#euphoria elliot


Because You Love Me

Title: Because You Love Me

Alt Title: Shirt

Warnings: fluff. like one drug mention

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own you or the euphoria franchise

“Remind me why I agreed to this again?” Elliot asked, rubbing the lotion into your back.

“Because you love me.” You responded.

“Uh-huh.” Elliot rolled his eyes. “So, me loving you means it’s required of me to rub lotion on your back every time you shower?” He asked, kissing your shoulder.

You nodded, throwing on his shirt and a pair of ripped jeans.

“That’s your outfit today?” He asked, putting his boxers on.

You raised an eyebrow at him in the mirror as you pulled your hair into a messy brow. “Why?” You asked, turning around to face him. “You don’t like it?” You pressed.

“No! God, no. I like it. I like it a little too much.” He gave a soft laugh, pulling his jeans on and fixing himself. “I’m not gonna be able to do much schooling thinking about the fact my girl’s wearing my shirt.” He said while zipping and buttoning his pants.

“You wanna wear one of my hair ties on your wrist to make it even?” You teased him, looking at your container of hair ties. “Can I pick?” He asked, seriously.

“Sure.” You laughed a little.

“Baller.” He whispered, grabbing a neon green hair tie, and wore it on his wrist. “That one?”

“Kinda gives me an acid-y feel.” He gave a half laugh, and put on a bleach splattered black shirt.

“Of course. Remind me why I agreed to this again?” You asked, using your index finger to wag between yourself and Elliot.

“Because you love me.” Elliot smiled, kissing the top of your head.


Title : Movies

Alt Title : Milf

Disclaimer : I do not own you or the euphoria franchise

Warnings : swearing , teen motherhood , drug alluding , abuse , Nate Jacobs , panic attack mention and the come down of one ,

Word Count - 1.7k

Rating - MA-16+

Part Two of the Angel Series

Part One

Tag list : @ellyskey , @minaxcarter , @leslienjazzy,@write-from-the-heart,@local-bxbby,@twdbaddie1090,@multiharlot,@lovesanimals0000,@slut-for-matt-murdock

Nathaniel Fucking Jacobs…

The music almost sounded like a blur. Falling deaf but the only thing that calls out is his voice. But what is he talking about?

“Hey, (Nick Name), if you’re here, who’s watching Flynn Sylas? I’d hope someone trusted.” Nate says to you, feigning innocence as he turns to face you. “Flynn’s fine. Completely taken care of.” You manage to say, your eyes off to the side, him in your peripherals.

“I’m glad to know our son is fine.” Nate says loud enough that the surrounding people turned to the two of you. “Yes. He’s fine.” Your eyes dart to the ceiling, shoving your fear as deep as you could.

You hear as he scoffs. “Good.” He said, walking off.

She promised you he wouldn’t be here. He doesn’t even like any of these people here… he knew you were coming. He won’t just leave you the fuck alone. How come he gets to live free? And not be constantly in pain or in fear… it’s so fucking tiring.

“(Nick Name)! I’ve been fuckin’ looking for you! Nate’s here!” Kat grabbed your arm. “You’ve been standing there spaced for like… a minute.”

“You stared at me for a minute before letting me know Nate’s here?” You asked, narrowing your eyebrows. “Just… Can we get out of here? Please. I just want to see my baby.” You pleaded.

“About that…” Kat sighed. “I kinda have something, or… someone to do. Hope you understand! Love you!” Kat said, kissing her hand and blowing ‘the kiss’ at you.

“Kat!” You called out at her, exasperated at her for blowing you off. You loved Kat, you two were friends since you guys were 2, but you were fucking hating the flake she’d become.

“Is it the wrong time to ask for your number?” Elliot’s voice called to you. You looked at him. “Kind of. Aforementioned baggage.” You half-explained.

A simple ‘oh’ comes from Elliot. “I’ll walk you to your car?” He tries to suggest, but you hear it come off more as a question.

“Walked here.” You said, checking your phone. “Just… here.” You opened your message app, pressed plus and handed him the phone. He took your phone and inserted his number, along with sending a text message to himself.

“Now I know it’s you messaging’ me.”

“You say that as if you get multiple girl’s numbers.” You said, a dash of playful sarcasm.

“Nah, just the 17 year old milfs. Text me when you get home.” Elliot said, handing your phone back. “You text me.” You said to him. “I plan on it!” He called over his shoulder.

— — —

You sighed, walking around your living room as you held a sleeping Flynn. His cheek rested on your shoulder as he hid his little face in your neck. You hummed softly as you walked into his room.

Your hand goes to the back of his head as you lower him into the bed. You’re practically holding your breath as you place him against the mattress. He stirs softly and whines softly, before stilling and falling back to sleep.

You cover your mouth as you quietly sneak out of the room. You creak the door closed and turn the hallway light off. You let go of the breath you were holding as you walked into your room. You rubbed your eyes, and looked into the mirror.

Smeared make-up, messy hair, bags under your eyes. “Pfft… milf.” You laughed as you got undressed. Your eyes drifted to your phone. A notification from an unsaved number. You knew it was him. At least, you hoped.

You threw on an old high school shirt your sister gave you before going off to college. You sat on your bed as you picked up your phone.

Make it safe?” The text read, a small smile found its way to you as you responded. “Nah, traffic’s a bitch. Turns out a parade of 17 year old milfs were on the way to the party.” You laughed, god you crack yourself up.

Ha. You’re not gonna let that go, huh?

Afraid not.”

Well, I made it home safe.”

Did you? I’m so proud of you <3, such a big boy.

‘Fuck. You did not just ‘mom’ this guy.’ Your brain shouted at you as you sent the text.

My bad. Still in mom mode. Flynn just went down.”

‘An unnecessary life update, dude you’re just killing it.’ You roll your eyes at your mental turmoil.

Ya, pretty proud of myself too.

You scoffed at his answer as another text draws your attention.

Don’t apologize. Milfs gotta do milf-ly duties.”

You laugh loudly before slapping a hand over your mouth. “Fuck. That was a good one. Almost woke up the previously mentioned child lol.”

I’d like to pride myself on being pretty funny.” You smiled at the text before placing it down and falling asleep. But it was only a couple minutes before you stirred to the phone ringing. “Fuck.” You rubbed your eyes as you answered. “Mm?” You asked, knowing your irritation was thick on your voice.

Flynn sleeping?”


“I don’t wanna be doing this Nate. You left me alone for months, why now?” You asked, pushing yourself to sit. “I don’t want you with him.”

“Quite frankly, Nate, I couldn’t give a fuck that fucked another fuck.” You groaned out. “Leave me alone. You signed your rights away.” You said.

I still pay.

“Which I told you I didn’t want. All of it goes into Flynn’s college fund. You can’t tell me who to be with when you’re literally with Cassie!” You pinched your nose. “We broke up.”

“For how long Nate? Because there’s never just breaking up with you. You’re a fucking leech who sucks the joy out of everything.” You said, almost shocked that you said it out loud. Christ, he needs to call you when you’re sleeping more. Maybe you’ll stick up for yourself more.

I don’t want our son around Elliot.

“He isn’t around Elliot! He’s not even your son anymore! He’s my son. I make the decisions. All of them. Who watches him, who doesn’t, who he’s around, who isn’t.” You shouted at him, before quieting yourself. “Nate. Please, I’m begging you. Leave me alone. Leave Elliot alone. You get to move on, please let me.”

I’ve already said how I feel. Act accordingly.”

And as you opened your mouth to respond, the call ended.

“I hate him so much.” You sobbed to yourself, throwing your phone on the bed. Your hands go through your hair as you look at the ceiling.

You lay back and attempt to calm your breaths. You look at the pictures that decorate your ceiling. Flynn’s ultrasounds, your maternity photos, Flynn’s newborn photo shoot, random photos with friends. You repeat 5,6,7 as you place your hands over your chest.

You knew it as it was happening, a panic attack.

You sniffed as you inhaled deeply for five seconds, held your breath for six, then exhaled for seven seconds. You repeated the process until you were able to breathe without hiccuping.

You sighed deeply and closed your eyes. Your eyes peeled open at the sound of a high pitched whining. “Fuck…” you whispered as you looked at your clock. “6:04.” You rubbed your face.

After waiting a couple seconds to see if it was a false-awakening, which Flynn was infamous for, you got up. It wasn’t a wet cry, or a hunger cry, which were very distinct from him. But a comfort cry.

You entered his room as he stood up, holding the railing. “Oh goodness.” You picked him up, fixing his pajamas. “So upset… so distraught.” You kissed the side of his head as you walked to your room.

“Somebody mean to mommy woke her up before you did.” You said to him sitting on your bed. His tired cries calmed as you leaned against the wall and put him on your chest.

His hands gripped at your shirt as he quickly fell back asleep. “Just wanted to be held?” You asked, patting his upper back. “Me too buddy.” You grabbed your phone.

Hope you’re sleeping well, I really liked the chat we had. I hope we can get to know each other more.” A text from ‘El <3’ at 2:32 am.

I was sleeping okay. Got a shit awakening, but I’m cuddling with my favorite boy right now.” You responded.

Never thought I’d be jealous of a baby.”

You laugh a little at his text. “Have I shown you a picture of him?

You have not, I didn’t know if it was ok to ask or not.”

You sent him a picture of him sitting and smiling, wearing a Winnie the Pooh onesie. “This is the one and only, Flynn Sylas.”

Holy shit, it’s like you procreated with yourself.

Yea, thank god. Flynn’s my little twin. Which sucks because he has my attitude. Especially about being awake… speaking of, why’re you up at 6?

Couldn’t sleep. Side effects of my baggage.”

You nodded to yourself a little. “Interesting. I’m sorry you couldn’t sleep Elliot. You gonna sleep soon?

Nah, I can talk to you now. Don’t wanna pass that up :)

You’re very cute.”

Not as cute as you.”

You’re corny on top of it, huh?

Only for you dearest. So, how do you feel about movies?

Movies are okay. I can’t watch them alone worth a damn.

Would you want to see one with me?

I’d love to, but I’d have to find someone to watch Flynn.

Bring him. If I wanna be with you, that means I’m with your kid too.

You bit your lip a little, fighting back a smile. His acceptance of your son is making you feel very warm. “I’d like to, but I have a three date policy.” You texted, placing a boundary. Which you were steadfast and won’t budge on, but you’re also curious to how he’d react.

Of course. Take your time. I still want that date though.

Sunday at four. I’ll meet you at the movie theatre.

Can’t wait. Btw. Ur name is saved as milf in my phone.


You knew the risks of dating someone, and soon eventually having a kid with, like Nate Jacobs. But what you didn’t know was what it would truly entail. The possession, the stalking, the physical abuse, the blackmail, the cheating. When you attempt to move on with the local ex-druggie musician, Nate decides he will ruin the relationship at every cost. How long will Satan keep you close to him? Will Elliot fight through it for you and stay clean?


Part OnePart Two

Pairing : Ex!Baby Daddy!Nate Jacobs x Teen Mom!Reader x Elliot

Warnings : Swearing , abusive contents , drug usage / mentioning , teenage parenthood/talks about teen pregnancy , addiction recovery , violence

Rating : MA-16+

Disclaimer : I do not own you or the euphoria franchise. I do own the writing.
