#film fanart

film fanartfilm fanartfilm fanartfilm fanartfilm fanart
Ready for destiny.A little caricature of Luke Skywalker in his flight gear, before heading out to co

Ready for destiny.

A little caricature of Luke Skywalker in his flight gear, before heading out to combat the Death Star and face his destiny with the force. I’ll admit I’ve done a little tweaking with his X-wing flight suit, by using the empire strikes back design. Enjoy!

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The last great general.My first attempt at Anakin Skywalker before his fall to the dark side and his

The last great general.

My first attempt at Anakin Skywalker before his fall to the dark side and his time as Darth Vader. Here he is during the Clone wars, looking ready and raring to go. Whether it be a mission for the jedi council, a little errand for the supreme chancellor or as the maverick general liberating galaxy from tyranny.

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watched hatym and couldn’t get this out of my head

mechanic dean yes thank you

bonus: he is tired of tires heh
