#everyone else being like



Tim would know the most OBSCURE facts abt Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Jason, Babs, literally anyone that was in the batfam and on the field before he was.

so like, when hes high on stuff things just… come out.

Bruce:youre hurt Tim here ill wrap up your hand

Tim, squinting at Bruce: you cant do that you dropped out of med school you dummy *passes out*



Dick:so like, im the best acrobatist, jasons the marksman, tims th-

Tim, half asleep: Alfred might be able to beat Jason tho…


Tim, snapping up like hes in a trance: Alfred Pennyworth was in the army serving in Britain as a master-marksman… -he was called away to help the Wayne Family by his daddio who was dying… -and then he gained custody…

Barbara, *reading Jane Austen aloud for Tim*

Tim, laying in a hospital bed, half in and out of consciousness: Babs had a crush on Killer Moth. 

Barbara:*freezing in the middle of a sentence*


Steph, Jason, and Duke: :D

Tim:She thought his voice was sexy, like a principal when you’d been bad–

Barbara:*frantically smothering Tim with a pillow*

