


Thanks to @that-lesbian-npc for the suggestion. Always very happy to draw Shiara & family .

Liara is just here stifling a laugh as not to disturb the concentration faces.

memorable postcard to all my hours spent in mass effect 

memorable postcard to all my hours spent in mass effect 

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Mass Effect : Paramour V1Oh man… FINALLY, huh? I’ve been posting teasers and procrastin

Mass Effect : Paramour V1

Oh man… FINALLY, huh? I’ve been posting teasers and procrastinating on this thing for 2 years now.. always busy with another project or IRL interrupts but I was finally able to finish it/make it in time for this years N7 Day … /dies

Female Commander ShepardandUrdnot Wrex on the SSV Normandy SR-1duringMass Effect 1 bc… after all these years… I’m still internally sobbing that this was never a reality… (T ^ T)

I’ve always been so fond of Wrex. To this day he is easily one of my most fav characters and the bond between Shep and him was always something special.

The whole Genophage story line and helping him throughout the trilogy was probably my fav part of the game. And a romance with him could have totally worked, I was 100% willing to share him for the good of the Krogan … OTL…

I was gonna call this Forbidden Paramour as a nod towards the Romance achievement’s name in the first game, and romancing him being “forbidden”, but the redundancy in the title may have been confusing so I decided against it.

As stated in the title and on the illustration itself, this is V1 (Version 1 of 3 different versions). V2 is too saucy for Tumblr & my main Twitter (though I will be posting it a little later on DA) and V3 is hot sauce deluxe and will only be shared on my FA.

Happy N7 Day 2021, everyone! ❤

Links to all my social media pages can be found >> [HERE]<<

All my Mass Effect related Tumblr Art/Posts can be found >>[HERE]<<

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Casual Shep ♥

Once or twice a year I try a more cartoony style.

My Holiday Harbinger gift for @jadesabre301 - Emma Shepard and Kaidan sharing a moment :) I really hope you like it, they were a lot of fun to draw!

Thank you @masseffectholidaycheer for organising this exchange again!

Some Shepard x Kaidan sketches I might or might not continue with

aki-ra-me: yeah i draw serious art why do you askaki-ra-me: yeah i draw serious art why do you askaki-ra-me: yeah i draw serious art why do you ask


yeah i draw serious art why do you ask

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Quickie Commander Shepard sketch for N7 Day!

had to draw smth really quickly last night to celebrate n7 day!!! i miss these games so much

had to draw smth really quickly last night to celebrate n7 day!!! i miss these games so much

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beastlyj0e: https://gfycat.com/EnchantedHarshChameleon Still in hiatus but had time to get rid of th



Still in hiatus but had time to get rid of this scene. It will take about 2 weeks before i can have more time to spend in SFM but i will start slowly creating new scenes. This will probably be my last animation of the old Mass effect series, atleast until i start taking in commissions.

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(more than) Six Sentence Sunday

Tagged with thanks by @morganlefaye79❤️

“Are you sure it’s okay for us to be doing this?” Olivia questioned nervously as Hackett took the lead.

“I’m the best man and you’re the maid of honor,” he easily reasoned, “it would be more suspicious if I didn’t ask you to dance at least once.”

“Well, much as I love it when you do, could you at least stop looking at me like you’re about to tear my clothes off?”

Hackett slowly shook his head. “Can’t help it.”

Olivia rolled her eyes, unimpressed with his risky shenanigans. 

“You look beautiful in that dress,” he continued to tease, “can’t wait to see it on my floor later.”

“Steven,” she hissed through her teeth in playful chastisement, cautiously surveying their surroundings to ensure there were no unwitting eavesdroppers.

Tagging, with no pressure, @starsandskies@fiannans@hobo-apostate@jacklyn-flynn@kemvee@kittimau@hollyand-writes@dismalzelenka@diccix@hanatsuki89@alyssalenko@wickedwitchofthewilds

No.1 reason I play custom Shep in me3; the shiny hair colours.And Tali is the single reason I manage

No.1 reason I play custom Shep in me3; the shiny hair colours.
And Tali is the single reason I managed to play as male Shep. He was very ugly and she deserves better.

Happy N7 Day! I am very excited about this, did not know that was a thing until last year so yeah it’s neat. (Hopefully it’ll upload on the correct day, we’ll see!)

FemShep (custom), Tali / Mass Effect 3 © Bioware

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New on the postMass Effect trilogy/ Andromeda mix. I played Andromeda and enjoyed it quite a bit, evNew on the postMass Effect trilogy/ Andromeda mix. I played Andromeda and enjoyed it quite a bit, evNew on the postMass Effect trilogy/ Andromeda mix. I played Andromeda and enjoyed it quite a bit, evNew on the postMass Effect trilogy/ Andromeda mix. I played Andromeda and enjoyed it quite a bit, ev

New on the post

Mass Effect trilogy/ Andromeda mix. I played Andromeda and enjoyed it quite a bit, even if it is obviously very different from the trilogy. I turned complete fangirl as soon as they mentioned Shepard though.
(I found there is only like, 9 years age difference and I wanted Shepard grown and the twins small so this is meant to be just a few years after Shep joined the military, therefore her armour is based on the light me1 version (since she’s a beginner) rather than the iconic, heavy boob-armour)

And now I am so fcking tired of this image.

Female Shepard (custom kinda), Sara & Scott Ryder / the Mass Effect series © Bioware

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My last drawing from 2018, as my timezone just passed midnight.This evening I spent inspired by Mass

My last drawing from 2018, as my timezone just passed midnight.
This evening I spent inspired by Mass Effect. That damnsad song from the third game. (But due to me never playing the end EVER AGAIN everyone will live and be happy and everything is good).

More feelings, not as much character. But still, due to base and inspiration:
Female Shepard (custom) / Mass Effect © Bioware

Let’s hope for happiness in the new year.

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“One night off”.A gentle reminder that happy romances exist in BioWare games. <3.

“One night off”.
A gentle reminder that happy romances exist in BioWare games. <3.

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This is my Femshep - Kiana from Mass Effect 1 , who I just love.

She’s a paragon infiltrator.

A brave and determined soul, She takes things very seriously, and isn’t afraid to let her opinions be known. Her sense of duty though, gets in the way of her personal happiness. A good example of this is her love for Garrus. She desperately wants to be with him (and vice versa), but doesn’t want to be distracted from the mission.

That will change however, with a certain event (ME 2 SLIGHT SPOILER) that shows her life is too short not to embrace love when you find it.


(For those who haven’t played Mass Effect 2 yet, SPOILERS!)

It’s two years later , and Kiana’s mind is in chaos. Her ship gone. Her crew scattered. Her body no longer familiar. All her hard work, under the rug. As if it never happened.

Now trapped into working with the enemy, the stakes are even greater, and she knows she can’t do it alone.

Her thoughts turn to only one. The one she knows will walk into hell with her, no hesitation, no questions asked. The one who moves in perfect harmony with her in a firefight. The one who’s arms she wanted wrapped around her from the moment she saw him. The one who’s kiss she hungers for.

She has been given another chance at life. She won’t waste it.

She will find her Archangel.

Mass Effect 1&2 ©BioWare

A gift for MosaicCreme on AO3! Their Shrios assassin AU fic is so good!! (tw substance abuse for the

A gift for MosaicCreme on AO3! Their Shrios assassin AU fic is so good!! (tw substance abuse for the fic tho!)

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