#clark griffin


time doesn’t stop.

pairings.bellamy blake x fem!reader

about. you attempt to make up with bellamy

warnings.foul language, gif not mine, set at s3e9/10

ricky rocks. missing bellamy hours

for a long time, a lot of people thought it’d always be you and bellamy. and for a long time, you believed it’d only always be you and bellamy.

it was only after mount weather did the pressure and realization of how hard a relationship really could be in living hell come to light; especially after a gunshot wound and many promises to keep one another alive.

you were fools to believe that dating was even possibility beneath the pressures of trying to survive and play hero—that’s what you thought anyway.

you were ready to let go. ready to move on to callings of death that had been in your head the moment you had laid foot on earth. you had done many bad things that had ended you up in a cell block back at arkadia. some things that people believed were considerably valid for a punishment of death, which you were never really ready for up in that cell.

you had cursed yourself when you woke up days after, patched up, and relieved from the bullet a mount weather guard shot at you. you were alive, and all curtesy of abby griffin, an angel in disguise, as bellamy thought.

but that bullet changed so much, and created a great amount of damage that not even abby could relieve you from.

he moved on fast. or more of what you thought was fast.

you had left, leaving him angry and in desperate need with the amount of ties he still held to you. bellamy had never had felt so much attachment to one person other than octavia. but with both of you gone, off with your curious minds in search for something that neither of you had found yet, leaving him alone, he had to find something to occupy himself with.

you just weren’t content with the idea of him kissing another girl.

but he didn’t know you anymore.

it wasn’t until you finally went back to arkadia to find several crazed chipped adults, including your own savior, abby, who rather seemed in need to kill you—did you come to realization that your time there and playing hero was not over.

“what the fuck was that?” you yelled into jasper’s ear as he drove the rover as fast as he could, away from the detrimental chaos that seemed to have erupted the moment you got there.

“hard to explain.”

“well find a way,” you looked down to raven and then to the back of the rover where camp was getting smaller and smaller till the only thing you could see was forestry. “i’m gone for-”

“yeah, that’s right, y/n, you were gone,” jasper finds his voice and yells back. “a lot happens around here if you hadn’t noticed.”

your disappearance hadn’t just affected bellamy, and you were just beginning to realize it.

you could understand; jasper was holding a lot on his shoulders and the tension of you and then almost getting shot didn’t help the situation, “jasper, i’m sorry.”

“i’m not the sorry you owe it to.”

you frowned, immediately thinking of bellamy. you kept your mouth shut from there on out and let jasper guide his way toward a cave where the rest of your group was supposedly camped at.

the moment you got there, you could tell everything was tense, even by the split second of seeing octavia walking away with bellamy on her tail before realizing the rover was there.

he squinted at you, before recognition kicked in and he realized who exactly he was looking at as you got out of the rover and moved quickly to open the back with jasper, helping him the best you could with hauling raven from her deadened position, “need your help! we have to get her inside before she wakes up!”

“were you followed?” bellamy trudged his way toward the two of you before taking raven into his own arms, clearly having a better chance of carrying her than the two of you combined.

“maybe, i don’t know.”

you stepped back, looking at bellamy’s face and the way he transfixed into taking lead so fast. his face was all beat up with fresh cuts and light bruises beginning to kiss his skin. it made you narrow your brows due to the last time seeing him, he wasn’t in this rough of shape.

he glanced to you one last time before walking to the cave, jasper following after him.

your head turned to octavia now, who you immediately reached out for as did she, “i have to leave.” her arms were wrapped around your neck, making it easy for you to hear the solum shoved deeply in her voice.

“don’t go now,” you shook your head in the hold you both had on each other. “you shouldn’t be alone, not with all that’s going on. not after lincoln.”

your words made the both of you cringe but they didn’t scare her off like you had half expected. she pulled away, nodding before walking into the cave with you.

“i told you on the radio, raven is not raven anymore. jaha has chipping everyone,” jasper shifted nervously, keeping eyes on the frail girl while he caught everyone up. “jaha is using the chips to control everyone. you swallow it, you forget who you are and you see this thing, alie. it made raven slit her own wrists.”

you watched raven carefully, as jasper continued to speak on how he was trying to help her. you were losing your mind and couldn’t understand how your biggest problem—pike—just got blown out of the water and turned ten times worse.

“you say a chip, maybe it’s like the one clarke carries,” your eyes met jasper, “after lexa died clarke carried a chip that she gave to me for safe keeping,” you were quick to pull it out of your pocket. “this?”

jasper shrugs, “not exactly.”

and suddenly raven was on her feet and running, causing all of you to haul after her like a chain reaction. bellamy rung his arms around hers, attempting to restrain her as she look around anxiously.

“if raven finds out where we are, so will alie and she’ll come for her,” jasper stabbed a reaper stick into her neck, causing her to drop from consciousness once more.

you all huffed and raven was once again hauled into bellamy’s arms. you frowned, suddenly getting an idea, “we have to leave,” your eyes were trained on raven.

“why, she doesn’t know where we are.”

“but i know how to fix this and where to find clarke.”


“you came back.”

you glanced up to bellamy who sat across from you. no one had said a word within the time you had all gotten within the rover to get to nyla’s location. not until now.

“why wouldn’t i?”

“you tell me,” his eyes were soft on you but the tone of his voice was condescending and hurtful—he wanted to hurt you.

and you understood why.

“‘time doesn’t stop,’” you looked to your hands as you mumbled the words before gaining enough courage to meet his hard, but eager eyes. “you remember when you first said that? ‘time doesn’t stop, not for me, not for you, not for anyone’…’you’re good with your words.” an airy laugh came past your lips as you reminisced about bellamy when you all first landed and he gave a lot of leader speeches to the 100.

you couldn’t help but feel sadness seep in at all corners of your soul of how long ago that was and how your problems dealt with actual people and not a.i.’s.

“time doesn’t stop and i couldn’t handle that, bellamy. i wanted it to, but it just didn’t and i… gave up.”

“on us,” he clenched his jaw, hating how he felt sympathetic for you, hating how he wanted to hold you.

his mind thinks to the gun shot wound, and the blood that stained his hands as he kept pressure to your stomach, watching life fade from your eyes. he wasn’t scared of anything, but you dying proved that statement wrong.

“god, bellamy, i never wanted to.”

“i have a hard time believing that,” he frowned, you could tell he was trying to hide his emotions the best he could by the way he bit his tongue and was so overall tense. “you never looked back.”

“but i did,” you leaned forward, touching his face lightly to which made him slightly flinch, unfamiliar with the touch. you almost pulled away but your touch with your finger tips turned to the palm of your hand, hovering over his fresh cuts. “i always did.”

“then you should have came back, should have said something.”

“i am back, i promise, bellamy. i’m back now.”

you could tell he didn’t trust those words even though he wanted so badly to lean into it—to put trust that you were really there and would stay there till the end of your days.

he leaned back, his eyes watching you gingerly, trying to decide on how to feel and what to say, but he just nodded, mumbling, “okay.”

you accepted that as good as mutual ground between you could get. bellamy was a stubborn person at nature and it was hard to let people back in when they were traitors to his soul, but him defying his morals the best he could just for you was a sign of something positive.

especially when he reached for your hand, and held it tightly between the two of your bodies.

“now, are you going to tell me about your face?”



death era.

pairings. bellamy blake x fem!oc

part three of n/a.

about.bellamy doesn’t keep his promise, but why?


ricky rocks. okay now the story is going to get moving.

“hey, hey, relax.”

the light shimmering of sun peaking through the forest trees flooded into athena’s eyesight like anguish. her head throbbed and all she could get out was a groan while her body rolled slightly around on the forest floor in attempt to bring her back to life and recreate feeling within her limbs.

her eyes squinted into slits as the feeling of sleep wore off into the ground and reality hit her harder than bellamy did. he didn’t kill her like he said he would, she was alive, and she could really feel it now. 

she struggled in her position, a feeling of paranoia striking her fast as she half expected bellamy would be right there to watch her become accustomed to the blow to her head and the large deep cut swelling in her right shoulder—she almost thought it was him who had pressure on the wound.

but she was mistaken, it was a girl. 

that’s all athena could make out as she tried her best to adjust her eyesight on the girl with the half-assed lift of her head.

“steady yourself there, blue,” a groan once again resonated from athena’s mouth as the girl moved back a bit, more sunlight flooding into her sight and more pain as the girl pressed harder onto her shoulder causing blood to leak out beneath her hands. 

“someone sliced you huh,” she tilted her head a bit, more or so mumbling to herself as she examined athena a little more, pursing her lips. “smacked you across the head too.”

athena only grunted in reply, her eyes rolling into the back of her head at the pain. the girl grabbed her forehead, tilting it back and forth and up and down, trying to see where the blood of the wound on her head resonated from. 

“i need to patch you up,” she huffs, “you’re gonna need stitches on that shoulder of yours and i don’t even know what to do about the rest of you.”

the girl clicked her tongue, sitting back, letting go of athena’s shoulder hesitantly while she made a move to her pack, but she heard the click of a gun making her tightly close her eyes in regret. it was difficult to find good trusting people anymore, even ones that were injured, they always seemed to be the most hesitant. 

“who are you?” athena pushed past the urge to wince as she had increased the pain in her shoulder. the gun bellamy had used to knock her out had been left graciously a little ways up and past her head. 

“octavia,” she had her hands raised as she turned back around slowly, “my name is octavia and i just want to help you, okay?”

“no one just wants to help,” athena mumbled, just barely coughing her words out.

“listen, i don’t care what you think, but you need stitches, and the bullet in your leg pulled out.”



being knocked upside the head twice in a day was not healthy, especially for someone in the condition athena was in. octavia wasn’t sure how the girl had such a strong hold up still, she knew she’d probably be a mess if she had a cut deep in need of stitches and a bullet stuck in her thigh, but the thing was, athena was out of conscious, if she wanted to scream, she couldn’t have. 

when athena woke up, she felt like she couldn’t move. she felt as if her thigh had tons of bricks inside of it, weighing her down to the forest floor. the realization that bellamy also shot her hit her hard; what was the point? to slow her down? to let her slowly bleed out and die? that being him feeling less guilty with the possibly that she’d survive?

athena felt like she was about to throw up, her eyes twitched in pain when her shoulder took over most of her thoughts, pain was the only thing bouncing around in that head of hers. 

octavia, the girl who knocked athena in the head, also the girl who had saved her from bleeding out, sat a couple feet away, rummaging through something. it made athena swallow when she just barely raised her head to peak. 

octavia was going through her pack. that alone would have set athena off but she couldn’t do much from the position she was in, and this girl saved her after all.

“i’d really appreciate it if you didn’t mess with my things,” she gazed up at the darkening sky, her stomach rummaging around in anxiousness as well as pain, “it’s rude.”

octavia froze, but then relaxed when realizing the girl couldn’t do anything, even if she tried. “just trying to figure out who you are,” she mumbled, flipping through a book, a journal, but it wasn’t athenas, part of it wasn’t anyways. 

“hate to break it to you, but i’m a nobody.”

“you must be a somebody if you can get ahold of an m4 carbine,” she mumbled again, before putting away the journal without much examination, sliding over to where athena began to get up. 

“how’d you get a military gun?”

“they’re not hard to steal.”

“yeah but they’re hard to find, they’re rare and fucking dangerous.”

“how do you know that?”

the pair of young girls stare into each other’s eyes for a good moment, each studying one another. there’s more than met the surface, and the both of them knew it.

“that journal, it keeps track of hits, but most of them aren’t recent… that isn’t yours, is it?” 

oh. so she did study it. 

“how do you know so much about the m4?”

“where did you get it?”

“at a base off the interstate.”

“which one.”

“i don’t remember.”

“okay,” octavia’s face laid blank but there was still a layer of skepticism that littered her brows as they were slightly pinched together. she knew. “can i ask why you were bleeding out when i found you?”

“some prick-” she slightly gasped as she adjusted her position, “decided to let me suffer instead of kill me like he promised.”


athena cringed, slightly turning her head, “i wouldn’t give him what he wanted.”

octavia didn’t push on from there.

“when’s the last time you ate?”

“why do you want to help me so bad?”

“because human decency is hard to find and i know if i was in the exact position you’re in, i’d want help.”


athena didn’t say anything in return because she couldn’t agree. octavia, this girl before her, was a better person than she was. in todays world, it was everyone for themselves.

“now, when’s the last time you ate?”


“why are you alone?” for the past hour athena were trying your best to ease into the presence of octavia and her strangely positive attitude. she were propped against a tree, sitting across from the girl as she seemed to of been tying pieces of grass to one another.

“i have people,” she spoke, her tone a lot lower than it had been before. it was like instantly her mood had dropped and she was now dejected. “we got split up.”

“so, you’re alone now.”

“but with reason.”

“with reason?” athena arched a brow, examining her closely now.

“i’m looking for someone.”

“the rest of your group?”

“no,” she shook her head, “see, half our group was split in half, and i got split from them.”

athena didn’t press on. there was something about this topic that was obviously upsetting and the girl wasn’t as up for talking about it as anything else. athena was also finding it difficult to talk to her in the first place, it seemed she was almost hiding something with how restricting she was with her words now.

“do you have people?”

stupid question.


“why not?”

athena had to be careful answering this. she had many reasons as to not trusting people, not to be in a collective group, but saying the wrong thing could place a bad atmosphere on the both of them, “most of the people around here are dead.”

“and the live ones?”

“usually want to kill me… if you couldn’t tell.”

she lightly smiles, and silence settles over as the both of them thought. she wanted to say something, athena could tell, but she was hesitant, “my people aren’t like that.”

“what are they like?” athena shouldn’t have been entertaining the idea, she knew that, she knew where octavia was going with that statement.

“you should find out.”

athena shook her head, “you don’t have to do that.”

“do what?”

“offer me a position in your group. you’ve already done enough for me,” she internally cringed at her sweet words, “if anything, i owe you.”

“then help me find them,” her voice sounds slight enlightened as an idea pops into her head.


“help me find them, pay me back that way.”



“athena, you said it yourself, you owe me and what’s holding you back from doing so?” she was now drawing closer to her, “listen, i stay with you for a week, help you heal, and when you can walk, you help me, deal?”

she’s now right next to her, making it hard for her to look anywhere but at octavia. everything was screaming at her to not agree, to stick to her ground rules. but something overruled that power as she starred deeper into octavia’s eyes and saw something she hasn’t seen in a long time; hope.





pairings. bellamy blake x fem!reader

about. bellamy saves your ass, again.

warnings.foul language, murder,

ricky rocks. follow me lol, i’m cool

“what’s wrong?” you were drawn away from your thoughts, glancing to raven. her hands tightly gripped the steering wheel of the rover while looking to you in a slightly anxious manner. “you haven’t spoken the whole ride.”

kane had gotten a call about twenty minutes ago about there being a breach and half the guard team was already gone. there was no one to cover the call except you. 

“i got this,” you were already slinging on your guard jacket before kane could say anything, he had never intended on you hearing the beep in but there you were with your eager eyes and ease dropping ears. 

he frowned, shaking his head, “no, it’s too dangerous out there.”

you looked at kane dumbfounded, your frown curving deeper into your cheeks making you look older and increasing the darkness within your features, “i can handle myself out there.”

he knew you could, he wasn’t worry about that. kane was more concerned about reasons he wasn’t about to speak aloud, especially to your face in fear of risking setting you off.

“you’re not going.”

“kane,” you gave him a pointed look, shoving your gun in the loop of your belt. you continued to defy him, causing his stomach to wrench up, he didn’t want to yell at you. “i can handle myself out there.”

“if you go,” he began too slowly cave from his original statement, leaning against metal table separating the two of you, “i want someone out there with you.”

“bellamy isn’t here.”

bellamy was always your scout partner when either one of you were sent out of arkadia to scope out whatever needed to be scoped out. both of you would have been well enough without one another but it was always nice to have company, especially company like bellamy’s.

“you’re going with me, sweetheart,” raven appeared out of nowhere, patting your back as she begun to climb in the driver seat of the rover with a slight struggle due to her leg. 

you almost resisted the urge to clench your jaw too hard. you loved raven but you would really preferred to take this trip alone, especially after what had happened last time; you were with miller, completely throwing you off due to him having a completely different style when it came to scouting arkadia outer grounds than bellamy. 

bad things happened.


you had turned head rather fast, now holding eye contact with the hazel eyed girl, her nervousness had eased off as if coming to the conclusion to your quietness. 


“you’d rather be with bellamy, right?”

“i’d rather be by myself,” you grumbled, sulking deeper into the passenger seat. you felt guilty for doing so, raven had nothing to do with your own problems but you really would rather be alone with how everyone had been treating you recently.

“too bad.”

once you had arrived upon the breach you had gotten out of the car rather fast with your hand clutching the hand gun looped with your belt tightly, making it hard for raven to keep up, seeing the determination within your steps.

“slow down, cowgirl,” she yelled after you, almost tripping multiple times as she tried to increase her pace. “there’s no rush.”

“this is ice nations sector, reyes,” you called back, “there is no time to slow down.”

you broke through a large section of trees and branches soon revealing a scene that took you by surprise. it made you raise your gun just as quick as you had gasped.. and soon raven ended up in the same position of surprisal.

before the two of you, bellamy and octavia were knocked out propped up against a tree tied together while a man who’s face was painted white pointed his staff toward you in threat. you kept your composure at the sight with your gun still held in height of his head.

“don’t shoot.”

“you’re not helping.”

“y/n, don’t. don’t do something domb,” her voice rang through your ears and you suddenly felt hot and your head felt light with pressure spiking, making the rest of your body feel numb. “y/n?”

“reyes, go.”

“you’re about to do something you’re going to regret.”

“you’re about to do something you’re going to regret.”

your vision cleared and became leveled with a man from trikru. his smile was strange and split and made your head spin with uncomfortableness.

hehad you surrounded. you and miller.

“you’re not going to shoot me.”

“try me,” you narrowed your brows as you looked between him and to the men next to him, as you were sure miller was doing the same but to the men he was facing. the two of you were back to back, guns raised high in defense.

“we don’t mean any harm,” miller’s voice butts in and he tries to reason as his voice calls to the man you were talking to. you clenched your jaw, miller was almost making you both look foolish. “just let us go.”

“oh i’ll let you go. it’s her that’s gotta stay.”

“i’ll shoot you.”

“those are some powerful words,” he shifts towards you and you’re quick to cock the gun. he flinches but smiles as he still makes small movements toward you till you just… shot him, setting off a chain reaction of the rest of the men launching toward you.

and bang, bang, bang—three more bodies dead on the ground with your simple aim and no hesitation.

miller only injured the other two with a look on his face that you wouldn’t forget. he looked at you, with an almost petrified expression—one that read he couldn’t believe what you had just done.

“we need to go.”

“we need to go.”

you were being shaken lightly until your eyes pealed open fast, meeting the feeling of bellamy’s hand lightly holding your face with an urgent look on his own, looking all around before back to your face, “c’mon, get up, kid. we’ve got to go.”

he pulls you to your feet fast where raven and octavia are already hauling it to the rover and the man from ice nation laid on the ground, dead.

“please tell me that wasn’t me.”

“don’t worry,” bellamy gripped your arm while pushing you to go faster toward the rover. right before the man knocked octavia and him out, it wasn’t just him, there was at least two more. they must have gone scavenging, leaving that man to himself, which in hindsight wasn’t smart at all to leave one against two.

“you passed out,” raven looked back to you from her position in the drivers seat. “i think you’re under a lot of stress.”

no kidding.

you glanced to bellamy who was already looking to you and you half expected him to lecture you, like he always did, especially with the look on his face. he was always so adamant with keeping yourself stable, to take breaks, and make sure you were always alright—especially when situations got tough. but right now he didn’t, he kept his mouth shut.

you and bellamy were very similar. he knew it too and it scared him, because he didn’t want any of the things that ran through his mind, going through your own. you were both very self destructive and that wasn’t something he realized until mount weather—a point in time where he learned a lot about you.

“what’re we going to do?” octavia looked to raven who was still breathless, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

she could barely think straight without her mind straying to ten minutes before, “we go to kane, we tell him what happened and we continue on with our day. this isn’t the first time irrational decisions have gotten the best of us.”

she resisted looking at you, but she didn’t have to in order for you to know she was halfway referring to you.

you tipped your head back in despair, wishing you could redo the past month.

* *

“explain to me how a scouting mission ends up with someone dead,” you bit your tongue, already feeling a harsh lecture coming as kane stared at raven gingerly who was barely keeping her composure. she was very fiery whenever it came to discussions like this and defending her own, but the dead body must have thrown her off.

“listen, bellamy and octavia were both in danger-“

“doesn’t give us a right to kill ice nation’s people. our pact with them is barely hanging on by a thread.”

“we didn’t mean for this to happen, kane,” you spoke, defending raven from the rouse he was pressuring raven with, but you instantly regretted it when he looks to you, like he hadn’t even noticed you yet.

“you killed four grounders, y/n. you understand that right? and now you go and kill someone apart of ice nation. do you understand what that does to us?” kane’s expression and words catch you off gaurd and cause your chest to tighten. he was never someone you expected to be so jarring. he had been giving you the benefit of the doubt for the past month, so seeing him snap so fast took you aback. “you’ve become unhinged. you don’t think straight anymore.”

“she didn’t kill him,” bellamy takes a step in front of you out of instinct.

“then who did?” he raises his voice, “because i’m looking between all four of you right now and only one of you is coming out as a valid option.”

“it was all three of us,” octavia speaks, “y/n, got knocked out before she could do anything. like you said, she hasn’t been thinking straight lately because she’s been under a lot of pressure.”

you could tell kane didn’t believe a word she said by the way he paused, clenching his jaw. it was looking like they were only trying to cover for you right now, and you couldn’t blame him.

“i can’t deal with this right now, we’ll talk about this later.”

* *

“he’s going to kick me from camp.”

you sat on bellamy’s bed as he begun to change from his disoriented attire from earlier that day. after abby had patched him up from the gash he had on the side of his head and made sure you were still doing alright, you both begun to talk about the past month, essentially leading back to kane.

you felt you hadn’t seen bellamy in forever, and it was practically true due to kane setting you both up with different guard partners and assigning you both to tasks at different times for the past five weeks. hence, how you got mixed up with miller in the first place.

it was almost as if it was purposeful…

“he’s not going to kick you from camp.”

“he has no reason not to.”

“y/n, why would he?”

“i killed people, bellamy,” you looked at him, dumbfounded. “for no reason.”

“for good reason,” he corrected you, now kneeling before you. “kane is under a lot of pressure right now, and what happened to you didn’t help. he’s worried about a lot of things, and he doesn’t want to worry about you.”

“he said i’m unhinged.”

“we all are,” he squeezed your knee, getting back to his feet. “you need to stop worrying. you did nothing wrong today.”

“what do you think he’s going to say later?” you questioned.

“stop worrying, princess,” he gave you a pointed look. “what’s the worse that can happen?”

* *

“i don’t want either of you to be partners, you’re both bad for each other. i’ve realized that now for the past two months,” kane folded his hands, delivering the worse news before you and bellamy. “y/n, i was in between full suspension and two week suspension from your position, it’s up to you.”

you looked a kane with narrowed brows, completely dumbfounded and not knowing what to say. you should have seen it coming, he had been preparing the two of you for this by scheduling you both different times and you felt like a fool for not realizing it till now.

“kane, that is irrational,” bellamy shook his head, “we’re both your best and you’re going to risk it over her messing up once. i can hardly see how we’re bad for each other, when we get things done better than any one else on the guard.”

“once is enough.”

you frowned hard, “the only reason i messed up was because i was with miller. because you scheduled me with him. bellamy is not the reason i shot trikru. miller just threw me off because i’m not used to the way he clears.”

kane shook his head, “you shouldn’t be like that. you’re a guard, y/n, you should be prepared for anything, not ‘thrown off’ just because miller runs a totally different route than you and bellamy.”

you couldn’t believe him, “you can’t be serious. kane, you have my answer, you can implement a full suspension.. or whatever,” you rolled your eyes, getting to your feet but bellamy’s quick to pull you back down in your seat.

“she gets a different partner or full suspension, you can expect the same thing from me,” he pressed his lips into a thin line knowing kane wouldn’t accept that. bellamy was the best they had, and without him, the ark would most likely fail.

“you can’t do that,” kane shakes his head, “bellamy.”

“then you fix this,” he still held your wrist as he spoke with a stern tone, “you suspend her two weeks, but you keep her my partner, you schedule us same time like how it used to be. otherwise you lose the both of us.”

bellamy didn’t understand how kane didn’t realize that you were only under the right mindset when with him. you were irrational with unfamiliarity, it something about that, that freaked you out, but with bellamy, there was a level of control and focus that he could only bring.

kane look hesitant, glancing between the two of you before focusing on bellamy, “you keep her tame then.”

a deal was made. you were kept partners with bellamy but you still couldn’t help but be angered by the way they spoke like you weren’t there. you were happy with the outcome and you were sure the only reason it happened was because bellamy did all the talking.

“you owe me.”

you rolled your eyes, “you did yourself a favor.”

bellamy scoffed, his eyebrow curving, “really?”

“you know you couldn’t survive a day without me on the job.”

“funny,” he shook his head, “because i was thinking the same thing about you.”

you smiled, but hesitated, “thank you. you saved my ass, again.”

“you’re good, you just owe me,” he winked, “now get ready for your shift.”


Rewatching The 100 and currently suffering brainrot. This show just scratches a very nich itch in my brain. Murphy and Emori are cuties
