




I’m still adjusting to the small jump in weight from the past couple of months. The subtly altered dimensions, and things like actually feeling that my face is fatter, take some getting used to. I’m not eating as much as I was then, but still enough to keep from losing weight. That’s intentional, because I know full well from past experience that the longer I keep on a recent gain, the more normal the extra fat will feel.. as in, it won’t feel like a gain, it’ll just feel like me, like my normal body. That way I know I won’t be won’t losing it, and if I don’t lose it, then it’ll be a foundation for any future gaining.

I sometimes have strong fantasies of developing a food addiction. Thinking of food, having to eat more just to feel satisfied, wanting to eat when I’m not hungry, and getting hungry again much sooner even after eating a lot. Going from having almost no cravings and a strong willpower to craving more fatty and sweet things like never before, and the loss of willpower to resist those cravings. Feeling powerless as food takes up more of my day and life. Needing to eat, needing to snack, needing to sometimes binge and not being able to stop myself. Becoming a helpless slave to my own appetite.

It’d be both a blessing and a curse. Of course it’s also a little scary to think of being that out of control, and knowing that unknown amounts of weight gain would be inevitable. And not being sure if it could be undone if I later had regrets. Yet I fantasize of a feeder knowing just how to make it happen, like, “If you stick to my diet for x months, I promise you won’t ever be able to stop eating afterward. You’ll always remain a good little fat food addict, just the way I want you. All you have to do is let it happen and embrace your food-filled future.”

Please omfg

Oh, this exactly

I need this

I’m having one of those days where I’m obsessed with the idea of being kidnapped by a sadistic feeder and fattened up until I can’t walk, where I’m just one massive, jiggling pile of blubber existing only to eat and keep getting fatter for them. To be forced to keep gaining weight no matter how much I beg or cry, to see new rolls added all over my body everyday, to be a wheezing, sweating pig like I know I’m meant to be.

-To make my belly hang over my knees, and then eventually drag along the floor so it’s out of my reach, covered in stretchmarks and infinite rolls

-To condition me to cum from being stuffed so I always need to be filled to cum

-To make me too fat to masturbate so I’m reliant on them or just trying to hump my own flesh to feel something 

-To make use of all the new rolls and folds of fat they’ve added to me, fucking them instead of my pussy and making sure I’m trained to get pleasure from that

-To not let me stop gaining until I’m as big as they want me, even if I resist, because they want me to look like a circus fat lady 

-To make me so huge I’m forced to waddle around when I can still move, every part of me jiggling just for their enjoyment and amusement, out of breath and sweaty just from walking across the room

-To only be allowed to wear clothes that are slightly too small and be forbidden from doing anything that tries to hide my fat from view, if my belly doesn’t stay in my shirt I’ll have to just let it show, every humiliating inch of cellulite-ridden flab visible

-To be made to display my gluttony for all to see in public whenever my feeder wants, eating enough for 5 people and putting my body on display in crop tops and tight shorts

-To be tied down and force fed with a funnel if I’m not cooperative, because I’m going to keep getting fatter whether I want to or not. 

-To be forced to eat until I can barely move and have to use a scooter to get around, especially in public so everyone can see the consequences of what I’ve done to myself

-To make fun of me and humiliate me as much as possible so I can never forget what I’ve become, a waddling wheezing blob of lard whose only purpose is to get fatter and fatter

snotbowst1991: scionofblubber:fatmalefantasy:bigfattybc:superchubly:likesuperchubs:Especia







Especially reinforced wheelchair for super-super-superchubs up to 1.100 lbs (500 kg)!

Imagine all that jiggling belly fat bouncing over the knees!

Boyfriend goals

My goals

I want to be this huge. 

I’ll need on of these eventually


It’s weird how turned on I am by the thought of being made to keep gaining weight until I’m fat enough to need this.

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Nurture it and make it grow. Feed it until I moan from the pain. Keep it happy and jiggly. Tell me how much bigger your going to make it no matter what. Tell me how you’re going to tie me down force feed me until I’m in pain. It’s to make your pet grow bigger, fatter, more jiggly, faster. I’ll be punished by being forced to eat more if the weight doesn’t go to the right place. My belly is your pet and I exist to satisfy you by making it bigger, fatter and softer.

This is great


My biggest fantasy is gaining weight without even trying and being unable to stop, either because of a feeder or because of my own gluttony and lack of self control.

I want to force myself (or be forced by someone else) to overeat, stuff and gorge myself on far more food than I need, until eventually my body becomes so used to massive portions of fattening foods that I’m unable to stop eating, that a whole tub of ice cream becomes a small and unsatisfying snack that only serves to increase my appetite. I want food to become such an important and vital part of my life that I can’t go for more than an hour without binging and stuffing my face, even if I try. I want to go through the amount of food that would currently last me a whole month, daily

I want to look at myself in the mirror every day and see that I’ve visibly put on weight, and know that there is nothing I can possibly do to lose it or even to maintain it, and that I will only get fatter and fatter for the rest of my life until I reach the point of immobility, and that I’m helpless to stop it. Helplessly stuff myself with more and more food every day, speeding the process up and causing myself to need more and more food to feel full. I want to try to diet and be forced to confront the fact that dieting only makes me fatter because I lack the willpower to go for more than a couple days without eating everything in the house in one massive binge.

I’m not particularly athletic now, but I want to feel myself lose what little muscle mass and stamina I have, powerless to stop it from happening. I want to get so winded walking from my couch to the kitchen to get a snack that I have to just sit in the kitchen floor to stuff myself, too tired and weak to stand back up and walk my food to the couch. I want to binge uncontrollably and then pass out surrounded by wrappers and crumbs, without even being able to muster up the energy to drag myself to the bed. I want to get so fat and lazy and out of shape that I can’t walk up the stairs at all, my body would just be too heavy and flabby to lift my weight up them. I want to be so weak that lifting the television remote is a struggle.

I want to get so fat I can’t see my own feet, or even my thighs past my massive hanging belly. Too fat to masturbate, too fat to walk more than ten feet at a time, so fat that my arm flab prevents me from putting my hands together because i just cant reach all the way around my huge gut. So fat that I have to have clothes tailor made for me, because no company makes clothes THAT large. So fat that I have to eat twenty course meals in one sitting to even feel not hungry, and that I have to eat even more in order to feel full. 

I want to be imprisoned by my own gluttony and obesity, unable to do anything about it. 

This should def go past 500

This should def go past 500

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I have a huge fantasy of creating a conditioned sexual response in a feedee to food and stuffing where none previously existed. In this fantasy I’d be manipulating the subconcious through encouraging sleep-eating (like sleep-walking) or hypnosis. The feedee couldn’t help but become aroused when eating because I’ve sexually teased them while feeding them in this state of altered conciousness. Ultimately this would lead to the feedee’s constant binging because it would just feel way too good to keep gorging themselves. (With consent of course.)

This is probably the darker feeder thought I have. Using Pavlovian training to slowly help my feedee associate food and pleasure until being stuffed full of food leaves them a squirming mess. Training them until just thinking of food gets them started and they are begging to feast.
Just perverted things.

Yes!!! Create a delicious cycle of pleasure and eating. When they think of/smell/see/eat/hear about food they get turned on, when they get turned on they get hungry. The first big story I ever posted on fantasy feeder was about that very training.

Making a fat piggy so obsessed with getting to that pleasurable stuffed point, their only thoughts focused on being able to eat and cum again and again.

It’s my favorite evil feeder fantasy.

Is it bad I’ve actually had time where I’ve thought the process out? Planning out how to break somebody’s mind and reshape it to that whim. Starting it off gently, telling them how good they are for eating, for putting on a few pounds. Then working them into physical pleasure for eating. Deny release until they can’t eat anymore. Until he or she associates food with pleasure so much that it’s the only way they can get off.
Only to realize that the training would be almost impossible to remove, leaving them stuck in full on pig mode. Leaving them trapped in a food fueled orgy, growing fatter by the day…

Yepppp… I’ve definitely totally “fleshed out” this process, and have absolutely included these elements (especially the orgasm control) described here. So devious, which to me is so completely hottt!!


Yes please

omg please?



Reblog this  if you’re a feedee without a feeder….or a feeder without a feedee….

I so want a feeder

Having an in person feeder who takes complete control of my weight is my dream.

feedistconfessions:My life goal is simple. As fat as possible. Walking negotiable.


My life goal is simple. As fat as possible. Walking negotiable.

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Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day!

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Kind of hard to be a foodee when you’re broke. I hate being hungry. :(

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT : as you know tomorrow is a very important day, a national holiday if you will. I need to inform you about a change in my job location, all birthday flowers, packages, edibles etc should be delivered to: SHELLY RIDGE C/O PINNACLE CAREER INSTITUTE 1001 E 101st Terrace Suite 325, Kansas City, MO 64131

i love seeing how my gluttony has paid off ✨ do you think i’m big enough yet?

crazy the difference two years can make i’m wearing the same underwear in both pics but you can’t tell lol
