#caretaker turned whumper



Ransom| Poker | Bleeding

OCs used: Generic Whumpee, Whumper & Caretaker

TW:Tough caretaker, ransom, blood mentions, caretaker turned whumper, whumper turned whumpee, swearing, Caretaker beating the living shit out of Whumper, broken nose

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“Do- do you still love me? Please… I’m trying to be good…”

The Caretaker-turned-Whumper smiled, using their foot to push Whumpee back into their tiny box. “Oh, honey… absolutely not.”

Prompts used: Dialogue, Sobbing, Rock


Content Warnings: Non-human whump, robot whump, injury, violence, blood, death

“By my calculations, this is the best course of action,” said L-F3, their knee joints squeaking as they arranged themselves on the damp muddy ground.

Whumpee looked down at L-F3, choking back tears as he shook his head.

“I do not want Whumper finding you after the many trials we have endured,” L-F3 persuaded, their dim yellow eyes glinting in the dull light.

“That’s why I-” Whumpee clutched his chest and slipped onto the ground, kneeling with his head hung. “I can’t do this.”

“You must.”

“We can… just part ways, and I go somewhere we didn’t plan.” Whumpee didn’t want to say even that, but it was better than the alternative.

“If I am taken intact, he will use my brain to analyse where you may be. I know your patterns.”

Whumpee gave L-F3 a watery smile. “You know me just that well.”

“I do. Which is why you must damage my brain. Physically, so there are no ghosts of memories.”

“But you must also know-”

L-F3 lifted their head and took a heavy rock from beside them and placed it in Whumpee’s hand. “I know. I am sorry.”

“No, no,” Whumpee began to sob. “How can you expect me to do this if you know?”

L-F3 didn’t respond, instead, they just laid back down, waiting.

“I will go, and then-”

Still flat on the ground, L-F3 grabbed Whumpee’s arm. “I cannot allow you to do that.”

“…Let go,” sniffed Whumpee, surprised by the strength of L-F3’s grip.

“No.” Their grip tightened. “You must render my brain unusable.”

“It hurts, L-F3,” Whumpee said, his voice cracking.

“Please,” said L-F3, their fingers pressing down hard into Whumpee’s already bruised and scarred skin.

“Just let go!” begged Whumpee, desperately trying to pull away from L-F3.

“I am afraid you will have to make me,” stated L-F3, their luminous eyes flickering for a second.

Whumpee tipped his head back, panting with the pain. The tears ran down into his mouth, tasting bitter.

As L-F3’s fingers began to break Whumpee’s skin, their eyes flickered more, scanning back and forth over Whumpee’s face.

Whumpee’s hand began to curl around the rock, and he gritted his teeth as the pain, though small, somehow felt worse than anything Whumper had ever done.

Blood dribbled along L-F3’s fingers and Whumpee raised the rock above L-F3.

“Why?” gasped Whumpee, his arm shuddering in resistance as his brain screamed for freedom.

But L-F3’s finger’s only dug in further, scratching at Whumpee’s muscle.

Whumpee screamed and thumped the rock down onto L-F3’s head. 

Their eyes popped with light before the light dimmed again. 

“Why?” yelled Whumpee as he sobbed, tears soaking his shirt and dripping with a metallic ping onto L-F3.

L-F3’s eyes scanned over Whumpee’s face again, trying to form words. “I-I-I-” But all they could do was hold Whumpee tighter, deeper.

Whumpee screamed with the pain and again brought the rock down onto L-F3’s head. 

Their eyes popped and this time fizzled, only the lower half of one of their eyes staying lit.

“Why?” cried Whumpee again, as they brought down the rock once more.

“Be-Because I-I- lo-” said L-F3 through garbled and wrecked speakers. But the third impact of the rock stopped them from saying any more.

Circuitry and wires spilt and hung from L-F3’s head, sparking as water from the marshy ground swallowed them, along with everything else that made L-F3 alive.


Ah, forcing the one you love to hurt and kill you because you love them :)

If anyone would like me to write more about any of the characters who are in any of the drabbles for this challenge, send me an ask and the day and I’ll be happy to!

Caretaker mentally snaps and abducts whumpee, holding them captive in a far away location. They’re severely paranoid that whumper will return one day and steal whumpee themselves. 

It wasn’t always like this. Caretaker slowly became more and more protective and controlling until one morning, whumpee just awakens ~somewhere else~

- Bonus plot twist if their rescuer is whumper 



thinking about the whumper-turned-whumpee, whumpee-turned-caretaker, caretaker-turned-whumper dynamic……………..

it sounds overly complicated but trust me. its fantastic. its not just the “caretaker, whumpee, whumper” dynamic but made more ~ d r a m a t i c ~ its a whole other thing because now these people have history with each other. the whumperee has hurt the former whumpee (FW) but has now been hurt to the level they hurt FW or worse and FW understands that pain and empathizes with it, even if they hold resentment or fear or anger toward whumperee. caretaker, however, hasnt experienced the pain themselves and only knows the trauma it caused their beloved FW and has seen how it damaged them, has been the one to hold them, to soothe their nightmares and bandage their wounds. caretaker hates whumperee with a burning passion for what theyve done to FW and they can’t stand seeing whumperee act so pitiful because how dare they. its all that resentment and bitterness not tempered with a shared experience of intimately knowing that same pain and its glorious and destructive.
