
 She bit her lower lip as she felt her pants get tighter, the waistband now firmly digging in. The t

She bit her lower lip as she felt her pants get tighter, the waistband now firmly digging in. The tighter it got the better it felt, because she knew. She knew that it was only getting tighter because she was getting bigger. Her thighs, her hips, her ass, she could actually feel them swelling, she could feel how thick and wide they were growing.

As much as she hated having to do it she had to unbutton her pants, everything was getting so tight she was afraid she might not be able to get out of her pants at this point. She sucked in ass best as she could and tried to get the button undone to no avail. It was stuck and there was no way to relieve the pressure.

She panted heavily as her body continued to grow larger, it was so tight, she was so big. Her ass must be the largest she had ever seen, but it wasn’t done growing yet, her massive thighs continued to fill and stretch her pants, the fabric reaching it’s limit as her hips widen further. She only just managed to avoid the button of her jeans hitting her in the face as it rocketed off of her pants, the tremendous pressure haven been too great to contain her any longer. As it flew off she felt some of her huge frame spill out over the edge of her pants, trying to escape the tight confines of her soon to be ruined pants.

She groaned in happily as she heard the first tear, her poor pants loosing the fight against her growing backside. It started with only a small tear, and then another, and another, her ever expanding body was ripping through her pants and it wasn’t long before the jeans were a tattered pile beneath her. She looked down and saw the her underwear which was still biting at her was more like a thong or g-string at this point, there was no hope of removing it and she eagerly awaited as… yes it to ripped in half and she couldn’t help but moan as her naked lower body was free.

“T-that was… amazing… I need… I need MooooOoOooree!” She didn’t even notice how her moans were starting to resemble Moos, she was too caught up in the wonderful feeling of her growing body. She shifted on the loveseat sticking her ass out and looking behind her. It was… it was massive, how could it even be real. She rubbed her huge thigh and gave her ass a firm slap, watching as it wobbled from it. Rational thought should have told her to panic, to be upset even, but this was… this felt so great she was hoping it wasn’t over.

She suddenly felt a stirring in her breasts, a deep aching pressure starting to build within them. It felt like she was getting filled, filled with such a great warmth, filled with so much. Too much, her breasts felt so full, she couldn’t possibly contain this pressure, even her nipples felt it. Eventually the inner pressure lessened, only to replaced with another, the feeling of her bra being too small. She realized that her breasts were growing bigger and she groaned in delight, there was nothing she wanted more. The underwire of the bra was digging in, and the straps were chaffing her shoulders, she could actually see how hard her nipples were through the thickly padded bra. No amount of padding would stop her growth though, her breasts seemed intent on growing to immense proportions just like her ass. She was starting to feel a little dizzy, her shirt and bra were so tight, it was getting a little hard to breath. She could feel the hook in the back of the bra bending out of place, finally letting go and falling away as her bra gave up and let her huge breasts spill forth. She let out a ragged Moo and pulled the bra out from it’s snug home beneath her too tight shirt.

She felt something long and thin slapping at her thigh and nearly stopped for a moment, but as her turgid nipples dragged across the tight fabric of her stretched shirt she couldn’t bare to spare the attention. Her tits were so heavy that she had to rest the against the loveseat for a moment, but she didn’t have the time to. Her chest heaved, swelling forward even faster, her shirt began to falter, as hole tearing in the front and creating a window into her deep canyon of cleavage just before the whole shirt ripped clean in half.

She cried out in joy as her massive tits ballooned outward, finally free and unrestrained by a shirt or bra. Even her nipples were huge, easily bigger than her thumb already. She tugged on one as she grabbed the other breasts and felt just how heavy it was. How was she even going to walk around with these, they  were going to pin her to the ground they were just… they felt… they were amazing. She wanted them… to get even bigger. She started to massage them and pull at her thick nipples, trying to encourage a little more growth before they slowed down and finally stopped growing. Her stimulation did the trick and she didn’t noticed her ears changing shape as another few cup sizes were skipped over by her breasts. They must have been bigger than her head, and they felt so soft and heavy. There wasn’t a movement she could make that didn’t make them bounce or jiggle, and every time they did pleasure rippled through her body and she had to resist the urge to tend to that ache in her nipples, the desire to tease and pull them. Well… she didn’t have to resist did she?

She kept pulling and tugging, teasing them like them were… like the teats of a cow, like she wanted to milk them.


The very thought of it made a new pressure blossom within her and her breasts swelled even larger as they began to fill. Her nose thickened as she brought a tit to her mouth and stuck the plump teat deep inside, greedily sucking in hopes that she would be rewarded. She pulled hard on her sensitive teats, it nearly hurt but it also felt so good that she couldn’t help but to pull them harder, hard enough that the grew another inch longer, and were left even thicker. These weren’t just nipples anymore, these were teats that belong on an udder, udders like her tits. She felt the warmth still growing, it was so hot, so full, she just needed.. needed it to come out, she needed.

Her mind went blank for a moment at the feeling of the twin arcs of milk jettisoning from her nipples, one across the loveseat the other into her waiting mouth. Suddenly she was gulping down mouthful after mouthful of her own cream, her own sweet milk. She softly mooed through her milk filled mouth, her own tit threatening to smother her if she wasn’t careful. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t stop, nothing could ever feel this good, and she didn’t want to ever take that huge nipples from her mouth again. There was no way to guess how much of the milk she had drank, but the loveseat was soaked, stained with a heavy bath of her own milk, the smell of fresh cream flooded her large nostrils and she breathed in deeply as she gulped down more and more…

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It was bad enough that she had her running errands all the time instead of working at the restaurant

It was bad enough that she had her running errands all the time instead of working at the restaurant, but they actually had her take a class to learn how to identify mushrooms so they could have locally foraged wild mushrooms for a risotto. Now they expected her to hike around the woods getting dirty and covered in leaves and mud looking for some stupid mushrooms. She didn’t even like mushrooms, or her job for that matter, the whole situation was just pissing her off.

She wandered around the woods for hours carrying a little wicker basket with a few small yellow chanterelles. The head chef told her not to come back unless she found him a truffle, and she was having no luck at all.

“This is ridiculous!” She yelled into the woods. “How the hell am I suppose to find these damn mushrooms!?”

“What kind of mushrooms do you need?” A high pitched voice asked from behind her. She span around to see who was there and saw nothing. “Were you looking for more chanterelles? Or did you need another type of fungi?” The voice came from behind her again, and she looked around in vain trying to find it’s source. “Up here silly!”

She looked up and took a moment to register and process what she was looking at. It was a tiny woman, no bigger than her hand, and she had large see through pink wings and seemed to emit a soft glow.

“Wha-what are you?”

“A fairy silly, what else would I be.” She giggled and did a spin in the air. “And you are a forager of some type?”

She scoffed at the fairy “Well I’m picking mushrooms… well trying to anyhow.”

The fairy looked in her basket and frowned “Oh dear, you aren’t very good at this are you…”

“Hey, it’s not like I want to be here, picking stupid mushrooms in a smelly old forest all day.”

“You shouldn’t say such things…”

“I mean, I’m gonna get home and be covered in mud, tired and sore, smelling like crap, just for some stuck up chef to get his hands on some fungus.”

“There’s nothing wrong with mud dear, the forest is a magical place… Perhaps I should… lend you a hand in picking those mushrooms, would you like that? Do you want a magical blessing to help you find those pesky truffles.”

“Sure, whatever…”

The fairy laughed in a way that was strangely… menacing? She spun around the girl rapidly and covered her in a sparkling pink dust. The girl coughed and choked on the dust and gave the fairy a grumpy look before noticing how odd she felt. Her body was so hot feeling, as if the dust was burning her, or was it her clothes. Yes her clothes felt like they were on fire and she quickly stripped as fast as she could, only finding comfort once completely nude.

“There we go silly, can’t have you ruining those clothes can we…”

She looked at the fairy with confusion but before she could say anything she started to feel weird again. This time it wasn’t warmth it was a strange heaviness. Her body just felt so… she looked herself over and could swear she looked bigger. In fact, she really did feel bigger, she felt like she was swelling up. She watched in dismay as her body seemed to start rapidly gaining weight. Pounds and pounds of thick fat seemed to come out of nowhere, her belly went from flat and toned to a muffintop, to a pot belly, to big fat gut. Along with her belly her tits started to swell larger, gone were her pert B cups, replaced with a heavy pair of F cups that hung downwards, their weight making them sag slightly. Then both her arms and legs thickened and even her face seemed to get pudgy. The worse part was her ass though, as huge as nearly pregnant looking belly was her ass was bigger. Her thighs had thickened and her hips swelled outwards and pound after pound found it’s way to her ass until it was a massive jiggling booty.

She tried to hide herself but there was no way to conceal it, she was a fat and completely naked, her clothes seeming to have vanished.

“There we go, almost done, we can’t have you getting cold now that you don’t have any clothes, these fat rolls should keep you nice and warm.” The fairy pinched her fat and she tried to smack at the fairy and missed, her body felt so heavy and embarrassing.

The fairy covered her in another layer of the dust and she immediately felt her body change. Her feet cramped as her toes merged together into some hoof like thing, her tailbone stretched and curled into a small tail, extra sets of nipples dotted her chest and caused her to shiver as they stiffened from the cold. She felt her face pull outward as her nose became thick and misshapen, and her ears were growing larger by the moment.

The fairy slowly circled the girl as she sat on the ground looking stunned. Laughing again the fairy flew closer.

“There we go, you should have no trouble finding truffles now piggy, and since you cant exactly leave the forest looking like a sow your gonna be here until you learn to appreciate nature.”

“Y-you… you turned me into a-”

“A pig! Isn’t it great! Your so fat now, and that nose is adorable, I love it!” The fairy flew in close and kissed the girl’s snout. “I must say, it’s been a while since I’ve transformed anyone, but I haven’t lost my touch.”

“I… I’m a.. a pig? How long am I gonna be stuck like this!?”

“Oh I dunno, until you learn to respect the forest, then I’ll turn you human again.”

“So all I have to do is learn to like the forest and I can turn back to my normal skinny human self, I can do tha-”

“Woah-ho-ho, I said I would return your humanity, I never said anything about skinny. Your gonna stay fat like that so you remember what you learned here, besides, you looked so cute when you got fat.”


“No buts piggy, time to find me some mushrooms, or you might end up looking like even more of a pig.”

The girl let out a deep sigh and stood up on her trotters, the fairy had her good, she had to do exactly as she said if she ever wanted to be human again, and even then… she would never be skinny again, she would always be as fat as a pig…

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Random low res breast expansion I did quickly. Yay boobs ^ _ ^

Random low res breast expansion I did quickly. Yay boobs ^ _ ^

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Kari woke up in pain. A stray ray of light shone through an open blind, and the morning sun was sear

Kari woke up in pain. A stray ray of light shone through an open blind, and the morning sun was searing into her brain. She had a massive pounding headache from the night before. She turned over in the bed… the night before, something felt significant. What had happened yesterday… She was out with friends… and then, they were eating at a restaurant…. Oh and then they went out for drinks because…

She couldn’t think with the headache, she had a hangover. It must have been from the drinks, she had gone out drinking with her friends the night before her birthday… Oh yeah, it was her birthday. She cheered up after realizing that it was her birthday, but cheer didn’t diminish her headache, or make her feel any less heavy.

Coachman… Coachman’s bar, that was the name of the bar they went to, she continued to struggle to remember. She adjust her position as she felt something cramp as if she was sitting on something. They had gone out for drinks after one of her friends found a coupon. The first round of Midnight Bray is on the house at Coachman’s bar. The girls had never heard of either the bar, or the beer brand, but they gave it a shot and it wasn’t long before everything turned fuzzy. Fuzzy… something else was fuzzy.. what was it.

She sat up and yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and slowly coming to her sense. She looked down into a great mound of cleavage sitting on a round pot belly. She blinked in confusion, and poked her stomach with a finger. It felt like fat, it felt like she had a big fat belly! She jumped out of bed clumsily, her heavy body feeling awkward and stiff. She looked herself over and realized she must have gained almost seventy pounds. Her tits very three or four cup sizes bigger, her thighs were massive, her ass was… it was huge, and she had a tail…

She had a what!? She reached behind her and pulled hard on the furry tail, yelping in pain as she tugged. The offending tail lashed back and forth, and she winced as she realized she could not only feel it but move it. She looked herself over to see what else had changed. She had two huge ears that clearly belong on a donkey, a muzzle like nose with a small amount of fur on it, her shoulders and arms had started to grow fur as well, and she could feel that her front teeth had grown in size a bit.

As she felt her body over she started to remember a few things. The bar… the drinks… they had drank quite a bit last night, and the more they drank, the more games of pool they played, the more they started to look like donkeys… and the more the empty calories of the ale turned into plump fat.

Kari sighed “Haaaaawwwppy birthday Kariieeeehawww!” She gasped in fright, it wasn’t enough to look like a fat assed donkey for her birthday, she could barely speak without braying loudly. She groaned in frustration and threw herself onto her bed, burying her muzzle into her pillow. She didn’t lift her head until her phone rang out a familiar chime. It was a text message from one of her friends, and there was a  photo… It looked like she wasn’t the only one of them who had started braying.

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 Your girlfriend covered her swelling breasts with her hands and flashed you a bucktoothed smile. Yo

Your girlfriend covered her swelling breasts with her hands and flashed you a bucktoothed smile. You had told her never to go in the basement, never to mess around with the chemical formulas you were experimenting with. She was too curious though, she wanted to know exactly what you were working on, and eventually she began to poke around while you at work.

Today was one of those days, and you were quite surprised when you came home to find her looking… Looking like a big titted donkeygirl. This meant… this meant that your formula worked! You had a breakthrough, and now you couldn’t finally finish your work. She wanted you to work on making a cure for her big floppy donkey ears, long tail, buck teeth, muzzle (not so much the breasts, she was quite happy about those). You don’t have the time to do that though, the association is going to want to see your notes, your going to be so busy in the lab… she will just have to stay like this until you have the time to start research on a cure in a few years…

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Steve grunted with effort and lifted the ladder over his shoulder, carrying it back to the store room. A simple sign now hung on the shop wall saying; May Overstock Sale 75% maternity costumes. Steve walked back to his chair and put his feet up on the counter, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

“Hi… uh… Steve.” A girl with long blonde hair stood in front of the counter. “My names Fallon, I’m here to buy a costume and i saw that the sign says that the pregnancy costumes are on sale right?”

He looked at her with a sarcastic expression “Unless the sign is lying.” She didn’t quite know what to say to his flippant attitude and he sighed deeply at her “Yes… they are on sale.”

Fallon tried to win him over and flashed a pretty smile and thanked him and walked further into the shop, the service might not be impressive but the craftsmanship was. She walked past rows and rows of bins and shelves stocked with all manner of costume. It was a specific type of outfit she needed though, she was looking for a maternity costume. She was going to play the lead in a play down at the theater, and the main character was quite pregnant. Normally she would have just got the costume designer to make her something, but she had broken her wrist in a stage accident and they were all using old costumes for this play. Sadly there was no pregnancy costume in the large chest of costumes out back and that was what lead to her being in the strange costume shop at the back of the mall.

She was glad the outfit was on sale, the prices weren’t… unreasonable, but it was her own money and she didn’t have a lot to throw around on it. She was still fretting over the poor seamstress’s hand when her deep green eyes finally spied it.

“Yes, this is exactly what I need.” She pulled out an unflattering outfit from the shelf. It was a thick and padded white outfit, but it’s shape looked just like that over a heavily pregnant woman with massive breasts. She would easily look like she was a month passed due with twins in this costume, but she was the only one with the skills to pull of a character like Madam Em. The sign said all outfits fit any size and she was in a hurry so she didn’t bother to check if it actually fit. She simply took it to the counter and asked to be rung up.

Steve looked annoyed to put his phone back down and quickly too her money and stuff the outfit unceremoniously in a plastic bag. He thrust it out to her and went back to texting someone. She left the store in a hurry, the strange cashier made her feel nervous, and she fiddled with her glasses anxiously. It didn’t matter though, she had the perfect costume to wear under that big dress, and it hadn’t cost her much.

A few days later was their first rehearsal and she was in the dressing room getting into character. The thick outfit had two straps to hook your arms through and hung off her heavily. Fallon huffed with effort, surprised at just how heavy it was sitting on her chest. The breasts were immense, if they had been real tits they would have easily been the size of soccer balls, they even had large protruding nipples. If the tits were big, the belly was huge, she felt like a blimp, she couldn’t see her feet no matter how far she bent, and come to think of it, she didn’t want to risk bending over. The weight of her belly so so much that she was afraid to loose balance.

She slowly managed to get the flowy dress over the costume and took a look at herself in the large mirror. She looked… ready to give birth. The costume was extremely believable, she moved a little and watched her belly and tits jiggle, moving with every breath. The outfit seemed tighter now, like it was even better fitted than before. She rubbed her belly for a moment and was surprised how warm it felt, it was almost like-

“Fallon are you ready yet?” one of the other actress’s poked her head through the door.

“O-oh, uh.. yeah!”

“Iiii’m not interrupted something am I?” She joked.

“W-what!? No, i.. I’m coming.” She grabbed her script and straightened her glasses before rushing after her as fast as she could. The outfit was heavy, but she felt surprisingly winded trying to run in it.

The rehearsal went on for quite a while, Fallon’s feet were sore, and she really needed to pee, but she was determined to keep going.

“Uh…  ?”

She frowned, annoyed to have to stop again and break character. “Yeah what’s up?”

“Don’t you think the milk is taking it a bit far? I mean, congrats on figuring out how to get.. whatever you did to work, but its kind of distracted seeing you leaking all over the place.”

“Now now Derrick, if she wants to be method with this I’m not gonna tell her no. *sigh* Nows a good a time as any to call it wraps for the night anyhow. Great job with putting the extra effort in on that outfit Fallon, you all could learn a thing or two from her,”

Fallon nervously rushed off the stage, if the compliments weren’t embarrassing enough, getting them for having an outfit that actually lactates was cringeworthy. She went back to the changing room and started to strip out of the dress. It had two large wet spots were the milk had seeped though. It even kinda of smelled like milk she thought. The dress was much harder to get off than to put on and she struggled to get out of it. Eventually it finally came off and she had to try not to fall over as it caught on her head.

With the dress finally off she went to remove the heavy pregnancy suit. Her tits felt sore and the heavy belly must be crushing her. As she looked down nearly fainted. there… there was no outfit. No costume, nothing, just skin, just her own body looking as heavily pregnant as the costume. She reached down and grabbed hold of her huge tits, giving one of the a squeeze and moaning as a few arcs of pearly white milk sprayed all over the changing room mirror.

She was nearly hyperventilating. There was no costume at all any more, it was her own body that was all swollen and pregnant looking. Gone were her perky B cups, and lightly toned abs, instead she had breasts bigger than her head, capped with light brown areolas that puff out to a nipple larger than her thumb, droplets of milk hanging from it’s tip. Below the huge tits was the belly of a pregnant woman, not just any pregnant woman, but a woman so heavily pregnant as to be nearly comical. She felt her bump with a mixture of shame and arousal. As much as she was freaking out, her hormones were so out of balance that her libido was already sky rocketing. She was… she was attracted to this? Was she really getting off on being stuck looking like some pregnant chick. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror again. The belly should have been obscene, but she held it tight with both arms and found herself enjoying the feeling of the plush warm flesh pressing back against her arms just a little too much.

A short time later Fallon left the changing room wearing a loose coat from the chest, she nearly got to her car before she ran into Derrick.

“Wow… damn Fallon you are crazy. This is taking your work home with you a bit much don’t you think?” He gestured to her gravid belly and breasts. “Are you really gonna keep wearing that all the time?”

She didn’t have an excuse planned, a reason that she would keep wearing the outfit, all she could think of was to embrace the lie. “Yeah, I’m just that method, I’m gonna wear it the whole play.”

“You are way too serious about this shit..” he laughed, leaving her standing by her car awkwardly. She felt a little ashamed that she was going to run around looking like a heavily pregnant girl, but as much as she wanted to go straight back to the store and demand for that little Steve shit to fix this, she hoped that this was permanent even more, and Fallon was going to die of embarrassment for that.

She slowly managed to get into her car and found that driving while this pregnant looking was an issue, her belly pressed against the steering painfully, and her tits were spilling all over the place. She couldn’t get her seatbelt on and she eventually had to give up on it and just hope that she didn’t get pulled over.

Luck was not on her side though. She was only half way home when she heard the ominous beee-whooop and flashing blue lights. She started swearing under her breath and started to try and think up a plan. The officer got up to her window, a small clipboard in hand. He tapped on the window with the back of his knuckle and flashed a light inside as she wound down the window.

“Hello mam, do you realize how fast you were going?”

“Officer I… she sighed and looked down at her heavy tits, which were dripping milked down her belly under her shirt. "I don’t know if you can see but I’m.. I’m very pregnant.”

He seemed to take stock of just how large she was, and when he noticed how much milk was seeping through her shirt his face turned quite red. “Oh, uh… yes, you are. You look like you uh… you need to get home and take care of a few things right?”

She gave him a relieved look and he took the bait. “I’ll ignore the ticket this time, just don’t make a habit of speeding like that.” he nervously rushed back to his cruiser and left. Fallon sighed and tried to clean a little of the milk off the steering wheel before continuing to drive home. This had to be the weirdest day of her entire life, she was just glad she was good enough at acting to pull off this whole pregnancy thing…            

 Another morph of the ever beautiful kariwernersKari leaned down as she noticed something sparkling

Another morph of the ever beautiful kariwerners

Kari leaned down as she noticed something sparkling in the bottom of the box. She sat down her stack of files she had been organizing and reached into the old box and pulled out a ring. Heavy, golden, far too large for a finger, maybe it was just a really thick earring? It did have a little clip on segment… She looked it over, it actually reminded her more of a bulls nose ring than a earring. For some reason she couldn’t explain she unclasped it and fitted it between her nostrils. It hung there, heavily and she laughed at how silly she must look. Then she felt it.

A sharp pain stabbed at her nose and she yelped in surprise as much as pain. Somehow the nose ring had stung her quite painfully, maybe the clasp poked her. She tried to work it loose but was only rewarded with more pain. Kari brushed her dark locks of hair out of her face and walked toward the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Maybe with it’s help she could see why the ring was so… stuck. She was eager to get it out, her nose was starting to feel swollen. She breathed deeply in annoyance at the unfortunate jewelry only to notice that her shirt felt rather tight against her chest. She hurried her pace as she became aware that her chest felt just as swollen as her nose, and her ears and temples had started to sting lightly.

By the time she reached the bathroom the sides of her head were splitting, her ears felt numb, her nose felt… wrong, and her breasts. She didn’t need a mirror to see that they had grown more than a few cup sizes in such a short time. What she did see in the mirror was enough to leave her speechless. Her nose was thick… wide… pink, it looked… Kari noticed that her ears had taken on a strange shape and stuck far to the sides of her head, as she reached to feel them she poked her hand over something sharp. A hard protrusion coming out of the spot that stung so bad. She brushed her hair away and saw that a… horn was jutting out of her skin.

“W-whats happening!? What did that Noooooose ring dooooo to mooo!?”

It took her a moment to realize that half of her sentence had sounded like the bellowing Moo of a cow. She tried to speak again and once more found that every other word seemed to be a loud Moo. She felt her heart racing beneath her expanding breasts, everything was happening so quick and… why did she feel so… good? She tried to shake the feeling but only ended up jingling the large ring in her nose. Sure it looked silly, but… it actually was kind of cute with the ears and how pink her nose was. She blushed a little as she let out an intentional Moo. It was a small and timid sound and she tried a second time with more gusto.

“MoooOooooO!” The sound almost burst out of her, it was far louder than she had intended and she clamped her hands over her mouth hoping that nobody had heard her.

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(An interactive CoC based story. I’ll add multiple options to each chapter and allow voting for 24 hours as to which choice she makes.) Voting is Closed

(Next Chapter) http://tf-warlock.tumblr.com/post/163619182082/adventures-of-ashlynn-chapter-4-of-foxberries

(Previous Chapter) http://tf-warlock.tumblr.com/post/158163257257/adventures-of-ashlynn-chapter-2-a-taste-of

Ashlynn’s tail curled around her leg as she held the large corkscrew mushroom up to her nose. It did smell good… hell it smelled really good. Her stomach growled and she winced. There was no way this wasn’t going to end badly, but it wasn’t like she could just not eat, especially with creatures like the ones they had fended off last night lurking about. Her thoughts strayed to last night and the Imp attack. Piper had been brutal with her club like dildo, and she had… been adequate with her stick, she admired the walking stick in her other hand, feeling a little safer with some form of weapon. The goblin with the red orange hair waved at her to hurry up as she walked down the rocky trail, her thick green hips swaying enticingly.

Ashlynn adjusted her glasses and sighed. The rich salty taste that entered her mouth was a bit unexpected, it reminded her of bacon and she groaned happily at the mouth watering flavor. All thoughts of what might happen had flown from her mind as she greedily devoured the mushroom. It was the size of a man’s fist, and it took a few bites to finish, but it didn’t make her any less hungry, if anything she felt hungrier. She sighed again and jogged over to catch up with Piper. As the petite black haired champion jogged her spade tipped tail trailed straight out behind her and her D cup breasts were desperately needing some support. Her tits weren’t the only thing jiggling though, she felt unusually heavy as she caught up to the surprisingly fast goblin, it was almost as if she had put on some weight. She looked down and blinked in confusion, it looked like she had the start of a muffintop. Her flat tummy now had a soft doughy curve to it, not enough to look fat, but it looked like she hadn’t worked out in a while. Her hips and ass had grown slightly larger as well, filling out her simple pants and making them cling tightly to her curves.

The Champion swore under her breath, She must have gained more than ten pounds from that damn mushroom, easily weighing 135 lbs now. It was bad enough having her tits suddenly grow two cup sizes, but now she was filling out downstairs as much as up. Maybe that’s why Piper has such extreme curves, though with the goblin’s carefree attitude Ash wouldn’t be surprised by anything she ate. She frowned at her soft belly, then noticed that her skin looked kind flush… almost as if it were.. Ashynn realized her skin had changed from it’s normal fair complexion to a light shade of pink. At least It didn’t look as unnatural as Piper’s light green skin and purple nipples

“Damn girl, looks like that mushroom treated ya’ right. You were way too skinny before anyhow, nobody wants to fuck a girl without any meat on her bones.” Piper chirped.

“Thanks?” Ash couldn’t decide if Piper was complimenting or taunting her. Tall trees loomed in front of them, and they were rapidly approaching a small hole in the underbrush where the trail passed through. “So how big is this forest anyhow?”

“To tell you the truth I haven’t exactly been through this part, us goblins are pretty territorial when it comes to cock huntin’ grounds. I usually am down to the south of the mountain, but when I saw the glow I just had to check. Last year some hunky guy came through and he had a dick so big you could-”

“I get the idea…”

“Anyhow, I was hopin’ that you were gonna be packing something impressive even if you looked like a girl, but your just another slut like me.”

“Hey, who said anything about me being a slut!?”

“Heh, champions don’t last long around here before they end up sluts or demons themselves. Buuuuuuuut don’t you worry, Piper is here!” The goblin pulled her long pink dildo from it’s sword sheath and pointed it toward the opening to the woods. “There ain’t a cock in these woods I can’t beat, so you just stick with me and everything’s gonna be fine!”

Ash’s tail curled around her lightly curved thigh and her heavy breasts heaved as she let out a sigh. What exactly did Piper think fine meant anyhow?

Somewhere in the forest.

“Admit it, were lost. I haven’t seen a speck of trail in over an hour.”

Piper wasn’t about to admit defeat just yet. “I know exactly where we are, and as soon as I figure out how to get somewhere else we will be right where we are supposed to be.”

Ashlynn frowned, it was already well passed afternoon and they had made little if any progress. She leaned up against a tree while Piper checked a map she pulled out from one of her many pouches. Ash felt a little lethargic, and Piper was taking so long she decided to close her eyes for just a moment. She had barely closed the lids when she smelled something sweet, sickeningly sweet. She opened her soft brown eyes and they went wide from fright, she saw a dripping wet pussy inches from her face, she went to shout to the goblin, but as she opened her mouth the unexpected vagina darted forward and latched on to her face with a wet smack.

Piper placed the map on the ground and began to try and find any landmark that might indicate where they were. She was blissfully unaware that a series of vines had pulled Ash tight to the tree, and a particularly large one with a vulgarly shaped flower at the end was grinding against the champions face, covering her in it’s sweet nectar.

Ashlynn struggled against her binds, the thick knobby vines tore at her simple shirt until they got a hold of her breasts and started to wrap around them, squeezing and tugging. Ashlynn wanted to… to flee… but… the taste of the pussy shaped flower was making her lightheaded, and the attention her breasts and nipples were receiving was making her feel like she shouldn’t ever leave. The sweet sap had completely covered her chest, leaving her breasts wet and sticky. If it wasn’t bad enough that she had gotten the start of a belly this morning, the sheer volume of sweet sap had filled her to the point that she looked stuffed.

Even in the dim haze of arousal that trapped Ash, she could see through her sap covered glasses. There was a large bulge in the vine that was moving toward her slowly, and she got the distinct feeling that this plant was going to place some sort of seed inside her if she didn’t escape quickly. The only thing she could think to do was quick the tree sharply, hoping the dull thwack of her boots on the wood would be loud enough to alert the preoccupied goblin.

Piper was pretty sure they had taken a wrong turn at the big rock a mile back. Or was it when they went around that hill? *thud* Or maybe it was when they crossed the stream? *thud thud* Or maybe *THUD THUD!*

“What are you doin’ over theEERE!?” Piper’s complaint turned into a yelp as she found her friend in quite the sticky situation. Pinned to a vine covered tree that seemed intent on having it’s way with here. The goblin wasted no time in rushing forward and jumping at the tree with her dlido held above her, crashing down in a powerful arc with all the fury she could muster.


The heavy dildo whacked against the thick vines with a muffled whack and the tree seemed unphased? Piper snarled as she quickly devised a plan. She rummaged in her pockets while Ashlynn let out a scream from beneath the pulsing pussy flower, the seed filled bulge getting closer by the moment. Eventually Piper pulled out a round glass vial filled with a clear substance. She shouted at the champion. “I’m gonna pour this oil on you, it should loosen up that sticky sap enough for you to slip free… just make sure you don’t drink any!” Ash would have nodded if she could have.

Piper crawled up the writhing plant, avoiding stray vines that threatened to grab her as she did, eventually reaching the aggressive flower capped vine. She popped the cork on the vial and dumped it over Ashlynn’s head. he slick substance ran down Ash’s hair and face, then onto her torn shirt and breasts, eventually coating most of her body in a slick odorless oil. The girl squirmed and managed to get loose just before the flower quivered and prayed a glob of seeds in a thick white goo where her face had been moments prior. Ash fell to her ass at the base of the tree, landing on her tail painfully. Piper grabbed her with a small green hand and pulled her away from the perverted tree.

Ashlynn bathed in the frigid river, trying to unsuccessfully remove the oily substance from her body. It made her skin shiny and very sensitive feeling, and she was very happy none had gotten in her mouth after Piper explain what trap oil did. Piper sat at the riverside drawing a cock in the sand with a stick.

“You clean yet? It’s nearly night and we gotta make camp, today was a total bust, it’s nearly sunset.”

Ashlynn sighed hoping the smooth shine would wear off even if the pleasant sensitivity didn’t. She moved over the slick stones trying not to fall in, and grabbed her soaking wet pants once she reached the shore. Her simple shirt was ruined beyond use, a tattered series of clothes trips stained with sap and oil. As much as she hated it she was topless for the time being. Not that Piper minded. while cocks might have been the most important thing on her mind, who could pass up getting to look at a pair of tits?

They two women set the camp up quickly, keeping there backs to the river and lighting a small fire in the hopes that Ash’s pants would dry if nothing else. The sickeningly sweet sap had done little to quench the hunger instilled by the curled mushroom, and Ash felt desperate for sustenance once more.

“Do you have any more of those rations Piper?” Ash asked hopefully. “I’m really hoping this increase in appetite isn’t one of those permanent things, but I feel soooo hungry right now.”

“Rations? Oh those, I ate those hours ago.” Ash looked crestfallen. “I don’t think the hunger will be permanent, not unless you ate a whole bunch of them until you looked and acted like a little pigslut. You do look pretty hungry though… I think I saw a bush with some foxberries down by the river, or you could always try and dig up some wild ratishes, they grow all over the place.”

“You have radishes? Finally something normal…”

“What’s a raddish? I said RAT-ish, it’s a little gray brown root vegetable, and the roots pink like a-”

“Rat’s tail? Uhg… i should have known. Why can’t anything here be normal?”

Piper tipped back a bottle of her goblin ale and leaned against a log with a yawn, her array of piercings jingling and shining in the firelight. “Everything is normal, you’re the one looking for weird food. I still don’t know why you don’t wanna have some ale with me, it will keep you nice and warm until we find you a new shirt since you want one so bad for some reason.” the goblin brushed her undercut of fiery hair out of her violet eyes eyes.

Ash looked down at her naked body. Her pants and underwear were still too wet, and her shirt was destroyed. Did she really want to go out in the dark looking for roots and berries with her naked body exposed? She wrapped her spade tipped tail around her leg nervously, it coiling motion felt good against her still sensitive skin and she had to stop herself from letting the spade drift toward her sex. Nothing seemed like a good choice, she couldn’t go without food or water til they reached town, but there wasn’t much subtlety in the way of a Rattish, a Foxberry, or a bottle of goblin ale.

She sighed as she tried to figure out which seemed like the least risk.
