issue
  • But now that things are a little calmer, the two of you can talk them through rationally and come to a decision together 
  • Other arguments are usually centered around your safety or combat ability. While Eren wants you to be the best you can be and excel in the military, he’s also cautious about putting you in any danger - the two views seem to come into conflict a lot 
  • “How can i improve if i don’t get the chance to hone my skills? I’m no use to anyone in the middle of the formation away from all the action”
  • “What use are you to anyone if you die before you get the chance to improve? You should be in the safest place in the formation!” 
  • What Eren needs is a partner who’s just as headstrong as him and can stand up for themselves, doing what they want no matter what Eren thinks about it 
  • You just need to remind yourself that arguments occur because of how deeply Eren feels about you, and he’s not going to let you do something risky or detrimental without a fight

Reason & Responsibility | Chapter 7

PeriodPiece!AU, Eren x Fem!Reader

Content:Angst and Fluff

Summary:The day of the wedding has arrived, tensions are running high and decisions are being made.


A/N: Oh my goodness, it’s the last chapter hsiglsdfj this fic felt so short but also so incredibly long I don’t know how to explain it. Anyways, I don’t have much to say other than THANK YOU for sticking around for this story, I love you guys so much!! I hope you enjoy this last chapter :))) (also I was preparing this post to post it on friday but I’m just gonna do it rn, fuck it)

Chapter 7

“Well, I can’t say I’m surprised.”

The words were spoken in monotone, flat and dry, easily reflecting the true feelings of their speaker. They weren’t filled with anger, hurt, or disdain. But rather sounded like someone making a simple observation. Like they were commenting on the weather, or something else unimportant. However, this didn’t stop Eren from standing abruptly out of his seat in a fit of surprise, Y/N following closely behind.

“Zeke. I—” Eren stated at the sight of his brother, his whole body catching on fire from the shame of being caught. A familiar feeling from their childhood. He always resented the times when his older brother would always get him in trouble with their parents. Only this time it felt far worse.

His brother held up a stern hand, effectively silencing his younger brother.

“I had a feeling something was going on between the two of you.” Zeke stated, matter-of-factly. Y/N refrained herself from scoffing. She could hardly believe that he would hold the same air of pretentiousness even when he caught his fiancé kissing his own brother. But she didn’t say anything, Y/N stayed quiet as he continued.

“I first suspected it that very first night.” Zeke said, as if he were unraveling the clues to a mystery rather than exposing an illicit affair, “It was obvious how you felt about one another… Eren you only ever act as such a fool whenever you’re around a woman you deem attractive.”

“It’s not solely based on attractiveness—“ Eren stammered, but his brother interrupted him once more.

“I’m not looking for interjections.” Zeke snapped. “I simply want to know how long it has been since you’ve shared your affections.”

“How long it’s—?” Eren started again, but he couldn’t finish his sentence, as he had been interrupted yet again. But not by his brother, this time Y/N spoke up, her voice surprising the other two occupants in the room as if they’d forgotten she was there.

“Don’t you care?” Y/N asked, her voice sharp with unexpected anger. Both Zeke and Eren stared at her dumbfoundedly.

“Care?” Zeke responded, with a pretentious laugh, “Care about what?”

“You have just stumbled upon your fiancé in the arms of your own brother.” Y/N answered, stepping out from behind the pianoforte, “and yet, here you are, acting as if it doesn’t affect you.”

“Tell me, Miss Y/L/N, why should I care?” Zeke said, and she opened her mouth to respond but he kept going with his speech, “I have no concern with what you do in your free time. I only ask you to be a proper wife.”

Y/N let out a groan of frustration, bordering on a scream as she stepped closer to her supposed husband-to-be, “Is that truly your only reaction to this?”

“What do you expect from me?” Zeke asked, his own voice raising, caught up in Y/N’s anger. Eren’s mouth hung open as he watched the two of them, his eyes darting back and forth between the two figures. He felt like an outsider. It felt lonely. And it made him scared of the end result of this confrontation.

“I expect you to get angry!” Y/N practically yelled, “I expect you to act like a living, breathing human being and to burn this house down, to feel betrayed, to cry! Anything!”

Zeke stood there, saying nothing as the girl went on. She moved closer towards Zeke. Eren wouldn’t be surprised if she grabbed him by his lapels, shaking him until he found his senses. But she only fumed in her own anger, glaring at the blonde man.

“But yet you do nothing!” Y/N spat, “It’s as if you don’t feel anything!”

“I didn’t expect much happiness out of a life that forced me into an arranged marriage. Especially one that was so loveless. But I at leastexpected you to care.” She said, her voice cracking by the end of her sentence. She now stood in the middle of the room, her shoulders filled with tension, her nostrils flaring, her breathing heavy. Zeke simply just looked at her.

“Are you finished?” He asked, and this time Y/N did scoff, crossing her arms to try and shield herself from his cold demeanor. Zeke seemed to pay no mind to her own discomfort, and continued on with another one of his infamous lectures.

“I am certain we are all well enough aware that this marriage was more of an economic proposition than anything else.” Zeke said as he removed his glasses, calmly wiping them on the edge of his shirt and then placing them gently back on his face. “So, no. I do not care if you share affections with my younger brother. All I ask of you is to keep that part of your life private. Keep it out of the public eye, and I don’t see why we should have to put an end to our union. As long as you give me what I want I see no point in denying you the same right.”

Eren held his breath, waiting to hear what Y/N had to say. He already knew his own answer as relief flooded through his form. He couldn’t believe that this was the outcome of his brother finding out. Was he really going to let them continue on with their relationship? Eren could feel how the hope that burned into ashes just moments before was now flying free, rising like a phoenix. He would be able to keep his promise. Y/N would never have to bear the pain of losing him, and neither would he. But as he turned to look at the girl, the beating heart in his chest fell flat once more as he registered the tears that were swimming in her eyes.

“How despicable.” She whispered, her eyes trained on the ground in front of her. “You want me for status… For my father’s dowry… But that’s all it is, isn’t it?”

“Do you wish for me to want you for more than that?” Zeke questioned, raising a brow. Eren kept his eyes locked on Y/N. Waiting for her answer. Praying she says no. Because if she doesn’t, if she reveals this whole time that she had been longing for Zeke’s affections, Eren didn’t think he would live to see another day. His hands started to shake as Y/N hesitated.

“I wish for a marriage that isn’t as soulless as the one you are offering me.” She whispered, her eyes flickering over to Eren. It happened so fast that he didn’t fully believe that it actually happened. Maybe it didn’t. Maybe he was only searching for what he wanted to see.

“Well, then I apologize.” Zeke stated. “I can’t offer you anything different… And as it turns out, you don’t have much room to ask for such.”

Y/N stared at him. Zeke stared back. And Eren watched as his own happiness slipped from his grasp. Just like he predicted.

“Fine.” Y/N said. And before another word was said, before anyone realized what was happening, the girl was gone. Disappeared behind the swinging door of Zeke’s drawing room. Zeke barely had time to register what was happening, and soon he was blinking in surprise at the sight of his brother’s back, also disappearing out the door, following after her.


It was raining again. It was almost funny how the weather always seemed to know exactly when Y/N was lost within her troubles. She thought back to the last time she was caught in the rain. Her heart was thundering just as loudly as the world around her when she confronted Eren. And then he kissed her. And she was happy. It felt as though that night was decades ago. Like it was a moment that was now lost with time, that she would never be able to return to.

Somehow that thought had urged her to step out into the rain. Hoping that the familiar rainfall would wash away her troubles, and bring her back to a moment where she felt on top of the world. So she did.

The rain instantly soaked her skin. Seeping through her dress and drenching her hair. The one thing she found out about Marley was that when it rained, it poured. And that seemed to be the extent of all events that happened in this distant city. And now here she was, letting the rain fall over her head, hoping that it would wash her away. She shut her eyes against the gray sunlight, it’s usual shine muted by the rain clouds, forcing herself to feel nothing. Maybe the cold would cause her to grow numb, and maybe that numbness will stretch over to her feelings as well.


She didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. There was only one person besides her parents that called her by her first name. Y/N didn’t say anything. But that didn’t deter Eren from talking to her. Soon she felt his presence by her side, his warmth instantly battling the cold of the rain.

The two of them stayed quiet as they stood in front of the side entrance to Zeke’s estate. The rain falling over their heads as their eyes trained on the world around them. Eren was so close she could practically feel each breath roll through his body. She stole a quick glance at the man, she saw how his jaw was clenched, his eyebrows furrowed. He was angry. And she had some idea as to why.

“Why did you say that to Zeke?” Eren finally said, the silence breaking like a wine glass being dropped on a marble floor, his voice riddled with the anger she observed within his irises.

“Say what, exactly?” Y/N questioned, hoping to prolong the time she had to come up with an answer. She wasn’t sure why she said what she did. All she knew was that her heart ached with the thought of her life being taken away in favor of a horrible marriage.

“You confessed your disappointment in Zeke’s proposition.” Eren told her, his eyes snapping towards her. They burned in a glare that Y/N never expected to fall under. She felt herself crumble underneath his stare.

“Is it wrong of me to want more than that?” She breathed, looking down at her hands, not brave enough to look him in the eye.

“Hewasoffering you more than that!” He snapped, practically shouting, “He offered us a chance to be together.”

“Is that really what you think I want?” Y/N replied, her answer suddenly finding her in the middle of a storm. Shifting her gaze back to Eren, to brave the glare that she was still under.

“What have we been doing then?” Eren yelled, throwing out his hands in exasperation. “If you don’t want to take this chance— If you don’t want to be with me, then why are you putting me through this? Were you only toying with my heart? Were you playing me as a fool?”

“Of course not, Eren.” She yelled back, moving in front of him to face him head on. Now it was his turn to shy away from her gaze but she didn’t let that stop her, Y/N kept on talking, hoping that her words could get through to him, “Why on earth would I get involved in this if I didn’t want to be with you?”

“Then what is the problem?” Eren shouted, finally looking down at the girl in front of him. But the soft-hearted look that she was accustomed to was still nowhere to be seen. His nostrils flared as he continued, “Why wouldn’t you take his—”

“—Because I want you to want all of me!” She all but screamed over the pounding of the rain as well as the beating of her heart. Eren blinked at her in surprise. Y/N’s breathing was heavy, her chest heaving up and down as she held his stare. When she had the courage to speak again, her voice came out steady as she willed herself to stay calm after her outburst.

“I don’t want you to have me under some half-hearted agreement.” She said, her words shaking with the anger and disappointment she was trying to suppress. “It wasn’t a matter of wanting more from him. Everything that I could possibly want would fall only to your hands. I want more from you.”

Eren sucked in a shuddering breath. His eyes searched Y/N’s face, and he found the truth he had been hoping for from that fleeting glance she gave him during their discussion with Zeke. Unfortunately the hope that the proposition gave him did not return. Eren thought of their families. Their responsibilities. It was all crashing down around him. He shook his head gravely, as he finally spoke up.

“I… I can’t give you more.” He murmured.”I don’t see any other way we can be together.”

Y/N’s shoulders dropped from his confession. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting him to say. But she didn’t think it would hurt this damn much from an answer that she knew was coming. She nodded, sadly, her tears from before finally falling down her face to mix with the rain that was already soaking her skin.

“Then it might be best if you give me nothing at all.” She said, before turning back towards the house, ready to pull herself away from Eren for good.

“Wait, Y/N—” His warm hand wrapped around her wrist, stopping her where she was. She didn’t turn to look at him. She wouldn’t be able to handle seeing his face.

“Don’t.” Y/N begged, her back turned to him. “I don’t want to live a life where my happiness is kept a secret. My heart can’t handle that.”

Eren let her wrist fall from her grasp. She walked through the door. And they both knew that would be the last they saw of each other until the day of the wedding.


The journey back to Grisha Jaeger’s estate was long and tiring. Or at least it felt that way as Y/N sat in uncomfortable silence with her husband-to-be. Her sight was stuck on the outside world that was passing them by in a blur of greens and browns. Zeke was busy, concentrating on the paperwork that his father had left him to do. The only sounds accompanying them were the creaks from the carriage wheels and the hooves of the horses that whisked them away from their future home. It was a deafening silence. A silence that would most likely follow them throughout their years together. A silence that reminded Y/N of her duties and the life she was stuck with.

When they had finally arrived at the house, Y/N couldn’t have jumped out of that carriage fast enough. She was already halfway through the front door when she heard the scolding she earned from her fiance. But she didn’t stop to listen to the rest. Just simply escaped up to her quarters where she resided for the rest of the day.

The last day of her freedom. And it was spent in the four walls where she spent most of her time dreading her future. What was even worse, she hadn’t seen Eren for the past two days. Not that she was expecting to. But the moment she left him in the rain she instantly regretted her choice. That choice had left her with an ache in her heart that would most likely never subside. And after tomorrow morning, when she was finally betrothed to Zeke, Y/N knew that feeling would stay lodged in her heart until the day she died.

The rest of the evening passed her by as she lay curled up on the bed. The sun slowly traveled from east to west until darkness took control of the room. Her thoughts were plaguing her until the quiet that surrounded her finally lulled her into a sleep where her dreams were filled with nothing, finally giving her a peace of mind.

The next morning, she was woken from her slumber by a hand softly stroking her hair. A familiar action she hadn’t felt in so long. A comforting scent wafted through her nostrils. And when she finally registered who it was, she practically jumped out of bed, wrapping her arms around the person she needed most. And she hadn’t even realized.

“Mother.” She whispered into the shoulder that had been there to cry on since she was a young girl. She felt the warmth from her mother’s laughter bloom through her chest, and a comforting hand smoothing over the back of her hair.

“Good morning, my sweet girl.” Her mother said, placing a kiss at the crown of her head. Y/N clutched harder to the woman who raised her, and for some reason the comfort of being surrounded by her own family had brought forth more tears she didn’t know she could give. Her body silently shook, as she tried to hide her true feelings. But then a sob broke from her form, and her mother instantly noticed.

“Darling, what’s wrong?” The older woman asked, taking the girl by her shoulders so that she could see her, getting a good look at her tear sodden face.

Y/N’s lip trembled, her words lost on her tongue. She had no idea what to say. There was no way to reveal her true feelings without disappointing her mother. So she just shook her head and fell back against her mother’s chest, relishing in the arms that instantly took hold of her.

“Why are you here?” Y/N asked, when she finally regained her voice.

“You didn’t think that I wouldn’t see my daughter the morning of her wedding, did you?” Her mother chuckled softly, her hand still stroking Y/N’s hair, she felt as her Y/N shook in her arms and sighed before adding, “But now I’m sure that there’s a better reason that I’m here.”

Y/N stiffened in her mother’s arms, partly because of her mentioning the wedding, but also because she didn’t think she could get out of this conversation without telling her mother why she was crying. She could lie, of course. But something felt wrong about it. So she took a deep breath, trying to find the courage to say the words that have been plaguing her ever since her parents first told her about the betrothal.

“I don’t want to get married.” Y/N murmured, her voice small. She felt like a child again. Maybe she still was a child. She wasn’t ready for such a big milestone in her life. She had more life to live. She felt as her mother stopped stroking her hair. But this time, Y/N pulled herself back, putting on a brave face, even if her courage hadn’t quite caught up yet.

“What are you saying?” Her mother asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

“I’m not happy with this man, mother.” Y/N told her, the weight that had been pressing down on her chest ever since she arrived slowly started to dissipate. “I know that you want me to marry him. And I’ll do anything for you and papa, but I don’t know if i’ll be able to uphold the responsibility of being his wife. I just can’t—”

“—Darling, take a breath.” Her mother cooed, interrupting the rant that Y/N was about to dive into. Her mother’s features were soft, there was no hint of anger or disappointment. And it confused the girl. She wasn’t expecting a reaction that was so tender. She closed her mouth, letting her mother speak.

“My sweet girl.” Her mother said again, her eyes shining with what looked to be admiration for her daughter, “You have never been one to listen to what me and your father tell you to do.”

The two women laughed at the memories that flashed through their minds as her mother said this. Her mother’s aged hands came up to wipe the stray tears that were still falling from Y/N’s eyes. The older woman offered a kind smile before continuing on.

“In fact, you’ve always been the type to do what your heart tells you.” She said, “I would never want unhappiness for you. And I apologize I didn’t see it sooner. I thought this marriage would be good for you.”

“I don’t blame you for anything.” Y/N quickly said, covering her mothers hand with her own. The older woman smiled sadly at her daughter.

“Yes, but I blame myself.” She told her, “I took away your power in favor of deciding what’s right for you. But that is something I know you can do on your own. You are so strong, and kind, darling. I know that you will make the right choice, whatever you decide to do.”

Y/N pulled her mother into yet another hug, earning a surprised yelp from her. Y/N held onto her tight. Suddenly being hit with a bout of appreciation for the woman who raised her. As she held onto her mother, she realized everything that she was, was thanks to this woman. And then she realized all of the things that she had done for her mother in return. Which was nothing but trouble and self-proclaimed heart attacks. Y/N thought back to when her mother first told her about her betrothal, and how there were tears of pride shining in her irises. It was rare to be subjected to those tears.

And the girl now saw the deeper meaning of her responsibilities. She saw what her actions would do if she did what she wanted, the disgrace that she would bring to her parents for the rest of their lives. And she thought of Eren, who was now lost to her because of her choices. So maybe her mother was wrong. Maybe her mother did know what was right for her. Maybe she should live on the choices of others, because it seemed that her own was what caused this whole mess in the first place. Y/N held her mother tighter, and with a shaking breath, she finally decided what she must do.

“Will you help me with my wedding dress?”


It was a beautiful day for a white wedding. Everyone had great big grins on their faces, wearing their Sunday best. It was a small wedding, but Mrs. Jaeger had invited their closest friends and family. And they were all happy. All except one man, who stood at the front steps of the church, looking up at the building with as much disdain one would hold towards their enemy.

His fists were clenched at his sides, his features darkened. Though no one paid him any mind as they streamed past him into the wide double doors to find their seats. Eren watched the happy people with contempt. It was unfair that these people associated this day with joy when he saw it for the facade it was.

The whole event reeked of fraudulence. A marriage between a man whose only interest was in the image it presented and a woman who was trapped by her responsibility. And there was nothing Eren could do about it except to stand frozen in trepidation, the carefree wedding-goers chatting excitedly around him. No one noticed him. He was an outsider.

A hand on his shoulder pulled him from his self-deprecating thoughts. He turned to find his mother smiling up at him.

“Are you ready?” Mrs. Jaeger asked. Eren’s throat was tight and his tongue was dry, there was no way to respond to his mother so he simply nodded, holding out his arm for her to take. Her grip was gentle on his arm as he guided her into the church, but even with the familiar comforting touch of his mother, his dread was still looming over him.

“What’s troubling you, darling?” He heard his mother say through the uneasy fog that clouded his brain. He blinked at her, though he wasn’t surprised that she noticed his miserable demeanor. She was his mother after all.

“Nothing.” He breathed, but when he earned a look of disbelief from the older woman, he realized he couldn’t get away with just one simple word. “I can handle it on my own.”

His mother offered him a sad, knowing smile, “Is that all the information you’re willing to give me?”

“For now.” He said softly, as they reached their seats at the front of the church. His brother was already standing up at the altar, in his best suit, his blonde hair slicked back, punctual as always. Eren tried hard not to glare daggers at Zeke as he stood idly waiting for his bride.

“Well if you won’t reveal any more of your troubles, will you allow me to offer you a piece of advice?” Mrs. Jaeger said as they sat in the pew.

“How will you be able to offer me advice if you don’t know what’s troubling me?” Eren chuckled, as he leaned his forearms on his knees.

“This piece of advice is one that covers a broad spectrum of topics. I’ve utilized it many times throughout my life.” Mrs. Jaeger laughed as she brushed a strand of Eren’s hair behind his ear. He smiled gently at the action he recognized from his childhood. And then he leaned back against the wooden bench, rubbing his palms over his thighs, letting out a deep breath as he did.

“Go on, then.” He sighed, “Let’s hear it.”

“I may not know what’s troubling you, but I do know it will pass.” She said, thoughtfully, “These sorts of things always have a funny way of working themselves out. You just simply have to hold on.”

“What if it doesn’t work itself out?” Eren breathed, finally letting his true feelings harrow his facial features, “What if I’m not strong enough to hold on.”

“My dear boy, you are the strongest man I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.” His mother said, her eyes filled with kindness and gratitude, “But I think you might have been misguided to what strength truly is.”

“Then what is true strength?”

“Vulnerability.” She told him, placing a hand over his own, “I regret that you grew up learning that strength was pushing away the things that trouble you. I should have taught you that sometimes you just have to go through it to get out of it. You have to let yourself feel.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.” Eren whispered, looking down at their hands.

“Of course you can, darling.” His mother smiled warmly, clasping her fingers around Eren’s hand, squeezing it with reassurance. Eren opened his mouth to deny his strength once more. But he was interrupted by the appearance of his father, who placed a gentle kiss on his mother’s temple before sitting down next to her. The moment had passed and Eren kept quiet. The words of his mother swarming his brain. He sat silently, his mind reeling, until the whole church was full with family and friends. He sat there until everyone settled down, and the organ started playing the wedding march. Then they all stood, turning towards the end of the aisle, smiling faces waiting. The doors opened, and the bride entered on the arm of her kind-looking father, her pretty white dress flowing around her like an ocean made of silk. And at that moment, Eren felt everything.


Y/N’s hands were shaking as she clutched onto her father’s forearm. Her whole body felt numb, and she was pretty sure her legs were moving on their own because her mind was telling her to run away and to never look back. But her own determination kept her where she was. She had come to a decision this morning. And there wasn’t any reason for her to back out of it now. But even so, her determination and her desire was waging war within her mind.

And then she saw Eren and everything stopped. The world around her disappeared as well as the war in her mind. She sucked in a breath at the sight of him. He was looking at her with parted lips and tenderness in his eyes. He was standing in the very first row of the pews, he was only three feet away from the altar. Three feet from where Y/N truly wished he could be.

That secret desire coming forth crashed into her so forcefully she almost lost her footing. Her determination was quickly losing the battle against her desires. Eren was the secret weapon, the surefire way to end her tribulations. Her heartstrings tugged her towards him. But she was held in place by her father. She was trapped by the confines of the social expectations of a wedding. And now her mind was reeling for completely different reasons.

She was so preoccupied, that it came to her as a surprise when she found herself at the altar, standing in front of Zeke. Her father had left her with a single kiss on her forehead, and desperation had almost caused her to grab at his wrist, urging him to stay. But her father left her there, finding a place next to her mother.

The words of the minister didn’t register in her ears. It was like she was under water, listening to warbled speech she couldn’t understand. Everyone around her seemed to be fine, acting normal. She stole a glance at the man standing next to her. His face was blank, unmoving, as he stared politely at the minister.

Y/N’s heartbeat was hammering against her ribcage, trying to force its way out of her chest. The end was drawing nearer and her hands were now uncontrollably shaking, the bouquet she was holding was trembling. And no one noticed. Not even her fiance.

Except, unknowing to her, Eren noticed. Because he noticed everything about her. There wasn’t a moment since she entered the room where he took his eyes off of her. She was the image of aphrodite herself in her white gown. And now he watched as tension caused her to stand rigid up on the altar.

Eren wanted to hold her shaking hands, he wanted to leave kisses on her cheeks, he wanted her to know that she didn’t have to worry about anything else as long as he was there. He wanted so desperately to take her away from this whole mess, without the obstacle of his brother and their families. And suddenly he realized why Y/N was so hurt the day Zeke gave him his proposition. As long as this marriage was in the way, they would never be able to have each other the way they truly wished for. Y/N wanted him to want all of her. Not the feeble version of his love that had to be hidden in secrecy, like his brother offered. She wanted him to love her outloud. To scream it until his throat was raw, until every single person knew that he was hers. And he wanted that too. He wanted all of her.

“Do you Y/N Y/L/N, take Zeke Jaeger to be your lawfully wedded husband.” The minister said in his drawling voice, effectively pulling Eren free from the whirlwind of feelings that he was encased in. Panic settled in his bones, and before he realized what he was doing, Eren was standing on shaking legs. The crowd gasped, the world on the verge of an uproar.

But as it turned out, the horror from the crowd wasn’t a reaction to him. At that exact same moment when Eren stood, Y/N spoke.

“I can’t.” She said, and she was almost shocked by the confidence of her tone. Zeke looked at her with fire in his eyes. The minister stood dumbfounded between them. The guests were all watching with bated breath.

“What are you doing?” Zeke hissed through gritted teeth.

“I apologize.” Y/N said in a hushed tone. The many people watching them straining their ears, and leaning forward in their seats so they could catch what was going on.

“I just realized that I must reject your proposal.” She said simply, her shoulders straightening as she felt her courage rise to her chest.

“You… You can’t reject my proposal when we’re standing at the altar.” Zeke sputtered, his face turning red. He glanced nervously at his father who was staring at them with a rage that no one would want to be subjected to.

“Better late than never.” Y/N shrugged, shoving her bouquet into Zeke’s hands. She began to turn, but his slimy grip on her wrist stopped her before she could make her grand escape.

“Are you seriously doing this?” Zeke spat, “Are you truly willing to bring disgrace to both our families?”

The two stood staring at one another for a moment. A moment long enough to maybe think that Zeke had convinced her to stay. But then Y/N’s eyes shifted over to her parents. She saw how her father’s features were covered with confusion. Her mother beside him, had her hands covering her mouth, but her eyes were gleaming with an amused smile that was most likely hidden by her palms. When her mother gave her a small encouraging nod, more of her courage settled into her form.

And then she looked over to the other side of the room, where the Jaegers were standing. She saw how Mr. Jaeger stood with anger in his eyes, nostrils flaring, cheeks red. His wife beside him held a look of curiosity, and maybe something along the lines of understanding, but there was nothing disdainful written in her irises.

And finally, her eyes rested on the man who had stolen her heart. All he gave her was the same crooked grin she saw that very first night on the train. And that was all she needed. Y/N turned back to Zeke, her own smile dancing on her lips.

‘Zeke… Believe me when I tell you that I am the last woman to make you happy.” She said, “I’m giving you the chance to find a wife you can actually be proud of. And maybe then you’ll be able to offer her more than a soulless marriage.”

Zeke’s grip loosened as he listened to her words. His own shock was easily readable over his features. This was the first time he showed any emotion to Y/N, and she thought that the change suited him. She offered him one more beaming smile before taking a step back. The tension that surrounded them finally broke, the crowd around them immediately went into a frenzy, breaking the shocked silence with flabbergasted chatter. And through the chaos, the bride disappeared, leaving the church in a flash of blinding white.


The wedding was left in shambles. The crowd grew restless as they searched for people to speak on such an unforgivable action made by the bride. Gossip was buzzing through the air, making it almost impossible for Eren to even hear himself think.

When he finally regained his senses he immediately moved to set off after her. His heart was racing, and the world around him was total mayhem, but all he knew was that he couldn’t bear to be apart from Y/N any longer than he needed to. He took his first step towards the door when he felt a strong grip wrap itself around his arm. He looked over his shoulder to find his father’s fuming face, and before he realized what was happening he was being pulled in the opposite direction in which Y/N left.

A second later he found himself being shoved into the backroom of the church. Zeke was pacing the length of the entire room. Y/N’s parents stayed huddled in the corner speaking in hushed tones. They all looked up when Eren and his father entered the room, Mrs. Jaeger followed closely behind.

“Father, please, I don’t know why I need to be involved in—” Eren started to say, but he was instantly cut off as Mr. Jaeger interrupted him.

“What is the meaning of this?” He asked no one in particular, looking around the room waiting for the answer as to why the bride ran away from her own wedding.

There were a few people in the room who didknow the answer. But no one seemed to want to speak up as they all stood silent, watching as Eren’s father fumed in the middle of the room.

“Will anyone care to explain why my son was just left at the altar?” Mr. Jaeger spoke up again, his eyes landing on the Y/L/N’s, as if they were to blame for their daughter’s actions.

Obviously, her father found offense in Mr. Jaeger’s accusatory glare. The man took a step closer to his father, his chest puffing up, making him look like an overprotective bear.

“I believe my daughter had just exercised her right to make her own choices.” He said, his voice subdued but the anger was still there. Eren wasn’t sure if he’d ever want to be under that malicious glare. And he couldn’t help but love the fact that his father was subjected to it now.

His father scoffed, “A choice that made our families the new topic for dinner table gossip. Do you not care that your daughter disgraced us?”

“No, I’m happy to say that I don’t.” Her father fumed, “In fact, I think she made the right decision.”

“Her actions made a waste of this whole affair and the connections this union would have brought forth.” Mr. Jaeger retorted.m, his ears turning red.

“Might I remind you who paid for this wedding, Mr. Jaeger?” Mr. Y/L/N replied, “You have no right to discuss what is a waste and what isn’t, and quite frankly, I would spend a fortune to disband any connections with the likes of you.”

“How dare you—“

“Father!” Zeke’s voice rang out across the room, all eyes suddenly turning towards him. “There is no reason to fall into petty arguments when there are other contributing factors we need to account for.”

“What do you mean?”

“The blame doesn’t solely belong in Miss Y/L/N’s hands.” Zeke said, his eyes falling on Eren. The room grew silent. Eren wanted to wring his brother’s neck.

“What are you saying?” Mr. Jaeger asked, not yet noticing where Zeke’s gaze was pointed. His brother nodded towards Eren, everyone’s eyes landed on him.

“Eren, care to enlighten everyone?” Zeke questioned. Eren’s eyes burned towards his older brother, his jaw clenched. His anger coursed through him like a current. Though he shouldn’t be surprised that his brother had found a way to force Eren into the box that labeled him as the mistake of his family.

But now that he was here, at a failed wedding, the love of his life somewhere out in that world. He realized that he didn’t care for the label. And maybe he should just take ownership of it. So when he spoke again he told the truth, and he didn’t dare hold himself back.

“I love her.” He said softly. He heard Y/N’s mother gasp, his own mother placing her hand over her mouth in surprise. He watched as Zeke stared at him with disdain and his father looked at him as if he grew a second head.

“What? How? You’ve never even interacted with the girl.” His father stammered, somehow in disbelief that his son would cause such drama.

“That’s where you’re wrong, father.” Zeke spoke up again, “I’ve discovered that they’ve actually grown quite close. I’d only just learned of it when I found them together when I returned to my estate after the house call.”

“Tell me, Eren, is this true?” His mother asked, her hand now placed on her heart.

“Yes.” Eren replied, his voice unwavering. A sound of disbelief escaped his father’s throat. His brother shook his head, crossing his arms around his chest. Mrs. Y/L/N looked as if she were about to faint, and all the color had drained from her husband’s face.

“You’re saying you hold affections for my daughter?” Mr. Y/L/N asked, his eyes still wide from the second shock of the day. Eren nodded.

“I do.”

“And she feels the same towards you?”

“I believe she does.” Eren said, his heart swelling at the thought of her. He watches as Y/N’s father nodded with contemplation. The man stayed silent, so Eren spoke up once more.

“Forgive me, sir. I never meant to disgrace your family’s name.” Eren said, he straightened his shoulders, making sure to look him in his eye, “But I love your daughter. I am aware that I most likely can’t offer her the financial security that my brother’s marriage did. But I promise to make her happy.”

Mr. Y/L/N gaped at him and Eren felt self-conscious under his gaze. But then after a moment, her father shook his head, as if trying to clear his mind, and then held out his hand.

“Who am I to stand in your way?” He murmured, lifting his shoulders with admittance, his wife smiling behind him with tears in her eyes.

“Thank you, sir.” Eren grinned, taking the hand that her father offered to him in a firm handshake. “But now I’m afraid that I must be on my way.”

“Don’t tell me you intend to follow after this girl.” Eren’s own father snapped as Eren crossed the room.

“That’sexactlywhat I’m intending, father.” He grinned, not at all trying to hide the elation in his tone. Eren pressed the palm of his hand against the cool metal of the door knob. But before he could turn it, his fathers next words stop him in his tracks.

“If you leave this room then consider yourself no longer a part of this family.”

Eren hesitated. He didn’t care what his father thought of him, nor his brother. But there was one person, he didn’t want to be in disdained graces with. He turned towards his mother, who had been silent during this whole exchange. Not saying a word, he stepped towards her. She smiled at him, sadly, and placed a gentle hand on his cheek.

“Do what you must.” She whispered, “Your father will come around eventually.”

Eren placed his hand over her own, and squeezed her fingers with gratitude. A soft ‘thank you’ towards his mother was all that was left behind from the man, before he was finally out the door.


Y/N Y/L/N was accustomed to garnering strange looks her entire life. She had never been the type of child to behave, nor a young lady who followed certain social expectations. She had been the center of attention many times before. But somehow she felt vulnerable under the many stares she was under as she wandered through the train station. It would be foolish of her to think it was for any other reason besides the fact that she was in a wedding dress as she waited for the next train.

She kept her sight straight ahead, ignoring the whispers that surrounded her. Though she couldn’t help but crack a smile at the young girl who shouted out in delight at the sight of her. It reminded her of when she was young. A time that seemed so long ago as she now stood on the platform that would take her away from the wedding she just ran out of.

She wasn’t exactly sure why her feet had carried her here. Maybe she felt as though she couldn’t return to the Jaeger’s estate due to the fact she just left their oldest son at the altar. So now here she stood, with her parent’s stolen reservation for the afternoon train, without an ounce of guilt.

Her parents would find another way home, she was certain of it. And she was just happy to be rid of a fiance who didn’t love her. Relief had flooded her form as she ran from the wedding, and when she caught a ride from a confused yet friendly farmer to the train station, she couldn’t help the grin that had been plastered to her face as the church was left behind in the distance.

The only tribulation that had found her was that in the shape of Eren Jaeger. She thought of him back at the church, surrounded by the chaos she created. Y/N hoped, against all reason, that he would find his way to her. And she felt a strange sense of comfort, deep in the pit of her stomach, because she knew that he would. Eventually, at least.

The train coming to a screeching halt in front of her pulled the girl from her thoughts. And as she stepped onto the train, she received even more odd looks, but she paid them no mind. She just simply made her way to the back of the train, and she didn’t stop until she was finally in the safety of an empty compartment. The feeling of vulnerability washed away as she found comfort in being behind closed doors. Even if those doors were made of glass.

A great sigh of relief escaped past her lips as she sat down against the plush surface of the seats. Her eyes fluttered shut as she tried to quiet her racing heart. She was finally home free. It was time for her to relish the calm that this compartment gave to her. The train would be stopped at the station for just a while longer. It made no sense for her to still be reeling with adrenaline while she waited.

She opened her eyes towards the sun that was seeping through the window. The people on the platform scurrying about as they packed their things onto the train. Something Y/N didn’t have to worry about since she left behind all of her belongings. Hopefully her mother will have more sense than she and collect her items for her.

Y/N laughed at herself, wondering how her mind could shift so drastically from her abandoned wedding to something as simple as her luggage. But she was greatly thrilled by the fact that something so simple was her greatest trouble at the moment. She sank further in her seat, watching with content at the random faces that passed her window.

But soon her small moment to herself was interrupted when the sound of the compartment door sliding open broke the silence. She looked up to find a man standing in the door. His cheeks flushed in a light shade of pink. His brown hair tousled as if he ran the whole way here, and his best suit was askew. His bright teal eyes were already trained on her.

“Everywhere else is full. Do you mind if I sit with you?” He asked, a sheepish grin finding its way on his lips as Eren repeated the very first words he ever spoke to her. There was no answer that was waiting for him as the girl immediately jumped from her seat, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in, overwhelming him with the scent of wildflowers.

“How did you find me?” She asked into his neck, bringing goosebumps over his tanned skin.

“There’s been a lot of talk around town about a young lady running around in a wedding dress.” Eren chuckled, his arms tightening around her waist, the dress in question soft under his fingertips. “I took my chances.”

“I’m glad you did.” Y/N replied, her grin wide as she pulled him even closer towards her, if it were even possible.

“Care to explain to me why you left your own wedding?” Eren then asked, pulling himself away from her to look into her eyes, they were already filled with a mischief that felt far too familiar.

“I believe that you might already know.” She said, her lips curled up in a devious smile.

“I suppose you are right.” Eren smirked, clasping her hand in his own to brush his lips against her knuckles.

“Then it must be safe to assume that you followed me here for the same reason.” Y/N said, her skin tingling from the simple kiss.

“It is.” Eren nodded, his features falling into an expression that was much more serious.”And I’ve come to tell you that my heart still resides in your hands. I want to give you all that I am, body and soul. It’s yours. If you’ll have me?”

“And what would you want in return?” Y/N murmured, tilting her head up to brush her nose softly against Eren’s. A content sigh left his lips as she brought herself closer to him, she could feel his heart hammer against her own chest. Or maybe it was her own.

“Forgive me if I come across as selfish,” He whispered, his lips lightly brushing over hers with a whisper of a kiss, “But my heart will never be satisfied unless I have all that you are.”

“I’m already yours.”

Those were the last words spoken before Eren’s lips found Y/N’s in a searing kiss. Y/N sighed into his lips as he held onto her like she was his only solace. And just like that very first night, the two were lost within one another as the train slowly started to move and the world around them started to shift and change.


A/N: Phew!! she ran off with Eren! thank god!!! I apologize for the lack of smut, but this chapter was so freaking full of angst i didn’t know where i could add it, maybe maybe maaaaybe I’ll write an epilogue :)))) I hope you liked this last chapter!!!!!! Please feel free to message me about anything! I love you guys so much :)))))


General Taglist: @the-princess-button@coyloves@prblmtic

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holy shit y’all are not READY for @emepe’s newest Eren x Reader fic

i’m shaking uncontrollably already, it’s… it’s a masterpiece, she’s a visionary

Reason & Responsibility | Chapter 6

PeriodPiece!AU, Eren x Fem!Reader

Content:Fluff, angst, and smut!

Warnings:Oral sex (male receiving), fingering, slight corruption kink, full penetration, 18+, Minors DNI

Summary:The reader feels trapped as she spends her days at Zeke’s estate, until an unexpected guest arrives.


A/N: Sorry sorry sorry!!! this chapter totally got away from me, and I always forget how long it takes me to write smut lmao, anyways! it’s finally here!! thank you for being patient with me! I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy! :))

Chapter 6

Y/N’s forehead was pressed against the smooth surface of a window pane that overlooked the land that she would be residing in for the rest of her life. She was currently flooded with the overwhelming feeling of deja-vu, from that very first moment on the train ride that brought her closer to her greatest doom. And in the same regards brought her towards the greatest euphoria she’s ever known. How unfair that this is where her train-ride ended. In a never-ending cycle of torment. The push and pull of what she had to do and what she actually wanted. Deja-vu came to her in the form of despair that sat in the pit of her stomach.

The girl felt as though she were trapped. Trapped in a home she didn’t want to live, trapped in a life that was thrust upon her.

Good thing she was brought to this very estate for practice.Zeke had relayed to her that the reason they were staying at his estate for the last week before their wedding was to become accustomed to their new roles as husband and wife. However, if their marriage was anything like her current treatment she was destined for a life of misery. Though, she shouldn’t have expected anything more. Maybe Y/N should be grateful that most of their time was spent in different corners of this impressive home. The quiet honing in on them in the most violent of ways. Y/N was surprised that she had not yet been brought to insanity. But it was better than being subjected to Zeke’s lectures. She had already garnered four of them over the past two days they had been here.

A deep sigh escaped the girl’s lips. Fogging up the window from the heat of her breath. She dragged a finger through the condensation. A mindless swirl left behind from her delicate touch. She jumped when the double doors to the drawing room burst open, signaling the arrival of her husband-to-be.

“Please, I beg of you to have some form of restraint and not sit on the windowsill as you are.” Zeke snapped, the first words of the day of course being a reprimand. Y/N did not apologize. Just simply slid off the raised structure where her feet landed on the marble floor with a dull thud.

“Good morning to you too, sir.” Y/N mumbled, smoothing out her skirt, trying to rid of any other reason for Zeke to harp on her.

Zeke sighed, removing his glasses to run a hand over his harrowed features, seemingly tired of his unruly bride-to-be. But he must’ve thought her rude behavior was a lost cause as he went on to discuss the matter which brought him into this room.

“I’ve come to tell you that I’ve been called away from the estate.”

Y/N perked up at his words, “Why?” She asked unabashedly.

“An emergency.” He replied simply, “A house-call has been made for my father and he acquires my assistance.”

“When are you leaving?” Y/N questioned, sounding a little more eager than she should. Zeke looked at her pointedly but continued on.

“He needed me as soon as possible, so I’ve already made arrangements for my carriage.” Zeke explained, Y/N nodded, and then paused, already anticipating the lecture he was bound to give. Zeke did not disappoint.

“You are to stay here.” He said, “I expect you to behave yourself. I will be gone for two or three days and when I return it would be fantastic if the order of this estate remained intact.”

Y/N blinked in surprise at the hint of sarcasm in Zeke’s tone. She never expected any form of emotion from her fiance other than strict rigidness. The girl refrained herself from laughing, at the absurdity, but nodded obediently instead. Mostly in hopes that this conversation will end and he would leave faster. And it seemed it worked as Zeke pursed his lips, unable to find yet another thing about the girl to chastise.

“Then I will see you when I return.” He said, before bowing. Y/N returned his departing words with a half-hearted curtsy. And then he turned on his heel, leaving her alone for the first time in weeks.


A soft breeze disturbed Eren’s brunette locks as he stood at the precipice of the estate. His breathing was controlled and determined, as he tried to calm his racing mind. However, that was a challenge he had been trying to conquer for the past two days. He had been on an unforeseen journey for three days now. Sleeping in random taverns that he came across during his travels. And the whole time his mind had been occupied with the thought of her in the arms of his brother. It made him sick to his stomach.

He never wanted to return. But he knew he had to at one point. It was inevitable. Just like the wedding he was expected to be at, which was scheduled to be in four days. His breathing quickened as he felt the time slip through his fingers like sand. No matter how hard he tried to get it to stop it kept sliding on by, with no desire to listen to his wishes. Time seemed to be an evil thing.

Eren shook his head at the harrowing thought. Four days was enough. It was enough time to clear his head and learn to be happy for his brother. Learn to let go of Y/N. But he needed space. And that was why, instead of being in the same house as his brother and the fiance that should have been his, his feet had carried him to a place he was certain was completely empty. Obviously, Eren should be back at his father’s estate, helping with the business and god forbid, the horrible wedding. But he couldn’t do it. Not yet at least. So Eren took one last deep breath before taking a step towards his brother’s seemingly empty estate.


The sun outside began to dip below the horizon, the rooms spilling over with the pink hues of the sunset. At this point during her stay, the young girl was now used to the strange looks she had been receiving from her fiance’s staff all day. Though, it’s not like Y/N could blame them. They were probably shocked for someone to be so happy within these walls. And here Y/N was, practically skipping as she hummed a random tune, exploring the house at her own free will.

Y/N never realized the glorious taste of freedom until she was finally left on her own. Away from strict rules and admonished glares from her fiance and his father. It felt like she could finally breathe again. She just had to ignore the crushing feeling that would slip between the cracks every so often. Y/N didn’t want to think about how this might be her last instance of feeling so free. So instead of dreading the end of her false sense of liberty, she relished in it. A soft smile on her face, as she examined the art that Zeke had placed on his walls. He had quite the eye for this sort of thing. Or perhaps, more likely, his mother had quite the eye. Y/N didn’t think the man had an artistic bone in his body. It made much more sense that this house was so beautiful at the hands of his mother.

The girl laughed softly at the thought, her head tilted slightly as she looked over a painting of a young couple captured in a meadow for the rest of eternity. They looked so blissfully at peace. A strange sense of jealousy pierced through the girl’s chest. But yet again, she ignored it, shaking her head slightly as she moved on to the next painting. Her eyes desperately searched for something new to fixate on so she didn’t have to think about her wedding. Which was almost laughable. Never in a million years did she ever think she would dread her wedding. But she did. And now she was forcing herself not to cry as she lost the battle of ignoring her troubles.

Luckily, she was interrupted by a door opening, revealing a member of Zeke’s staff.

“Mr. Jaeger has arrived, Madam.” The man said, and Y/N’s heart dropped. She didn’t think that her freedom would end so quickly. She was only given one night to herself when she expected two more.

Y/N tried to hide the disappointment on her face as she nodded at the man. “Very well, send him in so I shall greet him.”

If I don’t greet him like a proper wife he’ll probably lock me in the basement, she refrained from adding. The man bowed before exiting the room and Y/N turned back towards the painting, hoping she could twist her features in an expression that didn’t show her true detestment of Zeke. She held her breath as she heard the door behind her open once more. Her shoulders stiff, Y/N opened her mouth to greet him, but suddenly he spoke, and it felt as though all the wind was knocked out of her.

“Miss Y/L/N.”

Y/N whipped around to find Eren, standing at the edge of the room, his expression dumbfounded, his irises sparking with shock. And Y/N would have been embarrassed, with the way her lip quivered at the sight of him. Every emotion she tried to ignore coming back in full force. She couldn’t handle it on her own. All of a sudden she found herself crossing the room to find herself in his arms. She never realized how much she needed Eren until he was standing in front of her now.

Instinctively, Eren’s arms circled around her waist, pulling her into him. The press of her chest against his own seemed to bring him back to life from the three day coma that passed him by. His hand wound itself in her hair, a breath of relief escaping him as she leaned into his touch.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, pulling back to look in her eyes. They searched his face, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

“You didn’t know I was here?”

Eren shook his head, “No, I had no idea. I thought you were back at my fathers with…”

He didn’t want to say his name. And now it was Y/N’s turn to shake her head.

“No, he took me here the night of the ball.” She explained, her fingers subconsciously toying with the hairs at the nape of Eren’s neck. “I wanted to tell you but they put me in a carriage with no warning. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to meet you in the garden. Were you waiting for me?”

“I was.” Eren swallowed, his tone strained with the hurt that plagued him since that night. Y/N’s expression softened, her hand finding his face hoping that her touch would bring him the same sense of comfort that he brought her. He shut his eyes, hiding the teal that she’s grown to adore and released a shaky breath.

“Why did he bring you here?” He asked after a moment of silence, he opened his eyes again, showcasing more of that hurt.

“He wanted me to become accustomed to being the lady of the house.” Y/N laughed bitterly, separating herself from Eren, and turning away from him.

“Did that include…” He struggled to get the second half of his sentence out, “spending the night together.”

Y/N’s head snapped towards Eren, “What? No, of course not. Zeke’s never been one to go against societal expectations. And I’m not at all interested in sharing any affections with that man.”

Eren took notice of the offense that twisted her features. “Please, forgive me. I’m not accusing you of anything. I just…”

“You just…?” Y/N breathed, taking a step closer to Eren, his gaze trained on the floor beneath them.

“I hate the thought of you with anyone else.”

Y/N sucked in a breath when his eyes met hers with the resounding clash of his statement. Words were lost on her tongue as he took a step closer, his gaze burning over her. The flames of want and need lapping at her skin, burning her with the proof that she would forever and always be his.

“I don’t want to be with anyone else.” She whispered.

“Then will you have me as I am?” Eren said, his eyes pleading, “Will you put me out of this misery and receive my foolish heart which is already irretrievably yours.”

Y/N let out a breathy laugh, tears once again swimming in her eyes, though this time for a much better reason. “My heart has been lost to you since the very moment you kissed me. Maybe even before that.”

Eren’s own grin danced across his features as his hands cupped her face, his touch gentle, almost unsure. It was as if he couldn’t believe that this moment was real, that she would slip away from his grasp if he held on too tightly. Y/N wanted to ease his worries.

“I’m yours. Every single part of my being belongs to you.” She told him, and she had more to say. She was going to tell him how she was willing to give him everything she had to offer, hoping that he would take it and give her the same. But before she could his lips had found hers and there was nothing else to do but fall into his kiss.

The two became intertwined, lost in each other’s touch, hands wandering until it came to the point where Eren didn’t know where Y/N began and he ended. His grip was tight on her waist, as he tried to restrain himself from taking her right in the middle of his brother’s drawing room. Eren forced himself to pull away from Y/N’s lips.

“Will you allow me to escort you to your bedroom?” Eren murmured, his thumb rubbing slow circles into her side. “It’s getting rather late.”

“Please tell me that you’re not rejecting my advances again.” Y/N chuckled, though her body was still flushed with slight embarrassment. “I don’t believe my dignity can take it.”

Eren laughed, smoothing a palm over her hair and leaving a soft kiss against her forehead. “I was only trying to uphold the illusion of propriety. I was fully intending on joining you in your bedroom. If you’ll let me?”

Y/N answered his final question with another fervent kiss, her hands finding his face to pull him in as close as possible. She could feel how he smiled into her lips, his hands were back around her waist. They were lost in their lust once more, until they couldn’t handle the barrier of clothing any longer.

WIth hands intertwined, they rushed out of the room, practically running through the hall until they found her assigned room at the other side of the house. As they stopped in front of the oak door that would give them the privacy they so desperately wanted, Y/N’s hands shook as she fumbled with the door knob. Eren, taking notice of this, covered her hand with his palm.

“Are you certain you want to do this?” Eren asked, removing her hand from the engraved medal to press it to his chest. She could feel his heartbeat under his cotton shirt. It was beating at the same frantic rate hers was. Somehow, that relieved her from all her worries.

“Of course I do.” She said, and to prove her point, she effortlessly opened the door revealing where she had been spending the past couple of nights.

“Even if it’s against all reason.” Eren questioned, as he followed her into the room, gently shutting the door behind him.

“I believe we are both aware that we lack a certain sense of decorum.” Y/N laughed, sitting atop her mattress, bouncing slightly from the momentum. Eren offered her a crooked grin as he stepped closer to her, his knees brushing against her own.

“We’ve never been one to uphold responsibility, have we?” He said, propping his knee up on the bed. Y/N instinctively fell back on the plush surface of her mattress, her arms linking around his neck pulling him into her. Eren’s body covered her completely, his hips pressing into her own offered her the proof of his need for her.

“I can hear my mother’s heart break from one hundred miles away.” Y/N teased, her legs wrapping around his hips. She bit her lip as he immediately started to grind into her, his erection pressing up against her center.

“My grandfather is rolling in his grave.” Eren grinned, trying to hold back the groans that Y/N was pulling from his throat as her hands smoothed over his shoulders, slipping off the coat he arrived in. And he wasted no time removing the next layer of his clothing so he now sat in front of her shirtless.

Y/N bit her lip at the sight of him. She wouldn’t be surprised if the gods themselves had modeled him out of the most pristine marble found on earth. It was almost unfair the way his muscles looked bathed in the golden light of the flickering candle on her bedside table. Her hands found the hard surface of his chest, pushing him softly so that she could flip herself on top of him.

“What are you doing?” Eren asked, as she started to fumble with the clasp of his trousers, sliding the fabric over his long legs. Her hands were cold, bringing goosebumps to his tanned skin when her fingers curled around the waistband of his undergarments.

“All this time you have been bringing me the most immense pleasure.” Y/N told him as she kissed the smooth skin of his v-line. Eren swallowed hard when her tongue darted out, for a taste of his sweet skin. “I’ve found that I’ve been selfish during our encounters.”

She tugged at the fabric, his erection springing free from its confines, the tip already leaking with the proof of his arousal. Now Y/N had never seen any other man in this intimate capacity, but she knew that any other man would pale in comparison when rivaled with Eren. Y/N licked her lips at the sight, and her tongue was begging to have a taste. Her own arousal rushing through her like a freight train.

“Y/N, you don’t have to—” His sentence was interrupted by the sharp gasp that escaped him when her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the sheets underneath him. The pleasure that Y/N brought him from just the touch of her lips had his chest heaving with shaky breaths, his head thrown back against the headboard.

Y/N peered up at him from her eyelashes, and felt a pang of lust at the sight of the tendons straining in his neck, his eyes twisted shut from the euphoria. A groan was pulled from his lips as she swirled her tongue against his burning skin. A groan that was cut short as she pulled off of him. His mouth opened to ask what was wrong, but soon he was speechless as Y/N pulled off the cotton dress that was hiding her figure. The rest of her garments joined her dress on the floor. And now it was his turn to admire her body under the flickering golden light.

Her skin looked as soft as velvet, her nipples were perked up against the cool air that surrounded them. His hands were itching to touch every inch of her. But before he could, her mouth returned to his cock, this time taking him deeper in her throat.

Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. Never in her life had she ever done anything like this, but she wanted to please him the same way he did for her. Eren was quiet as she worked her tongue around his member. Y/N was slightly worried that she might be doing something wrong until his hand had found itself on the back of her head, a silent encouragement that told the girl to keep going.

A slight choking sound escaped the girl as she tried to fit as much as she could inside of her mouth. And Eren felt guilty as he felt himself twitch at the sight of her choking on his cock. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to admit how aroused he was by her innocence. It was obvious that he was the first person she had ever done this for. That thought almost had him at the edge of his orgasm. But then he felt as her throat contracted around him once more in a silent gag, and sense had come back to him.

Eren’s hands were gentle as he guided her face away from his aching erection and back towards his face. When she was in reach, he wrapped one of his arms around her waist, placing her on top of him. He could feel the slick of her arousal against his lower abdomen, more precrum spilled out of his cock at the sensation.

“Did I do something wrong?” The girl whispered, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. And Eren quickly shook his head.

“No, darling. Not at all.” He chuckled, cupping her face in his hands to leave a chaste kiss on her lips. “But if this is your first time with a man… I want this to be about you.”

“But it’s always been about me.” Y/N pouted, smoothing her hands over his chest once more, “I want to bring you as much pleasure as you bring me.”

Eren laughed, clasping one of her hands in his own and bringing it up to his mouth to press a gentle kiss in her palm, before he said, “Believe me when I tell you that bringing you to orgasm is the greatest pleasure I have ever been subjected to.”

Y/N hid her face in her hands as more embarrassment washed over her. Her usual bold demeanor was nowhere to be seen. Eren found this side of her quite endearing, and another chuckled rumbled out of his chest as he held her close.

The two of them stayed silent for just a moment. The whole of their bodies finally connecting, skin to skin, burning against one another. Eren rubbed slow circles into the small of her back and he smiled softly as he felt her relax into him. He was just about to speak again when he was interrupted by her own voice filtering out into the night.

“All this talk about bringing me to orgasm and you have yet to do so.” Y/N mumbled into his chest. Eren threw his head back with a hearty laugh from the return of her boldness, before flipping Y/N over so that he now resided on top. Y/N responded with a squeal from the abrupt movement but soon settled under his weight, sighing into the kiss he gifted her with when she did.

“Allow me to live up to my promise then.” He groaned, rocking his hips into her once more. His cock was already nestled between her slick folds and she gasped as his shaft rubbed harshly against her clit. But then that pleasure was taken away, as he lifted himself off of her. Her mouth opened to protest, but then his fingers replaced the press of his cock, rubbing slow circles into her aching clit.

She moaned under his touch, circling her own hips in time with his fingers. Eren could feel more of his precum leak out onto her thigh as he watched her chest heave up and down with pleasure. Dipping his fingers down further, he collected her wetness, spreading it back up to her clit, applying more pressure to her sensitive bud.

Her hand snapped towards his wrist, her fingernails digging into his skin as she tried desperately to keep him there. Eren chuckled softly at her desperation, before latching his mouth around her nipple, swirling his tongue around the puckered skin. Y/N’s back arched into his tongue, her moans turning into fervid panting.

And then, the girl jerked unexpectedly when Eren pushed a finger inside of her. He went in with ease, but the shock of having something inside of her with no warning surprised her. Though her surprise quickly subsided as he began to stretch her out with only his finger. And then he added another, picking up his momentum. And just when she felt so completely filled by him, so ready to release all the tension that was building up inside of her. He took it away again.

Her eyes opened to find Eren slipping his fingers past his lips. He took the time to truly enjoy the taste of her on his fingers. She could feel her arousal drip down over her thighs as she watched him. And she was certain his hand would return to give her more, until he rolled back on top of her, returning to the position they were in before.

“Are you ready for me, darling?” Eren asked, his words faltering as the pleasure of her bare cunt against his cock made him weak. He shuddered when a particular shift in her hips had caused him to rub against her entrance, his heart was beating with anticipation.

“Yes.” Y/N breathed as Eren smoothed a palm over the backs of each of her thighs, his hands stopping at the crease of her knees. Naturally, her legs hooked over his shoulders as he pressed his body into her, his tip slowly slipping inside of her.

Eren took his time. With each deep breath the girl gave him, he slowly pushed deeper inside of her cunt. Now it was Y/N’s fingers that were twisted within the sheets as he filled her up so completely. He was practically splitting her open as his cock carved into her velvet walls, and they each let out sharp gasps when their hips finally connected.

With the position they were in now, Eren was so deep inside of her that he was certain he would be lost within her forever. Or at least he wanted to be. His jaw was clenched as he restrained himself from hammering into her, but his legs were starting to shake, his resolve slowly fading. However, he held himself still, letting Y/N adjust to his size as he left soft kisses on her supple lips.

“You can move now.” Y/N whispered after a moment of just holding him inside of her. And Eren wasn’t completely sure if he had any use of his voice box. So instead he simply nodded, slowly rolling his hips into hers.

The pace in which he was moving was the most exquisite form of torture either of them have ever experienced. Eren was strong and steady with his movements as his irises burned into her own. Y/N hooked her arms around his neck bringing him in for another impassioned kiss. With their tongues intertwined, every part of them was now forged together as one.

Eren’s mind was now preoccupied with the taste of Y/N’s lips. His hips became uncontrolled, moving at a pace that caused Y/N to gasp and moan underneath him. He pressed his forehead against hers, his own gasps leaving his lips from how tight she felt wrapped around him.

Soon the sound of his skin slapping against hers filled the room, along with the provocative squelching that came from their combined arousal. Y/N relished in every little sound— her gasps, his moans, the sounds of their bodies moving as one— knowing that Eren was the only man she’d ever want like this. Even if it was embarrassing, or unladylike, she would always want to have him in this way.

Tears pricked in her eyes once more as the ticking of the clock began to ring out in her mind. The painful reminder that this might be the only chance she’ll ever be with him like this forced its way to the forefront of her mind. She hid her face in the crook of his neck, trying hard to will away the tears that were threatening to spill over her cheeks.

But then, Eren angled his hips in a way that pressed harshly against a spot that forced a sob to leave her frame, her tears coming with it. And now here she was, sobbing uncontrollably as Eren pounded into her. It was a strange sensation, being overcome with pleasure while her tears were falling so freely. She threw her head back against the pillow as Eren continued his overpowered thrusts. But that was a mistake on her part. Because as soon as Eren caught sight of the shine of her tears against her cheeks, he had stopped his movements completely.

“You’re crying.” Eren said, not as a statement but more as an observation. His features furrowed with concern, “Did I hurt you?”

Y/N shook her head, shifting her head to the side in order to avoid Eren’s piercing gaze. But his hand had found her jaw, gently coercing her into looking at him.

“If you want to stop, just say the word.” Eren told her, his thumb brushing under her eye to wipe away the stray tear that slipped free.

“No.” She breathed, raising her head to kiss him, “No, don’t stop. I don’t want this to end.”

“Is that why you’re crying?” He whispered, now using the gentle press of his lips to rid her cheeks of the tears.

“Yes.” She said honestly, her voice barely above a timid whisper. “I feel as though I’ll lose you after this.”

“You won’t.” Eren reassured her, still holding her chin so that she could see the truth in his eyes. “I’ve told you that you own my heart. I’m a man of my word. You’ll have me for the rest of our days.”

Y/N tried to find relief in his words, tried to grasp on to the stability he was providing. But it wasn’t his loyalty that she was scared of, it was something bigger than the both of them.

“It isn’t a matter of my trust in you.” She said.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s about the people in our lives that will take me away from you.”

Eren pulled his hand away from her face, propping himself up on his arm so he could look at the entirety of her. His eyebrows furrowed as her true fear finally came to light. It was a fear that he shared. For some reason he didn’t think that it would plague her as well. Maybe he thought that his affections towards her were greater. But now as she lay under him, shaking like a leaf, his cock still buried deep inside of her while tears streamed down her face, he realized that he had a greater effect on her than he thought. And maybe that was all he needed to know.

“They don’t matter.” He blurted.


“None of them matter.” He emphasized. “I will never let them take you away.”

“Eren.” Y/N breathed, her eyes landing on the ceiling up above. She was too scared to look him in his eye right now. Too scared to know what he truly wanted to say. “What if they do?”

Eren stayed silent. He wanted to reassure her over and over again that he will always stay by her side. Even if it was in the background of her responsibility to be the proper wife of his brother. But he didn’t know if that was the right thing to say. And it wasn’t like he could tell the future and ease her worries on the spot. So instead, he said nothing. Until Y/N’s shining eyes found him once more, in the dying light of the candle.

“Will you…” Y/N stammered, her voice strained, “Will you just stay with me? If all we have is tonight I don’t want to waste another second. So please just stay.”

“I’ll stay.” Eren whispered, allowing himself to press back into her. Y/N’s arms wound their way around his neck once more, and she kissed him with every fiber of her being. He could feel the wetness of her tears against his skin as he kissed her back.

Eren didn’t want to rush into another heated moment, he wanted to take his time and make sure she was truly okay to be in this position with him. But then Y/N started pressing into him, creating her own momentum, and soon he was rocking back into her. He could feel as her walls clenched around him, pulling a gasp from his throat as she gripped his cock.

Y/N threw her head back in another moan, and Eren took this chance to leave kisses against the exposed skin of her neck. She whimpered when he nipped at her neck with his teeth, relishing in the pain. Y/N was addicted to feeling Eren all around her like this, his lips on her skin, his arms caressing her, as well as every vein and ridge on his cock that was carving through her.

He was moving so slowly. That same tortuous pace from before. He slid the entirety of himself out, until it was just the head that resided inside of her. And just as slowly he sank all the way back in. Eren continued this, over and over, and in this position he kept constant pressure on that spot that brought Y/N closer towards insanity. The tip of him dragging across it for exquisitely painful seconds with each thrust.

She was a complete and utter mess underneath him, shuddering and gasping, and Eren could feel his dick twitch inside of her as he watched her slowly unravel. But another whine protruded past her lips as she desperately tried to roll her own hips at a faster pace.

“Please.” She begged, her breath fanning out across his ear, “I need more.”

“As you wish.” He replied, before speeding up. It was gradual, his thrusts still long and deep, but they became faster each time. Y/N laid underneath him, in pure bliss, gladly letting him have his way with her as he now pounded into her. The bed was creaking under them with each thrust. And soon they were surrounded by the sounds of their fucking.

Eren lowered his face once more, capturing Y/N’s lips as he fucked into her, his thrusts moving at an ungodly pace. He no longer had any control of his body, his movements were an enactment of his lust and need for her. The way her cunt was squeezing around him was enough to have him shaking. He could feel as his abs contracted with every thrust. Y/N was draining him of every horrible thing he had ever been through and replacing it with the greatest pleasure he had ever known.

Eventually, his dick twitched inside of her and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer. Y/N squirmed as she felt his arm slip between them, sending sparks throughout her nervous system with only his touch, and then his fingers had found her clit once more. His touch was intoxicating as he smoothed circles into her, all the while still pressing up against that same spot. And before she knew what was happening, Y/N’s orgasm spilled over her. Waves of pleasure wracked over her body, shaking from the overwhelming sensation.

A string of curses left Eren’s lips as Y/N clenched around him, and he quickly pulled himself out of her before his own orgasm took control. He groaned as he came, the result splattering itself on Y/N’s stomach as she came down from her own high. Eren caught himself on his arms as he lost his strength, hovering over Y/N as they breathed heavily, their eyes not leaving one another.

Not a word was said when Y/N grabbed his face, tugging him into one final kiss, before she fell back into the mattress. Fatigue found her rather quickly, and her eyes fluttered shut, seemingly lost to the world in favor of sleep. Eren chuckled softly before rolling off of the bed, he quickly tugged his pants over his legs and then crossed the room to the dresser where he knew the extra towels resided.

Y/N could hear as he rustled around the room. She wanted to open her eyes but sleep was taking over, so she stayed silent until she felt the cold press of a wet towel against her skin. She listened as Eren hummed softly while he cleaned her skin. Warmth found her when a blanket covered her form, and when a soft kiss was pressed to her forehead, she realized she didn’t want it to end like this.

Eren was surprised when a hand shot out from under the covers, grabbing onto his wrist with a grip so tight he was surprised that she still had the strength to do so. His eyes flickered from the hand on his wrist to the girl’s face to find her eyes opened to the world once more.

“You said you would stay.” She whispered, earning a soft smile from the man. He nodded silently, before slipping under the covers, his arms wrapping around her naked form. He pulled her close to his still bare chest and then whispered into her hair.

“I’m staying.”


To Y/N, it seemed as though the sun was shining a little bit brighter. Along with the smile on her face as she sat next to Eren at her fiance’s pianoforte. Soft laughter filtered out into the room as they talked about anything and everything. Life seemed to be good at that moment. In fact, after the night before, life seemed like it would be good for the rest of their lives.

This morning when she woke up in Eren’s arms she had forgotten about every single one of her troubles. And it had stayed that way all day, and even now, as they fooled around with the ivory keys that sat in front of them.

“I want to hear you play.” Y/N said, scooting closer to Eren so that their shoulders were brushing against one another.

“You’ve already heard me play.” Eren laughed, his own grin practically blinding her. He nudged her shoulder with his own in a teasing manner, eliciting more giggles from the girl.

“I wasn’t listening then, I was too preoccupied by you seducing me.” She retorted, and her heart leapt as Eren threw his head back in laughter. It was moments like these when she truly recognized how handsome he was. And happiness truly did a wonder on this man’s features. Her own smile became subdued as she admired him, butterflies returning to flutter around her stomach as she did.

“If you think those are the extent of my seduction skills then you are terribly mistaken, Miss Y/L/N.” He said, as his fingers started to dance lightly across the keys, serenading their private moment with a sweet tune.

“Then I beg you, Mr. Jaeger, please show me the full extent of your prowess.” Y/N laughed, and she meant to make fun of him further, however his lips connected with hers in a kiss, effectively shutting her up. She couldn’t help but press back into him, smiling into his lips. But then as he tried to pull her closer, she quickly pulled back from his touch. Eren let out an annoyed groan from the loss of her lips.

“I’m not sure if it counts as seduction if you just go right out and kiss me.” She teased.

“That depends,” He grinned, “Is it working?”

Y/N opened her mouth to retort. But then she realized that maybe it did work. So instead, she decided it was his turn to shut up, and placed her lips back over his own. Y/N could feel how his laughter rumbled through his chest as he kissed her back. But soon their giddiness was replaced with newfound lust, as their arms snaked around each other. Their laughter was replaced by soft sighs of satisfaction and Y/N could feel as she grew desperate to have him like she did last night. But before she could even suggest it, the words were quickly stolen from her tongue as the chilling drawl of her fiance’s voice echoed out across the drawing room.

“Well, I can’t say I’m surprised.”


A/N: Ah!!! suspense!!! also they finally did it :D, so good things and bad things happen i suppose… idk how we’re gonna get out of this, but we will :)) and the next chapter will come out in time i swear!!! also heads up… next chapter is the last chapter so hold on, it’ll be a bumpy ride !!! please feel free to leave a message!

Taglist:@the-princess-button@httpjaeg@tenaciouswritersheep@coyloves@erentoes (if you want to be added let me know!)

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Eren as your BF headcanons

(feminine presenting reader but no pronouns)

sooo i was gonna write this out as a one shot but i have too much on my plate writing wise, so i thought bullet points would make this easier for all of us hehe anyways this is Eren as your bf obviously, my mind is on a constant cycle of romantic scenarios so this is what it’s like when he comes home to you (something that i think about wayyyy too often)

  • so imagine you’re on the couch, lounging casually, reading a book, any book it can be your favorite book.
  • it’s late afternoon so the sun is slowly slipping down towards the horizon giving your living room a nice golden glow
  • there are bright green plants that litter the room, you’re lying on the most wonderfully soft velvet couch
  • a playlist of classic love songs from the 50’s is playing in the background (i have this playlist if y’all want the link, it’s what helps me come up with most of my content lmao)
  • anyways, you’re having a lovely time just reading, your knees propped up, your head resting on a cute throw pillow
  • life is peaceful, life is good
  • then the wonderful and familiar sound of a key in the lock sounds out into the room, the front door of your small apartment slowly opening to reveal your tired yet handsome boyfriend, Eren Jaeger
  • you try to stifle your laughter but a soft chuckle bubbles up from your chest
  • his features were twisted up in a pout, his button up already in a disarray from him loosening his tie,
  • but then he saw you, on the couch and his face softens, his dark furrowed brows relaxing, his pink lips splitting into that crooked grin you’ve always loved
  • he also chuckles softly at the sight of you, your long skirt splayed out across the couch, the colors of your skirt and the furniture match bc you always tend to buy things in your favorite color (he tends to tease you about this, always stating how he’ll one day loose you in a sea of your favorite color)
  • he doesn’t say a word, just drops his bag on the wooden floor where it lands with a dull thud
  • and then he immediately crawls on top of you
  • he gently pulls the book free from your grasp, and throws it to the side, effectively loosing your spot, but you don’t complain. you’ve read it a thousand times
  • instinctively your legs find themselves on either side of his hips, your skirt slowly slipping over your thighs exposing your smooth skin, he’s pressing into you so nicely and completely and it fills all of your senses up with this man
  • one of Eren’s hands is already there on the plush skin of your thigh, his other arm slithering behind your head, his face already tucked into the crook of your neck, he’s dragging in your devine scent, which he’s become obsessed with over the years
  • “how was your day, darling” you ask (i find that nickname so tender, but also don’t let me dictate the nicknames you give this man, call him whatever you want)
  • he just groans against your skin, bringing goosebumps with the tickle of his breath
  • “that bad, huh?” you laugh, running your fingers through his hair, he recently got it cut, but it’s already growing out, you’re kind of jealous of how fast this man’s hair grows
  • “could be worse” he shrugs, and before you could ask how, his head pops up from its hiding place
  • his lips find yours in a gentle kiss, he tastes like altoids mints, and you know it’s because he likes to keep a pack in the middle compartment of his car
  • and just from his kiss and the taste of him you feel that deep primal ache in your core (you know the one i’m talking about, ;;;))) but you don’t make any moves bc he’s had a long day and you don’t want to attack him right off the bat!! (even though he looks so fucking hot in the golden sun, his tan skin practically glowing, his teal eyes shining)
  • the kiss was short, but it doesn’t take long for him to dip his head down again, kissing you deeper
  • he pulls a small whimper from you and you can feel him grin into the kiss
  • “i love the little sounds you make when i kiss you” he murmurs into your lips, and you push on his chest softly causing him to pull back, he’s grinning still
  • you pout bc you’re a little embarrassed but he just laughs and kisses you again and again and again until your pout disappears and the smile that brings him home everyday returns :)))

okay that was kind of corny… but i legitimately think about this scenario more often than i should and i just needed to write down some version of it.. i hope you enjoyed!! and if you have any little scenarios like this you wanna send in feel free!!!!!!! love you guys :)))

hehe okay as you may have noticed i changed the title of this blog

Edit: i didn’t change the title! bc it messed up my links lol, so it’ll stay like this but i’m going to be posting new chapters of LTN on @dreamy-jaeger

as it turns out making this a secondary blog has finally come to screw me over

bc my blog isn’t showing up anymore and my tag lists aren’t working :(

So! i’m going to keep this one to hold all of my old work but from now on i’ll be posting @dreamy-jaeger !!!! sorry this is so confusing and i hope you guys forgive me

Love Thy Neighbor | Ch. 2

Neighbor!AU, Eren x Fem!Reader

Content:Enemies to Lovers, Smut

Warnings:Female masturbation, mentions of male masturbation, 18+, Minors DNI

Summary:Eren and the Reader are growing accustomed to being neighbors. This comes with the uncharted territory of finding out how thin their walls really are.


A/N: Soo, I’m sick. Which means I can’t go into work today. Which also means I’ll be sitting here bored. And I think something that will make feel better is posting chapter 2. :) I hope you enjoy!!

Chapter 2

For Eren Jaeger, there were very few things in his life that were constant. The first was his best friend, Armin, who managed to weasel into his life when they were in grade school. Armin had sort of latched onto Eren ever since he saved him from the class bully. He remembered that day clearly. He was walking home from school when he passed by an alley on the way. There was Armin, closing in on himself as the larger kid shadowed over him. Eren wasn’t that strong himself, but he had enough determination to tell the bully off. Eren was pretty sure the kid stayed away just so he wouldn’t have to deal with the nuisance that Eren was, rather than being too scared to try again. Either way Armin was grateful. After that he wouldn’t leave Eren’s side. And though it was annoying at first, Eren had come to find that he cared for the smaller blond man. Now he couldn’t imagine a life without him.

The second was his job. He was a video game developer for Titan Entertainment. One look at Eren and you wouldn’t assume that he was interested in something as nerdy as coding, but he grew up loving every detail of what went into video games. Soon enough, he went to university with a major in software engineering and now he had a job where he loved what he was doing. That’s all that really mattered to the man. Since he didn’t waste any of his time on doing anything that he wasn’t even remotely interested in.

That seemed to be the extent of what was constant in his life. Every other aspect of his life was erratic to say the least. Eren didn’t have ‘the usual’ at any coffee shop. He never read the same book twice. He always found himself in foreign places around the city every night. He even had a different woman lying in his bed every other morning after venturing to those new places. Eren liked to think of himself as a nomad. Traveling constantly and never settling down. Taking what he needed and leaving behind what he didn’t. He never stayed past the agreed upon lease at any apartment he had lived in. Hence why he was in this new apartment.

Though with this new apartment, he sensed that his usual way of life was being threatened. As the days passed he realized that there was a brand new constant that kept popping up. Ever since their encounter at the parking spot he had been running into Y/N every single day.

As it turns out, the two of them arrived home from work at the exact same time. He wondered why this didn’t happen during the week when he first moved in, but then he realized he was working overtime that week since his company was finishing up their newest video game for its release that was coming up in a few days. Now that he was back on his usual work schedule, it felt like the only person he ran into these days was Y/N.

One would think that this abrupt contradiction to his need for inconsistencies would bother him. Hell, even he thought that her constant presence would be an annoyance. But for some reason it didn’t. Maybe it was because the girl intrigued him. He never thought he would meet anyone who would have such a strong vendetta against him. Especially one that started over a parking spot. And here she was, in all her glory, and he had found that it was quite fun messing with her. It was like someone had placed a large red button in front of him, telling him not to press it, knowing damn well that he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back.

“Well look who it is.” Eren heard himself say as soon as he turned off the engine to his motorcycle. He pulled off his helmet, watching as the girl stood up after chaining the back wheel of her moped. “Fancy seeing you here, Kid.”

“Are you going to say that every time?” She rolled her eyes, slinging her camera bag over her shoulder.

“As long as I keep getting that warm welcome from you, consider it done.” Eren grinned as he swung his leg over his bike and followed her towards the building, holding his helmet underneath his arm.

“I thought you said I wouldn’t be seeing you around.” Y/N pointed out, as she opened the glass door that led into the lobby. Eren placed his hand on it to hold it open as she moved inside.

“And I thought you said you were planning on never speaking to me again, and yet, here we are.” Eren retorted.

“Touché.” Y/N breathed, pressing the button to the elevator. Their words died in the air between them and they were silent for just a moment. Eren took this time to study the girl. She was far prettier than she probably knew. Though, of course, he noticed that from the moment he met her. It was hard for him not to notice how attractive a woman is. Especially when that woman hated him from the moment she met him. God, he felt like a cliché. The one time a woman doesn’t fall at his feet and suddenly he’s too curious about her for his own good. Though this couldn’t have been genuine interest. He was just amused by her hatred for him. This meant nothing… right?

But then he thought, since when had he cared about the people who lived in his building? Out of all the places he lived, he had never tried to get close to anyone since he knew it was only temporary. So, why was it so different now?

“Take a picture, it will last longer.” The girl recited, effectively pulling Eren out of his thoughts. She looked over at Eren, catching him in the act of staring her down. He quickly averted his gaze, facing the elevator doors as they finally opened.

“Hey, don’t mind me, Kid, I’m just trying to get to know my neighbor.” Eren said in an effort to save himself, as they both stepped into the elevator. Which seemed to work, since he noticed that Y/N rolled her eyes, the tell tale sign that she was annoyed by his actions, proving that this particular one was believable.

“Well, I’m starting to think that I know a little bit too much about you.” Y/N said, which confused Eren, as they hadn’t had a conversation that was any deeper than small talk.

For the past couple of weeks, Y/N had noticed that Eren was quite the busy man. To her dismay, she had realized that they not only shared a parking space, but they also, in fact, shared a wall. Which was only proven to her when she heard the unmistakable sound of moans filtering through the thin walls of her apartment.

It’s not like Y/N was a prude when it came to sex. She had a fair share of partners within her life. But she had never met anyonewho had been so… vocal, when it came to such an intimate experience. She herself had only let herself get so loud when she knew no one else could hear her except for the person she was with. So, it was jarring for her to hear the obvious sounds of sex coming from the other side of the room.

At first, she had thought that Eren had a girlfriend. But as they continued living as neighbors, she noticed that it was a new woman everyday, who was leaving his apartment. She didn’t know if that fact was relieving or not. But she also wondered why she cared at all. It’s not like she was interested in him or anything. He was just noticeable. Mainly because he seemed like the type of man that wanted to be noticed. And unfortunately for her, he was getting what he wanted. How couldn’t she notice when he made the women he was with sound like that.Y/N shook her head, trying to rid the thought of how good he was in bed. She registered how his features twisted with confusion.

“Did you know we share a wall?” Was all she said for an explanation, as she pressed the button for their floor. Eren’s eyes widened with realization.

“Apparently, I didn’t.” He responded. His eyes roamed over the figure of the girl beside him. From her body language he could tell that she was shy about the idea of him having sex on the other side of the wall. The thought that she was so innocent caused his stomach to churn with something unexpected. For some reason he found that this side of her was… endearing.

“Well, I hope you enjoy the show.” Eren said next. He didn’t really know why he said it. All he knew was that it would get her riled up. And apparently, he liked her when she was riled up.

“It’s not so much about meenjoying it.” Y/N said, and she didn’t have to explain the rest of her thought. Eren knew what she was alluding to. It’s as if she were daring him. Daring him to admit that he liked to be heard. That he liked to be known. Known by her. Eren looked over at her, slightly surprised that she was that bold. The way she held his stare surprised him too. He opened his mouth to send back a retort but he couldn’t find the words. Y/N took this as her cue to continue.

“Will you just keep it down? Some of us like to sleep.” She muttered, finally breaking eye contact with the man. This seemed to unfreeze him from his stupor.

“What a waste of time.” He joked, and Y/N just shook her head, unamused.

The two of them finally made it to their floor, no other words were exchanged as they journeyed down the hall to their respective apartments. His eyes followed her figure as she stopped in front of her door. Eren watched as she procured her keys from her bag, the soft jingle of metal pulled him back to reality, as he realized that he was observing her once more.

He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him, or why this girl was so interesting to him, especially when she annoyed him like no other. How many times was she going to complain about something he did? Here he was just trying to live his life and she always had something to say. But at the same time, why did he even care? Eren knew nothing about this girl. So why was he so preoccupied by what she thought of him?

Annoyance pierced through Eren’s chest as he unlocked his own door. He wasn’t sure if it was towards Y/N or himself. Maybe both. Without saying anything more to the girl that lived in the apartment next to his, he moved inside, tossing his keys in the bowl that sat on a side table next to his door. As he moved deeper into his apartment, he told himself that this was the last time where he let his thoughts wander to Y/N. She was nobody to him. He wouldn’t waste any more time on her. Eren was reassured by his promise to himself. He knew that he could go about his day, and not have to worry about the girl next door.


Meanwhile, Y/N was sitting at her kitchen counter. Her laptop now opened in front of her as she scrolled through the pictures that she had taken earlier this evening. Mikasa, thank god, had a successful meeting with Nanaba, and her pitch was accepted. When the writer had asked Y/N to be the photographer for her piece, Y/N was elated. How could she say no when her friend had worked so hard on this article. And now, after the interviews and photoshoots were finished, all they had to do was polish everything up.

Diving into her work, Y/N noticed that she had spent very little time worrying about her new neighbor. The only times she did think of him, was when she ran into him in the parking lot. Which… now that she thought about it, happened to be everyday. But, that really didn’t matter because as soon as she was behind her door she was back in her own little world. That was until the noises of his… endeavors would bleed through the thin walls of her room. Thus forcing his way into even the private parts of her life. It was suffocating.

Sure, it didn’t happen as often as one would consider a nuisance. But it was enough to annoy the living daylights out of her. If it were anyone else, she would turn a blind eye. Who was she to get involved into someone else’s personal life? But with Eren? For some reason it felt personal. It felt like he was trying to get a rise out of her. And maybe she was just making it up in her head, but the smirk that he gave her every time they met told her otherwise. He liked pushing her buttons, she could tell. It was only in her own determination, that kept her reactions to a minimum. Y/N didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of her obvious annoyance with him.

Thankfully, Eren was particularly quiet this afternoon. As she worked on her editing, there were little to no disturbances. Y/N was back to her normal, everyday routine without having to worry about anything other than herself. And it was all that she could have hoped for after the stressful work day she had been through.

Currently, warm water ran gentle streams down her figure as her troubles washed away through the drain. A sigh left her lips as her fingers tangled themselves in the rough mesh of her loofah, scrubbing her skin raw to cleanse herself free from her tension. Her head was empty as the soap formed bubbles at her feet. This was exactly what she needed to relax herself. She was in a state of eternal bliss when she finally exited the shower, as if she were on top of a cloud that carried her to the comfort of her bed. Before she dived into the covers that would eventually coerce her into peaceful slumber, she slipped into her usual pajamas of an oversized t-shirt.

When Y/N’s head rested on her silk pillowcase, a soft smile graced her lips. Finally, the day was over. Her tired eyelids fluttered to a close, hiding the iris of her eyes. The world around her started to fade away as sleep took over her form. She could practically see the sheep that jumped over her head. But then, her eyes shot open at the unmistakable sound of Eren through the walls.

Fuck.”She heard him say, in a tone that was definitely notinnocent. Her hypothesis was proven right as moans quickly followed after the curse word.

Again?Y/N thought to herself as an annoyed groan left her lips. She turned over, moving deeper under her covers, grabbing a pillow to press against the ear that wasn’t pressed against the bed. She was hoping to protect herself from the inconvenience by blocking out the noise. But alas, it was to no avail, his moans were growing louder and louder. Honestly, how horny was this man that he had to do this almost every night?

At this point, Y/N was over it. Why should she let him get away with disturbing her peace? Before she knew it, her determination and anger had caused her to kick the blankets away from herself. Her feet were practically moving on their own as they brought her through her living room, out of her front door and into the hallway. She finally registered what she was doing when she placed herself in front of his front door. But by that point it was too late, her knuckles had already connected with his door with three sharp knocks.

She thought that she could get away with only that. She could go back to her apartment and hide herself there until he stopped what he was doing. Surely, he was too distracted to hear her knocking at his door at midnight and she wouldn’t have to be confronted with the sight of him, mid-coitus. Y/N turned, thinking that she could leave without having to deal with the consequences of her annoyance finally getting to her. But as she did the door swung open.

Her eyes widened at the sight of him. He was shirtless. Y/N gulped as her eyes wandered the surface of his chiseled upper body, it was glistening with sweat that was obviously there due to his exerted energy. His gray sweats hung low on his hips, accentuating the deep v-line that directed towards his—

Y/N’s eyes snapped up to his face, his attractive features twisted with annoyance, clearly bothered by her presence.

“Can I help you?” He asked, leaning against his door frame, crossing his muscular forearms across his chest. Y/N straightened her back, determined not to get distracted by his stupid good looks. Since she was already here, standing at his door, might as well get what she wanted.

“Did you forget that we shared a wall? Or do my sentences just go one ear and out the other?” Y/N asked, crossing her own arms. Eren stifled a laugh at her disgruntled expression. She was kind of cute when she was angry… The man shook the thought from his mind. No way did he just call her cute when she was disrupting his night. Eren hardened his features as he tried to register what she was saying.

“I’m sorry… What are you talking about?” He finally responded, needing more clarification to what she was complaining about this time.

“Look, I’m glad you’re getting some, I’m sure the stress relief makes you far less of an asshole than you already are.” She told him, and Eren’s mouth quirked up into an amused half-smile at the mention of sex. “But will you and whatever girl you’re with this time, pleasekeep it down, I’ve had a hard enough day as it is without you ruining my sleep.”

Eren tilted his head as he mulled over her words. ‘The girl you’re with’ is what she had said. Which was terribly funny, taking into account that he wasn’t with a girl since he wastrying to be considerate about what she had said earlier. Though without his usual hook-up for the evening he was in desperate need of some release, so he had settled for his hand for the night. Eren had found it quite interesting that she was that in tune with the sounds of his pleasure. In fact, it excited him a little. And since sex was currently on his mind, due to the fact that his cock was in the palm of his hand literally a minute ago, his horniness distracted him from his annoyance. And it wasn’t helping that Y/N was clad in only a gray t-shirt with the emblem of what was most likely the university she graduated from, the soft skin of her thighs on full display.

“Okay, I’ll keep it down.” Eren nodded, and Y/N let out a breath of relief, thinking that this conversation was finally over. But he wouldn’t let her get away. It seemed like she had forgotten. Big. Red. Button. Eren was going to push it. “But, I’ll have you know that there isn’t anybody with me.”

Y/N had begun to turn back to her door, but his words had instantly ceased all movement in her body. He was creating all that noise by himself?Y/N swallowed at the lump that was forming in her throat. Her skin was heating up at the mention of what he did during his own time, but she couldn’t let him get to her. She turned to face him to find a mischievous smirk playing across his features. Realization hit Y/N at that moment, he was trying to tease her. Annoyance caused her to grit her teeth, mostly at herself, since she couldn’t let him have the last word. She willed herself to stop her mouth from moving, but nevertheless Eren got his way, earning a reaction from the girl.

“Off your game, Jaeger?” She asked, calling him by the last name she had inadvertently learned throughout their time of knowing each other. She inwardly cursed at herself for not thinking of anything more clever than that, as Eren’s smirk still stayed plastered on his face.

“Nope,” He said, simply, popping the ‘p’. He rested his head against the door frame, his eyelids hooded as he looked down at her. Y/N felt vulnerable under his gaze. “I just found something new to… pique my interests.”

It was almost immediate, her reaction to his words. It was as if her whole body had erupted into flames right then and there in that hallway. And Eren obviously took notice of this as his grin grew wider. Y/N’s cheeks were flushed from her embarrassment, she crossed her arms over her chest as if Eren had x-ray eyes and could see right through her. Which he wouldn’t even need since her reaction to his words revealed everything she was thinking. The worst part was, he didn’t even say specifically if he meant her. But it almost felt like he did. And now he had irrevocably made her a fool. Y/N hated how good at this he was.

She scowled up at his amused features, “Can you please just be quiet? I’d like to get some sleep without you triggering my gag reflex.”

“Mm, now that’s a thought that’ll keep me going.” Eren responded slyly. His tone of voice was husky and Y/N scoffed at his innuendo.

“Whatever.” She retorted, turning back towards her apartment. “I’m going to bed.”

“Sweet dreams, Kid.” Was the last thing she heard before her door was fully shut behind her, making Eren triumphant in having the last word.


Y/N’s hands immediately found her cheeks in an effort to subside the heat that had rushed to her face. Her back was flush up against her front door as she tried to control her breathing, and she was pissed that Eren had this effect on her. The girl slapped at her cheeks, hoping that the self-inflicted pain would replace the creeping feeling of her own arousal. She didn’t want to let this man affect the inner-workings of her vagina. So she ignored the ache that had presented itself the moment she saw Eren in all of his half-naked, sweaty glory, and proceeded back to her bedroom.

Her blankets welcomed her with the warmth that her body had left behind. She sank further into her bed, trying to conjure up the pure innocent image of sheep that had almost drifted her off into dreamland earlier that night. But as she clenched her eyes shut, the soft cream-color of their wool had morphed and shifted into the blinding white of Eren’s teasing grin. And that came attached with the body that was leaning against his door frame. And in the quiet solitude of her mind she couldn’t help but allow herself to recall the sight of him in his sweats. The deep V that pointed directly to his cock that was still slightly hardened from the actions he was committing against himself.

Y/N could hardly believe that he opened the door in that state. But somewhere in the pit of the stomach she was grateful for the image. Another fact she could hardly believe. However, even if she didn’t believe it, that didn’t stop the way her thighs were slowly starting to rub against one another, the sheets soft against her skin as they contorted with the movement of her body. She rolled over onto her stomach, hugging her pillow underneath her head, willing her body to stop moving.

But this new position had offered her something firm underneath her, and subconsciously her hips started rolling against the surface of her mattress. A sigh left her lips at the delicious new form of friction. And with her own aural confirmation to her pleasure, it finally hit her what she was doing. She parted her legs, hoping that would stop her from squeezing her thighs together. But that only made the slick in her panties more obvious as the cool night air hit her center. And the space that now resided between her legs left room for imagination. A spot where someone could fit so perfectly. Where Erencould fit so perfectly.



And at the exact same moment, as if he knew that her thoughts would always lead to him, another soft moan seeped its way through her paper thin walls. A whimper soon followed and that instantly brought forth an ache of arousal that shot through her whole entire body like electricity. A shuddering breath escaped her lips as Eren so clearly ignored her pleas to stay quiet and his moans grew louder. But now… now that Y/N knew that he was alone. That he was whimpering and begging for the touch of his very own hand, the night had taken a very drastic turn for the girl.

Images of Eren in his bed shoved its way to the forefront of her mind. She pictured him, with his back against their shared wall, mere inches away from Y/N, with his hand wrapped firmly around his dripping cock. He was probably moving at a slow and steady pace, teasing himself because he seemed like the type of man to take his time and to relish in all of the pleasure he was giving himself.

A dull thud could be heard against the plaster, and immediately the thought of Eren with his head thrown back on the wall behind him had found the girl. It was like she was watching him right now, she could see how his adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he finally moved at a faster pace, his precum leaking out over his fingers as he did. More curses escaped past his lips and Y/N was now squirming in her sheets. Her own hand slowly carving between the mattress and her stomach, moving closer and closer to where she needed it.

Her hand was inching downwards at a snail’s pace, her mind clouded with arousal, but also with the moral dilemma of masturbating to the sounds of her neighbor doing the same. It felt wrong, so wrong to the point where it was exciting. And the feel of her own hand burning through the fabric of her t-shirt was slowly releasing all of her inhibitions. Her tribulations subsided the moment her fingertips dipped beneath the elastic band of her panties. And at that point there was no stopping what she was about to commit.

Almost immediately her hand had found her aching clit and a small whimper left her form from the icy touch of her own fingers. The contrast between the coolness of her digits and the heat of her arousal brought forth a strange sense of satisfaction as she began to rub slow circles into the bundle of nerves. Finally touching herself felt like a dam breaking as sexual gratification took over her form.

She dipped her fingers even lower, being met with her wetness that had been accumulating this whole time. A gasp of surprise had rippled through her, because never in her life had she ever been this wet. It was like dipping her fingers into melting wax, it poured over the entirety of her fingers and when she brought it back up to her clit, she had to hold back the moan that was trying to force its way out of her throat. She wouldn’t let it. She didn’t want to give Eren the satisfaction.

Right now she was only concerned with her own pleasure as she started to grind against her hand. Her hips were moving at an eager pace that would be embarrassing if anyone ever saw her in this state of desperation. But then the man on the other side of the wall let out another harsh curse, and she thought of how it would feel to be under his gaze right now.

In the deepest, darkest corner of her mind she conjured up the image of him, not on his own bed, but standing in the doorway of her room. His eyes would most likely be darkened with lust. He would watch how she fucked herself with her own fingers. He would probably look at her with that stupid fucking teasing smirk of his, and then say something cocky. But instead of annoying Y/N like it usually would, it would bring forth a surge of excitement.

Because she knew that after he spoke his words, he would cross that room at a tortuously slow pace. He would crawl over her form until his front was flush against her back. She arched up into nothingness, but somehow her imagination was so vivid she could practically feel his hard cock pressed into her ass. And then it would be his own hand traveling between her body and the mattress, and it would be his fingers that replaced her own, rubbing tantalizing circles on her clit. He would grind his erection against her ass, he would leave searing kisses on the back of her neck. The thought had her edging closer and closer to her sweet release—

Another loud and forceful moan filtered its way into her room, forcing Y/N’s daydream away. This time it was louder and more provocative than before, and Y/N was certain that Eren was cumming. His moans were more desperate.

The interruption of her daydream did nothing to stop her pleasure. Instead, knowing that he was in that room— his bare chest probably covered in his own cum, had the girl tipping over the edge. Her legs started to shake as her own orgasm rolled through her. She felt as her own release pooled in her panties, effectively ruining them since she forgot to remove them in her haste. Heavy breaths filtered through her nose as she bit down on her pillow, trying hard not to let her moans escape.

And as she slowly came down from her high, she wondered what Eren was thinking of when he finally came. Probably one of the many conquests he brought home. The girl felt foolish that she just came at the sound of his pleasure, when she probably didn’t even cross his mind.

Little did she know, on the other side of the wall, as Eren wiped his cum from his chest with a discarded t-shirt, his mind was reeling from the fact that he just came because of the conjured up image of him fucking the girl next door.


A/N: So obviously this escalated really quickly… let’s see how they both handle this new underlying factor to their relationship ;). I hope you enjoyed! And as always please feel free to message me :)

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sick in bed today so i can’t go to work , i’m thinking i’ll post chapter two of Love Thy Neighbor while i’m here gfdkgdf

Love Thy Neighbor | Ch. 1

Neighbor!AU, Eren x Fem!Reader

Content:Enemies to Lovers

Summary:The reader is used to her usual routine. A routine she found comfort in. But suddenly that all changes by the sight of a big shiny motorcycle parked in her spot.


A/N: Hellooo everybody!! it’s finally time for Love Thy Neighbor lol. This fic was inspired by true events when a stupid motorcycle would not stop parking in my spot, blocking my moped in. For me it ended with an annoyance that didn’t stop until I moved away. For you it ends with Eren :) I hope you enjoyyyy :)) (Also will most likely be posting either tuesdays or wednesdays, depending how fast I get the chapters done)

Chapter 1

There comes a time in the early morning where the sun is much brighter than people normally assume. Usually, when people think of those who wake up in the wee hours of the morning, they imagine they wake up before the sun. When the sky is barely lit in an array of colors that only come when the sun is just peaking through the horizon. And sure, there are those who wake up when it’s still dark outside. But most of the population stays asleep until the sun is high in the sky, waking up at a reasonable time, starting their day on the right foot.

And then there are those who wake up in between. When the sky is no longer dark, though it is still far too early for comfort. Y/N Y/L/N, was unfortunately, one of the in-betweeners. It was unfortunate, because it was definitely not by choice.

Every morning, Y/N was woken up by beams of sunlight that streamed through her window, stirring her awake by kissing her face like a lover would. Though, in her opinion, it was far less romantic as the heat punctured her skin. This morning wasn’t any different than all the others as she clenched her eyes shut, trying to give herself a few more minutes of precious sleep. She turned over on her side, trying to escape the inevitable sunlight. A small whine left her lips as she settled deeper under her duvet. She knew she had a couple hours before she had to go to work, and she so desperately wanted those hours of sleep. But it was no use. She was awake, which meant she had to start her day.

Y/N kicked the blankets away from her before rolling out of the comfort of her bed. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she begrudgingly left her bedroom. As she stood on the precipice of her living room, she stopped. For just a single second she took a moment to just breathe. And then, in the next second, just like she did every morning, she fell into her daily routine. Coffee, shower, breakfast, wash, rinse, repeat. Every single day is just the same as the last. Y/N didn’t mind the little routine that she had for herself. In fact she quite enjoyed it. Over the years she has perfected her daily rituals and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She wasn’t sure if she liked change and so far she hasn’t had the misfortune of running into it. That was until a few hours later when she was finally heading to work and she made her way into the parking garage, she noticed that for the first time something did, in fact, change.

It wasn’t a small change that could go unnoticed like fresh paint over the lines that indicated the parking spaces or the flickering light in the right corner of the garage finally being swapped out with a new bulb, (which has yet to happen to Y/N’s dismay). It was a big, monumental, noticeable change. The reason being was that it directly affected the girl and her routine.

She stood in front of her parking space with a look of indignation across her features. Right at the end of her spot, effectively blocking in her precious cream colored vespa, was a big, ugly motorcycle. Well, that was a bit harsh, considering it wasn’t the vehicle’s fault it was parked in front of her form of transportation. The motorcycle was actually quite nice, it was sleek and all black and was most likely very expensive. The problem was its owner, who was unknown. But with this stunt, Y/N knew enough to know that they were decidedly inconsiderate. Who in their right mind, with any sense of moral code, would block someone into their parking spot? Though as it turned out, Y/N didn’t have time to investigate the matter. Looking at her phone, she saw the time and after seeing that she would most definitely be late to work, she sighed, realizing she didn’t have a choice. Looking at the positioning of this person’s motorcycle, she discovered that it was possible to get her moped out of its spot. But this did make her life harder than it needed to be.

After maneuvering around the bike, she placed her camera bag into the basket that sat on the back of her moped, locking it up so she knew it was safe. Y/N then removed the chain from her back wheel, placing it in the compartment that sat under her seat. When she finally swung her leg over the vehicle, determination settled over her form as she faced her unexpected problem.

Luckily, getting her moped past the obstacle took a lot less time than expected and she got away without scratching the car to her right. And after her frustrations were behind her with the wind whipping through her hair as she drove to work, her anger started to subside. No use crying over spilt milk. Y/N told herself. Besides, it was probably a one time thing. The motorcycle will be gone by tomorrow and she can go on living.

At least that’s what she thought, until the same thing happened the next day. And the day after that. And the day after that. The first time, when Y/N returned home the motorcycle was gone and she thought it was over. But lo and behold, when she went downstairs to head to work the next morning her good mood was immediately shot when the motorcycle was back in its place, blocking her in. And now it’s a common occurrence. And the anger that escaped her on that very first day was now back in full force.

It has now been a full week of this disturbance and Y/N was at the end of her rope. She stormed into the office, ignoring the weird glances that her coworkers sent her from behind their laptops. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with any of them, writers were a pretentious bunch. Y/N pressed on until she was finally able to flop down in her chair, throwing her head in her hands.

“Well, aren’t you a ray of sunshine.”

Y/N peaked up from between her fingers to find her coworker and very good friend, Mikasa Ackerman, leaning up against her desk. She looked very professional in her pinstripe pantsuit, which she was probably wearing due to her pitch meeting later in the day. Or else she would have been adorned in her more casual clothing. Y/N felt grateful she didn’t have any important meetings today, life was far more comfortable when she was allowed to wear what she wanted. Which today happened to be a simple ensemble of blue jeans and a simple white tee.

“Don’t even start.” She groaned, shifting her arms so that she could rest her head on her forearms.

“Woah, what’s got you all riled up?” Mikasa asked.

“Is it the motorcycle, again?” Another voice chimed in, most likely coming from their friend Historia Reiss who twisted her chair around from her desk in front of Y/N’s. The girl just responded with an annoyed grunt that was muffled from the fabric of her cardigan. This was all the confirmation Historia needed for her to roll her chair closer to Y/N’s desk, reaching over to pat her on the back with soft affection. Y/N accepted the comfort, relaxing under her friend’s touch.

“What motorcycle?” Mikasa asked, looking over at Historia, quizzically.

“Someone has been blocking Y/N’s moped from leaving her parking space.” Historia explained.

“At her apartment?” the raven haired girl questioned, Y/N lifted her head to nod.

“I’m sorry, how is this a big deal?”

“It’s not!” Y/N agreed, though she felt like she needed to explain her frustrations, “But it’s been happening everyday. And I guess I have the room for their bike in my spot but it’s the principle of the matter! It’s myspot. It came with the apartment.”

“Why don’t you just leave a note?” Historia offered, but her two friends knew what her answer was going to be. Y/N shifted awkwardly in her seat, looking down at her shoes so she didn’t have to look at their faces when she answered.

“I don’t want to deal with the confrontation.” She explained, and her two friends groaned at her lack of backbone.

“Y/N, you have to start standing up for yourself!” Historia told her, and coming from anyone else that sentence probably would have come out a lot harsher. But the small blonde was practically a reincarnated angel, and her voice was filled with only concern for her friend. Y/N bit her lip as she contemplated Historia’s words.

“I mean, maybe it’s not so bad?” Y/N eventually said, “I’ve been able to live with it for a week now, maybe I should just accept it.”

“You were just complaining about how much you hate it.” Mikasa pointed out, and Y/N cursed herself for confiding in her friends. “You can’t keep letting people walk all over you.”

Y/N deflated when she realized her friends were right. She did have a tendency to put other people’s happiness before her own. That was definitely one of her worst traits. Flashbacks of shitty ex-boyfriends to the mean girls at school flitted through her mind. Y/N didn’t know why she let those people take advantage of her. But what she did know was that she was tired of letting this happen. At that moment, she decided this time would be different.

“You know what?” Y/N suddenly said, gaining the attention of her friends, “You guys are right, this is going to stop. Today.”

“Atta girl.” Mikasa grinned, clapping Y/N on her shoulder with her slender hand. Historia beamed at Y/N from the other side of the desk.

“We believe in you.” Historia said, grabbing Y/N’s hand and squeezing. Warmth spread throughout Y/N’s chest from her friends’ support.

“Thanks.” Y/N smiled softly, “But enough about me. Are you ready for your pitch, Mikasa?”

Y/N turned towards her well-dressed friend and caught her rolling her eyes. She fiddled with the pens that sat in a mug on Y/N’s desk as she answered.

“I swear to god, if Nanaba rejects anotherone of my articles, I might quit.”

“Oh, don’t joke around like that!” Historia scolded, “Sonder wouldn’t be the same without you.”

Sonderwas the local magazine that the three of them worked for. Named after the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. When Y/N first heard that definition she immediately fell in love. The magazine revolved around telling the stories of the voices that were left unheard. It specialized in fashion, music, culture and everything in between. However it wasn’t the content of the magazine that brought it to her attention. Y/N was drawn to this magazine because of its aesthetic. Sonderfirst caught her eye when she was in line at the grocery store and the stark contrast of its cover next to its competitors was enough to pique her interest. The magazine had no flashy taglines or before and after pictures of random celebrities that she didn’t even know the name of. All it sported was the name of the magazine and a black and white picture of a girl with thick dark braids, the look on her face was powerful and the emotions it elicited from Y/N was enough for her to want to be part of this art. She thought that her photography would be the perfect fit for this magazine. And a few months later, after she sent in her portfolio, it turned out that they thought so too and offered her a job.

Mikasa was actually the first writer she was paired with. The two of them were sent to interview a new up and coming band and while they were there they became fast friends. She met Historia later that week. She was one of the editors for the magazine, and she was working with Mikasa on her latest article. Soon enough, the three of them became inseparable.

“She keeps giving me the puff pieces.” Mikasa groaned, “I’m sick of puff, I’ll throw up if I hear that word one more time.”

“Puff.” Y/N said nonchalantly as she placed her bag on her desk, though she broke out in laughter when Mikasa groaned and lightly hit her shoulder with the back of her hand.

“I’m sure Nanaba will come around this time.” Historia then said, ignoring the violence that occured, “You’ve done great research for this article, she’ll see how hard you’ve been working.”

“She better.” Mikasa grumbled.

“She will.” Y/N reassured as she finally started unpacking her things. Pulling out her camera to edit the latest photo set she had been working on. Her friends took this as their cue to get back to their own work, and as Mikasa left her desk, Y/N and Historia offered her good luck before turning to their respective assignments.

The day went on as usual. Y/N poured herself into her work. Which wasn’t hard to do considering she loved what she did. Spending time working on her photography was just what she needed to get her problem at home out of her head. In fact, the motorcycle that has wreaked havoc on her life hadn’t crossed her mind all day. By the time she finished her assignments, all she was thinking about was going home and crawling into bed. The only thing standing between that was the fifteen minute drive back to her apartment.

Luckily, the journey went by swiftly, and when she returned to her apartment, the sight of her empty parking spot was a reminder to the issue at hand. She decided right then and there that she would write out a note tonight and tape it to the random motorcycle tomorrow morning. But then as she was bent over, locking her chain around the wheel of her moped, the loud sound of an engine roaring came from behind her.

Y/N stood from where she was and when she turned, right before her eyes was the culprit of her dismay. Just like his bike, this man was wearing all black. His face was covered by his helmet, a leather jacket adorned his broad shoulders. The mystery man pulled up into her spot, cutting his engine before he swung his long leg over his bike. Without sparing a glance at the girl, he turned to walk away, not even bothering to lock up his vehicle. As he walked towards the entrance of the building, he took off his helmet to reveal his long brunette hair, tied up in a bun, most likely to keep it out of his face as he drove. Y/N was frozen with shock. The audacity of this man to not even acknowledge her had her blood boiling. She thought back to her earlier conversation with her friends and decided she couldn’t let him get away with this.

“Excuse me!” She called after him, but either he didn’t hear her or he pretended not to, because he didn’t turn around. Y/N quickened her pace catching up with him before he headed inside.

“Excuse me.” She repeated, pulling at his shoulder which effectively caught his attention. He finally turned to look at her and when he did she had to stop herself from choking on her words. As it turned out, the person who was complicating her life was far more attractive than she expected. His teal eyes burned into her with a bored expression as he slowly looked her up and down.

“You’re excused.” He said simply, his voice was deeper than expected. Most people would probably be hypnotized by his 40 hertz voice, but his rude demeanor cut through Y/N like a knife. Her mouth dropped with offense as he brushed past her.

“What?” She said to herself incredulously, she couldn’t believe his audacity. Y/N shook her head, going after him once more. She caught him as he was waiting for the elevator.

“That’s my spot.” Y/N declared, placing herself in front of him so he was forced to look at her. He raised an eyebrow at her.

“What are you talking about?” The man asked. And Y/N was a tad embarrassed that she obviously cared about this a little too much. Nevertheless, she persisted.

“You keep parking in my spot.” She told him, “You block me in and it’s extremely rude.”

The man stared at her with an overturned smirk, and she would’ve given him points for at least trying to hold back his laughter. But soon enough the deep sound of his laughter rumbled out from his chest.

“What’s so funny?” Y/N questioned, crossing her arms.

“I just think it’s funny that you’re calling me rude when you’re the one who manhandled me in the parking lot.” He grinned, shaking his head.

“I would hardly say that was manhandling!” Y/N defended, “You were ignoring me, what else was I supposed to do?”

“I don’t know, maybe talk to me like a normal human being?” He responded, and Y/N could have screamed with how frustrating this man was.

“I tried to, but you didn’t even give me a chance when you brushed me off.” She said instead. The man simply shrugged. A ding sounded out into the lobby, indicating that the elevator had arrived.

“I don’t take kindly to strangers.” He said as he stepped around her, moving into the elevator. Y/N followed after him and placed herself in front of the buttons so he couldn’t get to his floor. He was now obviously annoyed by her as he huffed air out from between his lips. She didn’t really care though. It served him right, considering he has been annoying her for the past week.

“Can you please just move your bike out of my parking spot and then this could all be over.” Y/N told him.

Yourspot?” He questioned, “I thought that was a spot dedicated for two-wheelers.”

“What? No, It’s mine. It was assigned to me when I moved in.” Y/N told him.

“That’s not what Hannes told me.” He said, matter-of-factly. Y/N’s eyebrows pulled together at the mention of their landlord.

“What did Hannes tell you?”

“That I could park there.” He answered with a shrug.

“You’re lying.” She replied, narrowing her eyes at him.

“Scouts Honor.” He defended, holding up the hand gesture to prove it. Though he did not seem to be the type of man who was ever a boy scout. She scowled at him and his grin grew wider as he paired it with a sly wink.

“We’re clearing this up with Hannes right now.” Y/N demanded, turning around so she could press the button to the first floor. The man behind her threw his head back with a groan. He most likely just wanted to go back to his apartment so he could get away from her but she wasn’t going to let that happen any time soon.

The elevator creaked as it stirred back to life. Neither one of them said a word as it slowly started to move upwards. Luckily, since the trip was a short one, there wasn’t much time for the awkward tension to settle. When the doors opened, Y/N positioned herself behind the unnamed man and pushed him out of the small room. She didn’t want to risk his escape.

The door to Hannes office sat right across the hall from the elevator, so it didn’t take long for Y/N’s hand to find the solid wood of his door and knock three times. A muffled thud sounded out from behind the door and after a few more moments of rustling, it finally opened to reveal the older man, his usual happy-go-lucky smile already gracing his features.

“Y/N! To what do I owe the pleasure?” The man boomed, Y/N flinched since the decibel this man could reach always caught her off guard. She opened her mouth to explain, but then the blonde man’s eyes wandered over to her unlikely companion.

“I see that you’ve met our newest resident.” He grinned, “How’ve you been, Eren? Are you settling in nicely?”

“I am, sir. The apartment is really nice.” The man, who’s name was apparently Eren, responded. Y/N sent him a pointed glare. So he did have the ability to be polite. It just turned out she didn’t deserve his kindness. She rolled her eyes as the two men continued.

“I’m glad to hear that!” Hannes said, “Is Y/N here giving you the grand tour?”

Eren glanced down at the girl beside him. So her name was Y/N. At least, now he had a name for the girl who was annoying him endlessly. She really put a damper on his day to say the least. All he wanted to do was get back to his apartment and try out the game demo his coworker had sent him. But now here he was being dragged around the apartment building by this woman.

“Actually, we’re here to talk about my parking spot.” Y/N interrupted before Eren could answer Hannes’ question.

“Oh?” The older gentleman responded, “What’s the issue?”

“Well,Erenhas been parking in my spot. It makes it difficult for me to leave.” She explained, she said his name with a hint of disdain and Eren rolled his eyes at her tone. Though, Hannes didn’t notice any of the hostility, he just looked between the two with his usual casual demeanor.

“Yeah, I said it was okay.” Hannes agreed, and Y/N felt her frustration come back in full force. The man beside her smirked as he was proven right.

“I’m sorry, I feel like I should have been part of this conversation.” She said, trying to keep her tone positive.

“Oh, well, I told Eren to talk to you about it.” Hannes told her, and Y/N could’ve strangled the man next to her for neglecting to tell her that part. Which also meant he was lying to her when he said that he thought the spot was free reign. This guy just keeps getting worse. “I assumed you said it was okay once I noticed his motorcycle in your spot.”

“I guess it must have slipped his mind, because he never came to talk to me about it.” Y/N said, looking over at Eren with an accusatory glare.

“You didn’t ask her to share her space?” Hannes looked towards Eren.

“You never gave me her information, sir.” Eren replied, and Hannes smacked his hand over his forehead.

“I completely forgot!” He exclaimed, “I’m so sorry, this is my fault.”

“So is there anywhere else for him to park?” Y/N asked, hope was rising in her chest. Maybe to make up for his mistake he will sort this whole thing out. Y/N could see the light at the end of the tunnel, and she will never have to deal with this jackass ever again.

“About that…” Hannes trailed off, and suddenly the fragile bit of hope that Y/N was holding in her hands withered away. “As it turns out, we don’t have enough parking spaces to give Eren his own. And since all you have is a moped I told him that you had the room to spare… Is that alright?”

Y/N wanted to tell him no. That was her spot, it has been ever since she moved in two years ago. And even though she didn’t even pay extra for the spot, she still had her claim over it. If they had come to ask her when he first moved in then maybe she would have said yes. But now that she knew that this guy was a total dick she had no interest in sharing anythingwith him. Even so, she felt like she couldn’t argue with them. Her shoulders fell with defeat. Her friends would be disappointed.

“I guess it is.” She sighed, running a hand over her hair. The man beside her perked up, obviously loving that he won this battle.

“Great! I’m glad we cleared that up.” Hannes beamed, clapping his hand on her shoulder. Y/N stiffened under his touch, she didn’t think she’d ever get used to Hannes overbearing friendliness. She looked over at Eren who glanced at her quickly before holding his hand out to the blonde man in front of him. Hannes grinned at his outstretched hand and removed his own from the girl’s shoulder to give him a vigorous handshake. Y/N thought it was out of place to shake someone’s hand after such a quick conversation but she was honestly relieved that the older man wasn’t touching her any more.

“Thank you, sir, sorry for taking up your time.” Eren said, and Hannes just waved him off telling him it was no problem. They all said their goodbyes and Hannes’ office door swung close, leaving Y/N alone with the stranger she had to share her parking spot with.

“Well, I guess that’s that.” Eren said, happily, clapping his hands like it was a done deal. Y/N glared at the tall man in front of her.

“You’re the worst.” She mumbled, turning towards the elevator and pressing the button so she could finally get away from this man.

“Is that any way to treat your parking space buddy?” He grinned, placing himself next to her as they waited for the doors to open. Y/N didn’t say anything, she just crossed her arms and stared ahead.

“Now you’re ignoring me.” He pointed out, and yet again, she stayed silent.

“You know, you’re a lot like a little kid.” Eren observed, and this got Y/N’s attention as her head snapped towards him.

“What? No I’m not.” She argued, slightly offended that he was jumping to these conclusions about her without even knowing her.

“Sure you are.” He shrugged, “You get all upset when things don’t go your way.”

“I’m not upset.” She countered, eliciting a snort of disbelief from Eren. “I’m just shocked at how inconsiderate you are.”

“Oh come on, Kid, I thought it was alright that I was parking there. You never left a note or anything. And besides… sharing is caring right?”

“… Kid?” She repeated, not paying attention to any other part of his sentence.

“It suits you, don’t you think?” Eren grinned at her, to which she just scoffed. The elevator doors finally slid open, the two of them filed inside.

“Whatever,” The girl said, she turned towards the buttons, “What floor are you on?”


Y/N stilled, her hand hovering over the buttons. “No you aren’t.”

“Um, yes I am?” Eren said, stepping closer to her so he could press the button himself. The heat that he radiated washed over her form, but she didn’t register his proximity. She just stood there in shock as he did.

“ButI live on floor seven.” She said, regaining the use of her vocal chords as the elevator started moving. Eren raised an eyebrow.

“You do know that there’s more than one apartment on each floor, right?” He teased, leaning against the bar that wrapped around the whole of the elevator. Y/N gifted him an annoyed expression.

“I just mean that I didn’t even notice that you moved in.” Y/N explained.

“I don’t have a lot of things.” Eren told her, “It was quick.”

Y/N found his explanation to be a bit strange. She wondered how little he had if he was able to move into a whole entire apartment without her noticing. For some reason, it made him seem untouchable. As if him not having worldly possessions made it harder for anyone to pin him down.

Not that she wanted him to stick around. In fact, the thought of him leaving just as quickly as he came sounded pretty nice right about now. She’s only known him for half an hour and she already knew she preferred an Eren-free life.

“Look, I won’t bother you more than I have to.” He spoke up, as if he were reading her mind. “We’ll share the parking space and that’s it, you won’t ever see me around here. I like to keep to myself.”

“Wow, how generous.” Y/N replied sarcastically, hating how it sounded like hewas the one who had to give up the parking space. “And don’t worry about me. I’m already planning on never speaking to you again.”

“Oh? Okay, good.” Eren responded, his tone was slightly unsure, as he followed Y/N out into the hallway when they finally made it to their floor.

“Great.” Y/N said, and then she expected him to turn down to the opposite side of the building. But when he kept going in the same direction, she quickly became unsettled. She tried to ignore him as he silently walked behind her but his presence seemed to be suffocating.

Y/N stopped at her door, and she was relieved he kept walking, meaning that he wasn’t following her like she feared. But then he only moved a couple feet before stopping at the apartment right next to hers.

The two of them looked at each other from their respective doors. A scowl fell over Y/N’s features while a smirk graced the man beside her.

“This might be a lot harder than we thought, Kid.” Was all he said before disappearing into his apartment, leaving her alone in the hallway.


Y/N had decided that she officially hated change. She liked having a routine and she liked to know that everything would be the same. It kept her safe. And she didn’t have to worry about unexpected surprises out of her everyday life. She thought that it made life easier. Things were simple for her. But now, only after one day of knowing Eren, she felt it happen. Change was inevitable. And it was staring her right in the face.

She stood in front of her parking space as another slight change graced her life. When she went to unchain her moped, Eren’s motorcycle was now resting up against the wall that sat on the left side of her parking space, giving her more than enough room to leave. She was shocked that Eren was more considerate than their first encounter made him out to be. And for some reason this scared her. Because right in front of her was proof that her philosophy of hating change wasn’t as concrete as it had been. Because maybe some changes, no matter how small, were good.


A/N: Okayyyy a little warm up chapter, not much happens in this except for them meeting. I’m just realizing now that it has a pretty drastic change in tempo in the next chapter lol. So this won’t be a slow burn, but it’s fun nonetheless!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! feel free to send a message :))

Taglist:@didiyogo@the-princess-button@coyloves@prblmtic (let me know if you wanna be on the taglist!)

|Next Chapter

Love Thy Neighbor | Teaser

Neighbor!AU, Eren x Fem!Reader

Content:Enemies to Lovers

A/N: Hiiii everyone!! So as you all know this fic was a long time coming, and somewhere a long the way I lost motivation to write this one. But now that I’m back to writing for it, I’m actually really excited for you guys to read it. So obviously I can’t hold back and thought that I’d post a snippet from Chapter 1. I Hope you guys love this fic as much as I already do. And keep an eye out for the first Chapter, I should be posting it sometime this week :)))

Shout out to @bruhmagnet @the-princess-button@coylovesand@prblmtic for responding so quickly to my post about this snippet, ily guys so much!!!


“You know, you’re a lot like a little kid.” Eren observed, and this got Y/N’s attention as her head snapped towards him.

“What? No I’m not.” She argued, slightly offended that he was jumping to these conclusions about her without even knowing her.

“Sure you are.” He shrugged, “You get all upset when things don’t go your way.”

“I’m not upset.” She countered, eliciting a snort of disbelief from Eren. “I’m just shocked at how inconsiderate you are.”

“Oh come on, Kid, I thought it was alright that I was parking there. You never left a note or anything. And besides… sharing is caring right?”

“… Kid?” She repeated, not paying attention to any other part of his sentence.

“It suits you, don’t you think?” Eren grinned at her, to which she just scoffed. The elevator doors finally slid open, the two of them filed inside.

“Whatever,” The girl said, she turned towards the buttons, “What floor are you on?”


Y/N stilled, her hand hovering over the buttons. “No you aren’t.”

“Um, yes I am?” Eren said, stepping closer to her so he could press the button himself. The heat that he radiated washed over her form, but she didn’t register his proximity. She just stood there in shock as he did.

“ButI live on floor seven.” She said, regaining the use of her vocal chords as the elevator started moving. Eren raised an eyebrow.

“You do know that there’s more than one apartment on each floor, right?” He teased, leaning against the bar that wrapped around the whole of the elevator. Y/N gifted him an annoyed expression.

“I just mean that I didn’t even notice that you moved in.” Y/N explained.

“I don’t have a lot of things.” Eren told her, “It was quick.”

Y/N found his explanation to be a bit strange. She wondered how little he had if he was able to move into a whole entire apartment without her noticing. For some reason, it made him seem untouchable. As if him not having worldly possessions made it harder for anyone to pin him down.

Not that she wanted him to stick around. In fact, the thought of him leaving just as quickly as he came sounded pretty nice right about now. She’s only known him for half an hour and she already knew she preferred an Eren-free life.

“Look, I won’t bother you more than I have to.” He spoke up, as if he were reading her mind. “We’ll share the parking space and that’s it, you won’t ever see me around here. I like to keep to myself.”

“Wow, how generous.” Y/N replied sarcastically, hating how it sounded like hewas the one who had to give up the parking space. “And don’t worry about me. I’m already planning on never speaking to you again.”

“Oh? Okay, good.” Eren responded, his tone was slightly unsure, as he followed Y/N out into the hallway when they finally made it to their floor.

“Great.” Y/N said, and then she expected him to turn down to the opposite side of the building. But when he kept going in the same direction, she quickly became unsettled. She tried to ignore him as he silently walked behind her but his presence seemed to be suffocating.

Y/N stopped at her door, and she was relieved he kept walking, meaning that he wasn’t following her like she feared. But then he only moved a couple feet before stopping at the apartment right next to hers.

The two of them looked at each other from their respective doors. A scowl fell over Y/N’s features while a smirk graced the man beside her.

“This might be a lot harder than we thought, Kid.” Was all he said before disappearing into his apartment, leaving her alone in the hallway.


A/N: Okay!!! this is obviously from the time where they first meet, I promise you that it gets much more exciting hehehe but I hope you enjoyed this snippet!! Please let me know if you want to be on the taglist!!!

uuuh do you guys want a snippet from my newest fic Love Thy Neighbor??

i think i’ll start posting it this upcoming week, but it might be nice for you guys to get a feel of it, you know??

always be with you ; eren yeager

warnings not edited, other than that… nothing much lol

genre fluff, angst ( ? ), modern au, established relationship

word count1.3k

inspirationn / a

synopsis in the final days you have with eren before you have to go away for college, he takes you on one last date before you leave

a / n back from a hiatus i wasn’t even aware i was taking only explanation is that i’ve been in between fandoms and didn’t feel like writing for anyone really. but i’ve recently attached myself to jjk so let’s see how that goes

“Eren, I don’t understand the need for a blindfold.” Your fingers came up to touch the material for the umpteenth time. Eren scoffed, his hand coming over to swat your hand away just like the other times.

“It wouldn’t be much of a surprise without one, would it?” Your body jerked to the right as Eren hit another sharp turn.

You huffed. “Well, the more you drive recklessly, the more I want this surprise to be over.”

He laughed. “Don’t worry, you big baby. We’re here now.” The car eased to a stop in what you guessed was a parking spot. It didn’t take long for you to process where this surprise was.

From the amount of turns, to the salty smell of the ocean. You already knew Eren had taken you to the beach.

“We’re at the beach?” Eren finally removed that blindfold. The beach was practically deserted at this hour, at least on the side Eren always brought you to.

“Don’t like it?” He asked, already getting out of the car.

You followed suit, opening the passengers door and having Eren join by your side. “I don’t mind but we come here all the time.”

“I know, I know,” Eren grabs the both of your wrists, leading you both from the pavement to the sea of sand. “But I wanted this to be the last spot we came to before you have to start packing tomorrow.”

Eren said it with a smile but you could tell that sentence hurt him more to say than for you to hear. For you, Eren had always put on a brave face. No matter what the circumstances were, he always made sure you knew he was “taking it well”.

Being one of the closest people to Eren, you knew when he was on the opposite spectrum of that. You knew when a situation was weighing down on him, you knew when he was stressed out, you could when he just wanted to breakdown.

You saw all those things clearly ever since you told him you wanted to travel for college. Specifically, thousands of miles away from him. Eren always knew he wanted to stay homebound for college, and so did you. But unlike him, you didn’t have much ties to your hometown. Besides him and your friends.

And you had the overwhelming want to travel since forever. Since you got the chance with a scholarship to a college across the country, you weren’t going to pass it up. Much to Eren’s dismay.

He was upset, to say the least. It wasn’t direct but he was trying to convince you to try other options. Like for example, stay with him. Thankfully, he let that hope go when he saw that you were serious about this decision.

Yet, even though you knew he had come to terms with the idea, he was still hurt and worried for your relationship. You were too. For the past year your relationship has managed to withstand anything, but the possibility that long distance could deliver the blow prodded at you.

“I think this is our usual spot.” Eren sat down on the sand, bringing you down with him. You two sat side by side in silence. Just listening to the repeated crashing of the waves.

It reminded you of the moment this had become you and Eren’s spot. One year ago, the both of you sitting close to this very spot on the sand. Talking about nothing. There was no worry that one of you had to leave for a while. Just the worry Eren had that you’d say no to his request of being his girlfriend.

The memory made you laugh, your forehead meeting your knees. Eren looked over in concern.

“Are you okay?” Your eyes met his curious gaze and you couldn’t help but laugh more.

“I was just thinking about the night you confessed to me. And how we started dating at this exact spot.” Your laughter subsided as you laid back onto the sand. In the moment, you weren’t worried where it landed but you knew you’d be annoyed when you say up.

Yet, when Eren joined you and copied the way you looked up at the sky, your future worries melted with ease.

“16 year old Eren was quite the romantic, choosing to confess to you at a beach at night.” Eren mused. You hummed, a soft laugh rumbling in your chest.

“Now that I think about it, I think that’s the most romantic thing you’ve done.” Your laughter was more audible when you heard Eren’s gasp.

His hand landed on his chest, he was obviously offended. “I have done romantic things since then,” He sat up onto his elbows.

“Like— remember the time I—” Eren paused when began to laugh more hysterically. He scoffed, plopping back onto the sand.

“You were joking.” He said bitterly in realization. You nodded, shuffling over to place your head on his chest.

“I was just joking, bub. You’re very romantic.” Eren sucked his teeth, his hand coming up to dust sand from your hair.

You cleared your throat. “I’m going to miss this.” You whispered, hesitant, hoping you didn’t cut deeper into any of Eren’s open wounds. He inhaled deeply.

“So am I.” He whispered back, his hand rested on the side of your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek.

The silence returned but you could only focus on the present. You wouldn’t get a moment like this with Eren for a while and that you couldn’t even imagine.

“You know,” Eren interrupted your thought process. You hummed in response. “I brought you here to stargaze.”

“Really?” You inquired.

“Yea. I wanted to say one of those cheesy lines like how, even though you’re thousands of miles away, I’d always be with you because of the stars. But then I realized that line was really bad.” He laughed it off. And usually, you would too. But just him admitting that weighed into the fact you’d really be without him and only with him through your devices.

You wouldn’t be able to hear any more borderline terrible jokes or what he considers romantic lines in person, on his chest, on his shoulder. The thought singly made tears well up in your eyes and your tears fell before you could blink them away.

The sudden wet spots of Eren’s shirt and the sound of your sniffling alerted him. He sat up immediately, bringing your body up as well.

“Oh no, I know it was really bad but don’t cry.” Eren’s fingers came to wipe your tears before cradling your face in his palms. You laughed at him sadly.

“I’m not crying because of your terrible line, idiot. I’m crying because I’m actually going miss you telling me them in person. It’s not going to be the same when we’re thousands miles apart.” Your explanation made Eren frown.

He sighed, leaning his forehead onto your own. “I know. And I know it’s selfish to say that I’d do anything for you to stay with me but I know you going to that college is what’s best for you. I want what’s best for you and if it means we’ll have to be apart for a while, I can accept that.”

Again with the silence with only the sound of the waves. You sat on Eren’s words, trying to accept the situation just like he had.

You scoffed, weakly hitting his chest. “How are you taking this better than me?”

Eren laughed, pulling back hut still keeping his hands cupping your face. “I’m not, seriously. But I love you and I know that this is what’s happening. And I know we’ll still be together no matter what.”

That made your frown upturn a bit. Eren had faith in your relationship, and there was no reason for you to have doubt when he didn’t.

You sucked your teeth. “I love you too.”

“Yea, I know.”

v-day ; levi squad + hange

warnings just cute stuff with my babies

genre fluff, modern au

word count0.7k

inspo honestly, i’m going through an armin brainrot phase so

synopsisstill sad and mourning so here’s how i cope with aot ( again )

a/n i miss sasha so i needed to make one of these for valentines day activities ( isayama, if you ever see this. i’m under your bed )

eren yeager;

  • literally gone when you wake up
  • and you know exactly why ‘cause he does it every year
  • to say eren goes all out for valentines day would be an understatement
  • even though it happens every year, you never get tired of his planned out scavenger hunts
  • he has you run around the city for clues and it brings you to places the both of you have been before and of course, it ends with you meeting him at some restaurant or even back at home
  • ( you prefer the restaurant because i headcanon that eren cannot cook for shit )
  • but still it’s really romantic and he will not hesitate to do it again ( or something even better ) the following year

armin arlert;

  • plain and simple, you’re not allowed to lift a finger
  • he brings you breakfast in bed, he’s giving you presents, he’s running you a bath, literally anything you want he’ll do it for you
  • ( it’s like this on a regular basis but he denies that )
  • and he’ll make you both a dinner ( which is actually good )
  • and you guys would probably spend the rest of the night in this extravagant fort ( that armin built without a word ), watching romcoms

levi ackerman;

  • you never expect much every year but you never expect nothing
  • levi doesn’t really favor valentines day, he thinks it’s stupid and just a money grabber but ask that man to buy you a bouquet and he’s out the door
  • he’ll give it to you with a grimace while muttering something but you still find it romantic
  • but of course, grumpy still believes in the money grabbing part so he insists you guys stay in every year and he’ll cook instead
  • which you don’t mind ( again, ‘cause it’s actually good compared to w.e eren would’ve made )
  • every valentines day to date with levi has ended with some cheesy chick flick and he acts like he hates them but he’s definitely invested

hange zoë;

  • y’all are on vacation
  • every single year hange refuses to stay home for valentines day because they think it’s boring and generic
  • so, ( even though you think it’s too expensive), hange flies you guys out somewhere to spend the occasion
  • “we don’t need to fly out to the bahamas, hange. it’s just valentines day.”
  • “but i already booked the flight.”
  • you can’t complain though because spending your valentines day with hange on a beach is something you don’t mind doing every time february comes around

sasha braus;

  • no matter what the circumstances are, y’all are gonna eat out on valentines day
  • snow, rain, hail, y’all are going somewhere with food and sasha is determined
  • and always after your dinners, you guys go home and try to make a valentines day themed treat
  • which is typically unsuccessful because you have sasha as your own personal human trash disposal but it’s still romantic in the moment

jean kirstein;

  • just like levi, he’ll say valentines day is pointless but he’ll still have a table booked at some fancy restaurant “just because”
  • trust me, in the same breath he denies the fact he cares about the occasion he’ll be bending over backwards to get you a good gift
  • and he manages outdoes himself every year somehow and will still claim the day is stupid
  • definitely that one mfer that puts roses on the bed for “atmosphere purposes” when you open said gift

connie springer;

  • seriously, valentines day with connie is fun
  • he never sticks to anything annually
  • one year you’ll celebrate at the amusement park, or at a fancy restaurant, one year even landed you two at mcdonald’s but with connie it was all the same
  • i definitely see you guys just staying in one year and making personal cards for each other
  • it’s a complete mess of glitter, glue, markers, and stickers but with the amount of laughter it doesn’t matter
  • his card definitely had a corny dirty joke as the punchline but at this point you consider it romance

mikasa ackerman;

  • mikasa and valentines day simply don’t mix
  • kind of like jean and levi, she doesn’t understand it. but like genuinely, she doesn’t
  • “why do i need a special day to be sweet to you? i do that every day already.”
  • so, every year you have to turn the tables and do things for her that honestly come as a surprise
  • she genuinely never expects the presents you get her but she always shows her gratitude and thankfulness
  • and she keeps every one of them very close to her, literally still sleeps with the bear you won her on your first v—day date at a carnival

winter things ; eren, armin, levi, hange, sasha, jean, connie, and mikasa

warnings this is just some pure fluff hcs

genre fluff, modern au

word count 0.6k


synopsis winter things with some of the aot characters

author’s note i recently caught up on the aot manga and it ripped me apart. so, for my own self indulgence, here’s winter things i’d want to do with them individually ( or could see them doing )

eren yeager;

  • please ask him if he wants to build gingerbread houses
  • i can see it getting competitive, so competitive that eren wants armin to step in as judge
  • just to see his reaction, you play dirty ( eat steal some of his materials, even go as far as breaking his gingerbread, etc. )
  • doesn’t notice for a while but thanks to your snickering and armin trying to hold back his laughter, it clicks
  • and boy, was eren not having it
  • after his rant you give the competition to him even though he won technically because of your cheating

armin arlert;

  • i don’t know why but i can see gift wrapping with armin being therapeutic
  • there’s the faint sound of christmas songs while you two are having small talk about who’s present you’re wrapping
  • softly asking each other for materials
  • and if there’s bigger gifts, asking for help from one another
  • and for myself: he’d be there to calm you down when you accidentally pull too hard on paper and rip it

levi ackerman;

  • just one look at levi and you can tell he’s not one for christmas spirit
  • but pester him a enough times to help you decorate and you’ll get what you want
  • he claims it’s because he doesn’t want you to make the house ugly but truly he likes it
  • you know for a fact when you see him focusing hard on which bulb to put on the tree
  • to make it more fun, you guys decorate different parts of the house
  • and at the end of it all, you two sit down and enjoy tea ( while levi comments on the parts of the house you did )

hange zoë;

  • obnoxiously singing christmas songs
  • i just know it’s the best feeling to scream your lungs out with hange
  • your guys’ voice cracking and everything
  • not a single key is being hit but it’s fun
  • it’s usually done on christmas day when everyone else is over
  • and yes, levi hates it

sasha braus;

  • you and sasha annually decorate christmas cookies
  • of course with sasha, it’s not smooth sailing
  • by time you guys are done half of the materials have been digested by her
  • but she still lets you have your fun and you guys end up with a handful of nice cookies
  • which by the end of the night are eaten by sasha but it’s still fun

jean kirstein;

  • all i want is to watch christmas lights with jean
  • he’ll probably think it’s stupid at first but since you want to do it, he will no doubt
  • he’s glad he goes along with you because seeing your reaction every time you guys see a breathtaking display makes his heart warm
  • lets be honest, connie and sasha tag along and they don’t hold back every time they see him smile at you

connie springer;

  • speaking of connie, snowball fights are necessary every winter season with him
  • it’s all fun and games until connie nails you in the face and then you’re out for blood
  • you both have forts with stacks of snowballs and you guys could go all day
  • usually it ends sooner than later since it’s freezing
  • ends with you two cuddled up inside

mikasa ackerman;

  • build a snowman with her NOW
  • she’ll be hesitant at first because just like levi, winter fun doesn’t seem like her thing either
  • but after seeing how much you’re enjoying it she’ll embrace it
  • liked dressing it the most, even went as far as wrapping her scarf around it
  • was, surprisingly, sad when it melted


Pairing: Eren Jaeger X Female Reader

Genre: War AU, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn

Summary: Would you love someone if your days are numbered? A tragic love story between a soldier who’s trying to find a purpose in life and a blind girl who is stripped away of her freedom.

Content Warnings: Graphic description of death and murder, sexual assault on women, oppression, physical abuse, alcohol consumption, swearing.

Word Count:25k+

Poster art by the most talented @rainbuniart

“You ever slept with a girl?”

A twenty-one-year-old boy, with eyes greener than the forest under the blazing sun, choked on his alcohol. It was his fifth time drinking one, but he never did it out of his own desire. Being a new soldier in the Marleyan army meant that he had to obey what his seniors ordered him to do. Whether it was to lay his weapon on his shoulder and chug on a bottle of vodka during duty, or behead a prisoner and watch their blood drenching the snow. The young soldier never had an option.

A soldier should not ask questions even when they are dying from curiosity. He had learned it the hard way during training. That was why he always pretended like he understood—and accepted—everything that was happening around him. That was just how the world naturally worked. The world was cruel. There was no beauty in it. Only those who had tossed away their hearts and conscience could survive. Have a heart and you’ll die before the next sunrise, that was what he was taught during his first month of service.

 The dark brown-haired boy, known by the name Eren Kruger, rubbed his nape. He had his shoulder-length hair cut short ever since he joined the army, giving him a fresh undercut look that failed to protect his nape from the winter breeze. His skin was sun-kissed but crimson still painted the tips of his ears, a sign that his body was sensitive to cold, even when he was dressed warmly in a thick beige coat—a Marleyan uniform that he wore with a proud look on his face and shame in his chest. Kruger was not his real surname but it was the name he had to get familiar with. 

Eren was one of the latest additions to the Marleyan army that “protected” their neighbor country, Eldian. At least, that was how he was told anyway. Deep down inside, he always had a different belief of his own. Marley wasn’t protecting the Eldians from other countries that wanted its minerals and natural resources. Marley was monopolizing Paradis and made it its slave for their benefit. But Eren knew better not to speak his thoughts aloud. He still valued his life too much, no matter how meaningless his life felt to him at the moment.

But then again, why must his life matter when people around him were dying just because they tried to find their sanctuaries? Why must he fill his life with laughter when children were getting beaten to the ground, their heads smashed under combat boots, just because they asked for more bread? 

The world was unfair, and Eren used to be scared of hell. But this… This life he was living at the moment… It already tasted like one. 

“Excuse me?” Eren tried to keep his voice down. Being in the middle of the winter season was already enough reason for his cheeks to bloom in the color of the evening sky. He did not need the older man to make him look even more flustered.

“I’m asking you, kid.” A man who was in his late thirties scratched the untrimmed beard on his chin. His name was Theo Magath, a strict commander of Eren’s division. Although he was nine centimeters shorter than the younger soldier, Magath was stronger and more experienced in every way. Eren feared him the most, though the other man regarded him as his new companion on battlefields. “Have you ever slept with a girl before?”

“Permission to speak freely, Sir?”

“Permission granted.”

Eren still hesitated, teeth nibbling against the inside of his cheeks. “Forgive me if I’m rude, but,” he cautiously spoke as he bowed down a little and returned the bottle to the older man. “I believe you’ve drunk too much of this.”

“And you’ve drunk too little,” the man said, his laugh boisterous when he pushed the alcohol to Eren’s chest. “Go drink up a little more.”

“But we’re on duty.”

“Yeah, to watch a bunch of teenagers collects those damn branches from the wood,” Magath scoffed. “I doubt they’re gonna start up a revolution any moment from now, so drink.”



The way mirth in his voice suddenly vanished almost sent shivers down his spine. Eren nodded, taking another sip. He knew his tolerance limit and he wouldn’t pass it. He only swallowed the liquid to be polite and perhaps, just to keep himself warm. He didn’t intend to be drunk like the older soldier.

“I haven’t,” Eren admitted with a quiet voice. “I haven’t… done it with anyone.”

“Thought so.” Magath chuckled. “When’s your birthday?”

“March thirtieth.”

“It’s still a couple of months from now, huh?” The man yawned loudly, and puffs of warm breaths appeared in the cold air. “Hey, why don’t we celebrate early? I’ll get you the best girl from our place. You can take a few hours off and have fun with her. Think of it as a birthday present from me.”

That place, Eren knew, was referring to the military brothel that was stationed at their campsite. On some nights, those girls came to visit their barracks and perform their duties as the Comfort Women to satisfy the soldiers’ needs. And any other times, officers would stand properly in line, waiting to enter one of the twenty rooms in the brothel to satisfy their sexual desire. 

It was always physical, nothing more and nothing less. They were used as toys—objects to fill the men’s thirsts. They were not prostitutes; they were forced to become one. Those young girls were kidnapped from the streets or, more often, deceived by the Marleyan government that they would get a better future if they worked for them. They ended up working as sex slaves—each person serving about a hundred military personnel per month, and if they weren’t cooperative, they would get beaten to death. 

Their bodies belonged to the army, raped and tortured.

Eren never came to visit that place. He hated it with all his heart, every nerve of his body shouting in disgust. And whenever those women came to their barracks, he would leave with his shotgun strapped to his back, disappearing into the woods. He preferred spending the night sorting out his thoughts near the frozen lake than forcing himself on some lady he didn’t know. Even the thought of it made him nauseous. It was wrong. Those women never deserved to be treated that way, but Eren was weak and powerless. There was nothing he could do.

“No, thank you,” Eren declined, feeling agitated all of a sudden. “I’m fine.”

“What, do you prefer men?”

“No, Sir. I just…” The boy took a deep breath, calming himself down and trying to sound less offensive. He put a lot of effort into not saying things like ‘I don’t want to commit more sins than I already have done’ or ‘it stands against my values to rape women, unlike you and the rest of immoral idiots here’. After a few seconds of battling inside his head, he decided to utter, “I just don’t feel like it.” 

It was safe. It was simple. It was a lie.

“You don’t feel like having sex?” Magath snorted, repulsed by the thought. “The fuck is wrong with you?”

It burned bright, the rage inside his chest. “I just don’t feel like raping someone, Sir.” Not until his sentence ended, did Eren realize that he was almost growling at the older man. His heart plummeted to his stomach. Immediately, he stood in front of his superior, performing a ninety-degree bow. “My deepest apologies, Commander! I was out of line! I will take any kind of punishment for my words!”

Something glinted in the older man’s eyes, but whatever it was, he decided to ignore it. “It’s fine,” Magath said and Eren bowed once more before he scooted back to his position. His heart was thumping loud behind his rib cages. 

The boy straightened his back and kept his eyes once more on a group of young Eldians, walking in line carrying twigs in their arms. Their jackets were much thinner if being compared to his, tattered with plenty of holes in them. And when Eren wore a warm, fur hat to protect his hair from snowflakes, they had none. The young soldier felt sorry for them, but it seemed like he was the only one with empathy in this place. 

There was a little boy, with cheeks red and scratched by the falling snow, struggling to keep his wobbly feet on the ground. He was carrying more branches than his little arms could handle. The weight was too much and the snow was too deep for him to walk on and he fell, his face hitting piles of ice. The twigs he carried scattered everywhere. He was frustrated but he didn’t cry. Eren was amazed.

But then a soldier came over, slamming the end of his gun to the little boy’s head and screaming at him to get up. He hit him again, and again, and again until Eren could see the tear on his skin, fresh blood dripping down from the side of his temple.

Eren’s hold on his gun tightened.

“Careful, kid,” Magath reminded him, his voice as eerie as the night during an eclipse. Eren shuddered, but not from the cold. “You’re a kind young man, I know that much. But your kind values are the ones that are going to get you killed someday.”

Eren turned his head to look at the man, his eyes weren’t blinking. “Sir…?”

“Listen to me.” Magath locked his eyes with the soldier and Eren felt like he was being choked instead. “These Eldian people are vicious. That little boy you see there may look hopeless now, but he was ready to stab Galliard’s neck with a fork just to get more food less than a week ago. And women, especially, are even more dangerous. They betray us. They won’t hesitate to kill us in our sleep. We can’t trust them, Eren.”

Eren stayed still, though his mind was screaming: but we’re not that better either.

“They don’t deserve to be treated like people,” Magath continued, “Treat them like toys. You don’t share feelings with toys, do you? You play with them.”

Eren swallowed, his throat felt like it was made of sand. “And what do I do when I get bored with them, Sir?” the boy asked because that was what the man wanted to hear. Theo Magath didn’t want to witness kindness, sincerity, or mercy. He, just like any other soldiers here, craved power, grief, and lust.

Magath smiled, his eyes shimmering like a proud father’s. 

“Then, it’s time to throw them away.”


Eren jolted awake when he heard a man screaming. He didn’t realize that he had fallen asleep for a few seconds on his feet, swallowed by the boredom of seeing the constant movements of young men collecting dry branches to build campfires that night. His head spun toward the source, his chest tightening at the sight. There, a few meters away from him, stood a very tall, well-built Marleyan soldier with short, coarse-looking dark hair that reached to his neck. A thin beard decorated his jawline, his smirk was nothing but menacing. His name was Kenny Ackerman.

He loomed tall as he beat a young man—who was probably around Eren’s age—to the cold, freezing ground. The branches fell out of the boy’s arms, meeting the earth almost without a sound. A splotch of blood spilled from his mouth when Kenny landed a harsh kick on his stomach, painting the snow like angry lipstick smeared on a blank canvas. His light ash-brown hair was falling over his eyes, concealing them.

Kenny Ackerman was his senior, but even if he weren’t, Eren still wouldn’t dare to stop him. That man was twice his size, with arms strong enough to break his wrists in seconds. Eren’s mind was telling him to not lift a muscle—that if he tried to stop the older man from beating the boy to death, he would meet his end that day as well. But his heart was thumping loud, sending a rush of adrenaline to course through his veins. He was old enough to know better, but his body was filled with young blood. Before he knew it, Eren made a step forward. It was probably his luck when another male appeared, kneeling in front of the soldier to beg for forgiveness.

It was another Eldian, as old as Eren was but seemed five times younger in appearance. He had a mop of golden hair, his body was frail and not as tall as the boy he was protecting. For a split second, Eren caught a glimmer of his irises. They were cerulean, as deep as the bottomless sea, as bright as the cloudless sky. 

“Please let me explain,” he pleaded with two hands surrendering in the air, beseeching for mercy. “It was just a misunderstanding. My brother meant no harm.”

But Kenny Ackerman was not known for being kind. He was famous for being ruthless, the death reaper of the army who enjoyed robbing the light of his victim’s eyes. While Eren had never taken a life before—be it the Eldians or Marleyan soldiers who assaulted him by pushing him down into a frozen lake in the middle of the night—Kenny had killed hundreds. Eren knew that for a fact, because for every kill he did, that man carved a line on his barrack’s wall. The lines had become so many that Eren couldn’t see the original color of the wall anymore.

Kenny grasped the blonde-haired boy by his neck, lifting his hand until his feet could no longer touch the ground. His blue eyes started to water, croaking in pain as his fingers clawed frantically against the soldier’s wrist.  

“That fucking brat tried to take a sip of my coffee,” Kenny bellowed, nudging his head to the other Eldian who was lying on the ground, his blood pooling in his mouth. “You think I can forgive him just like that?”

The boy coughed, pale skin turning scarlet as he was smothered by his large hand. His feet erratically moved in the air, trying to find a ground to stand on while his lungs were screaming for air. He was choking, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. A few seconds more and it would be over. A few seconds more then his blue eyes wouldn’t glimmer as radiantly. They would be dark. Hollow. Dead.

But Kenny had a change of heart. Instead of murdering him, the violent man tossed him back to the ground.

“Armin…” The other boy—the Eldian who Armin tried to protect so desperately—called, reaching out a hand to touch his brother who was gasping loudly. Eren felt a shiver running through his spine when he heard him speak in his Eldian language. It was clear that the Marleyan government had declared that all Eldians should abandon their mother tongue. They were only allowed to speak in Marleyan or to not speak at all. Break this rule and you would be starved for two days. Do it again and you’d have your tongue cut off. Hearing how he just spoke to his brother in his native language, Eren thought of two things: it was either he was rebelling or just plain stupid. 

Surely, that word had consequences. Eren wasn’t surprised when the Eldian boy received another blow to his stomach.

What he didn’t expect, however, was when Armin slapped his hand away. “Jean!” he screamed. “Know your place!”

Jean looked like he stopped breathing for a second. So many things appeared in his eyes: from being confused to afraid until it finally ended with redeemed anger. Slowly, and painfully, Jean crawled to his stomach and pressed his forehead to the ground, bowing to his punisher.

“I’m sorry,” Jean muttered, his voice quavering and Eren knew that it wasn’t from the fear. It was from the wrath he tried to bottle inside his chest. Eren also noticed that tears were lining down his cheeks, but his sobs couldn’t be heard, muted by his gritted teeth. It was an agonizing sight to behold.

Armin kneeled next to him, imitating his posture, bowing deeply until his forehead met the ground. “Please, Sir… Show us some mercy…”

Kenny guffawed, looking delighted for the power he had over them. He placed one foot on Jean’s head, pressing it down until he screamed when the skin on his forehead broke and bled. “I can’t hear you, little boy,” the soldier said, his smile growing wider. “Come on, apologize some more. I’m sure even pigs like you can do it.”

Eren felt his heart stir. His hold around his shotgun was getting tighter, his nails turning white.

Panic painted Armin’s face as he watched Jean’s blood seeping through the snow. “S-sir,” he crawled forward, latching one hand against Kenny’s boots. “Let him go—"

“Don’t touch me!” Kenny kicked his face and Armin fell to his side, shaky hands covering his torn lip.

“I’m sorry!” Jean, unable to contain the agony, screamed. “I said I’m sorry, so please!” He sobbed, his face sinking in the snow. “Please let us go…”

Kenny released him with a satisfied grin. “Listen to your big brother, little boy,” he said, spitting on Jean’s limp body. “Know your place.” He took his leave with his chin tilted up in arrogance.

The ruckus ended there. The two boys were still lying helplessly on the ground, trying to catch their breaths and steady their hearts. The crowd around them—another bunch of powerless Eldians—tried to not pay attention to them even when their hands were itching to help. They continued walking with their heads hung low, hugging the branches close to their chest like they were ordered to before the sun sank below the horizon.

Eren felt sick. Everything was wrong. The world was not supposed to roll like this. It wasn’t supposed to resemble hell. 

The young soldier walked with hurried steps toward the boys. He was the only one who was brave enough to examine their conditions. Jean, head raised in suspicion, scowled at him when he was close enough. He was like a cornered wolf, a raging flame in his eyes even his whole body was aching. Eren did not mind his anger. He had expected it.

Armin, on the other hand, was simply cautious. “Sir.” He bowed to Eren as he did to Kenny before, with his palms and forehead pressed against the ice. His voice was still quivering, his shoulders shaking both from pain and fear.

“Stand up,” Eren commanded, not too loud, not too firm. “Stand up and hide before the others come to check on you.”

Armin lifted his head, gazing at him with confusion in his eyes. “But…” His gaze shifted to the pile of branches that were scattered on the ground. “T-the branches—I haven’t finished—”

“I’ll tell them you’re done for the day.” He picked the other man up by his arm. “What’s your name?”

Armin tucked his chin down, anxious. “A-Armin Arlert, Sir…”

Eren took an old handkerchief from his pocket—one that his mother gave him during his departure—and handed it to the boy. “Here.”

The shorter boy blinked in bewilderment, perhaps contemplating whether Eren was just playing tricks on him. “S-sir?”

“To wipe your blood,” Eren explained, observing the deep cut on the corner of his mouth. “Don’t use your clothes, you’ll get germs on the wound.”

Armin’s shaky eyes searched his, wanting to decipher what was hidden between them but Eren kept his face guarded. “Y-yes, Sir, thank you…”

“I assume that’s your brother?”

Armin helped Jean return to his feet. “Yes. His name is Jean.”

“All right.” Eren tried to put on a reassuring smile. It was so rare to see a Marleyan soldier smile in such a benign way that it left the two boys stunned. “Armin, I want you to pick up your brother and find someplace safe to spend the night. There’s a lake two kilometers away from here. Keep walking south and you’ll find it. It’s safe, I’m the only one who knows that place. No one will find us over there. Sneak out an hour before dawn. There are fewer guards during that time. I’ll bring you guys some food.”

Jean, who was not as kind and trusting as his brother was, sent him a vicious glare. “Why should we trust you?” he bitterly asked. “Why should we believe that this isn’t just a sick plan of yours to get us killed?” 

Jean,” Armin called, his tone demanding silence from the other man. “Behave.”

“Because if I really wanted to kill you,” Eren replied. “You’d be dead by now.” 

Jean didn’t look so assured but his eyes did flash toward the shotgun that Eren held in his hand. His fingers were nowhere near the trigger.

“Go clean up your wounds,” Eren reminded, “If you’re too late, there’s a possibility you’ll get infected. Medicine is scarce around here, even so for Eldians.”

Although he was better at masking it, Armin still seemed stupefied from receiving this kind of treatment, especially coming from one of the Marleyan’s soldiers. “But we—”

“We don’t have time to argue,” Eren cut him short, only then did he sound stern. He needed to step away right now before he raised any kind of suspicion. “Just do as I say and keep yourself safe. Please.”

And then he left, leaving the two boys with frowns breaking on their faces.

For the first time in his life, Eren felt good.

For the first time in his life, he finally knew how it felt like to be human.


“So your name’s Jean?” Eren questioned as he gave him enough food to keep the boy alive for another day. Jean’s intense light brown eyes shimmered in delight when his nose caught a whiff of bread. His stomach growled, begging for attention.

“Don’t call me that,” he snapped back, taking the loaf of bread without saying a word of gratitude. He took a huge bite, chewing loudly as he muttered, “I don’t want a Marleyan calling my name. That’s fucking disgusting.”

“But you’re eating the food I gave you.”

Shut up.”

“I’m sorry,” Armin joined in, sighing at his sibling’s behavior. “He has no manners whatsoever.”

“I do have manners,” Jean corrected, licking his thumb from the breadcrumbs. “But unlike you, I just don’t feel like playing a goody two shoes around those fuckers, including him.”

Eren, weirdly, found his attitude amusing rather than insulting. “Still don’t trust me yet, do you?”

Jean didn’t even spare him a glance. He strolled away, taking a seat at the edge of the frozen lake, picking up pebbles and throwing them aimlessly.

“Jean isn’t always like this, you know,” Armin said, scooting closer to the brunette. They were both out of Jean’s hearing. The blonde male thanked him when Eren pushed a bottle of vodka in his direction. He might not like the taste of it, but it did a great job at keeping his body warm. “He used to be all fun and cheery.”

But now he’s bitter and spiteful. “Him? Cheery?” Eren almost chuckled. “Doesn’t seem like it fits.”

“He was annoying but… Kind.”

The melancholy in Armin’s voice made him wonder. “I guess everybody changed during the war, huh?” And not for the better, Eren mused, turning pensive. Including me.

Armin looked up and saw how the sky was faintly painted with a light shade of red and orange. Maybe they still had a little time to talk before the sun came up and they had to return to reality. “Jean and I aren’t families by blood,” he said, his voice a bit hollow, just like his stare. “But to me, he feels like one. We’ve been best friends since forever so I always thought of him as my sibling. We were neighbors, that was how we knew each other. One day, as we were walking back from school, a group of Marleyan soldiers entered our block and killed everyone in sight. I thought something happened. I thought we were punished. But these men… they were laughing. I got fifteen, I got twenty, they said, counting the bodies. They were playing games.”

It was horrifying, he thought, the fact that these soldiers murdered people for fun. But it wasn’t as eerie as the way Armin retold the story—empty eyes staring far away into the night, his soul breaking with every word he spoke. But his voice was steady. Emotionless. He was numb. The tiny hairs on Eren’s nape rose in dread but he kept his lips shut and his ears perked up.

“I invited Jean and his mother into my home since we had a basement we could use as a hiding place,” Armin continued, hugging his knees to his chest, sniffling from the cold. Eren wanted to steal some clothes for him to wear, but it would be impossible for other soldiers not to notice him. “We thought we were safe there when suddenly, two soldiers broke through our front door. Our parents tried to buy us some time to run away and his mother trusted me with her son’s life. I was only ten back then, Jean was just as young. But she thought I was smarter, that I would find a way to keep her son safe. But I was so frightened, I couldn’t think. I couldn’t do anything. So I hid in a closet with Jean plastered against me, and we waited until the soldiers went away. I remember how tightly we pressed our hands against our ears because we knew things wouldn’t end well. It only took a few minutes, three gunshots, and a train of laughter coming from the Marleyan men. Then it was all… silence.” Armin breathed deeply. “The next thing we knew, when we stepped down from the closet, our feet were soaked in our parents’ blood. And we covered our mouths as we cried. We didn’t make a sound. ”

Eren sat frozen. He never had the chance to console someone before, and he wasn’t certain whether Armin needed one. Unsure of what to say, he murmured, “I’m sorry.”

Armin smiled, warm as the sunlight. “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault.” He took the bottle from the soldier’s hand, taking another chug. “I’m sorry for rambling like this. What I’m trying to say is that… Jean used to be happy. He was a nice kid, but losing people you love tends to do that to you”

They both went quiet. Armin spent his time staring at Jean’s back, who was now trying to make small cracks on the edge of the lake. Eren, on the other hand, was busy trying to process all of the information he just received.

“Don’t look so sad,” Armin chastised gently. “I didn’t tell you my story so I could be pitied. I shared about my past so you’d realize that even after all these things that happened, Jean and I are still here. Alive and breathing. And it’s partially because of you.”

“Me?” Eren asked, startled. “I barely did anything.”

Armin gave him a knowing look. “I saw you back then. When that guy was strangling me, I saw you holding your gun like you were ready to shoot him. And a part of me believed that if he did hurt me more than that, you would’ve pulled the trigger for me.”

Eren turned scarlet. He wasn’t aware that he did that. Did his body move on its own?

“Am I wrong,” Armin took a closer look at the name sewed on his clothes. “Kruger?”

“Eren is fine,” the soldier said, not liking his Marleyan’s name. Ever since his mother got remarried to a Marleyan man, he was forced to change his family name. It had happened a few years back but he still hadn’t grown accustomed to it.

“You don’t look like a Marleyan to me,” Armin commented. His eyes were scrutinizing Eren’s appearance within every detail, but they were gentle, just like how he spoke.

“My parents were Eldians,” Eren said, a faint sad smile sketched upon his lips as he recalled his past. “My dad died in an accident a couple of years after I was born, and then my mother got remarried to a Marleyan guy. It happened way back before the war. For protection, my mother and I decided to change our names into his family name and pretended that we were Marleyan since birth.”

Armin listened intently. He stayed voiceless for a few seconds until he said, “And so you’re on their side now.”

Eren stiffened, every bit of his movements coming to a halt. 

Was that true? Was that where his loyalty stood?

“Sorry,” the other boy hurriedly said. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“I’m trying to choose a better option,” Eren quietly answered. “Even when I belong to the Marleyan army, I still think that this is not the way it should be. Being a Marleyan doesn’t mean we’re better than the Eldians. We don’t have the right to abuse, steal, or kill. I—” he realized that he was talking in one breath, his chest felt suffocating. “I just want to change how the world works, but I don’t know how. I’m in no such position to make amends.”

Armin gazed at him with too much going on behind his eyes and Eren wondered whether that was a bad thing or a good thing.

“What’s your name then?” Armin queried. His smile was so delicate, so genuine, and juvenile. “Your Eldian name?”

“Jaeger…” Eren licked his lower lip nervously. It had been a long time since he last spoke it out loud. “Eren Jaeger.”

Armin grinned widely and offered him his hand. Eren took it, a bit awkward as he was not used to having friendly interactions with people. “Nice to meet you, Eren Jaeger.” Armin shook his hand. His smile was a contagious disease. “It’s nice to see that there are still hopes left in humanity.”

The soldier froze for a few seconds before his face warmed in a smile. 

“Likewise, Armin.”


“Eren!” Armin wrapped his arms around his shoulders the moment they met by the lake again. Several nights had passed by and Eren breathed in relief to know that he looked pretty much the same as when he last saw him. “How have you been, my friend?”

“I’ve been well,” Eren answered, smiling lightly at him as they broke their hug. Jean Kirstein came trailing after him with a familiar scowl in his eyes. 

Eren smirked, tossing him a few loaves of bread, along with a fresh bottle of water. “Here you go, Horseface.” They had become close enough to make fun of each other during conversations.

“These aren’t poisoned, right?” Jean asked with an ungrateful tone.

Eren rolled his eyes. “I’ve brought you food for like five times by now and you still ask me that.”

“I was just being careful.”

He snorted in response and Armin laughed, patting the soldier’s back. “Come on and sit with us,” the most affectionate man among them offered kindly. “There’s a lot I want to talk about.”

While Jean was the more unsociable one, Armin was quite talkative and possibly nicer than anyone Eren had ever met. He loved to share his thoughts—mostly about the sea and the sky—and his hopes for a better world. Eren found it refreshing that in a gloomy place like this, he could find someone who was truly visionary and imaginative enough to light up the place with his presence.

“I wish I could marry someone someday, you know?” Armin said, lying on the ground with his arms folded under his head. His eyes twinkled, reflecting the stars in the sky, while his brother was busily munching on his bread with loud noises.

“Armin, that’s not gonna happen,” Jean commented and Eren laughed because while Armin and he usually spoke in the Marleyan language, Jean always talked in his native one.

“What do you mean it’s not gonna happen?” Armin pouted, making him look even younger. “I think I could find a nice woman for me one day.”

“We can’t even find enough food to live by tomorrow if this prick weren’t here to help us.”

Eren shook his head in amusement when Jean rudely pointed at him. Days had passed by and Jean still insisted on calling him with any derogatory term he could come up with instead of his name. “Always glad to help, buddy,” Eren joked, which earned him another glare from the tall boy.

Armin poked his brother by the stomach. “Which is why you should be more grateful toward Eren, you idiot.”

Jean scoffed, continuously glowering at the soldier as he took a large sip of his water. “This is the least he could do for us, Armin. Those fuckers took our families away, remember?”

“Jean,” Armin called, exhaling heavily as he sat up. He sounded a bit more enervated than usual. “Eren is different. Don’t put him on the same page—”

“He’s not different!” He harshly barked and Eren wished Jean could stop speaking like he wasn’t there. “This bastard belongs to the army! He’s not our friend, Armin! He will never be! All Marleyans deserve to die and so does he!”

Eren was stricken aback. Was that how Jean really thought of him? Just another heartless Marleyan with no soul? Even after all that time they spent together?

“Jean!” Armin scolded, his forehead creasing in anger. “You take that back and apologize to him!”

“If he could bring my mother back from the dead,” Jean said, standing up on his feet. “I’d forgive him.”

Armin could only open his mouth but he couldn’t speak. He noticed that the other man was crying when he pivoted on his heel, walking away with a storm raging in his chest. And Armin wondered whether it was from pain, anger, or suppressed frustration. Perhaps everything at once.

“God, I’m sorry,” Armin apologized, returning his gaze to Eren. “You know he doesn’t mean what he said.”

Eren only replied to him with a smile but his heart was shattered.

He didn’t know that he had to take responsibility for the things he didn’t do.


“First time?” A Marleyan officer asked Eren with a teasing look in his eyes.

Eren swallowed thickly, trying hard to will himself not to blush as he nodded and stored his gun away inside his locker. The other man snickered, leaning his back against the wall as he spoke to Eren with his arms crossed on his chest.

“I still remember my first time,” he sneered and Eren only listened half-heartedly, showing no emotion. He felt revolted watching these Marleyan soldiers walking past him with arrogance and dirty looks on their faces. How could they laugh so easily after they forced these poor women to satisfy their needs? How could they just throw them away without feeling any remorse or offering a single form of gratitude?

“My friend forced me to do this,” Eren said and he didn’t know why he needed to explain it. Perhaps he just wanted to give himself a chance to redeem the guilt of the sin he was about to commit.

Ah,” the man slurred, his slanty eyes twinkling. “You all rookies said that at first. But when you’ve done it once, you could never stop. Before you know it, you’re gonna want to fuck them every day, believe me.”

Eren’s fingers balled into fists and he had to put his hands on his back to keep them away from showing. The young soldier only tossed him a smile, not revealing the rage that bubbled inside his chest.

“Shall we get in line, then?” The officer asked with a wink and Eren tried not to slam his cocky head against the wall. Fucking piece of shit.

Eren took the stairs, marching toward the second floor of the military brothel, as the first floor was inhabited by the more ‘experienced’ prostitutes to serve the noblemen in the Marleyan government. As soon as he stepped into the hallway, Eren was met by twenty soldiers already lining up, one soldier for each door. There were ten rooms there in total—each one consisted of a bed and a bathroom for the comfort women to clean themselves up after ‘serving’ their bodies for twenty to thirty men a day. 

Eren held his breath down for a few seconds so he wouldn’t vomit. This place was sickening.

“I’d wait to get into that room if I were you,” the previous Marleyan officer said, pointing at the door that stood at the end of the hallway. “She’s a total beauty and doesn’t scream much when we do it with her. You’ll like her.”

As much as he wanted to punch that man, Eren knew his position. He smiled, nodded, and bowed before he followed his direction. He took a deep breath.

Let’s just get this over with.

He waited for about ten minutes before a man came out from the room he chose. Eren recognized him instantly. Kenny Ackerman. The same man who almost killed Jean and Armin a few weeks ago just by the strength of his foot. Another bile of rage started to pile in his chest but Eren channeled it down to a polite bow. The taller man zipped his pants, and smirked at the tanned boy before he walked away with his chin held up high.

“Have fun with that whore, brat,” that soldier said and Eren sank his fingers to his palms to keep his fists to himself.

For now, he had to think about something else.

He drew in a long breath, and he did it one more time to stop his heart from racing before he circled his fingers around the doorknob. He turned it open.

The moment he entered the room, his eyes scanned the place for a brief second like how he was trained in war—to always know your surroundings well, they said. Eren noticed the broken wooden chair in the corner of the room. He saw how the dirty bathroom had no sink and no door—only a small tub with soiled water and a piss pot. He noticed how the bed was big enough for two people but it had no pillows or blanket. The sheets were crumpled and the white color had turned into a dirty shade of cream, with splotches of red. And he knew for a fact that those stains on the sheet weren’t just made from blood.

But his eyes stopped moving when he saw a woman lying on the bed with not a single fabric covering her nudity. Eren quickly averted his gaze from the sight, even though all he could see was her back. In that short moment, he managed to notice the purple bruises blooming along her spine, tainting her skin with dry blood. 

For a few seconds, he could hear soft sobs coming from the girl’s lips. And when he secretly glanced, he noted how her shoulders were shaking as she hugged her knees to her chest. He didn’t let his eyes linger on her body for too long. He felt like he was being disrespectful to her. Eren knew his friends would’ve laughed at the way he behaved, but he couldn’t force himself to stare even if he wanted to.

The young soldier closed the door behind him and with that small thud, the girl immediately froze. Her sobs were muffled and contained, and slowly, she turned her body around until she was lying on the bed with her eyes on the ceiling.

Eren brought his head down, not wanting to witness any more curves of her body. But before that, he spotted how wet her eyes were and how hollow they looked. Those weren’t the eyes of someone who had the will to continue living. Those were the eyes of the defeated, who were willing to sacrifice their lives just so they could stop living in this rotten world.

“Do it,” she said, her body lying limp on the bed. “What are you waiting for?”

He was petrified to the bones. His mind stopped working.

Eren’s heart thundered vehemently behind his chest. He couldn’t do this. There was no way he could do this. He never even wanted to in the first place, but an order was an order. They were alone in the room. Magath wouldn’t be able to tell, would he? Eren could just pretend.

That’s right, he thought. I’ll just have to pretend.

And so, he said, “Cover up.”

The woman’s lifeless eyes grew a bit wide but only for a second before she smiled understandingly. “Ah,” she said, “So, you’re that type, huh?”

Eren frowned, not knowing what she meant and he blushed when she pushed herself up to sit on the bed. “What’s next?” she asked, not looking ashamed of showing her nude body to the man. She kept her eyes in his direction, but her stare was blank as if she wasn’t looking at him, but through him. “Do you want me to bend over too, Sir? Begging you to give it to me?”

“That’s not—” Eren blurted out, face aflame. “Lady, please cover yourself up. I’m not going to do this with you.”

Her smile faltered. “What?”

“I mean,” Eren sighed, turning himself around to face the door. It was troubling to be in the same room with a lady who was so stripped of her conscience that she could no longer care about wearing proper clothes. “I am not going to have sex with you. I’m just going to be here for a while before I go out so they’ll think I’m…” His blush smeared his cheeks. “…doing it with you.”

“You…” Her voice had lost its confidence, and instead of pain and disappointment, he began to hear hopes in her soft voice. “You’re not going to do it with me?”

“No, I’m not,” he said. “So, please… Put on your clothes.”

The atmosphere was thick with heavy tension and pregnant silence. Eren continued to stay mute, only trying to listen to the rustling sounds she’d make when she placed back her robe. Except, there were none.

“Have you dressed properly?” Eren asked, sounding a bit restless.

“I…” She fell quiet before she continued again. “I can’t find my robe.”

His eyebrows sewed together in confusion, knowing well that her robe was lying on the floor, just beside her bed. How could she not see it?

Then recognition dawned on his face.

Those lifeless eyes. That blank stare.

Eren turned around, facing her again and it seemed like she heard the sound of his shoes sliding against the floor. With her body jolting in alert, she hastily wrapped her arms around her front. Eren didn’t let his gaze travel anywhere else but her eyes.

“You’re…” he spoke, lips parted in shock. “You’re blind?” It was more like a statement than a question but whatever it was, that line gave more sense of peril to her.

“Which is something I should be grateful for,” she said, smiling again as if it was the only way she knew to keep her mind sane. “Considering how many demons are walking around this place.” It was an act, Eren noted, a way for her to appear resilient. Fearless, even when her fingers were shaking.

 Eren chewed on his lower lip. That sentence couldn’t be any truer.

Cautiously, he took a step forward and she jerked, pulling herself back in reflex. Eren understood then. She spoke like she was used to this kind of treatment, but she was just a girl, scared to her bones. She acted like she was strong, but deep inside, she was probably even more fragile than the first time she was abducted and brought to this place.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Eren spoke, loud enough for her ears to hear but not soft enough for her to stop being terrified of him. “I promise you with my life, I will not hurt you.”

“That sounds like a lot of promise coming from a Marleyan soldier,” she retorted, sounding like she was amused by it but she was not fooling anyone but herself.

“I’m not lying,” the boy said, taking another step and she inhaled sharply. Eren stopped, raising both hands in the air as if he was surrendering. “I’m just… I’m just going to fetch your robe back to you, okay?”

Her lower lip still trembled but she didn’t do or say anything.

Eren kept his eyes to the ground as he walked forward to collect her robe. She kept fidgeting on the bed until she felt soft fabric hugging her from behind. She touched the robe, releasing a shuddering breath at the familiar sense of comfort it gave to her skin.

“Put it on.” Eren’s voice was soft and tender. He kept his eyes glued to her face. “It’s probably only for a few minutes before somebody comes in and takes my place but…” His lips still curved, forming a reassuring smile even though he knew she couldn’t see it. “As long as I’m with you here, you’re safe.”

You’re safe… The words echoed in her mind, tugging upon her heartstring. Was there a moment in her life when someone gave those words to her?

Her eyes grew wide and when Eren retrieved his hand, she reached out and clamped her frail fingers tightly around his wrist. His breath hitched in his throat, stunned.

For a few seconds, they just stood there like that. One of his eyebrows was raised in confusion but he didn’t ask questions. He knew she was doing something. He just couldn’t tell what.

“You…” she breathed out, looking up at him with eyes that were too beautiful to be functionless. “You’re not lying…”

Eren blinked twice before his realization sank in. She had been checking on his pulse.

He smiled, affection growing on him. She was smart and cautious. He didn’t even think of that and he was a trained soldier, albeit still new. 

“I’m not lying,” he assured her once again. “Can you trust me?”

She swallowed and let him go. Careful not to make any sudden movement, he kneeled in front of her and wrapped the robe properly around her body without letting his gaze drift south. Eren’s cheeks were burning bright but at least he managed to stop his fingers from shaking.

“You’re okay,” he whispered, and her eyes searched his face as if she was taking every bit of his appearance, though he knew that was not the case. “You’re safe with me.”

She pressed her lips into a thin line, turning them white. Then, she nodded. Eren was about to sigh in relief when her whole body convulsed. She covered her mouth with one hand and she cried. Hard.

The girl who tried to cover her fear, the girl who acted bravely as she stood against the world, broke apart in front of him.

“Thank you…” she sobbed into her hand, her visionless eyes shutting tightly in gratefulness. “Thank you, Sir… Thank you…”

It felt different than the way Armin thanked him—similar, only her words brought a lot more joy to his heart than he had ever felt in his twenty-one years of living. 

He could feel his heart beating. He could feel it race. 

He felt alive.


“So how did it go?” Theo Magath asked his companion as he rubbed his fingers together to keep himself away from the cold. “Did you like your early birthday gift?”

His scowl almost found its way to his face but he managed to catch himself at the last second. “Yes, Sir. But I’d appreciate it more if we don’t discuss it any further—if that’s alright with you.”

“What, are you shy?” The older man sneered. “Fuck, Kruger, you’re no longer a damn virgin so stop acting like one.”

Eren let the matter drop. His seniors could think whatever they wanted to. It wouldn’t matter to him anyway. 

“So, what now? Are you going to pay another visit to the brothel?”

“Yes,” Eren said, startling the other man with his answer but he kept his smile to himself. Perhaps next time, he could bring one of his old sleeping shirts for her. It would at least be warmer than just a layer of a maroon satin robe.

“That’s my boy!” Magath clapped him on the back. “Already wanting for more, huh?”

Eren sheepishly smiled, doing his part of acting. Though the joy that bloomed in his chest was too real to be faked. Eren brought his hand up and his eyes lingered on the skin along his wrist—on the spot where she touched him. He remembered the way she thanked him and it bloomed again. The rush of happiness suffused his chest. A spark of joy from being able to give someone a chance to learn that life was an adventure worth living for.


Eren knocked on the familiar wooden door and opened it without waiting too long for permission. If he had waited, it would only raise suspicions from the fellow soldiers that were waiting in line after him. He couldn’t afford that to happen.

“Good evening,” Eren greeted, bowing a little to the lady in front of him. He felt a bit silly as he knew she couldn’t see. “It’s, umm… It’s me again. From the other day.”

The girl’s body went still and her expression showed that she was putting on her defensive demeanor. She kept her ears ready, trying to decipher if the soldier who let her go the other day was really as kind as she thought he was.

“Why are you here?” she asked, almost too coldly to his ears. “You said you didn’t want to sleep with me.”

“That’s right,” Eren smiled. “I only came here to talk.”

“Talk?” she repeated, covering her body with her robe and Eren blushed when he caught his eyes dancing along the curve of her waist. “What do you want to talk about, Soldier? How to use women for pleasure?”

It wasn’t like her spiteful words didn’t hurt him. They did. But he didn’t want to let it show. “You should have more respect for yourself,” Eren said and she almost growled. He gulped. Did I say something wrong?

Respect?” She snapped. “You want to talk about respect? My mother sold me here to get enough money to stay rich for the rest of her life. I have to sleep with more than twenty men a day just so I could get some food to live through the night. And when I wanted to die, they stripped me out of my clothes and hung me outside for everyone to see how low I’d become. You want to talk about respect? That’s the respect your people gave to me!”

Every word that came out of her mouth felt like a javelin piercing through his chest. But Eren knew well that she had no other way of channeling her anger and frustration. A few days ago, she thanked him for the few minutes of break and forgiveness. Now, she realized that it wouldn’t contribute much to easing her pain so she broke apart once again. It wasn’t fair that she lashed out at him, she knew that too. But when you can’t even stop your own feelings from hurting yourself, would you care about theirs?

She was breathing hard, her chest heaving up and down.

After waiting a few seconds in silence, he softly asked, “Are you finished?”

She bit the inside of her cheek, hot angry tears streaming down her face. He wanted to brush them away with his thumb but he couldn’t. He shouldn’t. “I am not good with words,” Eren diffidently uttered, “And I don’t know if you would accept my apology on behalf of my country, but…”

Eren slid down to his knees, making a dull thud sound once they met the floor. He bowed down to her, his forehead pressed against the floor. “I beg for your forgiveness,” he said, eyes shut closed. “I apologize for the actions my country has done to you. You don’t deserve this. None of you do. I am in no position to grant you anything to pay back for the suffering you’ve endured. I don’t have permission to let you go, no matter how much I want to take you away from here. I am weak. I’m powerless. All I could do right now is bow my head down to you, ashamed and filled with guilt, hoping that you could forgive me, and—” He paused, a bit out of breath. “To ask you for… one thing.”

Her breathing was ragged and Eren lifted his head to gaze into her eyes.

“I want you to continue living,” he stated, and he could see the little jolt her body made, startled by his line. “I will not say that your life will be easy. I will not say that happiness will come to you by the end of this day or tomorrow. But I can promise you one thing: if you keep on living, I will try within my power to make some moments in your life, even if they are just measured in minutes or seconds, worth living for.”

She felt weak, her taut muscles loosening as she released the air she’d been holding. She closed her eyes, two droplets of tears falling to her cheeks.

“I will visit you every day.” Eren’s voice was like honey, sweet and comforting. “I will stay here if you want me to. I will read you books to keep you entertained. I will guard the door so you can have a few minutes of sleep. I will be your eyes and I will tell you when the cherry blossoms trees are blooming. I will describe the color of the sky and I will try every day for the rest of my life to find a way to release you from this place.”

“Why?” she asked, a crack in her voice. “Why would you do that for me?”

“Because ever since I met you,” Eren began and he could feel himself smiling. “I feel like I’ve found my chance to do something good for people, even if it was just only for a little. I saw how grateful you were when I let you go a few days ago. And I felt this joy spreading in my chest—so much that it scared me, and I want to feel that again. I want to make you feel that again. And that was the very reason why I’m doing this. Not only for you but for myself too.”

And she didn’t have to check on his wrist this time to know that he wasn’t lying.


This is the fifth time I’ve seen her and yet, she still appears to be scared of me. As if she still doubts my intention.

When I walk into her room, she seems to remember the sound of my steps. Her face is still guarded, her lips not forming a word. But she’s no longer angry or sad. She’s just there. 


And living.

And that’s all I could ask for now.


“Soldier…” She called out with half-lidded eyes. Another week had gone by, or maybe even two, she could not tell. But he had visited her often enough for her to recognize his footsteps the second he walked into her chamber. Her wrists were still bruised from her previous encounter with a man who smirked wickedly when he exited her room. Eren had never felt so vexed with someone as he was back then.

He closed the door behind him, stepping closer to her spot. “I’m here.” He kneeled beside the bed, waiting for her to speak more. She was lying on her back, weak and breathless. Her voice sounded so hoarse as if her vocal cord was about to snap. Eren heard her painful screams before and every memory carved more scars on his heart.

“I’m sorry…” He lowered his head, unfamiliar with the pain. His teeth were cutting into his lower lip, his emotions churned like a hurricane. “I’m sorry…”

I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.

She sobbed quietly, reaching out a shaky hand. Soft tears started to fall from her vacant eyes at his apology. “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s not your fault.”

Eren cupped her hand with both of his warmer ones and brought it closer to his lips. His hot breath caressed her skin, soothing her bruise. “I’ll stay here,” Eren whispered, gently stroking her hair. “You don’t have to think about anything else as long as I’m here. You can sleep now…”

When she felt him lacing their fingers together, she breathed out in relief. “The skin of your palm…” A timid smile found her lips. “It’s so rough…”

Eren chuckled, even when it still felt like his chest was being torn open. “Must be because of my traini—” He stopped abruptly, his heart pounding. She was placing his hand on the side of her face, the callousness of his palm pressed against the smoothness of her cheek. Her lips bowed as she closed her eyes. She didn’t say a word, while his mind was jumbled with them.

His warmth was comforting. The texture of his palm was familiar. In his touch, she found her serenity. And just like that, her breathing became even. She began to fall asleep, drifting away from every wound and agony that life had inflicted on her. Right before she waned completely into her dreamland, a confession broke past her lips.

“Don’t leave me…”

Never had he felt his heart thrashing this wildly before. She was so beautiful. So pure, and so broken at the same time. Why did she have to go through all this pain? 

“I won’t,” he promised her with a voice so soft—it became a lullaby to her ears. “I won’t leave you. I’ll stay with you forever.”

I’ll stay with you for eternity.


“I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately,” Eren confessed, sticking a tree’s branch inside the firewood the three of them made that night. Armin sneaked a glance at his face, probably analyzing his expression to understand how Eren was feeling at the moment. 

“Me too,” Jean muttered, yawning loudly as he threw a rock toward the frozen lake. Eren began to realize that it was a habit of his. “But you know the difference between you and me, Jackass? I don’t whine like a fucking girl about it.”

Jean,” Armin scolded and his brother only shrugged. Eren mirrored the blonde boy’s apologetic smile, making gestures that he didn’t mind Jean’s words.

“Have you ever had a nightmare, Jean?” Eren asked and the other boy snorted loudly.

“My whole life is a nightmare,” he grumbled. “I wouldn’t know the difference even if I had one. And how many times do I have to tell you? Don’t call my name!”

“Please ignore my brother and his evil plan to spread despair to the world,” Armin joked and Jean threatened to throw pebbles at him. “What keeps you awake at night, Eren? Thinking of some lucky girl?”

While Jean snorted again, Eren began to smile sheepishly. “Sometimes… I guess?”

Aaw, our little hero has finally found his heroine,” Armin cooed and Eren shoved him lightly by the shoulder.

“Shut up. It’s not always like that.” Eren huffed. “It’s more than that. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a while because…” He paused, staring at the firewood with weary eyes. “Well, I guess it all started on the first day I stood on the field with a gun in my hands. I’ve had my fair share of training as a soldier, but what you see in real life is… different than anything you’ve imagined it to be.”

“Why?” Armin queried. Jean, who didn’t even bother to listen, yawned loudly as he placed his head on his brother’s lap. Eren gave them both a look but Armin waved a hand nonchalantly, muttering, “Ignore him. He’s been this clingy from the first time we met. I’m used to it by now.”

“Please. I know you like it, Min.”

“What, having a grown-ass man’s head on my lap? Very unlikely.”

And Eren smiled because this scene he witnessed right there, reminded him how it felt like to have a family. It had been a while since he last saw his mother, and only God knew how much he missed her at the moment.

“When I began my training,” Eren revealed, “The only thing that mattered to me was how to protect my country. How to not get your comrades killed in battles, and how to survive. But now, I see that that’s not how it works anymore. Being a soldier means we have to be ready to take lives. To murder innocent people. People like you and Jean.”

Armin stayed silent. The fire danced beautifully in his eyes, a spark of amber gleaming inside a sapphire.

“I don’t want to kill anyone.” Eren sounded as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. “I don’t want to be a murderer. I want to be someone who can protect. Someone who can help those in need. Someone who can make them happy.”

Armin smiled at him, pressing a comforting hand on Eren’s shoulder.

“Someday you will be, Eren. Someday you will be.”


Unwinds this world that ever turns,” Eren recited, his voice was velvety when he vocalized the words that were written on the poetry book he held in his hand. “Slow it to a week. Where daybreak brings her honey kiss.” Just for a few seconds, he let his eyes take a journey to her lips, tracing the shape of her mouth, beautiful like a cupid’s bow. He caught himself, the blood that rushed to his face streamed down to his chest, pumping his heart harder. “And twilight, earthly tenderness, with night her rapt mystique.

The lady was lying on her side, her eyes staring blankly at the spot where she could hear Eren’s voice the most. His tone was gentle and his voice felt like a symphony to her ears. It was easy to let go but she kept her eyes awake. She hadn’t trusted him that much to let herself sleep when he was in the same room with her. The previous night was an exception. Her body had felt so weak—drained—and she didn’t have the power to put up a fight to stay awake.

Unwind this world that spins so fast,” Eren continued and she thought she could listen to his voice forever. Husky but young, awkward but soothing. “Slow it to a day. When clouds flow back against Time’s bend, and dying dreams reverse their end. Lost skiffs return to bay.

The way the sunlight hit her skin made it glow and Eren felt a bit nervous. She was, indeed, a beauty. Art to be admired. No wonder she was the jewel of this place. No matter how many bruises bloomed from those forced kisses she had, no matter how many handprints and cuts from dirty nails appeared on her spine, she still looked like she was the purest form a soul could ever take in this world.

The book in his hand had been forgotten, his eyes lingered on her curves, but they were not the eyes of a hungry man. They weren’t fueled by lust. They were… entranced like a child lying on the grass, watching the stars taking shape into pretty constellations. 


He jolted awake from his stupor. “U-unwind this world that twirls so wild,” Eren read after he cleared his throat, shifting his gaze away. “Slow it to an hour. When friendships paint a lonely sky. Spry dancers, all bounds defy; Fresh buds elate in flower.

With every word, her eyelids became even heavier and she felt his voice getting nearer but, to her surprise, her thoughts remained calm. This was comforting. He was comforting. He was, by all means, her safe haven.

She fell asleep.

Unwind this world that whips around,” Eren whispered, returning the small poetry book to the pocket of his beige coat. He kneeled beside the bed, brushing her stray hair away from her face with delicate fingers. “Slow it to that time.” He adored everything about her. The way her eyelashes fluttered against her cheekbones; the blissful look on her face as she sank deeper into her dream, her parted lips, and the soft breath that flowed through them. “When our goodbyes were yet of tongueand Cupid’s arrow had just been flung.” Her cheeks were still wet with tears that never seemed to stop, purple bruises blooming on her porcelain skin.

How can I save you?

Closing his eyes, Eren leaned in and planted a tender kiss on the spot between her eyebrows. The lady stirred a little in her sleep and he reciprocated with a smile.

Our love, a love sublime.”


“All right, now let’s get down to business,” Theo Magath stated, blinking Eren away from his thoughts. “Our witnesses claimed that there were a bunch of Eldians trying to steal something from our storage room last night. We’re gonna find out who they are.”

Eren felt an eerie feeling swirling in his gut. These last few days have felt like the sweetest dream that he staggered as he stepped back int

Blissful Ignorance - Chapter 3

Series Masterlist

Pairing: Eren Jaeger X Female Reader

Genre: Pornstar AU, Smut, Fluff, Light Angst, Romance, Humor

Series Summary: Over the last four years, you’ve become a rising star in the adult entertainment industry. Yet, you can’t seem to forget one of the actors you met in the very beginning of your career — Eren Jaeger. You might even say you’ve got a bit of a crush on him with how often you watch his videos. When you’re hired by Bellesa Films to shoot a sex video, they allow you to choose your partner, and without hesitation you request Eren Jaeger. And while the sex is bliss, like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, you’re ignorant to the truth behind your years-long crush.

Chapter Summary: You and Eren meet again, but this time it’s for a video you never expected to film: a porn movie with both Jaeger brothers.

Content Warnings: INCEST, smut, some angsty elements. Dub-con, Public sex, being filmed while having sex, threesome, heavy degradation, slapping, sex toys, cunnilingus, humiliation, nipple play, spanking, bondage - leash and restraints, throat-fucking, rough sex, dacryphilia, sadism, breath play, bukkake, daddy kink, squirting, choking, spit play, impact play, overstimulation, orgasm denial, cum eating, submissive reader and some submissive Eren, 69, rimming/ass eating, anal fingering and sex, double penetration, a pinch of a physical altercation, hurt/comfort


Eren is several hours early again. This time, he’s early out of sheer nervousness and dread, not like last time where he was excited and giddy to meet his years-long crush. Instead, his body is racked with a different kind of fear, a fear that you’d meet his brother and choose him over Eren.

It would make sense for you to choose Kruger, wouldn’t it? He’s definitely bigger, manlier, more popular, sexier. Not to mention you’ve been watching his videos for years – Eren could only wish that were true in his case. From the very first time Eren met you, he’d showcased what a downright idiot he is. Who’s to say that Kruger won’t be suave and impress you right away? Eren feels himself tugging at his roots and biting at his lip as his thoughts travel a hundred miles a minute. He feels it in his bones, that the minute you meet Kruger – the impossibly cool and much more attractive version of himself, the version of himself that you’ve been pleasuring yourself to for years – he’ll lose the fight for your heart. And that thought terrifies him.

A sea of emotions – self-loathing, doubt, jealousy, nerves – it threatens to swallow Eren whole. He sits on one of the couches, far from the cameras pointed at the massive bed in the center of the room. Every time he glances up at the bed, he’s reminded of what’s to come, and bile rises to his throat as he pictures the moment you will fall for his brother over him. Who’s to say what happened between you two wasn’t just a fluke? That his identical twin brother won’t be able to do the same, or do even better? Eren fears the worst, a leg bouncing rapidly in place and his fingers strumming unpractised anxious rhythms over his fabric-covered thighs.

For a while it’s only the set crew who are working, buzzing around like worker bees, adjusting this and setting up that, while awaiting the direction of their queen. To Eren’s dismay, their queen turns out to be an irritable blonde with a penchant for testing his patience.

“Hey baby boo,” Zeke greets his brother, Eren feeling a light smack on the back of his head as Zeke tap’s his skull with a bundle of bound papers.

The script, Eren realizes, as he soothes the sting on the back of his head. 

“Will you ever stop fucking doing that? Shit hurts.” Eren asks with irritation clear in his voice.

“Absolutely not,” Zeke grins, the rolled up script hovering over Eren’s head.

“Didn’t know you were directing today,” Eren grumbles, sticking an arm out to collect the plans for his demise.

“And miss this family reunion? Not even the Euro World Cup could stop me.”

“You’re the fucking worst, Zeke,” Eren sighs, a hand coming up to his forehead to push his bangs back away from his face as his other hand takes the script from Zeke. His eyes scan the first page, rolling his eyes at the stupid porn title ‘TWINS TAG TEAM GIRL INTO SUBMISSION’. 

“Read it. Memorize your lines. Hair and wardrobe is coming in an hour,” Zeke says, standing before his brother. Eren is too busy reading the script to form a reply, so Zeke adds, “and Eren?”

Eren looks up.

“Stick to the damn script this time. Your brother’s patience is much thinner than mine. He’d ring us both with his own two hands if you pull that romantic shit again.”

As Zeke walks away, Eren’s thoughts go back to you, back to the last video you both filmed together. How amazing that experience truly was. He’s disappointed at having to film this instead – his eyes hover over the words ‘throat fucking’,‘leash’, ‘whore’. As his eyes travel further down the script (‘vibrator’, ‘cumslut’, ‘slap her face’), he’s stunned to realize what you’ve both gotten yourself into. Neither of you have filmed anything like this, and it only further fuels his doubts. 

Eren never watches his brother’s porn videos – no need to fuel his insecurities any further. So he had no idea what kind of video the three of you were making today until he saw the script. But now that he knows that you watch Kruger’s videos – and get off to them, no less – he’s doubting everything he knows about you.

What if you likethis? 

What if you prefer this, even? 

What if you fall for Kruger instead of him? 

What if Kruger out performs him? 

What if he brings you to heights that even Eren can’t reach?

What if…

What if…

What if…

Those are the only words that cloud his mind for the next 52 minutes.

Kruger and Eren may be identical twins, yet they’re anything but identical.

While Eren typically arrives to sets hours late, Kruger is punctual. Eren comes to set dressed casually, as if he could care less about the job he’s about to do – which in some ways is true. Because why should he dress up if he’s going to be taking it all off anyway? But Kruger? With him, he knows that image is important – his entire brand is his image. He always comes on set impeccably dressed, as if waiting to be called onto a runway at any moment, his movements trailed by the lingering scent of his expensive Tom Ford cologne. 

When he walks on set, sunglasses perched high on his nose, loose chestnut hair cascading over his shoulders, he arrives exactly 52 minutes after Eren began spiraling. Today he wears a fitted black t-shirt over a dark pair of pants tucked into expensive boots, his strong arms on display along with a watch that costs more than several months of Eren’s salary. Not that anyone’s counting.

As his eyes scan the room, Kruger’s surprised to find his younger brother’s even on set – Eren isn’t known for being punctual. Eren’s still sitting on the couch, eyes glazed over as he’s lost in thought, his script hanging loosely in his hands. He’s startled out of his trance by a smack to his shoulder blades, a rough push that was so forceful he found himself stumbling in his seat.

“You actually showed up,” Kruger speaks down to his seated sibling as he retracts his hand, his voice deep and laced with condescension. He lifts his sunglasses, resting them on the crown on his head, eyeing his brother with a more scrutinizing look now that the shades were out of the way. Kruger and Eren lived in completely different worlds – they had different friends, resided in different cities, and lived completely separate lives. So it was rare for them to be even in the same room, save for reluctantly attending family gatherings. And Eren wishes to keep it that way.

“I’m surprised you’d agree to this,” is Eren’s reply. He unwinds the script that he had folded in half in his nervous hands, and pretends to read over the lines, anything to get his brother to leave him alone. But for Kruger, this set was his turf. He had no reason to back off, not when he’s the one with the upper hand here.

“You should be thanking me, brüderchen,” he says, with a smirk and a teasing uptick of his voice at the diminutive word. Eren wants to tell him to stop calling him that, to remind him that he’s literally only ten minutes older, but Kruger continues to speak, “Maybe you’ll actually get pretty popular after being featured with me. Cause that OnlyFans shit isn’t getting you anywhere. I’m practically doing you a favor.”

“I don’t care about getting popular,” Eren retorts, not even bothering to look up at him. Sure, his older brother has his face, but sometimes Eren wishes he could wipe it right off of him. Eren thinks if he looks up now and sees the face of the man his crush has been lusting after for years, even if it is his own fucking face, he’ll lose it. So instead he simmers, his feelings stirring within him but controlled as best as he could manage.

Kruger crosses his arms over his chest. He’s bigger than his younger brother, both in stature and in muscle mass, and it shows now that he’s towering over Eren’s seated form. 

“Hope you’ll be able to keep up. We’re not doing any of that romantic shit you’re used to.”

Eren grits his teeth, his mind flooded with images of the video he filmed with you. If he’s being honest, he doesn’t want to film a hardcore porn video with you. He really enjoyed that ‘romantic shit’ – he enjoyed that more than any sexual encounter he’s ever had in his life. But all of his self-doubts and self-confidence issues aside, there’s another reason he doesn’t want to film this threesome: he doesn’t want to see you hurt.

“She’s not used to hardcore stuff. Go easy on her,” Eren says, finally taking a moment to look up at his brother. Green irises meet green, and for a moment Kruger’s surprised to see his brother looks quite serious. Eren never seems to care about anything. But suddenly he shows a seriousness when it involves this woman?

And then, Kruger laughs. It’s a deep rumble from his broad chest, incredulous that his brother would even make that request. Did he not read the script?

“If you want to keep working in this industry,” Kruger starts, and he leans down closer to his brother as he continues speaking, “You’re going to have to grow a spine, brother.”

Before Eren can even begin to think of a reply, Kruger spots a tall brunette and a short blonde woman walking into the room, a trunk and a pair of suits with them. Kruger nods his head towards them, informing Eren that they are the stylists for the two of them. Eren simply nods in acknowledgement. Before they can come over to begin their work, Kruger says, low enough for only his brother to hear:

“I’ve seen her videos before.”

Eren suddenly feels even worse, if that was possible. As if his heart wasn’t already lost somewhere in his stomach, it must be in his ass now. It was bad enough that you watched Kruger’s videos. But now he’s aware of yours? What’s next, does he think you’re –

“She’s hot. Can’t wait to see what she’s like in action, when it’s real and she’s not faking.”

Eren, his voice low and his eyes trained on the ground, only responds with a shaky, “Our videos weren’t fake.”

He says this, partly to his brother, to tell him he’s wrong. That real sex can be had without having to make it a hardcore porn – hell, you came five times the last time you both filmed together. He definitely knew that you weren’t faking.

But mostly, he says it to remind himself – because that’s the only thing that separates him from Kruger, isn’t it? The fact that the connection between you two was real, and not just you watching videos late at night in the comfort of your bed. The only thing that keeps Eren’s hopes from turning to dust is the fact that Kruger still doesn’t have that real connection with you. That for now, he’s still some virtual image, and that Eren is real and the pleasure he gave you was real. The kisses, the laughs, they were real. He felt a spark between you two – one that Kruger can’t possibly have by only being the man you watch on your phone screen.. And hopefully, he never will have it.

Kruger only acknowledges Eren’s words with a low “hm.”

And as they are both ushered to respective areas to dress and prepare for the scene, Eren can’t help but wonder what you were feeling right now. Are you excited to finally be with his brother? Do you want Kruger instead? Or do you have the same feelings he does? He wishes he knew.

He hopes that in an hour from now, once the cameras start rolling, that he’ll find out.

You’re sitting in a chair across from a mirror, your body practically swaying back and forth, barely able to contain your nerves. It’s palpable, the way your eyes bounce across the walls and your legs vibrate with your jitters. As the makeup artist in front of you paints on your red lipstick for the third time (only because you keep chewing your lips), she notes the way you pull your bathrobe tighter and cross and uncross your arms multiple times.

“First time?” she asks, arching an eyebrow.

“No, no,” you try not to shake your head, her pinky resting on your cheek to remind you to stay still as she paints your face. “I’ve just… never worked with Kruger before. I’m not sure what to expect. Guess I’m just…nervous.” 

You’ve been a porn actress for years now – so meeting new actors shouldn’t have you on the edge like this. But you were a nervous wreck, fraught with the questions repeating in your mind: What’s Eren’s twin going to be like? Is Eren okay with being in a threesome with his brother? Is he okay with me being in a threesome with his brother?

The makeup artist lets out a single tuft of air, a pathetic excuse for a chortle, her expression quite bored. Her chin-length black hair sways gently as she pulls back from your face. “That’s what they all say. We’ll see how you feel at first touch-up.”

“What do you–”

Suddenly she takes out a spray bottle, presumably setting spray, though she whips it in front of your face so fast you don’t have a chance to read the label. She sprays it in a ‘Z’ pattern, the mist dusting across your dolled-up face, before she sets it down with a loud smack against the wooden table. “You’re all set. Try not to bite your lips off before you start filming.”

You nod as she sets down her tools next to the makeup bag on the desk in front of you. She saunters off, effectively cutting your conversation short, as she starts to chat with another member of the crew. She leaves you alone, heading to the back of the room, and you take the time to stare at your reflection in the mirror. She may be apathetic, but she did a damn good job – you look sexy. Hair cascading in waves down your back, a sultry cat-eye with smokey eye shadow, vivid red lipstick delicately painted across your lips. You look so much more alluring and so much more dangerous than when you are made-up for romantic porn. The sight only fuels your anxiety further, the simmering bubbles in your stomach an out-right rolling boil now. You admit to yourself that you’re curious: you’ve seen Eren’s – no, Kruger’s – porn before, but you mostly stick to his solo videos. So you aren’t sure what a threesome would entail, especially one with his own brother. You almost bite on your lip again out of nerves but when your eyes catch sight of the makeup artist in the background of your reflection you decide against it for fear of incurring her annoyance a fourth time.

Instead, your fingers come up to brush against the black leather collar you’re wearing. Besides the bathrobe, and leather cuffs on your wrists, it’s the only thing you’re wearing. Your index finger hooks itself into the D-rings of your collar, tugging slightly, just to test how it will feel. There’s three of these rings on the collar: one in the center, and two at each side of your neck. You can see the leather wrist straps poking out from underneath the bathrobe. A short chain adorns each cuff, with clasps at the end of the chain. You’ve never used this before, but it’s glaringly obvious that the two chains on your wrist connect to the two loops on either side of your neck. The front loop… well, when your eyes dart across the room, to the long black leash laid flat on the bed, you know what that loop is for. The only other item of clothing in the room is a set of red pumps, a bright red to match your lipstick with heels sharp enough to kill.  

As you stare at yourself in the mirror, you reflect on the last time you spoke to Eren, at the conclusion of the last video you filmed together.

With terror taking hold of Eren’s features, he said to you, “Kruger wants to work with us.”

If you had received that call even a few hours ago, you would have perhaps been excited, ecstatic even, to hear the news from Hitch. Instead, you stared at Eren, unable to speak, the truth about your relationship weighing heavy in your lungs.

“Babe? Should I say yes?” You registered that Hitch was talking on the other line, but you were unable to break eye contact with Eren, his frown deepening with each passing second. Hitch continued, “You know how it goes with the big agencies, they’ll find someone else if we don’t reply…”

She continued talking, but the only voice that stood out was Eren’s.

“Say yes,” he said. 

You couldn’t fathom why he would agree to this, your eyebrows stitched and your eyes taking on a look of confusion. The sex you just had with Eren – it was nothing like anything you’d ever experienced before, and you hoped it was the same for him. You thought you’d felt a deeper connection with him – so wouldn’t he want to stop you from taking this job?

He sighed, swallowing the urge to vomit, or maybe to sob, he didn’t know what to call it, this feeling that made him want to crawl under a rock and never come out. How naive was it for him to believe that you’d really fallen for him the same way he’d fallen for you? And of all fucking people, it had to be his brother. 

“This is what you’ve wanted for years right, to work with him?” Eren asked, a bite to his words that you hadn’t ever heard before. He didn’t mean for his words to sound so pointed, but what could he do about his feelings? He wasn’t anything like his brother – Kruger was confident, brazen, ambitious. Meanwhile Eren was this pathetic boy who wore his heart on his sleeve, stumbling along with no goals in his life, too cowardly to do anything other than give up after asking you to get coffees with him. If he really would have tried harder, maybe things could have gone differently all those years ago, and you would’ve never ended up watching Kruger’s videos. So no, Eren wasn’t frustrated with you – it was all with himself.

But in your state of mind, with your body feeling like it was made of lead, and your heart feeling like it was lodged somewhere in your throat, you couldn’t muster the courage to correct him. You wanted to say to him ‘no, I’ve been wanting to work with you again ever since that first video four years ago.” But with the way he spoke, the way his face looked so dejected, the way his whole body slumped with the news – how could you stand to hurt him any further, to try and even deny what was true. Because yes, it was true that the man you’d been pleasuring yourself to wasn’t him, but his brother. And yes, it was true that over the years, the desire to film with the Eren you met four years ago morphed into a desire to film with Jaeger, too.

Eren saw your hesitation, and took it as a confirmation that what he said was true. He swallowed his pride and added, “It will be good for your career too, filming with such a big name like his. Take it. It’ll get you further than filming with me alone.”

He offered you a smile – though it looked pained, like a wince, but it was an attempt. You opened your mouth to speak, but again Hitch’s voice blared in your ear.

“What will it be?”

You stared up at Eren once more, and he gave you a single nod.


You walked around the room aimlessly as Hitch gave you further details about the shoot. And by the time the conversation with Hitch was over, you turned around to look for Eren, but Eren was gone.

You left the room, walking back towards the main filming area, bumping straight into Hange in the process.

She looked confused, her mouth open as she was about to say something, but you frantically interrupted her.

“Where’s Eren?”

“He, uh,” she turned to her side, pointing a thumb towards the exit, “He just walked out. Are you guys–”

“Can’t talk right now, Hange!” You told her as you began a mad dash for the door. She smothered the urge to laugh at both of your antics, shaking her head as she continued on walking.

Meanwhile, you burst through the exit door, your hand casting a shade over your eyes as you looked into the parking lot under the rays of the afternoon sun. You could see Eren, just about to enter his Ford.

“Eren!” You called after him. He froze for a moment, before slowly turning around as you ran up to him.

“Hey,” you said, looking up at him. You feigned a smile, but he didn’t return it. His face was as blank as you’d ever seen it, completely unreadable.

“Hey,” he replied, though he didn’t match the cheery uptick that you had to your voice.

“I wanted to talk to you before you go,” you started, your hands intertwining behind your back as you bit your lip.

Eren was impassive, leaning his back against his car door and replying with a short, “Okay.”

“I had a great time today–amazing, actually.”

Eren stuffs his hands in his pockets, eyes downcast and unable to meet your gaze. “Yeah, I did too.”

“Are you sure you want to go through with the next shoot? We don’t have to if–” Your words trailed off when Eren finally looked down at you directly, his lips pressed in a firm line and the warmth in his eyes all but extinguished.

“Yeah, really. It’s fine.” Eren was never a good actor, but he gave this his best performance. He had to. He kicked one of his feet against the pavement, continuing, “It would be good for both our careers. He’s got that big channel on PornHub, bigger than either of us. And you’re doing so well recently…a rising star paired with a name like his? Maybe you’ll make your way up to being the next Lana Rhoades or something,” he said with a short laugh, one that sounded hollow.

You chuckled lightly in response. “You think so?”


“Thanks.” There was a long pause, before you thought to yourself ‘fuck it, unprofessionalism be damned’. “Hey, Eren… Do you want to maybe get dinner or coffee together?”

He removed a hand from his pocket to scratch at the back of his nape. “Actually, I have to get going. Got to, uh, pick up my niece from soccer practice. I’ll call you?”

He turned around, motioning to open the car door, but you held onto his forearm to stop him.

“Don’t you need my number?”

“Right.” He turned back towards you, taking his phone out of his pocket. He handed it to you with a blank contact on the screen and you entered your name and number before handing it back to him.

You offered him a smile, “I’ll be waiting for you to call, then?”

“Yeah. I’ll call you.”

You took a couple of steps back and watched as he silently got into his car, a single pensive glance back at you before he drove away. You waved him off, hoping that you’d hear from him again.

But Eren never called.

You’re woken from your reverie by a voice calling out from the front door of the room “Ready on set!”

You immediately hop off the chair, making sure to smooth down any flyaways and dustoff your bathrobe as you glance into the mirror one last time. Then, you make your way to the bed, placing the deadly red heels onto your feet, and holding the leash in one of your hands. You take a deep breath, steadying your nerves, before plastering a smile on your face and following the crew towards the set.

When you walk into the room where the shoot will take place, you notice the buzzing of employees and the shouting as Zeke is running around giving last minute instructions. But none of that matters once your eyes find the men you were looking for.

The Jaeger brothers are truly incredibly handsome. You see them from the side, as they are staring at the set, arms crossed and looking rather bored as they wait for you to come in. They’re both dressed exactly the same – dark trousers, white button up shirts, and black waistcoats with black ties. They are both wearing their chestnut brown hair down, Eren’s length reaching just at his shoulders, while Kruger’s is maybe a couple inches longer, grazing his collarbones. They don’t notice you right away, and it gives you time to memorize their features. You can tell them apart, now that you see them side-by-side, because Kruger is even more massive in person than the videos do justice. 

You never thought that identical twins could be built differently, but Kruger is taller, his chest is broader, his muscles larger. Everything about his presence is so imposing. While Eren is tall and muscular, he’s definitely more lean, and everything about him is open and approachable. You think of Eren as cute, adorable even. He’s funny, and a bit dumb, but harmless.

But Kruger? Even from afar he’s almost fearsome.

When Eren sees you, he looks at you like he always does: his crush on you is hopelessly apparent in his gaze, and even with the awkward situation you’ve found yourselves in he finds himself smiling at you. Everyone is already positioned to start filming, so you don’t have much time for introductions. As you walk into the room, you’re ushered by one of the crew towards the bed.

You catch a glance at the brothers, meeting their gaze. Eren manages to squeeze out a simple, “Hey”, any other words that he could have said lodged in his throat. His emotions are too conflicting now to make any sense of them, and on top of that you look so damn hot right now that even if it was just the two of you he didn’t think he could have said a word lest he look like an idiot again.

You want to introduce yourself to the older Jaeger brother, and to at least exchange some kind of conversation with Eren, since things ended so awkwardly last time, but there’s no time to waste when the cameras are about to start rolling.

At the crew’s direction, you take your place by the edge of the bed, removing the bathrobe that covered your naked body. You hand off the leash in your hand and the robe to an employee and sit down on the plush mattress, one long bare leg crossed over the other, eyes concentrated on the Jaeger’s off to the side. Kruger and Eren are both talking to their brother Zeke behind the camera in front of you, nodding and discussing what, you don’t know, but you presume it’s about the scene you’re about to film. The two brothers are facing you, a smile offered to you from each. But unspoken in their smiles are their intentions – Eren’s smile is reassuring and earnest, while Kruger’s is teasing and predatory, like a hunter about to take its prey. It makes a shiver run up your spine. 

You don’t dwell on it too long, because suddenly Zeke claps once, loudly. Kruger walks in your direction as Zeke begins to direct each cameraman and each of the lights to the point of focus. You place your palms flat on the bed behind you, sticking out your bare chest, your legs closed before you. They’re pressed together to prevent them from shaking. The anxious knot in your stomach only tightens when Zeke shouts out “action!”.

The taller Jaeger brother, Kruger, is the first to stand before you. It isn’t like that last time with Eren – there aren’t any shy smiles, no awkward titters, no avoiding glances. Kruger may not have said a single word yet, but his eyes speak for him. The way they stare you down, almost glowing green with their ferocity. They are venomous, smoldering, dangerous. His intense gaze is paired with a small upturn of his lips, a smirk that you recognize from the many times you’ve watched his videos. You already know how this will begin. And it makes you clench your limbs in anticipation, as if your body is conditioned to feel aroused at the sight of him.

He reaches a hand out for your cheek, a thumb grazing your skin, touch lighter than a feather. It’s deceitful, you know, because that’s the only time he’ll ever be that gentle. He’s so immensely tall, a massive 200 cm, that you have to crane your neck up to look at him as he touches you. He thinks you look cute, innocent even, despite the collar and the straps on your wrists, as you blink up at him. Your makeup is meant to be sexy, but Kruger knows when it comes to hardcore porn, you’re practically a virgin. The makeup doesn’t fool him, but it does make the illusion just a bit more enticing.

It always begins with that one line, delivered in that low voice of his that is almost a growl, words laced with scorn, tongue sharp like a whip. 

Think you can handle me, baby girl?”

It’s the line, the one he always starts with, even when he’s solo and teasing his viewers. When you watch his porn at home, you’d talk back to your phone. You’d whisper, “Yes, Daddy,” as you’d begin the ritual of slipping your fingers past the waistline of your bottoms. You’d believe it, like clockwork, that you could handle him. That those women on the video, the ones who always said yes so hesitantly, with eyes so fearful and lips stuttering – you’d think they were faking it, exaggerating it for the clip. You’re no stranger to doing that yourself in your own videos.

But right now, sitting before him, you know exactly how those women feel. 

You’re unable to take your eyes off of his harsh murky green, almost black irises. All four plus years of your experience as a porn actress is tossed out the window with the way Kruger looks at you. You can only dole out a weak, “Yes.”

Before you can even blink, Kruger has your cheeks pinched between one of his large hands. It’s rough and sudden, the way he grabs your face, and your eyes flicker towards Eren, a statue standing still right behind the camera waiting for his cue. His expression is one of worry. But this is just the beginning, and it’s what you signed up for. So you build some resolve, shut away your feelings, and become the actress that you are. Your eyes meet Kruger’s once again.

“Yes, what? Whore.” He spits out the last word like it’s poison.

More confidently now, shaking off your nerves, you reply, “Yes, Daddy.”

He doesn’t let go of your face, instead bending down to meet you. You’re overwhelmed by his scent, his size, his striking features. His face comes right in front of yours, and up close he’s even more handsome than any camera could capture. You think he’s coming down for a kiss, but instead he chuckles, just a single breathy laugh.

“You want us to fuck you? I wanna hear you fucking beg for it.” 

Eren walks into frame as Kruger’s talking, silently taking his place next to Kruger in front of you. You begin to lean back just slightly, to give Eren room, so one of his hands can come up to tease your nipple. That single touch, just a light brush against your skin, his fingers impossibly warm, already has you sighing into him. 

Kruger continues, “Beg for my brother and I to touch you, like a fucking slut.”

Eren’s glad he doesn’t have as many speaking lines as his brother. He only watches, him and his brother hunched over you, hands grazing your body. Your hands slide up each of their chests, fingering over the buttons of their black waist coats, before forming a fist around the base of their neckties. You pull them in closer to you by their ties, just as planned in the script, and yet Eren still finds himself surprised to see that you are slowly settling into your role. With each passing second your hands became more steady, your gaze more alluring, your movements more enticing. You’re a natural at acting, and it shows with every sex video. This is no exception, Eren realizes.

Please,Daddy,” you begin, your voice whiny and breathy, and the two men lean in to kiss at your throat, behind your ear, down the edge of your jaw. They’re working in sync, actions mirrored on either side of you, despite never having filmed together before, leaving languid open mouth kisses that leave you reeling. You realize then that Kruger also has a tongue piercing, like his brother. The feeling of their piercings against your skin adds to the sensation, the metal adding pressure to your skin as they glide across its surface. Just the heat of their mouths and the touch of their palms, kneading at your breasts, has you already moaning into your words, “Please touch me.

Kruger pinches the nipple in his hand, hard, earning a yelp from you as his teeth scrape against your collarbone. Eren speaks his first line as Kruger leans down to take your nipple between his teeth.

“What else do you want us to do to you, hm?”

His voice isn’t as deep as his brother’s, nor is his accent as thick, but he’s had years experience of filming porn, and when he’s called upon to be sexy he can do it too. His voice now is just as alluring, just as hot and heavy, just as sensual. It’s foreign, to be filming with Eren when he isn’t his cute, awkward self. In the back of your mind, you realize: youmiss it.

You’re supposed to say “I want your mouth on my clit.” But the words never come. You’re so busy focusing on the sound of Eren’s voice, that you miss your line. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when Kruger barks out, the palm of his hand meeting your cheek in a harsh smack. “Good girls answer when they’re spoken to. You want to be a good girl, don’t you?”

You want to be a good girl, don’t you?

Eren’s reminded of the last video, when he’d spoken those exact words to you too. But the situation in which you found yourselves couldn’t be more different. While you both teased each other, with soft kisses and smiles, this was a different experience entirely. Especially when you replied breathlessly, sounding so desperate for air he’d think you were suffocating.

Yes daddy, I wanna be your good girl.”

Kruger suddenly takes a rough hold of your hips, lifting you off the edge of the bed, Eren unlatching himself from your skin in the process. Kruger’s so strong, he quite easily handles you like a limp ragdoll, tossing you onto the center of the bed. He stands back to his feet, looking down at you with disdain.

“Then be a good girl and fuck yourself for me. Stuff those fingers up your cunt.”

You watch the brothers from your place on the mattress, bringing your hand down to your cunt. You fixate your gaze on Eren, his expression unreadable, as you plunge your fingers into your dripping hole.

Eren crawls up the bed first, sitting on his knees at your side as you pump your own fingers in and out of yourself. As Kruger rolls up his sleeves, Eren’s kissing at your neck once more, a hand coming down to rub circles onto your clit. You can’t help but arch your back against the sheets, Eren’s lips suckling at your throat as his fingers work magic on your clit.

“Eren,” his name slips past your lips, and you turn your head to face him. He can’t help but deviate from the script, when you look at him with those sultry eyes and he catches sight of your flushed face. So instead of moving down to latch onto your breast like he’s supposed to, he kisses you. He doesn’t say anything verbally, but his kiss conveys everything he needs to say. He kisses you like it’s like the last thing he’ll ever do, biting and sucking at your lip, mingling his labored breaths with your own. His pierced tongue traces your lips as he swallows your mewls and moans, low groans of his own reverberating through your skin. Your fingers in your cunt and his fingers over your clit move at a steady rhythm, and you want to cum like this, want to cum because of his and your fingers.

But you’re reminded of Kruger’s presence as he joins you both on the bed, harshly splitting your legs apart. Despite your little digression, Kruger continues to follow the plan. He’s the one in charge here, and he’ll make you realize it. He takes an ankle in each hand and harshly throws them over his shoulders, your heels falling off your feet and tumbling off the bed to the ground with a harsh thud, as Eren’s mouth heads down to your breasts, where he’s supposed to be.

“Keep those legs spread,” Kruger says, leaning down to settle between your thighs. His large hands splay across your inner thighs and push them apart as far as they can go. You wince, but continue to finger yourself to the rhythm of Eren touching your clit. Eren’s mouth is wrapped around your nipple, sucking and nipping at the skin, his tongue flicking across the hardened bud.

Kruger’s lips find a spot to rest against your inner thigh, and the sensation is nothing like you’ve felt before. His tongue licks a stripe across the skin between your pussy and your thigh, and you shudder in response. 

Is his piercing vibrating?

Fuck–you’re fucking drenched, all that for us?” he asks, the squelching sound loud as you continue to finger yourself so obediently. You nod helplessly, a moan slipping past your lips as Eren’s fingers continue their motions right above your own.

“Gonna fuck your needy cunt with my tongue,” Kruger continues, voice low and breath fanning against your skin, a chill running up your spine as his breath hits the wet folds of your glistening cunt. “You’ll cum when I tell you to, hure.”

You don’t get a chance to react to his insult, because his mouth moves to your cunt, taking one of your lips between his teeth before sucking on it harshly. Between the sting of his bite and the vibrations of his piercing, you instantly jolt against the mattress, back arching up and a whine escaping your lips. Eren places a hand on your stomach to hold you down, though his touch isn’t as forceful as Kruger’s. It’s calm, soothing even, to feel the weight of his palm against your middle. 

Then Kruger takes your fingers out of your cunt and holds them up to Eren’s hand. “Her pussy’s so fucking sweet – why don’t you have a taste, brother?” 

Eren removes his fingers from your clit and instead they encircle your wrist. As Kruger leans down to press his tongue onto your clit, Eren brings your fingers to his lips, right by your breasts. He holds your gaze as he sucks your slick off your fingers, his loose hair brushing against your chest and his eyes impossibly bright green, as always. He waits for that moment, the way your features twist into one of pleasure as Kruger’s vibrating piercing and hot tongue make contact with your sensitive nub.

Ah– holy fuck!” 

Eren sucks off your fingers, releasing them with a loud pop, while Kruger immediately dives in. There’s no moment to adjust, no sweet kiss before a round of soft licks – no, instead he squares in on your clit right away, flicking his pierced tongue over it, over and over, the vibrations and the heat of his muscle making it better than any vibrator your could ever buy. Wave after wave of pleasure hits you, practically blinding you, as he begins to suck right at your clit. You can’t see his face with Eren working at your breasts, but you can feel the vibrations of a guttural groan rippling through your skin. It’s been barely a few minutes since Kruger’s face made contact with your heat, and already your head is thrown back, your throat raked with a sob. Your hand makes its way to Kruger’s hair, and you take a fistful of it, demanding that he stays flush with your cunt.

The gesture makes him chuckle. He pulls away from your clit, though only a couple centimeters at best, since your grip on him is fierce. His grip is tight too, his fingers digging into your thighs, holding them apart in front of him. You’re barely getting into the first scene, and already you can feel how you’ll wake up with bruises. 

“You like it when I suck on that greedy little cunt?” He asks you, a teasing tilt to his voice, though it’s so deep and alluring you know his words ring true.

Yes, Daddy–want more,” is all you can say, as your hand attempts to bring him closer to your pussy. But instead, one of Kruger’s hands releases your thighs and lands a harsh smack on your clit with his palm. It makes you jolt, sucking in a harsh gasp of air. Eren takes hold of the thigh that Kruger let go of, and brings it higher, closer to your chest. You know from the script that Eren’s supposed to join Kruger at eating you out, but Eren takes his time getting there.

Kruger spits right on your hole, though you’re so wet that his action wasn’t necessary. But it’s not about getting you wet – it’s about the way he wants to show you that he owns you. You eagerly take what he gives you, groaning as he takes his fingers and stuffs your cunt with his saliva. Eren’s serving as a bit of a distraction, lowering himself to position his head next to his brother’s. He’s kissing your thigh, nipping at it and grazing the skin with his tongue. Each brother is holding one of your thighs open now, and with Kruger fingering you and Eren’s kisses trailing higher up your thigh, you want more.

Fuck me,” are the words that slip out of your mouth, and whether its a exhale of pleasure, a command to the two men touching you right now, or whether its a plea – you’re not sure. 

Eren improvises, responding with, “Oh, we plan on it.”

Kruger then adds, “But you’re gonna squirt on us first, baby girl. Give us a taste of that sweet fucking cum.”

With that, they’re both on you now – Eren’s tongue flicking across your sensitive clit, Kruger’s teasing at your hole, the brother’s faces so close they’re fighting for space between your legs. It has your entire body on fire: your toes curling, your two hands holding onto their heads for support, your back arching up and your head thrown back into the pillows. You wanted more, but now this is so intense, they way they’re both lapping at you like they’re going to consume you. You already feel like you’re going to cum and they’ve barely touched you.

“Feels good?” Eren asks you, tongue tracing circles around your sensitive nub.

Oh my god,” you whine, eyes rolling back as Eren sucks on your clit and Kruger’s tongue, piercing still vibrating like its a fucking sex toy, fucks your hole and teases your lips. Your body wants to shudder, to rock against their tongues, but Eren’s free hand comes up to hold down your stomach and lock you in place. It makes their motions all that more intense, that they’re pressing their tongues against you and you can’t even back away.

“I’m-I’m gonna cum,” you choke out between your moans, the coil in the pit of your stomach winding up so quickly and so tightly, orgasm approaching the fastest it’s ever come at you in your life. Your hands come down to tangle in their hair, one hand on each brother’s crown, and Eren can’t help but moan against your heat as you tug on his roots. The sound of your voice, so full of lust and sex, has him growing hard in his pants. Kruger and Eren both pick up the pace, eager to make you cum under the movement of their tongues.

You’re so so close. “Daddy, please, let me cum,” you beg, trying your best to stop the incoming orgasm, only because you know if you cum without permission, Kruger won’t be pleased.

He pulls away only long enough to give you a command, a single word that pushes you over the edge.


And you do, the pressure in your body finding its release in the form of you squirting onto both brothers, juice coating their pretty faces as you buck your hips and your body spasms with tremors. Your hands come back down to your sides. Kruger’s the first to release his mouth’s hold on you, smirking as he says, “God damn.” He wipes his face with his sleeve, and looks over at his brother. Eren is still licking at your clit, slower now, helping you come down from that intense orgasm. Kruger’s hand comes to the back of Eren’s head, pushing him into your cunt. 

“You clean her up. I’m gonna fuck her throat.”

You’re still reeling, gasping for air and leaning into Eren’s mouth. He takes the opportunity, now that it’s just the two of you while Kruger makes his way around the bed, to press his tongue between your folds, licking a stripe up between them, lapping up your release into his mouth. He groans, a low ‘mmm’, the taste still so sweet. He speaks in a hushed voice, just low enough for you to hear, “You taste so fucking good, baby.”

You both make eye contact, and for a second you want to feel like you’re the only two in the room again. He finally removes his mouth just as you’re starting to feel overstimulated and beginning to whimper. You almost share a smile. Almost want to tell him how good that was and how amazing his mouth felt on you.

But you’re taken out of the moment by the sound of the leash clipping onto the center ring of your collar. You look up, and it’s Kruger standing by the side of the bed, looking down at you with the leash wrapped around his fist. Every hair on your body stands at attention, the afterglow of your high all but wiped away in the blink of an eye.

“Up, bitch. Hands and knees.”

He tugs on the leash, pulling your neck up and off the mattress, as you shuffle your body until you’re on all fours. You look up at him as he pulls harder, squeezing the collar around your throat. Your eyes water but you hold in the urge to choke. There’s no sign from you to stop, and Kruger takes that as his cue to continue.

“Open,” he says. You don’t look back at him, but you feel Eren’s hands on your ass. Eren’s standing on his knees between your legs behind you, watching as you obediently open your mouth for his brother. He’s not sure what to call his feelings, the way his organs feel like they’re ready to crawl right out of his throat. He wishes he could go back to the video just the two of you shot. It was fun, it was light-hearted. Romantic, even. Nothing about this is romantic and he hates it.

“Aren’t you going to thank me for letting you cum, baby? Have a taste.”

Kruger leans down and spits into your open mouth. You can do nothing but swallow.

“Thank you,” you croak out your reply, voice hoarse because of the tightness around your throat. He still hasn’t let go of your leash, and you’re feeling light headed from the lack of air.

Kruger slaps you again, the corner of his lips perking up as you whimper. You wonder if Eren’s brother is the devil incarnate as he spits out, “Thank you?”

“Thank you, daddy.”

He mockingly soothes your cheek that he just slapped, skin still tingling. He gives it a single tap. “Good girl. Open up for daddy.”

The two men take a moment to unbutton their pants, cocks hard within the confines of their briefs. You turn your head to look back at Eren, and he’s giving you a questioning look. Are you okay? He seems to ask with his eyes. You offer him a simple nod and the tiniest semblance of a smile. But Kruger’s having none of that.

He tugs on your leash again, bringing your face right up to his cock. His pants and briefs hang at his mid-thighs. His cock is enormous, and you wonder how the hell it’s going to fit down your throat. 

Kruger catches you staring, and with a smirk he whispers, “Scared?”

In truth, you were, just a little. You’ve seen a lot of dicks, and Eren was big by porn star standards, but his brother? God really does have his favorites. And it was obvious the Jaeger brothers were no exception.

To stick with your role in the video, you swallow your fear and bring back your teasing, defiant demeanor. “I can take it daddy.”

“Don’t disappoint me.” He taps the head of his cock against your cupid’s bow, precum staining your lips. You open your mouth and swirl your tongue around his head, flushed a pretty pink and throbbing with need. 

While you begin sucking on Kruger’s tip, Eren’s bringing his up and down your folds behind you. With one hand gripping your ass, and the other at the base of his cock, he teases your still-sensitive clit, causing you to moan right around Kruger. It sends vibrations up his skin and through his body. You can hear Eren’s voice as he mumbles, “God, you’re so wet.” And when Eren finally begins to push himself into you? You’re mewling, hands gripping tight onto the sheets below you as you clench around him.

Eren sighs, his cock inside you feeling like heaven on earth. “Taking me so well,” he says, a thumb tracing circles on your hip, “Can feel you squeezing my cock, baby.”

Kruger gives you a devilish grin. “You like being stuffed with cock, don’t you, whore?”

“Mhm,” you can’t reply with anything but a hum as he begins to push his cock further into your mouth, holding your throat steady by the leash, his other hand coming to the back of your neck. It’s as if the brothers are synchronized, both their cocks pushing their way into your body at once.  

Fuck, it’s tight,” Eren says between clenched teeth. His hands grip your ass cheeks, spreading them apart as he watches his cock sink into you. He’s not just saying this for the video — your walls are clamping down on him so tight he fears he’ll cum and ruin the shot. 

Kruger agrees with his brother, with a breathy, “Shit, take it, take this cock down your fucking throat,” as your mouth moves further and further down his shaft. It feels good for him, the way your hot tongue glides up the throbbing vein on the underside, the way your red lips enclose his shaft, the way your throat is so tight around him. It all feels good.

You feel so impossibly full when they’re both inside you to the hilt. Kruger’s looking down at you, your eyes watering as you breathe through your nose, while Eren’s eyes dance between where you’re connected and up at you and Kruger. He’s waiting for Kruger to start as planned.

But Kruger turns up to his brother and says, “ihre handgelenke, bruder.”

My…hands? You wonder what he’s talking about.

“Your wrists,” Eren translates.

You feel Eren reach up over your body and capture both your wrists in his hands, pulling them back. You’re no longer supporting your weight, relying solely on Eren to pull you back so you don’t fall forward. And then you hear a clinking sound. He joins together the clamps on your wrists, effectively acting as handcuffs behind your back. You pull them slightly but they’re tight, you can’t move your wrists. Eren holds both your wrists in one hand, and slaps your ass with the other. 

Eren thinks to himself: You’ve shot so many porn videos… You can do this Eren. They want you to be rough. You can be rough, dammit. 

Eren pulls on your wrists, arching your back and pulling your ass back onto him. Then, Kruger pulls you forward by your leash, ramming his cock further down your throat. You can’t believe this position you’re in, being pulled back and forth by the twins onto their cocks like this. It has you whimpering as your body jolts back and forth, back onto Eren’s cock, then forward to Kruger’s pelvis. You’re being treated like nothing but a cocksleeve.

There’s tears stinging your eyes, sweat coating your face, mascara and eyeshadow running down your cheeks. Your lipstick smears as Kruger fucks your throat with no mercy, his cock impossibly far in, his balls slapping your chin. He’s spewing curse words at you, calling you a whore, a cockslut, a bitch – every degrading word you could ever think of. You can barely breathe, between the leash on your throat and Kruger’s cock in your mouth. 

Yet, Eren’s fucking you from behind exactly how you like it. He doesn’t start slow either, instead matching Kruger’s pace with forceful thrusts of his hips slapping against your ass. It has you moaning and squeezing your eyes shut, you want to scream but you can’t, not with the older brother fucking your throat like this. Eren’s shooting you words of praise, though low enough only for you to hear. Your moans against his cock pick up the pace, and Kruger pulls out for a moment, letting you catch your breath. You’re panting, your body threatening to fall over save for Eren holding you up by your wrists.

Kruger’s index finger hooks under your chin, tilting you up to face him, your body rocking forward with each of Eren’s thrusts. He looks down at you with that condescending look, your face so utterly fucked out, makeup a mess and tears streaming down your face.

“I thought you said you could take it, baby girl?” Eren groans loudly as you squeeze around him at the sound of Kruger’s deep voice, “But you’re crying, making a whole fucking  mess.”

You whimper as Eren slaps your ass once more, his thrusts so forceful your face almost crashes into Kruger’s pelvis. Kruger’s hand that was on your chin comes up to your lips, and he sticks a thumb past them, opening your jaw and pressing down on your tongue. 

“We’ll make a bigger mess of your face then, hm? Paint it with my cum, how would you like that?”

He stuffs his fingers in your mouth as far as they will go as you nod. He pulls them out, a trail of saliva connecting your lips to his digits. He wipes it off on your chin, and a sob escapes your throat as Eren continues to fuck you, his cock hitting that sweet spot inside you and his balls slapping your clit with every thrust.

Ahh fuck–Eren, I’m–

“Gonna cum all over my cock?” He asks you, pulling tighter on your bound wrists as he continues to ram into you, over and over.

You part your lips, another moan perched in the back of your throat ready for release, but before you can make another sound Kruger again fills your mouth with his cock. It’s painted red with your lipstick, and soaked with your saliva. He thrusts into your throat, and it tightens in tandem with you squeezing Eren’s cock. Eren knows you’re about to cum, he can feel the way your body’s tensing up and your walls are contracting. You’re almost there, when Kruger surprises you both.

In a move that was certainly not on the script, he pulls Eren in closer by the back of the neck. You can barely believe your eyes when you look up and see that he kisseshis brother. Eren’s surprised too, for a moment, but he knows this is for the video, and plays along. They’re making out right above your back, Eren angling your chest up just a bit higher, his cock buried impossibly deep. You’re groaning around Kruger’s cock as Eren kisses him back just as roughly as Kruger captured his lips. When they part, Kruger pushes two of his fingers into Eren’s open mouth and down his throat. He stutters, choking around his brother’s fingers, but he continues to pound into you. His grip on your ass is tight as he coughs and grits out the singular word, “Fuck.”

Kruger pulls harshly on your leash, constricting your airway once more, and you close your eyes as you feel your peak approaching. Eren’s merciless behind you, switching to powerful thrusts that lurch you forward, so far that each thrust has him pulling out to the tip, only to pull you back down to the hilt. You want to sob and cry, you’ve never been fucked so hard like this, but Kruger’s cock in your throat suffocates you. You can only react by clamping down hard on Eren’s dick, your coil wound so tight you think your whole body will explode when you cum.

Kruger can see that you’re about to cum, and decides to elevate your experience further. He plugs your nose with his fingers, and at this point you literally cannot breathe. Your eyes are blown wide as you look up at him, and you feel so lightheaded you don’t know if you’ll pass out before this is over. 

Fuck, she’s gonna cum,” Eren says, feelings your walls fluttering around his cock. It feels so good, he throws his head back in ecstasy, curse words rolling off his tongue.

“Go ahead and cum,” Kruger tells you, “Cum on my brother’s cock like a good little whore, baby.”

You can’t hold back any longer, your vision turning white as you cum on Eren’s length. What would have been pathetic whimpers are swallowed by Kruger’s cock in your mouth, and you can only give a muffled “mmm!” as your cum leaks down your thighs and coats Eren’s cock, spurt coating the sheets below you. Your mind is hazy as you are on the verge of passing out, but it only makes your orgasm all that more intense.

Kruger finally releases you, letting go of your nose and removing his cock from your throat. Eren undoes the connection between your wrists, and you bring your hands down to the bed to hold up your heaving chest before you can pathetically crash face-first into the mattress. Eren pulls out, despite how hard you were milking him and how badly he wants to cum inside you, because this scene isn’t supposed to end that way. 

Instead, as you’re helplessly coughing and catching your breath, covered in your slick, tears, smudged makeup, and sweat, Eren joins his brother on the edge of the bed right in front of your face. Both of them stand before you, cocks glistening wet, right before your lips. 

You sit on your weak knees, blinking back tears, looking up at them. Without a word you bring a hand to each of their cocks, pumping their shafts with your fist. You bring Eren’s cock to your mouth, just the tip while you fist his shaft. He was already so close to cumming inside you earlier, that he begins to rut his hips into you. He can’t help but whine out a “Fuck, baby,” while he leans into your touch. He holds in his orgasm as best he can, to cum at the same time as his brother. You release him from your mouth and bring your thumb over his slit, teasing him.

With Kruger it’s not as obvious that he’s near his peak, but you can see in the way his body tenses, and hear the low curses coming from his lips, that he’s close too. You take Kruger’s cock into your mouth again, sucking on the tip as you pump the base with your fist.

“You want us to cum on your face?” He asks, and his voice has an edge to it. You know from his videos that’s how it sounds when he’s about to cum. He poses his words as a question but he already knows the answer to it.

Yes, daddy,” you reply as you release his cock from your mouth, looking up at both men towering above you. “Want your cum on my tongue,” you beg for their seed as you stick out your tongue.

You switch between their cocks in your mouth a second time, earning the most sinful moans from each brother, but you release them before they can cum in your mouth. With a few more furious pumps of your hands, and groans coming from the two brothers, they cum together on your face, thick ropes of white painting your skin. In regards to this, for once both twins are the same–they cum a lot, in several loads that drip down your cheeks, coat your tongue and even spill down your breasts and onto your knees. You slow down the movements of your fists as the last of their cum coats your hands. You show them your tongue, coated white with their release.

Fuck, so good,” Eren says between breaths. He watches, still reeling, as Kruger reaches out to you.

“Show us how badly you wanted our cum,” Adds Kruger, hooking a finger under your jaw to close it.

You swallow all the cum that was on your tongue, the action of swallowing hurting your raw throat. You blink harshly but otherwise stay silent, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue to show them. Behind them you can see the cameraman filming you, and the sight brings you back to earth, because this whole time you’d almost forgotten you were even filming.

Kruger silently pats your cheek in acknowledgement, and Eren reaches to smooth down your hair.

“Good girl.”

Off-screen, Zeke yells, “Cut!”

The three of you turn to him as the cameras shut off, and Zeke looks at the three of you incredulously. The twins zip up their pants while you’re still naked on the bed, too shocked by the scene you just filmed to even move.

“Holy shit,” is all he says, looking between his step-brothers and you, your face completely fucked-out. “That was insane.” 

You lie back against the bed and Eren comes over to your side.

“Are you okay?” He asks, worry stitching his brows together and causing a slight frown to marr his features.

“Just give me five minutes,” you sigh, laying back against the bed and staring at the ceiling. Your only thought, as Eren grabbed a nearby bottle of water for you, and Kruger walked away with a smirk on his lips, was: Fuck, we still have two more scenes.

The second scene starts out quite differently than the first.

After r

Pairing: Actor!Eren Yeager x MakeupArtist!Reader (AOT Live Action Show AU)

Genre: I genuinely have no idea? fluff? angst? a little bit of both?

Type: headcanon/bulletpoint

A/N: This was originally supposed to be the last part, but it was getting SO LONG and there was SO MUCH that needed to happen that I’m splitting it into two. Inspired by @nihaalart ‘s actor au fan art :)

part 1,part 2,part 3

  • Going back to your apartment after everything was depressing to say the least
  • You had made good money as a makeup artist before Attack On Titan
  • Yk from doing makeup for weddings, SFX makeup for other projects, doing stuff on YouTube and social media and stuff
  • So it wasn’t that you were going back to a crappy place
  • But the off white walls, throw blankets, comfy couches, and picture frames that surrounded you just didn’t feel like homeanymore
  • It was too lonely
  • You wanted the energy you felt on set
  • The excitement and fun
  • The friendship and love you had shared
  • Love
  • Eren
  • God, what was he going to think of you?
  • You just left him without any explanation
  • You refused to answer his or anyone else’s texts
  • You were kinda sorta shutting down
  • Mikasa and Hange had been messaging you on every platform you had
  • Jean, Reiner, and Zeke had texted you every morning
  • Armin had called you at least four times and Sasha sent you video messages
  • Even Levi - the captain of being antisocial - had sent you a message asking where you where and how you were doing
  • But Eren?
  • Eren sent nothing
  • Not a single message
  • No call, no text
  • Nothing
  • And honestly?
  • That hurt more than getting fired
  • You’d thought that after six months of filming
  • Six months of talking to each other and being there for one another
  • That he would’ve done something - anything - to show you he was worried, that he cared about you
  • But no
  • Nothing
  • It killed you inside
  • Took your heart and twisted it until you couldn’t breathe, only releasing it to stab it over and over again
  • You hated this
  • Somuch
  • The pain of everything that happened consumed you to the point where you literally didn’t get out of bed for three days
  • It wasn’t until you literally started to get nauseous from not eating that you decided enough was enough
  • So you picked yourself up from the depths of despair all by yourself and started over again
  • You got up and showered, washing your skin free of all your feelings until it was red
  • You threw your clothes and bedding into the laundry machine and went to the kitchen in the first new pair of clothes you’d put on since you’d gotten back
  • It felt good in a way, moving forward, trying to leave the past behind
  • But part of you was still breaking over the fact that everything was over
  • How you’d probably never see the people you’d grown to care about so much again
  • Because they were global superstars and you were just you
  • You’d always had a feeling that you’d be left in the dust once this was over
  • That they were all just being nice because they had to see you all the time
  • But you couldn’t focus on that anymore
  • As much as it hurt, the past was the past
  • You had to focus on what was happening right now
  • What you could do to move forward
  • About a week after you’d been fired, you decided to finally go back to makeup
  • You’d cleaned up the small office space you used as your studio - washing your brushes, fixing your palettes and paints, organizing everything to set it up for how you normally did walkthroughs/tutorials
  • You were literally about to press record on your camera to start when you heard a knock on your door
  • You sighed
  • You really just wanted to be left alone with your makeup right now
  • But then you remembered the new Mehron body paints you had ordered a few weeks back and realized it was probably them so you got up anyways
  • You trudged to your door, hair held back by a fuzzy headband and clad in a black tank top and your most embarrassing pajama pants because no one ever saw the bottom half of your body in your videos anyways
  • The knocking on your door got louder and you huffed out an “I’m coming” before reaching for the handle and swinging it open
  • You stopped dead in your tracks
  • The figure in front of you was dressed head to toe in black, hood pulled up over their head and a mask covering the bottom half of their face
  • Honest to god you had no idea who this strange person was judging from their getup alone
  • But their eyes?
  • You’d know those eyes anywhere
  • You could die and be reincarnated and in another life you’d still be able to recognize them
  • There
  • In all his glory and charm
  • Was Eren. Freaking. Yeager
  • And you
  • Beating the amazing talented beautiful dISASTER that you are
  • Because oh my god????
  • What was he doing here????
  • How did he get your address??? Why didn’t he call or text??? Why was he literally on your doorstep oh my g o d?????
  • But then you realize you just shut the door on a literal global celebrity who probably risked a whole lot even just getting to your place so you take a few deep breaths and open the door
  • You don’t look at him again, just move to the side and gesture for him to come in quickly
  • You close the door behind him softly as he walks into your home
  • A weird feeling since your home is your safe space and you hardly let anyone into it
  • Eren had taken off his hood and mask and was standing in front of you with his hands in his pockets awkwardly
  • Like he was a middle schooler giving a presentation
  • You cleared your throat even more awkwardly
  • “What, uh… what are you doing here?”
  • He fiddled with his hands
  • “I wanted to see how you were doing.”
  • He shifted slightly
  • “… and I’m also on strike.”
  • You blinked
  • He was on what now?
  • “Eren, what? What do you mean you’re on strike?”
  • He sighed and pushed a few strands of hair away from his face
  • “After you left, the rest of the cast and I asked around to see what happened. Nobody would tell us until Armin did a little digging.
  • “He found out that you had been fired and replaced with someone else - one of the assistants that Esme brought with her this season.”
  • You nodded
  • You’d figured that one of the other artists or assistants would’ve taken your job
  • Eren continued, “You know those stalker fans? The ones that follow us around everywhere, show up at our houses sometimes, and try to get into every fan event and stuff?”
  • You nodded slowly, trying to understand where he was going
  • He let out a mirthless laugh
  • “Turns out that ‘assistant’ was actually one of them. She had been watching me for months, and I guess when she saw how close we were she got jealous. She was the one who went to the director and got you fired.”
  • He looked at you for a second, half expecting a reaction from you
  • But you sat in stunned silence as you tried to process his words
  • Eren sighed, “At first no one would tell me anything - about what happened with you, I mean. I asked everyone but no one seemed to know. But then the assistant… she kept saying things - weird things to me. She even followed me to my trailer one night after shooting and refused to leave when I asked her to. It was making me really uncomfortable so I told Mikasa and Armin about it. 
  • “That’s when Armin started asking around about her and found out. After the truth came out, the director tried to support his decision about firing you, but none of the cast was comfortable with it so we refused to work until you were brought back. We’ve been on strike for almost five days now and no filming has been getting done. The director told me that I had to come and ask you back in person, so I’m here.”
  • You blinked
  • “I… Eren I don’t even know what to say…”
  • You ran a hand over your face and motioned for him to sit down on the couch
  • “First of all, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I can’t imagine how scary it must be when fans like that are around, let alone in a position that close to you.
  • “Secondly, I appreciate all of you doing that for me, I really really do. More than you know. But it isn’t fair to ask you to do that.”
  • Eren opened his mouth to say something but you put a hand up
  • “You’ve all worked so hard to get to where you are, you shouldn’t throw it away for someone who is easily replaceable. I can’t ask to make my problem yours.”
  • Eren sat for a moment before taking your hands in his
  • His touch was so gentle, thumb caressing the back of your hand softly as if you were made from fine porcelain that would break if held too roughly
  • “That’s the thing, (Y/N), you aren’t replaceable. You’re what brings life to set every day, the reason so many of us are so happy this season even though we’re all exhausted. You make it a better place and us better people. So you aren’t asking us to do anything. When it comes to you, your problems become our problems too.”
  • He paused
  • “… they become minetoo.”
  • The tentative tone in his voice made you meet his gaze
  • Those beautiful eyes that were so vibrant you couldn’t believe they were real
  • You swallowed
  • “Why?”
  • His lips turned up softly in a smile and his voice was no more than a whisper when he spoke next
  • “Because I love you”


Tags:@didiyogo@watermelon-online@frecklesstuff@naveenscrackwhore​ @itzmeme @tiffanyy-21​ @asseater1234567890 @hangesno1hoe@nanaosaki3940@jaegarfarted@meepopmi

—i’m about to show you, baby, slow down!

pairing: eren x fem!reader

warnings:toxic relationship (eren and reader are both major assholes), poor jean thirdwheeling, smut, fingering, name calling, slight dubious consent, possessiveness, jealousy

a/n: erm… i’m back…

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The relationship that you have with Eren Yeager is… flawed, to say the very least. Toxic doesn’t even begin to describe it. Perhaps just catastrophically, utterly fucked up.

He says he doesn’t want a girlfriend— because why would he want to be held down?— but then wants to burn any man who even glances in your direction. You say you don’t need him, but here you are, falling at his feet once again.

“'ren, I can’t.” You gasp as he licks a path from your neck to the back of your ear, biting the lobe.

“You can.” He laughs lowly. You can feel him pressing against your core, aching through his pants in his want. His hands press up on either side above you, caging you in. Overwhelmingyou.

“I’m serious. You can’t just follow me to my dates and…” You falter as you feel his hands move from the wall to your waist, gently squeezing your hips.

“And?” He urges you to go on, fingers fiddling with the sides of your dress.

“And, do this.” You gesture to him, to the bathroom the two of you stand in. “I’m sick of it, Eren, I’m sick of you—”

His lips cover yours in an instant, the taste of his faint cherry chapstick— the one he stole from you— melting on your tongue and making you moan at the familiarity of it all.

Wait, no.

You push him off, chest heaving. “Stop kissing me!”

Eren runs his thumb against your bottom lip. “It’s the only way to shut you up.”

You slap his hand away. “Stop. I’m on a date with—”

“Jean?” Eren interrupts, scoffing. “You think he’s better than me?”

“Iknow he is. He’s nice, he actually cares about me, and he’s waiting for me, so we’re done.” You turn to unlock the door, but Eren slams his large hand against it, stopping you from prying it open.


“Why don’t you get that you’re mine?” He nearly growls, forcing you to turn back toward him with a hand on your jaw. “I’m tired of your fucking games.”

Your heart stills at mine.

His hands drag down, easing your dress up your thighs. The glint in his eyes dares you to stop him, but you simply clench your hands into fists as your skin ignites in heat.

Eren pauses when he sees the black lace of your underwear. His gaze meets yours, and you can practically see the flames flicker in anger.

“You wore this for him?”

Truthfully, no. You’d planned on going home alone and texting Eren to come over. But you are well aware of Eren’s jealousy, especially his hatred towards Jean. You need to play this out logically, teasingly,no matter the risk.

“And what if I did?”

His hand is over your throat before you can even finish whispering the question, your body thudding against the door.


“Fucking slut.” He sneers, his free hand cupping your heat and making you groan as his palm grinds against your clit. “Can feel how wet you are.”

He pulls the crotch of the fabric to the side, letting his index and middle finger slide through your folds and into your tight hole. The stretch is blissful, making you toss your head back. His thumb flicks your clit in gentle, steady circles. Eren watches eagerly as your brows furrow together in pleasure, how your teeth sink into your plush bottom lip, which is now fully smeared, pink traces left on the surrounding skin.

Eren laughs under his breath at the ease of it— your resolve crumbles from mere touches. There’s no way that you’ll ever get away from him, not when he has you clutching onto him, sharp nails embedded into his shoulders as you shudder at the feel of his fingers pumping into you.

You must look like a mess, you think. Eren thinks you look beautiful.

“Fuck, ‘ren.” You whine, pushing yourself against his hand. “I’m close.”

And, the asshole he is, he pulls his hand away. He desperately keeps a poker face as he slips his fingers into his mouth, watching the disappointment flood your eyes, tears threatening to fall over.

“Jean’s waiting for ya. Don’t want to keep him waiting.”

Before you can clear the fogginess of your almost orgasm, Eren slips out the bathroom. His job is done. Because in about 5 minutes, he’s expecting a call from you, begging him to come over and wait while you come up with a shitty excuse to ditch your date.

Eren almost feels bad as he passes Jean on his way out, the opposing side of his dinner table noticibly empty. But he can’t help but grin as he tastes the essence of you on his tongue.

He can admit the relationship he has with you is catastrophically, utterly fucked up.

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;; Eren is dead, your friends are dead, Annie and Armin are probably starting a new life together, Levi and Mikasa are hiding together somewhere, and you are left alone. Left alone in misery, you try to bring Eren and your friends back to life by abusing the extent of your abilities.

/ ;; this is inspired by wandavision, some aot manga spoilers, ending is different, eren is crystalized, reader, eren and almost everyone twenty one here.

;; reader has abilities like wanda maximoff, you have powers like chaos magic, manga spoilers, don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled. Different ending from the manga.

. ;; this fanfic has a different ending from the manga. eren is crystalized in this one, annie and armin are living their lives before their time is up, mikasa and levi are both in hiding and you are left alone. (this is canon-divergence with a little sci-fi in this.) titans are still existent. Everyone is 21 years old. PART ONE here.

SO WHY’D YOU join the program?” Annie Leonhart, a warrior candidate, finally spoke up after being silent for days.

“I joined due to my father forcing me to. He said that if i didn’t, i would disgrace my family.” You softly whispered, you didn’t know anyone here and was too shy to interact with anyone.

“Oh.” The blonde apathetically responded.

“What about you? Why’d you join?” You asked, being curious about the blonde’s backstory.

You waited for her answer which took a few minutes for her to respond. She might have dealt with traumatic things, you thought.

“I joined for my father.” She said.

“Ah.” It was quiet for ten minutes but it wasn’t an eerie type of silence. It was more of a comfortable silence than anything.

“My name is Annie. Annie Leonhart.” She said, lifting her hand for you to shake. You smiled, immediately shaking her hand. “I’m [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N].”

“[L/N]? Like the House of [L/N]?” Annie asked, looking a bit shocked while you just nodded. “So that’s why your father expected a lot from you.” She lowly said.

“Mhm.” There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you two just sat there.

At least you made a friend, right?

Y/N? ARE YOU alright?” Your dear boyfriend, Eren asked while you were still on bed due to just waking up. “I’m alright.” You responded as you slowly got up.

“Are you sure? You were crying while asleep. Do you wanna talk about it? Armin used to tell me that to feel better, you have to talk it out with the one you love.” Eren asked once again, getting worried.

There. Right there. Armin’s name was enough to pull your sanity back to reality. A reality where Eren was dead, Jean and Connie are mindless titans, Armin and Annie are building a new life together, Levi is probably in hiding with Mikasa and you were left alone.

You wanted to live in denial. You needed to live in denial. You wished that you were as careless when you were a child. Back when you didn’t have anything to worry about. Back with Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt. Back with Porco, Pieck and the others.

You wished that you didn’t join the warrior program. You wished you disgraced the family. You wished that you were never experimented on and never get this power.

But at the same time, you wished for a peaceful life with Eren. If you never joined the program, then you would have never met Eren or Annie. Or even your closest friends.


Eren’s voice brought you back to reality. No, not in realitybut the reality you have made. “Hmm?” You hummed as you got out of bed.

As if the earlier scene never happened, Eren grinned and hugged you which surprised you a little bit. “Eren, are you alright?” You asked as he continued hugging you. Softening up, you hugged him back but still wondered why he was hugging you.

“I love you.” He softly spoke as he nuzzled his head to your neck. Smiling, you kissed his forehead and responded, “I love you too, darling. But would you mind telling me what is up?”

Eren grumbled, but still responded. “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? Do you wanna talk about it? Armin used to tell me that to feel better, you have to talk it out with your lover.” You repeated his words, but due to you rewinding reality, it never happened.

“Its just that…” Eren tried to speak up but couldn’t find the right words.

“Just what?” You asked him, getting worried.

“I— I don’t know. I feel trapped. Like i’m enslaved and stuck. I think something’s wrong, [Y/N].” He admitted.


Its just that…” Eren tried to speak up but couldn’t find the right words.

“Just what?” You asked him, getting worried.

“I— I don’t know. I’m just worried that once we build a family, i won’t be able to give us the things we need.” He admitted, sighing in defeat as he laid his head down onto your lap.

You smiled softly and looked at him. “We’re not yet married and you’re already worrying about that?” You asked sarcastically. I mean, you were right, he hasn’t proposed to you yet.

“Well, i know but—” You cut Eren off by kissing him softly. He was surprised but then kissed you back lovingly.

Maybe it’s not that bad to stay in denial and live in this fake reality until the final days of your life.

“Your Majesty, there’s something wrong in Shiganshina, its urgent!” One of the royal guards yelled as they ran towards the queen. Historia, being oblivious to what was happening then turned around to see five royal guards tired and sweating.

“What? What’s wrong?” Historia asked hastily, not knowing why the guards were panting and sweating heavily.

“Its— Its Shiganshina, we can’t seem to enter the town and even if we tried, we would get thrown away by an invisible thing! Hitch Dreyse tried to do it but disappeared!” One of the guards explained.

Historia felt nervous. What was she supposed to do? An invisible barrier banishing people out? It seemed ridiculous but she knew that they wouldn’t lie to her and so she decided.

“Take me there.”

SO TELL ME, where exactly are you going?” You asked him, helping him tie his hair into a bun.

“I found a job as a doctor near our house and i need money to buy a rin—” Eren stopped himself while you just looked at him curiously.

“Money to buy a what?” You asked him, crossing your arms.

“Money to buy us food, darling!” He immediately answered. “Besides, we wouldn’t be able to survive if i don’t work. How could we buy the food we need if i don’t work?” Eren reasoned.

“Uh, Magic?” You said. Your humor was always shitty but you were somehow saying the truth.

Eren just sighed as he kissed your forehead. “I’m heading to work.” He said while you squinted your eyes.

“Alright then. See you, Love you.” You said, getting curious about what he was intending to do.

“Love you too! I’ll make sure to bring something home!” He lovingly said as he went to his workplace.

That was weird, you thought.

Once you were about to sit down, you heard a knock on the door. You sighed. You’re not gonna get a break until the end of the day. Walking to the door, you were shocked to see a certain someone.

“Heya [N/N]!” The woman in your doorstep said.

The woman was Hitch Dreyse.

“So why can’t you enter this?” Historia asked as they were all near the town that was isolated.

“Nobody knows. Some say that it had some invisible barrier. Not to mention, all civilians that lives in Shiganshina are also stuck in there.” One of the guards said.

“So all civilians that lived here are also stuck in this thing?” Historia asked, feeling dread and sadness. She failed as a Queen. What was she gonna do now?

“Mhm. They are either dead or stuck there. Nobody knows. The only one who entered the town was Hitch Dreyse and none of us have heard of her wellbeing for two weeks.” The guard explained.

Historia nodded and told the guard to continue as she tried touching the electrical barrier. The guards noticed and tried to stop her but before they could, she disappeared suddenly.

The guards then immediately freaked out and took out their firearms. “Your highness?!”

None of them knew that their Queen Historia was stuck in a reality that her friend had created.


;; Eren is dead, your friends are dead, Annie and Armin are probably starting a new life together, Levi and Mikasa are hiding together somewhere, and you are left alone. Left alone in misery, you try to bring Eren and your friends back to life by abusing the extent of your abilities.

/ ;; this is based on wandavision, some aot manga spoilers, ending is different, eren is crystalized, reader is twenty one here.

;; reader has abilities like wanda maximoff, you have powers like chaos magic, manga spoilers, don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled. Different ending from the manga, Eren is crystalized in this one, canon divergence. CHAPTER TWO here.

IT WAS BLOODSHED everywhere and you can’t seem to escape that. Its been two years since the departure of you and your friends. Jean and Connie turned into a mindless titan, Hanji was dead, Mikasa and Levi were MIA, Armin was nowhere to be seen, Annie’s whereabouts were unknown and you were left alone.

You missed everyone but mostly Eren. You always dwelled into the past and thought what would have happened if you had just answered his question differently.

“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Eren had asked you while you struggled getting up the rooftop. The two of you had snuck out of your rooms to look at the sky but the time was random.

You, Eren, Mikasa and the others had just returned from a mission that involved titans. It was hard to say the least. You almost died due to a titan grabbing your right leg and almost crushing it but luckily, Eren was right there and saved you from your near death experience.

“Mhm.” You hummed while Eren took his time to put his head onto your lap gently. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you two both cherished the moment.

It wasn’t until you felt Eren sit back up that you felt something off about him. “N/N?” He asked in a childlike manner. “Hmm?” You looked at Eren’s emerald eyes, noticing the sadness in his eyes. “What’s wrong, ‘Ren?” you asked softly.

The distressed brunette glanced at you and then asked, “Do you think i’m a monster?” And after saying that, you responded quickly. “No! Why would you think that?” You scolded him in a way a mother would scold their child.

You reminded him of his mother Carla in that very moment. From the way your tone was to how your hair and clothing apparel was like. You had your hair tied loosely, hanging on your right shoulder, a simple knee-length cream-colored dress and black boots to finish the look of.

He wonders what you both are gonna do once the war between the titans and the marleyans are gone. He sees himself working as a doctor like his father and you would be the mother of his children. But unlike his father, he’d do everything to protect you and his children. The only thing keeping him from doing this was the ymir curse.

“Use your power on me.” Eren bluntly said, not knowing how crazy he sounded until he saw the confused and outraged look on your face. “Eren, What the fuck—?!” You shrieked, alerting half the people that were asleep.

“No, you completely got it wrong. I didn’t mean it like that.” Eren immediately defend himself, not wanting to get scolded. “Then what do you mean?” you asked, getting more confused. He then grabbed and held your hand.

“Tell me what you feel.” He said as you used your ability. You felt nothing but pain, sadness, confusion and anger. It scared you. It didn’t feel anything like your lover.

“So?” Eren asked but it didn’t feel like a question. Its as if he was pleading for you to answer while you shook your head. “I just…” You didn’t know what to tell him. What were you gonna say? “I just… I just feel you.” You answered, noticing the pain in his eyes. Was it the right answer? You asked yourself.

“Oh. Alright then.” Eren responded with pain laced with his voice. You wanted to ask him if he was alright but you already knew what the answer would be so you just stood there silently, waiting for the sun to rise.

YOU FELT NOTHING but regret. If you had just answered his question differently then he maybe have stayed with you or maybe run away together and then no rumbling. You always wondered what the outcome would be if you answered differently. Multiple scenarios coming in your mind but almost everything that had came into your mind was too selfish.

You knew that what he was doing was right in a way. He was saving Eldia but what did it cost? It costed him everything. In another life, he probably would have lived with you peacefully until the end of his time.

If you were in his shoes, you probably would have chosen the selfish route in which Marley evades and kills all eldians but at least you had your happy ending, right? You knew that your thoughts were incredibly selfish which was why you tried acting like a selfish person. You tried to be a better person for Eren.

Which was why when you went to find Eren ina crystal, you decided to let it go even if it was hard. You tried living your life the way Eren would have wanted you to.

But all the efforts you had made was destroyed once a certain envelope was placed on your porch. You of course, the curious person you were opened the envelope that involved a map in it.

You then looked at the map and noticed a red mark placed onto a certain place. You wondered the importance of the marked place. Filled with hope that Eren might have escaped, you decided to go to the marked place.

Your hope and happiness was crushed when you saw a demolished cabin. It would have looked decent had it not been demolished. You saw a blueprint of the house which left you wondering why it was demolished when it looked absolutely breathtaking.

Looking at the final piece that was in the envelope, you noticed a letter that seemed to be written two or three years ago? You hesitantly opened the letter and was shocked to find the continents in it.

To my beloved,

To my very dear [Y/N], It has come to my senses that the war is nearing its end and yet, we have no plans for our future. I found this cabin while you were still in bed, healing after a titan almost crushed your leg. I was wondering what our lives are gonna be once this all ends.

Looking at this cabin, i suddenly realized. I want to spend my whole life with you. To marry you, and to have children with you. I swore to myself that i will protect you until the end of my time.

But i knew that it would be quite impossible with the things that has befallen us both. I always try to look on the bright side even if i know that my wishes and yours would be too selfish for the world. I want my last few years to be spent with you. I want to be selfish for once and be with you. But i know i can’t.

You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. From the way you supported me and believed in me, to the way you defended me when the world was against me. When i first met you, i knew you were the one for me. As cheesy as it did sound, it felt like love at first sight.

So as a remembrance once i’m gone, this cabin will be your home. For you to grow old with.

Adieu, my love. May you live your life happily.

Ever yours, E.Y. — 853.

It was moronic, quite funny actually. All your efforts of living a life without Eren had been crushed and all it took was a stupid letter that was written three years ago.

You, being overcome by severe anguish, had a breakdown, causing you to unleash your abilities to an extent for the first time, forming a new reality around you, transforming the entire village into a more colorful and happy place filled with sitcom vibes.

You weren’t thinking straight when you did that. Hell, you didn’t even know you could do that. All these years, Levi and the corps had been trying to hide out these abilities but their efforts were also ruined. Just like your Efforts of trying to build a new life were.

It took you a few minutes to calculate what had just happened.

As you stood up, still not being over the letter, you noticed the Cabin rebuilt as you were inside it. You were confused and scared about what just happened. Did you do this? How? What are you going to do now? All these questions popped onto your mind but all of these were interrupted once you heard a familiar voice outside.

All of your hopes were back as you immediately headed outside and saw the man you longed for. “[N/N], you’re finally here!” Eren happily said while you looked at him in denial. You must be seeing things. You told yourself.

“[Y/N]? Are you alright?” Eren asked while tears were filling your eyes. You then nodded as you snapped your fingers as your hair color and clothing changed from disheveled and random to a more curly and elegant hairstyle and a more housewife-ly dress.

Upon casting the spell you had unknowingly made, you engulfed yourself in your new reality, where you and Eren would go on to live happily together, daring to harm anyone who would try to ruin your perfect life.



;; fluff, slight angst, slight spoilers

author notes ;; hdhrhrjehs first headcanon, yay!! Sorry if its trash, this is my first eren fic haha!!

  • BEING EREN JAEGER’S wife can be very difficult. He is mostly busy with annihilating the titans and you got used to it as time passes.
  • You never bothered or complain about him being gone but you worry for his life. You knew how reckless he can be and annihilating titans and biting your arm to transform until it gets ripped doesn’t help your worrying at all.
  • You being his ideal wife, loyal and true to yourself, someone who wouldn’t lie to him and trusts him with all your heart, would accept him for what he was and who he was and of course, would never pressure him when talking about his family. You knew how complicated the family things were so he would very much appreciate it if you don’t pressure him to tell everything about his family.
  • Zeke would probably know about you, and would also try to assassinate you to spite his half brother.
  • He makes sure to spend time with you and if he can’t, he’ll get Armin or Mikasa to spend the whole week with you.
  • Armin and Mikasa adores you and treats you like their own sibling.
  • Once you and Eren revealed that you were dating, Mikasa almost beat him up him and told him that he was risking your life. Much to Mikasa’s dismay, he continued dating you but as time passes on, Mikasa grew to accept the fact that even if she tried sabotaging your relationship for both your sake, you would still love each other till the end of time.
  • Historia would probably be the first to know.
  • Multiple Assassination attempts on you by the marleyans.
  • (Don’t worry, Eren will deal with them later lolol.)
  • You comforting Eren whenever he gets nightmares.
  • Historia giving you the farm as a wedding gift. (Historia loves you very much to actually do that)
  • Your wedding was set up in a traditional way and was well decorated. (all credits to levi for helping you decorate)
  • Levi disagreed about you and Eren getting married, mostly because Eren could be putting you in danger but nevertheless, he grew to accept the fact that Eren does love you and would do anything for you.
  • The only people that were invited were Eren’s close friends.
  • You and Eren’s honeymoon was shortlived but you both made sure to spend your short time in a satisfying way if you know what i mean—
  • But nevertheless, Eren made sure that you felt loved even when he was away from you.
  • He would be writing letters every day and you would do the same.
  • You being Eren’s home and reason as to why he needed to live.
  • Many possibilities of you being assassinated by the marleyans to spite Eren.
  • (Eren of course goes berserk mode on them and they would all be dead for killing his wife)
  • Or you get out of his mess by saying mean things that will truly hurt him. (Expect getting a beating or a harsh goodbye from Eren if you actually try to pull on his strings)
  • Eren would always try to separate his titan life from you. He hates it when you try to involve yourself into his plans which ends up becoming a heated argument.
  • If you’re pregnant, Eren will do everything in his power to protect you, even going as far as begging his captain and his whole squad of friend-comrades to stay with you during your pregnancy. (Be ready to get pampered by Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie and Jean.)
  • Once you give birth, Eren swore to protect both you and your child and would retire from his titan life to live the peaceful and suburban life with you and your child.
  • Mikasa and Armin are the godparents of your child and absolutely adores them. They’re the best godparents and would help take care of your child if Eren or you is busy.
  • You being greatly respected within the survey corps, more or less, tended to bend to her instruction at all times.
  • Historia would do EVERYTHING in her power to stop the government from involving you and Eren into doing dangerous things as she knew how peaceful you and Eren are now.
  • In the end, you live peacefully with the support and protection of your friends- no scratch that, your family.
  • (While you ask what you can do in return for protecting your family, they just brushed it off and that being invited to dinner was a good enough payment.)
  • Truth be told, i doubt that you and Eren would last in canon, much less get married.
  • You would probably be assassinated by some marleyans or die while giving birth to your child. Though, i do think that Eren might break up with you to protect you before he continued on with his f r e e d o m.