

I had “laser cutter” course with other students yesterday and it was really fascinating and everyone got license for participating(That’s what the machine is cutting in the video)



You know what bugs me about soulmate aus? So, I’m assuming that this whole “the first thing your soulmate says to you blahblahblah” is a worldwide thing. So many of the aus I’ve read have a quote at some point that addresses how tragic it is when people have soul words that say something like “hi” or “‘sup” which makes NO SENSE! In a world where the first thing you say to people is THAT important, WHY GOD WHY would the culture still use standard greetings? Who the fuck is still saying hello at this point? Everyone in these worlds would surely develop a personalized greeting different from everybody else’s to prevent confusion. Like how no 2 racehorses can have the same racing name? The best part is that every time people met someone new for the first time, they would try to say something that no one else had said. You’d have people meeting eachother at a job intetview, they’d shake hands, smile politely, then one of them would be like “Every Tuesday, I hard even grape purple farm house sunsets too” and this would be perfectly normal. Or you’d go up to the cash register at Starbucks and instead of saying “Hello, what can i get for you today?” She’d look you right in the eye and say “I don’t know what Space Jam is” THEN ask you what you want and she’d repeat that to every customer in the line for the rest of her career. And because they live in the AU, nobody would think it was weird.

op you are forcibly opening my third eye with a crowbar and i am here for it





the crime the criminal


Your honor. It’s true that a first glance at the evidence would suggest my client was responsible. But let’s look a little further, shall we?

I have here a reverse image search for the crime scene as well as my client’s photo.

And if you look closely at the results…

Theblogsanddates don’t match.

My client has been framed!

And why? Because their iconic “mischievous smile” makes for a funnier post, of course. But nothing, not even Tumblr notes, is more important than the truth!

I present to you: The original unaltered post and the true culprit!

This court finds the defendant…

Ace Attorney Heritage Post


oh also asmodeus’ technical truths are also so delicious cause it raises real implications just without the proper context to frame them. it was the primordials home first. the primordials didn’t want to the gods creations. the gods gave their creations access immense power that they very arguably were not (and still not) fully capable of using responsibly. in a war over who had dominance over exandria the betrayers choose the beings that lorded over the planet before the gods even arrived there. and the general sentiments about not understanding the truth of his creations - pain and suffering makes their creations goodness and light more meaningful, it evokes this sense of balance.

asmodeus isn’t good. he isn’t trustworthy. he’s hiding his intentions. he’s not right. but he made so sure to not be wrong either.

absolutely delicious.
