
beyond-mogai-pride-flags:malaikans: I remade the bigender flag, and made a new one.The flag on the lbeyond-mogai-pride-flags:malaikans: I remade the bigender flag, and made a new one.The flag on the lbeyond-mogai-pride-flags:malaikans: I remade the bigender flag, and made a new one.The flag on the l



I remade the bigender flag, and made a new one.

The flag on the left is the original bigender flag, and the flag in the middle is my redesign. The pink and blue hues are taken from the transgender flag, and the two stripes nearest the middle, which used to be purple, are now pink and blue with the hues moved slightly towards purple.

As for the third image, it’s a different bigender flag that I made for myself, but anyone can use it! It’s a flag for people who are bigender and identify with both juxera and proxvir. The colours are taken from the juxera and proxvir flags, and the striped pattern is based on the original bigender flag.

Please feel free to use! The two flags 

@beyond-mogai-pride-flags @mogai-wiki 

- Ap

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Femal (a play with male/female terminology): experiencing both m/f viagenders (fiagender/fiaspec and miaspec/miagender); similar to/interchangeable with femache, but now it’s anglophone/anglospherical/anglo-saxonic.

Could be a centrigender, monogender, multigender/polygender, plurigender, gender-fluid, gendervast/vastgender, etc. As long as it feels/needs both f/m components. May be a lingender, in the sense of both feminility/femaleness (fem(inile)/femeal(ity)) and masculinity/maleness (masc(uline)/virility) being/been associated with fin/min in your culture, but femality/femal-ness is explicitly liagender/liaspec.

- AP
