#fair warning

On this day in 1981, Van Halen released ‘Fair Warning.On this day in 1981, Van Halen released ‘Fair Warning.On this day in 1981, Van Halen released ‘Fair Warning.

On this day in 1981, Van Halen released ‘Fair Warning.

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Spent the past hour jamming out to State Champs and avoiding my TOK paper

Whelp, I did it, I gave in. PB can’t give me Atlas in all her over-protective sister-complex-y glory and not expect me to throw morals out the window and write about slightly angsty twincest smooches.

Title: Four Times Eli Hugs Atlas and One Time She Doesn’t
Pairing: MC/Atlas Ernhardt
INCEST, Fluff and Angst, feelings, gay disaster twins having the hots for each other

“I would have chosen you. Would choose you. Everytime. I love Mom, my parents, our friends – but you’ll always be the one I love the most.”

- OR -

Atlas does a lot of thinking, Eli does a lot of talking, and somewhere in the middle they meet for hugs and feelings.

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