#eren yeager imagines


Pairing: Actor!Eren Yeager x MakeupArtist!Reader (AOT Live Action Show AU)

Genre: I genuinely have no idea? fluff? angst? a little bit of both?

Type: headcanon/bulletpoint

A/N: This was originally supposed to be the last part, but it was getting SO LONG and there was SO MUCH that needed to happen that I’m splitting it into two. Inspired by @nihaalart ‘s actor au fan art :)

part 1,part 2,part 3

  • Going back to your apartment after everything was depressing to say the least
  • You had made good money as a makeup artist before Attack On Titan
  • Yk from doing makeup for weddings, SFX makeup for other projects, doing stuff on YouTube and social media and stuff
  • So it wasn’t that you were going back to a crappy place
  • But the off white walls, throw blankets, comfy couches, and picture frames that surrounded you just didn’t feel like homeanymore
  • It was too lonely
  • You wanted the energy you felt on set
  • The excitement and fun
  • The friendship and love you had shared
  • Love
  • Eren
  • God, what was he going to think of you?
  • You just left him without any explanation
  • You refused to answer his or anyone else’s texts
  • You were kinda sorta shutting down
  • Mikasa and Hange had been messaging you on every platform you had
  • Jean, Reiner, and Zeke had texted you every morning
  • Armin had called you at least four times and Sasha sent you video messages
  • Even Levi - the captain of being antisocial - had sent you a message asking where you where and how you were doing
  • But Eren?
  • Eren sent nothing
  • Not a single message
  • No call, no text
  • Nothing
  • And honestly?
  • That hurt more than getting fired
  • You’d thought that after six months of filming
  • Six months of talking to each other and being there for one another
  • That he would’ve done something - anything - to show you he was worried, that he cared about you
  • But no
  • Nothing
  • It killed you inside
  • Took your heart and twisted it until you couldn’t breathe, only releasing it to stab it over and over again
  • You hated this
  • Somuch
  • The pain of everything that happened consumed you to the point where you literally didn’t get out of bed for three days
  • It wasn’t until you literally started to get nauseous from not eating that you decided enough was enough
  • So you picked yourself up from the depths of despair all by yourself and started over again
  • You got up and showered, washing your skin free of all your feelings until it was red
  • You threw your clothes and bedding into the laundry machine and went to the kitchen in the first new pair of clothes you’d put on since you’d gotten back
  • It felt good in a way, moving forward, trying to leave the past behind
  • But part of you was still breaking over the fact that everything was over
  • How you’d probably never see the people you’d grown to care about so much again
  • Because they were global superstars and you were just you
  • You’d always had a feeling that you’d be left in the dust once this was over
  • That they were all just being nice because they had to see you all the time
  • But you couldn’t focus on that anymore
  • As much as it hurt, the past was the past
  • You had to focus on what was happening right now
  • What you could do to move forward
  • About a week after you’d been fired, you decided to finally go back to makeup
  • You’d cleaned up the small office space you used as your studio - washing your brushes, fixing your palettes and paints, organizing everything to set it up for how you normally did walkthroughs/tutorials
  • You were literally about to press record on your camera to start when you heard a knock on your door
  • You sighed
  • You really just wanted to be left alone with your makeup right now
  • But then you remembered the new Mehron body paints you had ordered a few weeks back and realized it was probably them so you got up anyways
  • You trudged to your door, hair held back by a fuzzy headband and clad in a black tank top and your most embarrassing pajama pants because no one ever saw the bottom half of your body in your videos anyways
  • The knocking on your door got louder and you huffed out an “I’m coming” before reaching for the handle and swinging it open
  • You stopped dead in your tracks
  • The figure in front of you was dressed head to toe in black, hood pulled up over their head and a mask covering the bottom half of their face
  • Honest to god you had no idea who this strange person was judging from their getup alone
  • But their eyes?
  • You’d know those eyes anywhere
  • You could die and be reincarnated and in another life you’d still be able to recognize them
  • There
  • In all his glory and charm
  • Was Eren. Freaking. Yeager
  • And you
  • Beating the amazing talented beautiful dISASTER that you are
  • Because oh my god????
  • What was he doing here????
  • How did he get your address??? Why didn’t he call or text??? Why was he literally on your doorstep oh my g o d?????
  • But then you realize you just shut the door on a literal global celebrity who probably risked a whole lot even just getting to your place so you take a few deep breaths and open the door
  • You don’t look at him again, just move to the side and gesture for him to come in quickly
  • You close the door behind him softly as he walks into your home
  • A weird feeling since your home is your safe space and you hardly let anyone into it
  • Eren had taken off his hood and mask and was standing in front of you with his hands in his pockets awkwardly
  • Like he was a middle schooler giving a presentation
  • You cleared your throat even more awkwardly
  • “What, uh… what are you doing here?”
  • He fiddled with his hands
  • “I wanted to see how you were doing.”
  • He shifted slightly
  • “… and I’m also on strike.”
  • You blinked
  • He was on what now?
  • “Eren, what? What do you mean you’re on strike?”
  • He sighed and pushed a few strands of hair away from his face
  • “After you left, the rest of the cast and I asked around to see what happened. Nobody would tell us until Armin did a little digging.
  • “He found out that you had been fired and replaced with someone else - one of the assistants that Esme brought with her this season.”
  • You nodded
  • You’d figured that one of the other artists or assistants would’ve taken your job
  • Eren continued, “You know those stalker fans? The ones that follow us around everywhere, show up at our houses sometimes, and try to get into every fan event and stuff?”
  • You nodded slowly, trying to understand where he was going
  • He let out a mirthless laugh
  • “Turns out that ‘assistant’ was actually one of them. She had been watching me for months, and I guess when she saw how close we were she got jealous. She was the one who went to the director and got you fired.”
  • He looked at you for a second, half expecting a reaction from you
  • But you sat in stunned silence as you tried to process his words
  • Eren sighed, “At first no one would tell me anything - about what happened with you, I mean. I asked everyone but no one seemed to know. But then the assistant… she kept saying things - weird things to me. She even followed me to my trailer one night after shooting and refused to leave when I asked her to. It was making me really uncomfortable so I told Mikasa and Armin about it. 
  • “That’s when Armin started asking around about her and found out. After the truth came out, the director tried to support his decision about firing you, but none of the cast was comfortable with it so we refused to work until you were brought back. We’ve been on strike for almost five days now and no filming has been getting done. The director told me that I had to come and ask you back in person, so I’m here.”
  • You blinked
  • “I… Eren I don’t even know what to say…”
  • You ran a hand over your face and motioned for him to sit down on the couch
  • “First of all, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I can’t imagine how scary it must be when fans like that are around, let alone in a position that close to you.
  • “Secondly, I appreciate all of you doing that for me, I really really do. More than you know. But it isn’t fair to ask you to do that.”
  • Eren opened his mouth to say something but you put a hand up
  • “You’ve all worked so hard to get to where you are, you shouldn’t throw it away for someone who is easily replaceable. I can’t ask to make my problem yours.”
  • Eren sat for a moment before taking your hands in his
  • His touch was so gentle, thumb caressing the back of your hand softly as if you were made from fine porcelain that would break if held too roughly
  • “That’s the thing, (Y/N), you aren’t replaceable. You’re what brings life to set every day, the reason so many of us are so happy this season even though we’re all exhausted. You make it a better place and us better people. So you aren’t asking us to do anything. When it comes to you, your problems become our problems too.”
  • He paused
  • “… they become minetoo.”
  • The tentative tone in his voice made you meet his gaze
  • Those beautiful eyes that were so vibrant you couldn’t believe they were real
  • You swallowed
  • “Why?”
  • His lips turned up softly in a smile and his voice was no more than a whisper when he spoke next
  • “Because I love you”


Tags:@didiyogo@watermelon-online@frecklesstuff@naveenscrackwhore​ @itzmeme @tiffanyy-21​ @asseater1234567890 @hangesno1hoe@nanaosaki3940@jaegarfarted@meepopmi

just some general headcanons about actor!eren bc I like this au :-)

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: mentions of mental health issues, but I think that’s it!


  • Eren is pretty tan
  • He likes to spend time outside so he’s pretty friendly with the sun
  • He has freckles
  • (you can see them under the makeup in closeups on camera)
  • He’s very athletic so he’s pretty muscular but in like a lean way
  • He’s literally drop dead gorgeous
  • Like he was cute as a kid/pre-teen but puberty hit him like a freaking truck
  • Like between season 3 and 4 when puberty was finishing up for him he just like
  • Changed into a god
  • So if half the world wasn’t already in love with him they would be now
  • That being said he doesn’t totally enjoy always being praised for his looks
  • Like yeah once in a while but he’s had times where fans just reduce him to his face or his body and it makes him uncomfortable
  • Like notice him for his talent too!!!!
  • Speaking of his face, he has the literal most beautiful eyes ever
  • When the show started airing there were thousands of posts asking whether or not that was his real eye color
  • He confirmed that they are, in fact, his real eyes
  • He’s tall but people don’t always realize it bc the rest of the cast (minus Levi lol) are also pretty tall
  • So when people see him in real life/in pictures with other people they’re always like huh???!!!
  • Bc he’s so good looking he’s done modeling for several luxury brands like Gucci, YSL, Versace, etc.
  • Like he did an ad for the Versace Eros cologne and it wold out within 20 minutes of the ad being released
  • He’s actually really fashionable
  • I see him having similar style to people like Tom Holland, Taehyung from BTS, and Hyunjin from Stray Kids
  • He’s got tons of hoodies too
  • Perfect for stealing
  • (Which the rest of the cast definitely does)

Background/How He Got Started:

  • He has a background in boxing/martial arts that he started in because he got bullied when he was younger and needed an outlet for his emotions
  • So he enrolled in some martial arts and gymnastics classes at a local gym and ended up really liking it
  • He started gaining a small following before landing his role on AOT by posting boxing/martial arts vids and tutorials
  • It helped him a lot when he got the job
  • Speaking of which, AOT was his first role
  • He had started taking acting lessons seriously after he did a few school plays and ended up applying for the open casting call that had been put out for AOT
  • He actually almost didn’t end up submitting his audition bc he figured nothing would happen and they wouldn’t look twice at someone who had no real experience
  • But the directors were like “oh my god this is exactly who we’re looking for where has he been all this time????!!!”
  • Cause like they’d been having major trouble casting their main role
  • The candidates were great and the auditions were good but no one really fit
  • And then came Eren
  • The directors were all like: oh my GOD???!!!!
  • So it was no question that he was going to be Eren
  • He had this haunting way of portraying Eren while also embodying how excited/angry he was in the first few seasons
  • Plus he could already do tons of cool tricks!!!
  • So it was a win-win situation


  • He can sometimes pretty reserved and quiet when he first meets people
  • Which makes people think he’s kind of mean/standoffish and intimidating
  • (Maybe it’s his resting bitch face)
  • But he’s actually super chill and very fun when he gets comfortable
  • He can be very affectionate to the people he’s close with i.e. the main cast and crew of AOT
  • Lots of hugs and arms around shoulders and random friendly cheek pecks all around
  • Expect to be attacked with a bear hug if he sees so much as a frown on anyone’s face
  • He’s actually really funny
  • Like he doesn’t try he’s just funny
  • Idk how to explain it
  • Like the facial expressions he makes when someone does something questionable?
  • Iconic
  • Theres hour long compilations on youtube of them
  • Connie says something weird?
  • Eren has a face for that
  • Jean acts cute for his fans?
  • Eren has a face for that
  • Someone says they ship (idk) Mikasa and Zeke?
  • He spoils so much
  • Because he forgets what has been revealed in the show and what’s been revealed in the manga
  • And like people wonder if some of the stuff that happens in the manga is gonna happen in the show
  • And sometimes he can’t remember so he just says stuff and then Zeke, Levi, and Hange have to do damage control
  • Poor baby just sits there confused until he realizes
  • He has this aura about him that puts people at ease
  • Bc he’s very charismatic and charming and easygoing
  • Someone makes a mistake? Hey, no biggie he’ll help them work on it and they’ll get it next time
  • But he’s also very serious about his work
  • Incredibly hard working and strives to be his best
  • When he doesn’t feel like he did his best he can get very upset and depressed bc he’s actually also very self conscious
  • Being in the spotlight all the time will do that to you
  • But he’s working on it
  • He actually had to have a psychologist on set for season 4-5 because of how bad it was getting and how much bad stuff he had to act like he was doing
  • Like there’d be a torture scene and he’d feel like shit after having to do it even though everyone knew it was just acting
  • But Eren doesn’t like it even if it’s fake
  • (‘cause he’s lowkey a softie and very protective of the people he cares about)
  • Also bc of the amount of just sheer bad stuff Eren the character does in the final two seasons and the amount of controversy surrounding the character he gets concerned
  • Bc idk he works hard on the character and the show and he wants people to enjoy it yk
  • But Eren has an amazing support group with the cast and crew
  • And no matter what happens or how deep Eren gets in his mind
  • They will always have his back


Eren Yeager x Reader

My literal notes on this idea from a month ago: Eren is your drug dealer and he likes you secretly and sends you money for your nails when you ask and it’s hot asf

Warnings: drug use, very much 18+

Word count: roughly 4K


“You’re seriously going to meet this guy in an alley outside a bar at midnight? Is this some top secret agent Cody Banks shit?”

You rolled your eyes at your friends questions as you pulled your dress over your head, careful to not smudge any makeup.

“Yes. I am going to meet him there. He’s my brothers/sisters dealer. I’m not too worried about it. Besides, you’ll be there with me.”

Your friends eyes widened as she waved her hands frantically in the air.

“Oh no no miss ma’am. This is all you. I’ll be your get away driver but I am not about to die in an ally at midnight for some good kush. Why can’t you just buy it at a licensed seller like most of us do?”

“Because,” you started, sliding your feet into your heals, “(siblings name) said this guy has the best shit known around here. I just want to see for myself.”

“Whatever you say. You look hot by the way. Maybe you’ll get it for free.” She said with a wink, handing you your purse to match your heels.

“Maybe I’ll throw on some charm then. Is this dress cleavagey enough?”

Your friend stood back, looking you up and down before nodding.

“Oh yes. If he doesn’t fuck you and give you free weed, I’m sure someone will.”


The neon lights from the bar reflected off the puddles of water left in the street. The sidewalk traffic had dwindled down as you made your way outside the bar, checking left and right for passerby’s.

Checking your phone you noted the time.

11:58 P.M.

Your chin began to vibrate as the cool wind of the night cut right through you, making you shove your hands in your jacket pockets to pull it tight around you.

You shook your nerves away as you forced your feet towards the alleyway beside the building. It was a small walkway between the bar and the apartment complex next door, but you thanked whoever was listening for it being relatively clean.

A flicking sound made your head snap up, eyes catching the glimpse of a small flame a few yards ahead.

You slowed your pace, eyes never leaving the man that leaned against the brick wall, one leg propped against it as his hands cupped the lighter in his hand as he lit a joint that was nestled between his lips.

He didn’t look up as you stopped beside him. He took a long drawl, puffing out smoke into the air that soon filled your nose with the familiar smell.

“H-hello.” You said once you gathered the courage to speak. He was intimidating. A very large, and handsome I might add, man with his hair in a bun. His leather jacket was slightly worn and the dark circles under his green eyes seemed to deepen as he cut his eyes at you.

“Hello.” His voice was deep. Gravely. Something that any normal person would want to run away from if they heard it.

But it drew you in further, making you take another step forward, closing the gap a bit more.

“I think you have something for me.”

His left eyebrow raised at your statement. He dropped his leg down from the wall, turning to fully face you as he looked you up and down.

“There is no way you’re (siblings name)’s sister.”

It was your turn to pop your eyebrow up in question. You crossed your arms across your chest as you cocked your head to the side.

“And why do you think that?”

You didn’t miss the smirk that tugged at his lips as he eyed you up again. He took another puff if the joint as he bent down close to your face.

You felt your stomach turn at the man’s actions. You choked as you tried to swallow the nerves that were beginning to build back up again. How’s green eyes that bored into you didn’t make it any easier.

The next thing you know, smoke was blown into your face making you cough. You rubbed at the corners of your eyes to alleviate the burning.

“No reason. No reason at all. Here.”

You caught the small bag that he tossed at you with ease. Examining the contents, you furrowed your eye brows at him.

“This is more than a gram.”

“I know.” He said with a shrug. “It’s your first time. I always give a bit more than needed for the first time in everything I do.” His wink made your chest heat up, noting what was probably an innuendo.

You thanked him, shaking off his smirk as you reached for your wallet.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. Just tell your brother/sister that they owe me.”

And with that, he walked off. You stood there, mouth opening and closing like a fish as you replayed what just happened.

You knew this guys stuff was good, so why would he give it to you for free? Especially when you were doing to pay him full price.

Pulling your phone out, you dialed your siblings number as you walked back to the bar entrance.

“Yo.” They said as they answered your call.

“Hey. Your guy is weird.”

“Who? Eren?”


They chuckled, making you roll your eyes.

“What makes you think that?”

“He just gave me more than what we agreed on. And he didn’t want me to pay him.”

Silence fell over the both of you making you wonder if they were still there.

“You ther-“

“He gave it to you for free?”

You nodded as if they could see you. You hummed in reply, stopping your walk as you stood at the front window to the bar, peeking in to wave at your friend.


A sigh was heard from the other end.

“I guess I’ll be paying that off….or you will.”


Your brother/sister hummed to answer your question.

“Yep. Eren is like that. But I’ll see if I can just pay it off for ya. No worries.”

“Thanks bestie.”

“No problemo kiddo. Talk to ya later.”

You hung up as your friend exited the bar, shaking their coat on as you smiled at them.

“Well, nice time?”

“Mhm. Very.”


Unknown: so, did you like it?

Your eyebrows furrowed at the text that glowed on your phone screen.

You: Huh

Your phone dinged not even a second later with another text from the number.

Unknown: you know exactly what I’m talking about, Y/N. Don’t play coy.

You: Eren?

Unknown: Who else?

You rolled your eyes, taking a drag from your blunt as you opened your camera. You snapped a picture as you blew out the smoke, hooded eyes making contact with the lens. You attached the picture, sending it with your text.

You: not too bad

Eren: that’s it?

You roll your eyes, wanting to enjoy your smoke in peace. Does he want you to compliment his stuff so bad?

You: fine. It’s great. Best smoke I’ve ever had.

A minute passed before his next text. You jump up to answer, a smile creeping up your face along with your blush.

Eren: good girl. 

You turn your phone off, throwing your head back in your pillow as you put your blunt down in your tray, watching the cherry red end get snuffed out.

Your thoughts turn to the man responsible for your amazing high as your eyes grew heavy.

You bet your money his hair looks even better down. And you bet he looks good shirtless. He’s so tall and handsome….and he let you feel this good for free? What else would he do for you….



It had been about four months since your first meeting with Eren and you had come to him every other week for more of his product.

Eventually, you began to pay, no longer wanting your sibling to be responsible for paying up. Eren didn’t mind waiting though. He got his money, and he got to see you. That’s all that mattered.

Your meetings became longer every time you met. He allowed you to come to his apartment for pick up now, not wanting to “risk making you sick because he’d miss seeing that pretty little face of yours” as he put it.

“You know, I’m so glad you are coming to give me even more of your money, but please stop walking right in, babe. You’re annoying.”

His comment made you roll your eyes, making it easy to brush the pet name off.

He had started calling you “babe” and “baby” recently, and it’s not that you don’t like it, hell, you love it. But, it makes it even harder for your little fantasies to stay in check.

I mean, he is a very, very gorgeous man after all.

“Mhm, you love taking my money. You love seeing me even more. Admit it.”

He crossed his arms, standing tall in front of you as he cut his eyes down at your shorter stature.

“I despise you. You’re hot, don’t get me wrong, but you’re not worth the struggle.”

You scoff as you brush past him, plopping down on the couch as you laid down.

“I’ve become your best and favorite customer. You’ll have to deal with it.”

He smirked as he came to sit on the edge of the couch beside you, leaning down as he threw an arm over the back.

His nose almost brushed yours. You didn’t miss how his eyes flicked to your lips.

“Fuck you.”

You bit your lip, fighting the urge to giggle in giddiness as you raised your leg, propping it up so it grazed his side.

“Want to?”

Eren pulled back slightly, sighing as he swallowed thickly.

He pulled himself up to stand, walking to the kitchen and disappearing behind the cabinets.

He returned moments later, a small pink bag in hand, and tossed it to you.

“There you are. Your punch card is full so you get this one free. Don’t tell (siblings name).”

“Why? What punch card?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed.

“You know, that thing stores give out. You buy so much and fill out the punch card so you get a discount? And also, I’m about to cash in a favor from (siblings name).”

You hummed in reply, sitting up and stuffing the bag into your purse.

You stood, ready to head to work. As you thanked Eren, you made your way to the door.

Once you reached for the doorknob, a hand reached out to stop you, slowly closing the door back.

“Also,” Eren’s deep voice said as he gazed down at you, “you were right.”

Your eyes flickered to the way he kicked his lips.


He smirked, leaning his head against the wall behind him.

“You are my favorite little customer. My cutest one, too.”

You couldn’t fight the smirk that tugged at your lips as you eyed him.

“Tell me, do you give all of your customers their own little “punch card”?”

Eren shook his head, eyebrows lifted as he smiled.

“Nope. Only the good girls.” He leaned forward a bit, stooping down to meet you eye to eye. “And so far, you’re my best girl.”

This tone had shifted into a whisper. His hooded eyes beamed into yours making your knees feel weak.

Why does Eren fucking Yeager have to be so damn attractive?

You cleared your throat, adjusting your posture.

“As I should be. Like it or not, I have you wrapped around my finger, Yeager.”

The man scoffed, head tilting back as he shook it in disagreement.

“You wished, sweetheart.”

You hummed in reply, knowing that if you just asked, he’d give you what you wanted. Anything you wanted.

“We’ll see. See you later, Yeager. Don’t miss me too much.”

“Mm, what a hard job that’ll be.”


“I personally like the gel better than acrylics. They have more shine to the- are you even listening to me?”

You were indeed not listening to your friend.

You were currently staring at your bare bank account on your phone, wondering how you allowed it to get so low.

You heard your friend take a sharp intake of breath next to you, pulling you out of your quiet panic.

“Oh, girl. What happened?”

You shook your head quickly, eyes darting around to the listed prices on the nail salon wall.

“I-I don’t know. I did have an extra car payment this month, but I thought I surely had enough to cover it and nails.”

Your friends eyes knitted together in concern as she threw an arm over your shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll cover you this time. It’ll be payback for the coffee you bought us last week—”

“No, I could never let you do that….but I think I have an idea…”

Her eyebrow raised in question as she watched you pull up your texts, silently opening the conversation between you and your dealer.

“Eren? Your you-know-what guy?”

You nodded, nerves beginning to eat away at your idea.

“You really think he will fork up the money for nails?”

“Well, we’ve kind of become friends, so maybe? I’ve gave him a lot of my money, so he should feel a little responsible for how low my bank account is.”

Your friend chuckled, waving you on as your fingers typed out the message.

You: Hey baby

A few seconds passed before your phone vibrated.

Eren: what do you want. What’s with the name?

You: what? I’m not allowed to call you cute things back?

Eren: not saying that at all. Glad to know I’m rubbing off on you;)

You rolled your eyes at the smirk. He seems to be in a good mood, so you prepare yourself to ask.

You: of course! Btw I have a question to ask you:)

Eren: what’s up

You cracked your knuckles, ready to risk it all.

You: could you pay for my nails pretty please

After pressing send, your eyes widened. The room began to feel hot as you felt sick to your stomach. You were prepared to get blocked, and your message had been sitting on read for too long before it dinged again.

“Oh, Jesus H. Christ.”

Your friend turned to you from her phone, leaning forward to see your nervous expression.


“He asked how much.”

Your friends eyes widened this time. A smile took over her face as she grabbed your phone, reading through the messages.

“Y/N!! You could get whatever you wanted. Now would be the time since he’s paying!”

You shook your head, dancing your fingers over the text bar as you thought of a reply.

“No…I can’t do that to him. I’ll just get the regular.”

You: it should take maybe $50? Plus tip. That’s for what I usually get.

Eren: all right. Send me your PayPal.

You sent him your PayPal and turned to your friend.

“He’s sending me $50! I can get my nails done!”

You both cheered quietly as you were called to a chair.

As the minutes passed, you both made your way to the front to pay. You pulled out your phone to check your PayPal to see if the transaction went through.

However, you weren’t expecting to find what you saw.

Eren hadn’t sent you the $50.


He sent you $250 with a note attached.

“Treat yourself with the rest, sweetheart?!”

You jumped at your friends voice that came from behind you as she read out the message Eren sent with the money.

“Geez! You scared the shit out of me!”

“If you do not fuck this man, I will gladly do it for you. What the hell?? He is wrapped around your finger!”

You felt something bubble inside of you. You had just told him you had him wrapped around your finger. He denied it, yet he just sent you $250.

Your friend grabbed your phone, accepting the payment for you and handed you your phone back.

“Well, what should we do now? You have some more money to spend.”

“No! I’m sending the rest back after I tip. I’m not taking all of that. He sent way too much.”

“You literally spend hundreds on his stuff sometimes. What’s wrong with taking a little back?”

Your eyebrows furrowed as you paid, turning to your friend in slight annoyance.

“He’s a good guy. He’s trying to make a living too. I can’t take that money from him.”

“Fineeeee. I understand. Anything else you see that you want today though, I’m buying it. No take backs.”

You smiled as you linked arms, walking out the salon door.

Once you reached your friends car, you pulled your phone out again, sending the rest of the money you didn’t use back to Eren.

Not even a minute passes by when you felt your phone vibrate with a notification.

You hit the notification, opening PayPal again as you read the message.

Payment Declined

You found the smile that pulled at the corner of your lips.

That damn Eren Yeager.


Eren: I’m having a party. Come.

The text was short and to the point. No further explanation given. But, you didn’t need one. You were going.

So there you were, walking up the stairs to his apartment because the elevator was broken, in your docs praying that you make it to Eren’s floor before you break a sweat and pass out.

You rounded the corner of your last flight, coming to a stop as you saw the form standing against the railing.

“Well, hello there.”

You took a moment to catch your breath before speaking a “hello” in reply.

The man was large. Very large. Blonde hair and honey hazel eyes with scruff that accented his smirk.

“I’m Reiner. Nice to meet ya. I take it you’re here for Eren’s party?”

You nodded as you stepped up the flight of stairs, now coming face to chest with the man.

“Y/N. And yes I am.”

“Well, Y/N, how about I show you the way?”

You didn’t say you knew the way. You just followed along, not bothering to shake off his arm that wrapped around your waist.

He was cute, so why the hell not?

As you arrived to apartment 845, you could hear the sound of Lo Fi music streaming through chatter and laughing.

Turning the doorknob, you showed yourselves in, Reiner escorting you through the cloud of smoke that hung in the air.

“Hey, guys! I found us another friend.” Reiners booming voice made heads turn your direction, making everyone cheer as they welcomed you in.

“And who might you be?”

“Jean, don’t make a move on the new girl. Let her get comfortable before you try to sleep with her.”

The one you assumed was Jean protested. “Sasha, what the hell? I just wanted to ask her her name!”

“Mhm. Well, what is your name, hon?”

You smiled, reaching out to meet Sasha’s fist bump with your own.

“Y/N. Her name is Y/N.”

Everyone’s head turned along with yours. The voice came from Eren who sat in a hammock hung in the corner of the room. A joint hung between his lips as he took a puff, blowing smoke that clouded his hooded eyes that held anger as he eyed you.

“Ooooo Eren, is she your girlfriend?” A boy with short grey hair asked, wiggling his eyes at the two of you.

Eren snorted, taking the joint between two fingers as he pulled it out of his mouth so he could stand. He walked over to you, eyes glaring at Reiner as he took the joint, holding it to your lips. A hand came up to wrap around the back of your head, holding you in place as you took a drag.

“Nah,” he said, licking his lips as he pulled you away from Reiner’s arm around your waist, “she’s my best customer.”

The joint lit up cherry red as you took a drag, eyes never leaving Eren’s as the group of people cheered you on and chorused “ooo’s” and “ah’s”.

Eren smirked as he bent his neck down to look at you, watching the smoke seep through your lips. You blew the smoke out, feeling your chest flutter as he sucked the smoke in his mouth.

Reiner chuckled as he backed up. He made his way to the rug where the others sat in a group.

You pulled your gaze away from Eren, swallowing the lump in your throat. You felt your cheeks burning, head already feeling light from the deep drag.

“Okay, you two, either get a room or come join the party.”

You giggle as you go to sit by the girl named Sasha. Eren sat across from you beside the blonde boy. Introductions were quickly made as you greeted everyone.

An hour passes as everyone makes small talk and smokes, all wanting to get to know more about you.

“Okay! Enough talk. We should play a game.” Sasha said from beside you.

“A game?” Mikasa and Jean ask at the same time.

“Yeah! Like would you rather or truth or dare. I could be fun.”

You heard a few groans as the others protested.

“Well- I think it could be fun.”

All heads turned to you as you spoke, a few smiling.

“Well there you have it. If new girl wants to do it, we do it. Let’s play truth or dare.” Armin said. “Annie, start us off.”

“Fine. Reiner, truth or dare.”

The buff man straightened his posture, taking a big sigh as he answered “truth”.

“Did you plan on going home with Y/N when you first came in with her?”

“I-I,” the man stuttered as he side eyed you.

“C’mon. You have to answer truthfully. I’ll go get the tequila if you don’t.”

Reiner swallowed thickly at Annie’s threat. Everyone giggled, leaning forward in anticipation.


Connie and Sasha threw themselves back cackling as they tipped over bowls of snack foods.

“I knew it! You had your arm around her and everything! Sorry about that hunk, Y/N. He’s goofy as hell.”

You chuckled at Connie’s comment, shuddering when you felt a cold stare from across the room. Turning your gaze, you met eyes with green ones. Eren was mad. It was written all over him. But, what about? He didn’t have a claim over you. You were his favorite customer, who cares about some little game of confessions?

Reiner cleared his throat, wiping the sweat off his face to clear his nerves so he could get the attention off of his embarrassment.

“Jean, truth or dare?”


“I dare you to give Mikasa a lap dance.”

“If you want to keep your fingers, you’ll chose a different dare.”

Everyone chuckled at Mikasa’s threat, but someone didn’t.

Your gaze shifted back to Eren. His eyes never left you. He was staring right at you as he took another drag from his joint. The cherry red. Light flickered as it threatened to go out.

You tried and failed to focus on the game, your attention fully on Eren now. The soft smile that tugged at his lips mirrored your own as the chatter faded.

“Eren, truth or dare.”

You both turned your heads to Connie who sat rocking with anticipation.

“Dare. I’m not a pussy.”

“Connie’s dares are always the craziest.” You nodded as Sasha whispered this to you. You felt a spark of excitement in you as well.

“I dare you….” Connie looked around the room, eyes wandering as they slowly met yours, a smirk forming on his lips as he did.

“I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Y/N.”


Eren didn’t even give you a moment to protest. You’re not even sure you fully registered the situation before he caught your wrist in his hand and pulled you up, half dragging you to the closet down the hall. Before you know it, you’re falling into winter jackets, blankets and a broom inside the closet as Eren closes the door behind you both. The sound of a click was heard from outside as someone locked the door, walking away to give you both privacy.

“Well….this is nice.”

Eren sighed as he leaned against the wall across from you. His eyes bore into you once again, eyebrows furrowed as he looked you up and down.

“Nice outfit. Your mom dress you?”

“No. Yours did.”

He chuckled slightly as he shook his head.

“You’re insufferable, you know that?”

You furrowed your brows at him this time, folding your arms across your chest as you sized him up.

“If I’m so insufferable, why’d you invite me to YOUR party and agree to do this stupid dare with me?”

He but the inside of his cheek, raising a hand to card his fingers through his hair as he took a step closer to you.

“Because as insufferable and annoying as you are, I enjoy having you around. And I guess you’re alright.”

You’re not sure if it’s the fog in your brain or the closeness between you both, but you started to drift closer to him. The both of you taking small steps forward to close the gap between you two.

“I’m alright?”

“Yeah. And I’m this light, you’re kinda cute.”

“…..it’s almost pitch black darkness in here….”

“I said what I said.”

You groaned as you twisted away from him.

“You know, you can almost be so sweet sometimes. Then you’re just a big jerk—”

Your sentence was cut off as his lips met yours, a heated kiss burning on your lips.

Eren hummed as he slowly slid a hand up your arm, brushing your hair behind your ear as it cupped the back of your head. The other arm wrapped around your waist, gripping to your top tightly as he pulled you flush against his chest.

You moaned quietly as he pulled away from the kiss, green eyes meeting yours for a moment before he planted another chaste kiss to your lips, then proceeding to kiss across your jaw and down your neck.

“Shhhh. Not that I care, but we do have some guests outside.” Eren said as he bit your collarbone, placing a light kiss on the exposed skin.

“Fuck it. Let them hear.”

A smirk tugged at his lips as he knelt down on the floor before you.


Before the word was even out of his mouth, he was lifting up your skirt, putting his head underneath as his fingers pinched at the plush skin of your thighs.

You yelped, throwing a hand over your mouth as you felt his warm tongue lick a stripe up your underwear, his nimble fingers pulling at them to push the fabric aside. He sucked the material right wear your clit was, making you lift your hips to meet his face. A dark chuckle rattled in his throat, sending vibrations through you.

Once he pushed the fabric out of the way, you gasped as he licked a long stripe once again on your bare cunt.

“Oh fuck, Eren!” You whispered as he groaned, toying his tongue across your clit.

His mouth was relentless as it licked and sucked every part between your legs. You welcomed the bruising grip he had on your thighs and hips as you neared your release.

His mouth popped as he pulled it off of you for a moment, bringing two of his fingers into his mouth to wet them. He prodded at your entrance, admiring the slick shine and puckering hole as you welcomed his fingers.

He smiled at the noises he pulled from you, relishing in the sounds of pleasure that only he could pull from you.

“Good girl.” He whispered as he placed a kiss to your sensitive clit. You jumped slightly at the contact, bringing a hand down to grip his hair, slightly tugging it as you grinder your hips to meet his face and pace.

“So close. I’m so close, ‘Ren.”

He kept his pace as he licked your slit, devouring as much of your juices as he could.

As you came, a hand came up to your mouth as you bit into your palm to silence your moans. Your thighs tightened around his head and hand as they shook, spasming through the shocks of pleasure coursing through your nerves.

“Atta girl. Good fucking girl.” Eren’s praise had you throwing your head back, no longer worried about concealing your moans as they escaped your lips.

Eren pulled his head up, taking in your worn out form as he chuckled, bringing his fingers to his mouth to suck them clean.

“That was….wow.” You managed to say through pants as you tried to catch your breath.

“mm. I know. You taste good.”

You smacked his arm, sitting up as he pulled at your hand.

Just as you went to speak again, the door to the closet was thrown open. Eren moved in front of you, shielding you from prying eyes from the group stood outside the door.

“Well, your seven minutes have been up for a while. You guys done? Or should I reset the timer?” Jean asked in annoyance.

Eren rolled his eyes, pulling you to your feet as he pushed the others back towards the apartment entrance.

“Actually, how about you all go home. I’m going to need a bit more than seven minutes for this and I’m sure you guys don’t want to stick around for it.”

The group groaned as they picked their things up on their way out the door, some poking fun at the two of you and others shouting at you to “get some” already.

Once the door was locked, Eren was pulling you once again, down the hall further than you’ve ever been in his apartment. You came to his bedroom, illuminated by a lamp with blue lights.

You didn’t have much time to look around before he had you sprawled out on cotton sheets.

His face hovered above yours, noses brushing each other’s.

“You’re okay with this?”

“Please shut up and keep going, ‘Ren.”

Before you knew it, clothes were being thrown across the room and in the floor. Eren was licking and biting every surface of skin revealed as stripped you.

Once he stripped his underwear, his cock sprang free, leaking tip almost a cherry red as it bounced in anticipation.



The head of his cock pushed at your entrance, stretching your hole as he moaned at the warmth.

Once he had slid all the way in, you felt your walls flutter, pulling a deep groan from Eren’s throat. He rested his head on your chest, delivering kisses and small bites to your breasts as he pinched at your hips again.

His hand ghosted over your thigh, bending your leg as he wrapped his arm around your thigh and calf to press it up for better access.

You bucked your hips, begging for him to start moving. He sat out with a slow pace, slowly dragging the length of his thick cock out and in, drawing moans from you as your nails dug into his shoulders.

“Fuck, why didn’t we do this sooner.”

You chuckled as his hips became frantic, thrusting into you at a bruising pace.

“I’m insufferable, remember?” It was his turn to chuckle as he planted a kiss on your lips, hips bucking into yours as he moaned into your mouth.

Both of your highs had worn off, cloudy minds now clear as you reveled in the pleasure that coursed through your bodies.

Ain’t no way y’all are forgetting this moment.

Your highs approached quickly. Your body began to burn with need as you wrapped your legs around Eren’s hips, clinging on to his body as he kept his pace. He buried his face into your neck, planting sloppy kisses and silencing his delicious sounds.

Your walls tightened around him as you came, freezing his thrusts. He groaned at the increase in pressure on his dick, his own body shuttering as he pulled out, painting the outside of your pussy and the inside of your thighs with his load.

He crashed on top of you, head buried in your chest as you both melted into each other. Heavy breathing filled the room, replacing the sound of skin to skin slapping.

Once you had both calmed down, your hand came up to brush at his hair. You pulled it out of his face and drug your nails through it, pulling a soft mewl from him as his eyes fluttered open to meet yours.

“That feels good. Like a drug. You’re like my own personal drug.”

You smiled at his sleepy words, heart fluttering at his gentle tone and how soft he looked. You had never seen him look so innocent.

“Let’s keep this cherried then. I kind of like this.”

I can’t tell you I love you

Eren Yeager x Reader

Synopsis: Falling in love when you live a life full of uncertainties isn’t always the best idea. But you’ve followed Eren this far and loved him for this long. He may be the worlds enemy, but does he really have to be yours too? Inspired by Adele’s song Love In the Dark Bc I love her and the angsty vibes suit Eren so well. Expect a Levi version.

Warning: 18+ content and mentions of blood. If you like angsty smut, this is for you:)


“Do you think he’s doing okay?”

Your question caught Armin off guard. He turns his head to see you as you remained looking up at the starry sky above. A light breeze blew the hair out of your face, revealing watery eyes and furrowed brows.

“You mean Eren?”

You nodded in reply, not daring to look away from the night sky.

“I think he is. He’s strong and determined. His letters haven’t given us any reason to believe he’s not okay, right?”

You scoffed at the thought of the letters Eren had been sending. They were filled with orders and information about Marley, not on his well-being. You missed him. You didn’t want to admit it out loud, but you needed him.

“Yeah. You’re right. He’s fine and we are going to see him soon.”

Armin nodded as he shifted closer, throwing an arm across your shoulders and pulling your head to rest against his.

“Yeah. We will.”


The day would finally come when you’d see him again.

You stood atop a building adjacent from where the Warhammer Titan stood tall, its hardened material piercing Eren’s Attack Titan through the chest.

You watched from above as Eren pulled free from inside the Titans shell and directed his vision upwards, meeting your hardened gaze.

Your expression remained stoic and calm, as did his. Relief settled in your core as you sat eyes on him for the first time in months, your heart screamed at you to reach out to him. However, something deep within screamed at you to leave. To walk away.

But his eyes….

If only he’d look away so you could.

“Y/N, you have a clear view of the Warhammer?” Jean asked as he landed beside you on the roof.

You shook your arm, feeling the weight of the Thunder Spear that made your muscles burn. Your vision tore away from Eren, your focus now locking in on the Titan standing ahead. You squinted your eyes, lifting an arm to get the nape in your sights.

“I do. But, something isn’t right about this. Look.” You pointed to the ground below the Titan, bring attention to the vein like cords that connected to the foot of the Titan and stretched underground.

Jean nodded before he jumped to stand on the edge of the roof.

“I see. Take your aim anyway. Go.”

You nodded as he zipped away, leaving you to stand on the edge as he did. You readied your spear and jumped off the edge, realizing your ODM gear hooks and soaring towards the Titan.

Lifting your arm, you closed one eye as you looked down the spear, getting the nape directly in your sights before you released it, perfectly sinking it into the nape with great force. You pulled the pin, waiting for some kind of reaction and grit your teeth in annoyance when you realized your intuition was correct.

“Dammit, Jean. Now I’ve wasted a Thunder Spear.”

A burning sensation in your right arm brought your attention away from your frustration. You winced when you moved it and saw a deep, four inch gash oozing blood down your uniform and soaking the black material.



You held your breath as you climbed into the airship after Jean, rolling on your side as you made it inside and releasing the air you held. Your eyes shut for a moment, relishing in the feeling of safety when footsteps stepped by your head. A foot gently nudged your unhurt arm, making you open your eyes in a squint.

“Oi, let me take you to get that looked at.”

You took Floch’s outstretched hand, allowing him to pull you up.

He cheered with the other soldiers as he made a path for you, bringing you to the metal door on the other end of the ship.

Once it was opened, your eyes met his. You froze in place, blood dripping from your fingers to the wooden panels beneath your feet.

“Y/N,” Eren’s words mumbled out through pale, emotionless lips. His eyes traveled from your face to the wound and down to the dripping blood on the floor.

He rose to his feet, face remaining stoic and unbothered.

“Let me help y-”

“No,” you adjusted your posture as you cut him off. “I don’t need your help. Don’t bother. Just sit back down, Eren.”

“But, you’re arm-”

“I don’t need your help. I. Don’t. Need. Your. Help.”

Your assertive tone had the entire rooms attention on you. Everyone stopped their movement and directed their eyes at you. The quiet drips of blood thumping against the wood being the only sound along with the hum of the ship.

You didn’t miss the glint of hurt in his eyes at your words. How could you? It was like looking at a kicked puppy. But, sometimes it’s easier to be cruel rather than show kindness.


You hadn’t realized the boy had been standing behind you. You were so focused on Eren that you failed to feel the boy’s presence.

You watched as a tear fell down his cheek, fear clouding his eyes as he stared straight ahead.

“It’s Sasha. She’s dead.”

Heat took over your body, making you forget the dizziness in your head from the loss of blood. You heard someone mumbling behind you as Connie answered, but it was just background noise that couldn’t be heard over the ringing in your ears.

One of your best friends was…. dead?

You froze as laughter was heard from behind you. Slowly turning, your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes welled up with tears. Hot, angry tears that boiled over like an overflowing kettle.

“Eren…you’re a monster.”

His laughter died down at your words, eyes meeting yours, once again filled with hurt.

Like you thought, it’s easier to be cruel than to be kind.


“We need to talk.”

Eren had grabbed you from behind, pulling you into an empty room outside the room filled with holding cells where his Jeagerist friends resided.

You stumbled into the desk as he tossed you inside. Wincing at the impact, you grit your teeth as you looked up at him.

“What do you want?”

He leaned against the door in front of you, leaving an infinite amount of space between you both. You felt so far away from him. You wanted to reach out to him. To hold him. Kiss him.

But, you wanted to hate him. Needed to hate him.

“Like I said. I want to talk.”

“Then talk,” you replied, folding your arms across your chest.

Eren leaned his head against the door behind him, looking down at you through hooded eyes.

You took in his appearance.

How dare he look so handsome.

His hair was pulled back into a messy bun, stray hairs perfectly framing his beautiful face. The frown he wore usually had pulled up into a soft smile on one end as he sized you up.

“I missed you.”

You swallowed at his words. The thick lump in your throat caught. You felt sick.

“You did.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. You didn’t believe him. How could you? He was so focused on bringing down the people on the other side of the ocean, so how could you believe he had time to miss you?

“I did. You know I love you. I meant every word I said those years ago.”

You remembered that day. Of course you did. You replayed that memory over and over for the first few months Eren left you behind. But, months turned into a year. You never heard from him. Never saw him. You tried to be strong and brave, but your heart wasn’t in it anymore.

He just left you in the dark. Never mentioned that day or those words again for years. Not until now.

You needed to move on.

“I…can’t…love you, Eren. Not anymore. I know what you plan to do-”

“It’s for the best, Y/N! I’m doing this for you. For Mikasa and Armin. For our future….don’t you want that? A future with all the love and happiness you deserve?”

The sickness settled in your stomach now. Maybe at one time you would have dropped everything and said yes. Deep down, you still wanted to. You didn’t want to live without him, but you needed to.


“You called me a monster.”

His words cut you off in a hurt tone. He tried to mask them with a bitter smile, but his glossy eyes didn’t hide the disbelief that you would ever say something to him like that.

“I did. I’m sorry.”

“You’re probably right. I am a monster to some people. But I truly am doing all of this for you. I love you. I want you to live a long, happy life. One without-”

“One without you?” The bitterness in your tone cut him off this time. You glared up at him with burning eyes, causing his chest to burn.


“I should. I should live my life far from you. You’re going to hurt me, and everyone else in your wake of you do what you’re about to do. Your friends, your family, your people…by staying around you, we will only know pain.”

Eren visibly deflated at your words. He knew he was hurting you, but he was hurting too. He needed you much more than you needed him.

“Don’t. Don’t say anymore. No more fighting. Just please let me kiss you. I need to before…before….” His words drifted off. You know what he was going to say. You knew what he needed to say before he carried out his mission.

You reached your hands towards him, cradling his face between your hands.


You did let him kiss you.

Your lips met his in a perfect kiss like two puzzle pieces. You molded together, holding each other close as if the other would be ripped away at any moment.

And it was true. Either one of you could be ripped away at any moment. Eren was destined for death, whether it be the end of his term, or dying in the hands of a determined soldier. You knew this would be the last time you did this.

His hands found their way to the back of your thighs as he lifted, allowing you to jump slightly as he plopped you on the empty desk behind you.

You spread your thighs, grabbing the collar of his jacket as you pulled him into you, slotting him between your legs as you brushed your nose against his, lips barely grazing each other.

“I can’t tell you I love you.”

Eren swallowed, leaning forward to rest his head against yours.

“I know. It’s okay.”

His words were cut short as you pulled him into another kiss, tears burning in your eyes, threatening to spill over as you moaned into his mouth.

His name left your lips as he lurched forward, grabbing onto your hips as his hips met yours. His hard on poked at your core, begging for more friction. A groan left his lips as he kissed you again, silencing his noises with your mouth.

Your legs twisted around his hips, bringing him impossibly closer as he kissed down your jaw to your exposed neck. Reaching the collar of your white button up, he reached a hand up to undo your buttons.

After undoing the top two, he paused, pulling back slightly to look at you, eyes shifting between each of yours.

“Is this okay?” His question fell on almost deaf ears as you nodded frantically, desperate to feel more of him. Your eyes remained on his puffy lips, silently begging for him to put them on you again.

“Eren, please. I need more.”

He chuckled as he leaned forward, planting a quick kiss to your lips.

His hands worked all your buttons, moving down to your pants as his lips made their way to your chest.

Your back arched as he kissed your breasts, your hands playing with the loose hairs at the nape of his neck.

Quick fingers pulled your pants down, his following soon after along with his shirt. He left your button up on and undone, eyes admiring the old bra you wore. He thought about how cute it was. How cute you were. How unbelievably beautiful the woman he loved had grown to be.

“I love you.”

Those words he whispered to you as he slowly pushed inside you made your heart do flips.

We’re you using him? Did the think you were using him? He loved you, and you refused to say it back.

You didn’t love him, right?


But every thrust he delivered, every kiss he placed so delicately to your burning skin made you want to cry.

His pace was relentless, sweet praises leaving his lips.

“You’re so beautiful. You feel so good, Y/N. God, I love you.”



No, no. You couldn’t say it. You didn’t want to admit it.

You bit your lip, tears pricked your eyes again. Both from the pain and the words Eren spoke. And the words your couldn’t…wouldn’t speak.

His pace quickened as he pushed deeper, causing your legs to tighten around his waist. He placed kisses all over your face, no plan or pattern to his actions. He just needed to kiss every inch of that beautiful face.

“I’m so close.”

He hummed at your words, keeping his pace and reaching a hand down to rub your clit with his thumb, his other four fingers pressing into your stomach to feel himself.

He leaned into you further, lips brushing yours as his other hand gripped your chin, bringing your eyes to his.

“Let go, my love.”

You did as he commanded. Your body melted at the feeling, his body collapsing on top of yours as he reached his high as well.

Once the relentless sounds of moans and slapping skin ceased, the only sounds that filled the room were from you both panting and the creaky floor beneath Eren’s feet.

Your thighs refused to let him go. At least, you blamed it on your thighs.

And whether it be post-high syndrome or the fact that you knew something big was coming, you couldn’t deny your heart and brain that were screaming at you along with your aching core.


You cradled his face yet again, allowing a single tear to fall from your tired eyes.

“I love you too.”

A smirk tugged at his lips, bringing life back to those sparkling, green, puppy dog eyes.

“I know.”


Thank you all so much for reading! I hope I executed this idea well and I hope you all enjoyed it.

Also holy shit thank you for 990 followers??? That’s like…almost 1000….. I am so so thankful for you all and I love you guys. Thank you for all the support you have shown me. You are all so wonderful❤️

Aight so I’ve been listening to Love in the Dark by Adele over and over this week and all I can think about it S4 Eren Yeager and/or Levi Ackerman. The song just fits them so well??? The words and the music just sounds like a tragic love story.

Soooo should I write a lil something about that?? Probs will do it anyway, but I need someone else to hear me out on it because I’m obsessed with the idea of an angsty love story with one or both of them.

Summary:  The mission starts, you and Mikasa have a talk and Levi and Hange bring Eren back to the bunker and now it’s your job to save him.

Fandom: Supernatural and Attack on Titan

Pairing: Eren Yeager x reader

Characters: (Y/N), Mikasa, Levi, Hange, Eren, And Armin

Genre: Angst I think

Warnings: Talk of Death, Needles

Wordcount: 535

Note: This is also posted on my Ao3

200 Followers is still open Info here


Part 1

Part 2

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

You made sure that the Devil’s trap was in perfect condition so that it wouldn’t fail in holding Eren, when you brought him in. The comms in your and Mikasa’s ears started buzzing with life as Levi said through them “Come i Winchester and Ackerman, do you copy over”

“We copy over” Mikasa said and looked your way

“We have caught Yeager, Hange just put him in the trunk,” Levi said through the comms.

“Great job bring him back so we can save him” you said

“Are you ready for us?” Levi asked

“Yes, we are ready here to do the ritual”

“We’ll be back in an hour with Yeager”

“Of course see you soon Captain Levi” you said and looked over to Mikasa who shared the same look as you as your comms shut off.

“So we’re going to save him”  Mikasa said

“Yes, we are”

“What’s the price (Y/N)” Mikasa asked

“What price?”
“Of the Book of The Damned”

“There is no price”

“There’s always a price to a spell like that”

“I just want to save Eren, it’s my fault that he took the mark from me”, I didn’t try to stop him enough.” You said

“Yes you did (Y/N), I never wanted anything like this to happen but (Y/N) he loves you too much to not doom himself to a life like that of a mark bearer”

“I am still going to use the book, whether or not there is a price, I have to save him”

“I know that I can’t stop you, and I know that we have to save Eren, So I’m going to help through all of this,” MIkasa said. You quickly gave her a hug

“Thank you Mikasa” you said and Mikasa held the scarf around her neck tightly in her grasp. You both heard the bunker door open. Hange and Levi came in carrying Eren between the two of them. You guided them to the dungeon where you put Eren into a devil’s trap so that he could not escape or hurt one or more of you. Eren stirred slightly while Levi is strapping him down onto the chair.

“Hello Captain” Eren said with a smirk as he woke up from being knocked out “Better tie those straps tight, don’t want me escaping”

“Shut up Yeager” Levi said and gave one last tug to Erens bonds and then walked away from the devils trap.

You stepped up to Eren with the syringe of your blood in hand to give him. The smell of Sulphur filled your senses as you convinced yourself that this isn’t the same Eren whom you had spent nights upon nights with, wrapped in the warmth of his arms and coated in the smell of the cologne he uses. “So you’re trying to save me, well good luck with that because you can’t save everyone”
“No I can’t , But I can try my damn best to at least save you Eren” you replied.

“Why because you need me?” Eren said

“No Eren, Mikasa needs you, Armin and I both need you and someone else needs you” you said and injected the first dose of your blood into his body.


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Attack on Titan

Hunter Headcanons Attack on Titan

Eren Yeager Imagine parts 3 & 4 & 5 & 6


Hunter Headcanons Demonslayer

Kyojuro Regoku Supernatural Crossover

Kyojuro Rengoku Supernatural Crossover Heat of the Moment


Haikyuu Werewolf Manager (Nekoma and Karasuno) Headcanons

Sleeping Headcanons Haikyuu Boys

Kenma and Kuroo as Texas Rangers Headcanons

Date Headcanons Haikyuu

Watching Game of Thrones Haikyuu

Kenma Kozume Prodigal Son Crossover

Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf and Supernatural Crossover Scott Mccall

My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia and Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover Shoto Todoroki

Date Headcanons My Hero Academia

Sewer Reader with class 1-A

Hunter Headcanons My Hero Academia

Visiting Ottawa Shoto with a Canadian S/O

Yuri On Ice

Victor Nikiforov Imagine Supernatural crossover

Summary: The Scouts are forming a plan to save Eren and turn back to a human and get the Mark of Cain off of him.

Fandom: Supernatural and Attack on Titan

Pairing: Eren Yeager x reader

Characters: Eren Yeager, (Y/N) Winchester, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Sasha Braus

Genre: Angst I think

Warnings: None this chapter

Wordcount: 257 (Short I know)

Note: This is also posted on my Ao3 


Part 1

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

“So you’ve found him” Jean said

“Yes, with the help of Rowena we were able to track him, Listen up my friends Eren at the moment is dangerous and powerful” “Our mission is to capture him and bring him here unharmed, use force only if needed” you said “Levi will lead this from the frontlines, whereas I will need to conserve my energy so I can turn him back and save him” you said standing at the head of the war table

“Did Crowley betray us, is that why he isn’t helping” Connie asked

“Crowley isn’t here because he is our inside man, our little fly”

“How will you get the mark off of him”

“Rowena has found a spell in the Book of The Damned” you said

“Isn’t the book of the Damned dangerous” Armin said

“Yes.” you replied to Armin “I have to get Eren back, and it’s because I love him” you said keeping a straight, strong face on. You knew full well that you could break down in front of everyone.

“Well then let’s get him back, I have to save my best friend” Armin said, giving you a reassuring smile.

“Yeah let’s save him, you in Jean” Sasha said

“Yes, he is a good friend even if he and I have our differences in character” Jean said

“Let’s head out then” you said and everybody filed out of the war room to get ready to leave. Mikasa stayed with you as you drew the blood out of your arm for the ritual.
