#fantasy vs reality









I’d like everyone to please report a blog feminist-rapebait. The stuff posted promotes misogyny, rape, abuse, and tells women to enjoy it and be grateful. It’s disgusting and I think it should be brought to Tumblr’s attention. Thank you. 

no no no no no.stop. research what you’re reporting. don’t blindly run a witch hunt online, this isn’t salem.

feminist-rapebait is a fetish blog. she writes under the guise of her followers understanding the kink tone to her posts. do not report her for not being your cup of tea. she isn’t breaking rules.


This is linked to a gif of a man fucking a dead body. 


So yeah, I’m a little fucking bothered by her 1) promoting rape (before anyone says “that’s not gonna make anyone rape” hell yeah it fucking is because most men are already socialized to feel entitled to sex from a woman with or without her consent and this kind of shit promotes an unhealthy mindset towards women and tells them it’s okay to rape people. Disguising rape as a kink doesn’t make it right. It’s a fucking sex crime. So yeah, I did my research.) 2) Telling people who have been raped to appreciate it 3) disrespecting rape survivors

All in all just being a shitty person. So yeah, I’m gonna report her, and get everyone I know to report her to. And you and your shitty, detrimental, ignorant opinion trying to defend rape apologists and rape in general  aren’t gonna change my stance. 


ugh, you are on a power high and it’s embarrassing.

it’s a kink blog. everything you’re quoting is taken out of context. the point of having a blog is to explore what you’re interested in. that sometimes means that her posts can be shocking and triggering to others if they just jump in and look around for a few hours. that is why some people would not be suitable for viewing her blog, period! if you have epilepsy, would you go to a movie with strobe light effects? no. if you are uncomfortable viewing feminist-rapebait’s blog, you should remove yourself.

enough of. try and burn a different witch mkay

Look, I’m not unsympathetic to the argument that any positive portrayal of rape or abuse in a public forum is troubling. It is troubling.  But just like with many things in this world, you have to evaluate the context.  The simple fact that something is troubling doesn’t by any means lead to the inevitable conclusion that we should ban it.

Huck Finn is a troubling book. Kids who play cops and robbers are affiliating themselves with criminals and violence. People who engage in extreme sports risk their lives for no seemingly apparent reason. Alcohol if consumed in moderation and with some care is a wonderful feature of adult life. Alcohol, if abused or consumed by those who are too young or who are driving a car or who become aggressive under the influence, can be a grave social ill.

In all of these cases, banning the symptom is a terrible idea. The key is to focus on whether an act actually produces harm itself - not whether it’s conceptually linked to harm in the abstract.

On this particular matter, let’s be quite clear. FRB is not encouraging rape. She says this over and over and over. It is very clear. She is exploring the sexual excitement that is stirred (in many people BTW) by the idea of the illicit and clearly wrong.  There could be nothing more humiliating to a feminist than to be forced to act as though women are merely objects. And that humiliation is sexually exciting.

This is clear. It’s obvious. I can’t believe that you don’t understand this.  So, what it seems that you’re saying is: ‘the blog is evil because I don’t personally find any pleasure in that kink and so I am going to willfully and intentionally distort the context. Because kinks are gross and people who enjoy them are gross.’

And again, I’m not saying context is a 100% decisive thing. For example, it is obviously not okay to run a child porn blog and claim ‘it’s just fantasy.’ Because there are serious and horrific issues of CONSENT being violated even in the creation of such a blog.  ’Exposure’ blogs are terrible for the same reason. They involve people who did not choose to become involved. Those things absolutely should be banned.

But FRB isn’t involving anyone without their consent. No one forced you to read it. Which means it’s just part of a big problematic universe.  Where people often disagree.  You, for instance, are a vegan. I applaud that! I was for about two years and haven’t quite been able to make it stick. But I feel awful about the occasional cheese I eat now.  Because I think there is a serious moral problem in our society regarding our treatment of animals.  But does that mean we should ban every blog that posts pictures of sizzling meat?  Of course it doesn’t.  If we don’t like the content, we are free to make arguments, to try and convince people.  And that’s what you ought to be doing with kink bloggers if you think they’re doing something bad.  Talk to us.  Convince us.  Make the case.  

FRB is a feminist.  I’m a feminist. Everyone here is a feminist. We really do care about women and equality and the social implications of our actions. I promise.  So we’re open to the arguments. But when those arguments are presented as ‘conversation over, you’re evil, I’m going to try and get you banned’ well…there’s not much room for a conversation, is there?  Your argument, it seems to me, amounts to a ‘zero tolerance’ policy. And zero tolerance policies are almost never a useful solution to any problem. 

So let me ask you a question. Do you believe it is ever possible to represent rape positively in any form?  If a survivor finds that fetishizing the idea is helpful for her recovery, is she forbidden from saying so?  If every post on FRB’s blog included a disclaimer at the bottom which said ‘obviously, rape is a terrible and unconscionable crime and there is nothing good about it’ would it then be okay to continue? 

Is the standard for whether a blog is socially productive in terms of the impact it has on its readers? Because I think it would be VERY difficult to read FRB and not come to a very clear understanding that she is a bright and intelligent woman who genuinely cares about women. She communicates to people that there are in fact healthy ways to enjoy sexual fantasies and desires in a CONSENSUAL way. Which is a huge benefit to society.

Our society is (sadly) not at all short on elements that encourage men to think of women as objects. Blogs like hers help challenge those narratives, because they explicitly engage with those values and force conversations about the nature of consent and agency.

derangedbabydoll: souvlakispacestati0n: captionshaming: suffer4me20: derangedbabydoll:landon70:d









sarpedom wanted to see me with a black eye. He wanted to make me pretty.

I was bad.

Pack your shit and leave his ass

That’s cute.

Very pretty.

This is ten thousand kinds of unacceptable if it’s real.

Basic BDSM 101 shit here, you don’t fucking punch people in the face. The bones in the skull, especially around the eye are extremely delicate and can easily shatter causing permanent blindness or hemorrhage. Not to mention a need for potential reconstructive surgery. Blind force eye trauma can cause the retina to detach.

And then there’s the brain, if you hit someone hard enough in the face you can cause the brain to become damaged when it smacks into part of the skull. I don’t care how careful you think you are or how consensual it is. DON’T. PUNCH. PEOPLE. IN. THE. FACE. YOU. IMBECILES.


This looks like makeup to me but yeah this is fucked all the hell. Kinksters on this site need Jesus.

Will Jesus give me a black eye?

Only if you pray really, really,reallyhard.

PS. This looks great!

Post link

2022 Ukraine-Russia War

Fantasy vs Reality …. Russian propaganda vs the cold brutal reality of what is happening today in Ukraine!

“Advantages” of military service in the USSR.

“Advantages” of military service in the Russian Federation.
