#traditional painting

New paintings of mine.Top: Hannya18″x 24″ Bottom: Rorschach 18″x 24″SOLD Top one for sale! DM New paintings of mine.Top: Hannya18″x 24″ Bottom: Rorschach 18″x 24″SOLD Top one for sale! DM

New paintings of mine.
Top: Hannya
18″x 24″

Bottom: Rorschach
18″x 24″

Top one for sale! DM me :)

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#hannya    #rorschach    #paintings    #painting    #acrylic    #traditional painting    #traditional art    #ink blot    #my art    #canvas    #portrait    
Stuff I’ve been working on.Stuff I’ve been working on.Stuff I’ve been working on.Stuff I’ve been working on.

Stuff I’ve been working on.

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Watercolor bear on crap paper. I need to stop thinking I’m wasting Arches when I have about 10 block

Watercolor bear on crap paper. I need to stop thinking I’m wasting Arches when I have about 10 blocks of it.


Instagram: @erinvaganos

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Soon…Jan. 3rd…X-files is back! This is my acrylic painting of David Duchovny and Gilli

Soon…Jan. 3rd…X-files is back! This is my acrylic painting of David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as Mulder and Scully. Thanks :)

I call this painting “WTF are we looking at?” - a classic X-files random thought, lol
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Scanned golden dragon. :D Prints and CommissionsTwitter - deviantART - Insta - Kofi


My father suggested I call this painting I spent three weeks on “Stuff on the Desk”

#oilpainting    #painting    #traditional art    #traditional painting    #insects    #butterfly    #beetle    
This was a birthday present for my best friend; sadly, there is a pandemic (I’m sure you noticed), s

This was a birthday present for my best friend; sadly, there is a pandemic (I’m sure you noticed), she had a baby and I was swamped with work, so I had it lying around for half a year until I could finally give it to her :,)

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How is one supposed to take a proper photo of an oil painting?! I have absolutely no clue, that’s fo

How is one supposed to take a proper photo of an oil painting?! I have absolutely no clue, that’s for sure, so for now youll have to settle for this crappy photo of yesterdays progress!

As some of you know, I haven’t been painting on Mairon since late Oktober i believe. I don’t know why exactly, but I always do this when I’m close to finishing a piece, I guess you can call it finishing anxieties. I am like this with everything, car trips and movies and TV series and books in particular, I always dread for things to end, perhaps more in my art as I always they will be good enough! Do any of you experience this? -

Anyways, Yesterday I painted his hand properly, and added the details to his cape, and I think it’s coming along nicely! Have a good and creative weekend, guys!✨ -

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At first, I thought you and the others were gods. Then I realized you’re just men. And I know men. Y

At first, I thought you and the others were gods. Then I realized you’re just men. And I know men. You think I’m scared of death? I’ve done it a million times. I’m fucking great at it.

This month’s patreon subscribers at the postcard level will receive a little Maeve in their mailbox. If you’d like a little monthly art reward mailed to you, as well as the ability to see art early and also access images I don’t post elsewhere, check out my patreon page.

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Bucky relaxing, for Charlotte. The original of this painting is for sale on my Etsy shop. Also, colo

Bucky relaxing, for Charlotte. The original of this painting is for sale on my Etsy shop.

Also, color commissions are still available - more info here!

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a pink robin, for world wildlife day. for sale in my etsy shop, proceeds donated to port macquarie k

a pink robin, for world wildlife day. for sale in my etsy shop, proceeds donated to port macquarie koala hospital.

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i had three ideas competing for nanowrimo this year and this was the protagonist of one of the two i

i had three ideas competing for nanowrimo this year and this was the protagonist of one of the two i didn’t choose, so i figured i’d do them a solid and at least nail them down in a character portrait, even if they still won’t tell me their actual name and vampire season is technically over.

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kiwi juggler

the world around you is so wonderful, still you want nothing to have in common with it
