

“How much future do rich, white guys [who committed horrible crimes] get to have?”

I can understand how someone, even a man, would cry in an emotional situation.

But just imagine if Justice Kagan behaved in such a way. She wouldn’t be a Justice.

Support Women in the Workplace

mycateatsflies: i have the worst love-hate relationship with this dress.  i love h&m dresses, bumycateatsflies: i have the worst love-hate relationship with this dress.  i love h&m dresses, bu


i have the worst love-hate relationship with this dress.  i love h&m dresses, but they do not make dresses for larger chested girls. ;_; 

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I AM FAT! (Veda 22) (by meghantonjes)

Love.     Her.

pretentiousandvulgar: Today I read this article on the strongest woman in America. I read about how


Today I read this article on the strongest woman in America. I read about how she hasn’t really had any sponsors and about how she struggles to pay her bills. There’s a fundraiser on indiegogo for her, and I’m praying she gets some much needed cash for that.

I, being the presumptuous asshat I am, took it upon myself to message a few of my favorite plus size retailers and attempt to make the first steps toward getting some interest going for her. This is the message I sent:

Hello! I’m sending this message in this format because I’m not sure on how else I should do it. I recently came across an article about Sarah Robles, the USA’s best chance at Olympic gold this year. Unfortunately, she’s not seeing any sponsorship at all because of her body type and lack of notoriety. Ms. Robles is 5’10, and a size 20/22. She’s not the ideal body type, nor is she the common image of fitness. I’m emailing all of my favorite names in plus size clothing and trying to get some interest going for her. She struggles to pay rent and buy food because of her lack of sponsorship. You can check out the article I read at this link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/the-strongest-woman-in-america-lives-in-poverty and you can also check out her Olympic profile here: http://www.teamusa.org/Athletes/RO/Sarah-Robles.aspx#profile — She seems like a perfectly wonderful role model (especially for plus size women), and a total sweetheart. Why not help boost her image and gain support as the summer games approach? I hope to hear back from you soon! Amara

Obviously, one message from one girl isn’t going to be enough. I’m asking everyone who sees this to message Forever 21, Asos, Lane Bryant, Torrid, Domino Dollhouse, or anywhere you can think of to get some interest in her going. Please, please, let’s make a name for her. She needs it, and we could really use a good role model out there for the big girls everywhere.

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Dear lovely followers,

As a reminder, my ask box and submit box are open. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to submit pics of your rockin’ bods or share your body acceptance adventure, please do!



marilyndevotchka: I loved this day. My confidence was through the roof!


I loved this day. My confidence was through the roof!

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 Happy International Women’s Day!(I know that this is late, sorry)Spotlight here is on Idawall

Happy International Women’s Day!
(I know that this is late, sorry)

Spotlight here is on Idawalley Zorada Lewis-Wilson AKA Ida Lewis, an American lighthouse keeper who saved people from the seas! 

My Ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/benesumi

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seeing “balanced” takes on abortion makes me want to state for the record i love abortion. I love it. Unapologetically. I love all my friends who have had abortions and all the reasons they’ve had them. i love people who treat abortion flippantly I love people who have a lot of emotions about their abortion. I love people who will have only one abortion in their whole life and people who will have many. abortion is great, no caveats. Its not a moral quandary. if someone doesn’t want to be pregnant they should have safe access to rectifying the state of their own body
