#fear the walking dead imagine


death era.

pairings. bellamy blake x fem!oc

part three of n/a.

about.bellamy doesn’t keep his promise, but why?


ricky rocks. okay now the story is going to get moving.

“hey, hey, relax.”

the light shimmering of sun peaking through the forest trees flooded into athena’s eyesight like anguish. her head throbbed and all she could get out was a groan while her body rolled slightly around on the forest floor in attempt to bring her back to life and recreate feeling within her limbs.

her eyes squinted into slits as the feeling of sleep wore off into the ground and reality hit her harder than bellamy did. he didn’t kill her like he said he would, she was alive, and she could really feel it now. 

she struggled in her position, a feeling of paranoia striking her fast as she half expected bellamy would be right there to watch her become accustomed to the blow to her head and the large deep cut swelling in her right shoulder—she almost thought it was him who had pressure on the wound.

but she was mistaken, it was a girl. 

that’s all athena could make out as she tried her best to adjust her eyesight on the girl with the half-assed lift of her head.

“steady yourself there, blue,” a groan once again resonated from athena’s mouth as the girl moved back a bit, more sunlight flooding into her sight and more pain as the girl pressed harder onto her shoulder causing blood to leak out beneath her hands. 

“someone sliced you huh,” she tilted her head a bit, more or so mumbling to herself as she examined athena a little more, pursing her lips. “smacked you across the head too.”

athena only grunted in reply, her eyes rolling into the back of her head at the pain. the girl grabbed her forehead, tilting it back and forth and up and down, trying to see where the blood of the wound on her head resonated from. 

“i need to patch you up,” she huffs, “you’re gonna need stitches on that shoulder of yours and i don’t even know what to do about the rest of you.”

the girl clicked her tongue, sitting back, letting go of athena’s shoulder hesitantly while she made a move to her pack, but she heard the click of a gun making her tightly close her eyes in regret. it was difficult to find good trusting people anymore, even ones that were injured, they always seemed to be the most hesitant. 

“who are you?” athena pushed past the urge to wince as she had increased the pain in her shoulder. the gun bellamy had used to knock her out had been left graciously a little ways up and past her head. 

“octavia,” she had her hands raised as she turned back around slowly, “my name is octavia and i just want to help you, okay?”

“no one just wants to help,” athena mumbled, just barely coughing her words out.

“listen, i don’t care what you think, but you need stitches, and the bullet in your leg pulled out.”



being knocked upside the head twice in a day was not healthy, especially for someone in the condition athena was in. octavia wasn’t sure how the girl had such a strong hold up still, she knew she’d probably be a mess if she had a cut deep in need of stitches and a bullet stuck in her thigh, but the thing was, athena was out of conscious, if she wanted to scream, she couldn’t have. 

when athena woke up, she felt like she couldn’t move. she felt as if her thigh had tons of bricks inside of it, weighing her down to the forest floor. the realization that bellamy also shot her hit her hard; what was the point? to slow her down? to let her slowly bleed out and die? that being him feeling less guilty with the possibly that she’d survive?

athena felt like she was about to throw up, her eyes twitched in pain when her shoulder took over most of her thoughts, pain was the only thing bouncing around in that head of hers. 

octavia, the girl who knocked athena in the head, also the girl who had saved her from bleeding out, sat a couple feet away, rummaging through something. it made athena swallow when she just barely raised her head to peak. 

octavia was going through her pack. that alone would have set athena off but she couldn’t do much from the position she was in, and this girl saved her after all.

“i’d really appreciate it if you didn’t mess with my things,” she gazed up at the darkening sky, her stomach rummaging around in anxiousness as well as pain, “it’s rude.”

octavia froze, but then relaxed when realizing the girl couldn’t do anything, even if she tried. “just trying to figure out who you are,” she mumbled, flipping through a book, a journal, but it wasn’t athenas, part of it wasn’t anyways. 

“hate to break it to you, but i’m a nobody.”

“you must be a somebody if you can get ahold of an m4 carbine,” she mumbled again, before putting away the journal without much examination, sliding over to where athena began to get up. 

“how’d you get a military gun?”

“they’re not hard to steal.”

“yeah but they’re hard to find, they’re rare and fucking dangerous.”

“how do you know that?”

the pair of young girls stare into each other’s eyes for a good moment, each studying one another. there’s more than met the surface, and the both of them knew it.

“that journal, it keeps track of hits, but most of them aren’t recent… that isn’t yours, is it?” 

oh. so she did study it. 

“how do you know so much about the m4?”

“where did you get it?”

“at a base off the interstate.”

“which one.”

“i don’t remember.”

“okay,” octavia’s face laid blank but there was still a layer of skepticism that littered her brows as they were slightly pinched together. she knew. “can i ask why you were bleeding out when i found you?”

“some prick-” she slightly gasped as she adjusted her position, “decided to let me suffer instead of kill me like he promised.”


athena cringed, slightly turning her head, “i wouldn’t give him what he wanted.”

octavia didn’t push on from there.

“when’s the last time you ate?”

“why do you want to help me so bad?”

“because human decency is hard to find and i know if i was in the exact position you’re in, i’d want help.”


athena didn’t say anything in return because she couldn’t agree. octavia, this girl before her, was a better person than she was. in todays world, it was everyone for themselves.

“now, when’s the last time you ate?”


“why are you alone?” for the past hour athena were trying your best to ease into the presence of octavia and her strangely positive attitude. she were propped against a tree, sitting across from the girl as she seemed to of been tying pieces of grass to one another.

“i have people,” she spoke, her tone a lot lower than it had been before. it was like instantly her mood had dropped and she was now dejected. “we got split up.”

“so, you’re alone now.”

“but with reason.”

“with reason?” athena arched a brow, examining her closely now.

“i’m looking for someone.”

“the rest of your group?”

“no,” she shook her head, “see, half our group was split in half, and i got split from them.”

athena didn’t press on. there was something about this topic that was obviously upsetting and the girl wasn’t as up for talking about it as anything else. athena was also finding it difficult to talk to her in the first place, it seemed she was almost hiding something with how restricting she was with her words now.

“do you have people?”

stupid question.


“why not?”

athena had to be careful answering this. she had many reasons as to not trusting people, not to be in a collective group, but saying the wrong thing could place a bad atmosphere on the both of them, “most of the people around here are dead.”

“and the live ones?”

“usually want to kill me… if you couldn’t tell.”

she lightly smiles, and silence settles over as the both of them thought. she wanted to say something, athena could tell, but she was hesitant, “my people aren’t like that.”

“what are they like?” athena shouldn’t have been entertaining the idea, she knew that, she knew where octavia was going with that statement.

“you should find out.”

athena shook her head, “you don’t have to do that.”

“do what?”

“offer me a position in your group. you’ve already done enough for me,” she internally cringed at her sweet words, “if anything, i owe you.”

“then help me find them,” her voice sounds slight enlightened as an idea pops into her head.


“help me find them, pay me back that way.”



“athena, you said it yourself, you owe me and what’s holding you back from doing so?” she was now drawing closer to her, “listen, i stay with you for a week, help you heal, and when you can walk, you help me, deal?”

she’s now right next to her, making it hard for her to look anywhere but at octavia. everything was screaming at her to not agree, to stick to her ground rules. but something overruled that power as she starred deeper into octavia’s eyes and saw something she hasn’t seen in a long time; hope.



