#explained perfectly




thinking about the whumper-turned-whumpee, whumpee-turned-caretaker, caretaker-turned-whumper dynamic……………..

it sounds overly complicated but trust me. its fantastic. its not just the “caretaker, whumpee, whumper” dynamic but made more ~ d r a m a t i c ~ its a whole other thing because now these people have history with each other. the whumperee has hurt the former whumpee (FW) but has now been hurt to the level they hurt FW or worse and FW understands that pain and empathizes with it, even if they hold resentment or fear or anger toward whumperee. caretaker, however, hasnt experienced the pain themselves and only knows the trauma it caused their beloved FW and has seen how it damaged them, has been the one to hold them, to soothe their nightmares and bandage their wounds. caretaker hates whumperee with a burning passion for what theyve done to FW and they can’t stand seeing whumperee act so pitiful because how dare they. its all that resentment and bitterness not tempered with a shared experience of intimately knowing that same pain and its glorious and destructive.
