#fairytales gone bad


Bald Rapunzel

Once upon a time deep in the forest in the highest tower

The princess had once sung in a chamber

Causing the growth and flourishing of every flower

Before dissecting each single member

Her lullabies have long ago turned into cruciating screams

Through the tiny window she sees the light

But it won’t feel right

And she’s falling apart at the seams

This window, once a portal to freedom started leading to her doom

No longer trying to escape the shadows the crawls in the darkest corners of her room

Seldom someone shouts the words that have already lost their meaning

“Rapunzel, let down your hair” just sends her off to do more keening

And how she keeps on wailing every day

Grieving her cruel fate which is forever to stay

And as she lies there, almost dead

She wishes for the fairytale ending everyone claims she had.
