

The DILF Next Door

Summary: You’re the new single mom in the neighborhood who’s doing your best not to check for the dad next door, but he’s a fuckin smoke show. And super into you. He’s makin moves, still married, but he insists it’s over. Do you believe him and move forward or get yours and try not catch feelings?

The DILF Next Door — Three

Summary: An incident at the kids’ school has you and Chris face to face after he stood you up the night before. And boy, does have plans to make amends…

Relationship: dilf!destroyer!Chris x black!reader

Warnings: infidelity/cheating, open relationship situations, graphic language, late night creep, smut, rough passionate sex, oral sex (fem receiving), 18+

A/N: wheeeew boy the plot thickens! Felt like this smut is long af but watch I’m gonna read it back and it’ll be nothing anyway, it’s a little cute, a little nasty and a little messy but hey you know how I do

Toss and turn, get ready for work, drop Nev off at school, get to work, sit through two boring ass meetings and have lunch. Still no word from Chris. Your anger boils right beneath the surface but you try to remain…mature about this situation. You didn’t move to get entangled with a married man, no, your job and your daughter are your only priorities. So he didn’t text you, fine, that’s not a problem. The problem is…well…you thought he was different, but stupid of you to believe that. Disappointment comes with the territory of being interested in another person. So you do your best not to be mad at Chris and accept that it’s his first strike. And just because you’re damaged doesn’t mean every man is against you. He’s still a good man, a good dad, it’s just you’re a little butthurt and whole lot of horny. Staring out your office window running through all your thoughts, you check your attitude so you can move past it.

Besides, you did see Anne’s car unexpectedly in the driveway when you left the house this morning. She’d been gone for days what kind of mom could away from their kid that long? Oh that set your brows back to irritated. Anne…what’s her fuckin deal? You couldn’t help but wonder why was she like that. Why does she treat Chris like leftovers she no longer had an appetite for when he does so much for their family. Most wives don’t even get the pleasure of having such a present husband, a hands on dad. So, what, because he wasn’t the typical brief case toting, 401K managing, sit on my ass and scratch my balls piece of shit, she didn’t want him? All you can do is assume, and speculate and despise her since you don’t even know the whole story. Probably will never get it with the way Chris gets all weird when you bring it up. Maybe he’s hiding something terrible that happened so the maybe your hate for Anne is blind as fuck. Your cell ringing in your purse grabs your attention. Damn it’s the school calling. You never get a call from the school.

“Nev is fine, a little riled up but fine.” Her teacher spoke calmly since you’re already on ten from all your anxiety. “I’m calling because…she really socked Max’s bully in the nose after lunch and she’s in a bit of trouble for it. Is it possible for you to come down…”

You sigh, relax, almost laugh, as you hear the story of Nev poppin this kid fuckin with Max in her teacher’s classroom. Sitting in a little kid chair next to a peeved Nev, you hide your smirking lips behind your fingers rubbing across tip of your nose, listening to her teacher say,

“They were lined up in the hallway to return to class and according to Nev, Jeffrey kept pushing Max into the wall.”

“Mama Max kept saying stop!” Nev interrupts sitting up in her chair annoyed but you calmly push her back, and shush her so her teacher can talk.

“And when he didn’t stop, Nev here took action into her own hands.”

Her tiny fists more like it. None of this surprises you though you did raise her to defend herself and anyone she cared about and she really cares about Max. You glance down at your tiny boxer, pretend to be upset when really you’re nothin but a proud mama. But play like the mad mama so you can get out of here and treat her for doing what a good friend should.

“Jeffery…how bad?” Jeffery sounds like douche, a bully and you hope she really laid him out.

Her teacher waves her hand. “Just a little blood but okay. He’s having a conference with his parents and the principal about bullying.”

Good, little asshole. “And Max?”

“Sitting in the front office, waiting on his parents.”

Shit. So you might see Chris and Anne if you don’t get the hell on. “So is Nev in trouble here? Why aren’t we talking to the principal?” For the first time ever, you might add because Nev usually stays in her lane.

Sighing back into her seat, her teacher looks over your little girl and grins. “Nev’s a good kid, makes good grades, and I see that she and Max are becoming good friends. She was just protecting him.” Then she switches her sights back to you proudly smiling down on her. “Max needs a friend like her. So I thought I would talk to you and you can handle the situation yourself. Make this look official.”

Perfect. You both dodged a huge bullet and it was all due to her good behavior. Collecting your kid’s backpack, you thank her for her time, for being on your brainwave and head for the decorated door hoping you won’t catch Chris and Anne on the way out. Petting back her curly hair, you check on your little lightweight fighter.

“Are you okay little one? Does your hand hurt?”

“I’m fine mama. Can I go check on Max?”

She asks you with those big puppy dog eyes of hers. The exit is right there as you two approach the front office. You didn’t want to tell her no but you weren’t ready to see him and his shit wife as a unit after being so intimate with him. But Max was still sitting alone and waiting, you notice as you guys look through the glass windows of the office. He needed his best friend.

“Yeah…go ahead hun. I’ll be right outside ok?”

You usher her in, speaking to the secretary and little Max who’s still sniffling and teary eyed, traumatized from the incident earlier. Nev gives him a big hug and apologizes for what she did as you walk out even prouder of your little person. Looks like you’re doing something right as a single parent so yeah, you’re a little proud of yourself as well. Your girl did a good thing today, probably made some future asshole reconsider his lifestyle. Chin held high, chuckling and grinning softly to yourself, you push through the front doors of the school to meet the warm afternoon sun…aaaand the two individuals you necessarily didn’t want to see. Damn near bumped into them if Chris didn’t call out your name; you’re too busy picturing a tiny fist hitting a little nose with a comic strip BAM!

“Oh! Uh…” You dart an anxious glance between the pair of their wide nervous eyes, “hey guys…” You can hardly look at him without getting all flustered, fuck, you are so stuck. And he’s so close with his wife right there as if it’s not telling.

Together in a panic, they ask, “how are they?!”

You adjust Nev’s backpack on your shoulder with an uneasy smile, a worried breath. “Oh they’re fine. Well, they’re both upset but uh…in their own ways. Max is a bit shaken up but Nev’s with him.”

Anne doesn’t waste another second she pushes pass you to get to her son, leaving you two to face each other but at least there’s a distraction already set in place. Your fingers wring her strap, looking down at your pointed toed heels, unsure of what to say to him. Where he should be apologizing, there were no words because he doesn’t know what to say either. He was worried about you, the kids, Anne’s unexpected return; he knows he should say sorry but his mind races. No words race to his tongue though. Kids on the playground scream and shout. Cars slowly drive by the school. Chris just stares down at you with heavy breaths, ingesting how good you look a little professional but a little sexy, and how he just wants to rip your dress shirt open and suckle at your chest. His urges only make him feel dumber for not calling you sooner to explain what happened last night. You’re upset with him, he can see it in your grip on Nev’s backpack, and he feels even worse. He has to something say something to break the tension it’s starting to drive him crazy.

“Got a little fighter on your hands.”

If you laugh, even just a little, he’ll know he’s still good. And you do, because suddenly that Batman WHAM, all retro and loud, fills your mind’s eye. Her little fists. You have to wonder what she yelled as she swung.

“Mm yeah, looks like it.” You hum another snicker shaking your head. “Should put her in a boxing class huh.” That’s actually not a horrible idea. If she could make a six year old bleed…you still can’t meet his antsy stare beaming down on you.

He can tell you’re serious and you should be. A girl strong headed like Nev could benefit from training. “Coincidentally enough, I know a gym.”

You grin down at your feet. “Of course you do.” He’s so fuckin hot and cool it only makes sense that Chris has sparred before. Imagine him shirtless, sweaty, those chiseled muscles red and veiny, fists tight and knuckles raw. Maybe a cut on his lip or across his cheek. Menacing. Beastly. Suddenly you forgot what you were mad about. “Bet you could teach me a thing or two.”

Biting your lip you finally look up at him with a dangerous look in your eye that sends all the blood rushing straight to his cock. His nostrils flare with a muted growl. An indecent smirk creeps up his scruffy cheeks as he takes a step closer to smell you when really he wanted to kiss you.

“Sign up for my Masterclass.” Chris muses softly bracing your elbow drawing you in, so relieved to look into your beautiful eyes again. “I’m so sorry about last night sweetness please…please don’t be mad at me.” A slight tingle crawls up your arm as his thumb brushes over your warm skin, and he drops his chin closer to your ear. You try to get ahold of yourself but it’s useless you tremble anyway. Can hardly breathe. “Wanna make it up to you. Wanna show you how truly,” to put emphasis on his words he strengthens his hold, “and deeply sorry I am for standing you up. Hate to disappoint you YN…”

You steady your dizzy head with a slow meditative breath, allowing is enticing whispers to swim around your brain. That shit sounds so damn good and all but…when. If you have to wait another night, you were going to combust into a cloud of smoke. You can’t take living on the edge much longer it was really beginning to wear you down.

“Anne coming home threw me off,” Chris explains when he senses your hesitancy, “and I didn’t know how to tell you sweetness please.”

You hear him but you aren’t a fan of excuses. You’ve had your share. “You could have text me, Chris. Today. This morning.”

But he’s begging with those steel blue eyes. “I hear you. And you’re right I’m sorry…please…”

Your eyes fall down and around his pretty face, inspecting for a flicker of bullshit but nothing there. Just the handsome fucker you’re falling for. It’s his ticket to his second chance.


Your indecision falters his confidence a bit but he knows you, knows you like to play hard to get, so he accepts. Chris gives you some air with a crooked smirk, nodding as he reaches for the door handle with a flirty wink. That maybe will turn into a beautiful chorus of yes’s later.

“I’ll escort Max’s bodyguard out.”

Anne watched you two from the down the hall while Max gathered his things for the day. Nev in tow, keeping a protective arm around his shoulders. Looks like she’s right her husband is into the single mom next door. And you two have been intimate it seems she can tell by the way he looks at you. Chris used to look at her like that for a little while before she started to show him that she didn’t want him anymore. Anne wanted to make it work but she had to be honest with herself. If it wasn’t for Max, she’d probably have nothing to do with Chris. Yes he was a good dad and had changed his lifestyle to be that man for him but he still wasn’t the man she could fall in love with. He’ll never be. Hopefully he’s the man someone like you could fall in love with. From where she stood, you seemed to be. Anne grins at Chris as he jogs over to get Nev.

“Everything good?” He asks peeking his head into the classroom.

“Yeah he’s okay. Nev calmed him down.” She watches him observe them with this loving smile that speaks volumes. Chris keeps his focus on them like she isn’t even there. “Glad Max has a friend like her. They seem to spend a lot of time together.”

Anne’s baiting him again. “They do.” He cuts his eyes over at her, challenging her to shutup.

“They’re cute. Kinda like…brother and sister…don’t you think?” Anne nudges a nod at them walking over, stifling back an up to no good smirk as Chris’s nostrils flare.

“Anne, stop.”

“Ready?” She calmly asks Max and Nev, ignoring him killing her with his glare. Taking their hands to walk them out, she whispers over, “When you’re ready to be honest, let me know.”

Nev was so confused when you offered up to treat her to whatever she wanted. She knew she did right by standing up for Max but she also knew that hitting someone at school isn’t allowed, so why were you in such a good mood? Why weren’t you fussin? Why was she getting ice cream?

“Mama you sure I’m not in trouble?” She asks from across the kitchen table, bowl of strawberry ice cream untouched. What if it’s a trap.

Just to show her you’re not upset, you smile big and pinch her cheek. “Nah you’re good twin.” But she still won’t pick up her spoon, so you give it to her straight. “Understand, what you did for Max was right. Sometimes you’ve got to break the rules. I’m proud of you baby. Just don’t make it a habit okay?”

Nev hesitantly picks up her spoon, her grin growing the more she peers up at you.

“Yes ma’am.”

Chris didn’t tell Anne exactly where he was going. Out with some friends, that’s all he said as he headed out the door. And some friends he did go see for about an hour or so. Had a few drinks, some good laughs before he was taking his exit, pulling his phone out to call you like he promised. It’s getting late, but if he heads over now, Anne will think he’s still out with his friends. All the secrecy wasn’t necessary but he really wasn’t ready to have that talk with his wife yet. Everything is fresh, and he didn’t want to rush anything by announcing his split because ultimately, that’s what it would all boil down to. Then it’s conversations about custody and the house yada, yada. Too soon.

“Chris,” you answer with a yawn. You’d fallen asleep watching a show on Hulu. Realizing how late it is you worry. “What’s up? You ok?”

“Come let me in sweetness.”

You jump up in the bed. “Huh?!” And Chris just darkly chuckles at the surprise in your shout. You gun for your mirror, mentally going down your pre-sex checklist as you do something cute with your hair.

“Ssshhhh baby…come on. Come open the door for daddy…”

Thankfully you already had on something pretty enticing, a matching underwear set and your kimono that’s flying out behind you as you race to the door for your daddy. Sends a chill down your spine. You’d hope he would show and fuckin right he did. There he stood beneath your porch light, all alluring and fatal, leaning up against the frame.

“Mm good evening…” Chris can’t believe his eyes seeing you in stand there in your underwear, robe slippin down your shoulder. Can’t take his smoky eyes off your tits sitting perfectly in that push up bra he tastes his thin lips. “This is nice. Is this for me?” His thick fingertips pinch and soothe the silky hem of your robe as he takes a dominant step inside. And his abrasiveness takes your breath, ignites the flame that burns your cheeks. His fingers continue to slide on down until they reach your tingling hip dying for his calloused prints to grab ahold.

“I’m for you.” Bracing both sides of his soft fuzzy head you pull Chris into your whispering lips. He smells like orange bitters and weed. His goatee tickles your chin as you faintly graze your warm pants of breath. “I’m for you daddy.”

His palms are clammy but strong on the small of your back, guiding you directly to his narrow hips so you can feel how hard he gets when you call him daddy. Can’t hear it enough. Your burning midsections meet, and grind, and you guys whimper as your sloppy wet tongues intertwine.

“Mmmm yeah you are sweetness,” Chris hums into your lips locked, gripping your ass so hard you inhale sharply and claw his scalp. Your legs clamor up his pants legs as he helps you up, slipping his fingertips into the damp crotch of your panties. “Pussy made just for me,” you cry out his name as one of his fingers dip into your squishy hole, “can’t get her off my mind.”

Chris swirls his finger around inside you while he sucks up under your chin, carrying you trembling and whining over to the sofa. First stop on his make up tour. He sits you down, then falls to his knees, pulling your panties off with frenzied fingers. He isn’t lying he can’t stop thinking about how exquisite your juices taste, obsessed with how insanely wet his dick he makes her when he’s digging you out. He’s going to be inside you until you beg him to give you a break but even then he won’t stop because he’s fuckin addicted to your drive. Chris grabs ahold of the back of your knees and jerks your weak body further down into the seat with a carnivorous smile, reinserting his dancing fingers back inside your throbbing folds, and sits up on his knees to steal another erotic kiss. Y’all are trying to do your best to keep all your sounds on the low. Can’t wake Nev but then again it feels so goddamn good to be connected you almost don’t give a fuck. You’re left breathless as Chris kneels back down on the carpet, plucking your panties off the ground and stuffing them into your dry noisy mouth.

“Shh, shh sweetness. Gotta be quiet,” he whispers pressing two fingers covered with your creamy wetness into your parted lips, “no matter how fuckin good it gets.” Chris chuckles at your muffled tiny whimpers as he traces them leaving a trail of your essence on every wrinkle in your pink skin. God you wish you could lick them clean but he reads your mind and does it himself. “Understood sweetness?”

You nod and fist the cushion, barely mewling behind your panties drenched with your drool. Your gaze falls with Chris lowering his smirking lips towards your fluttering folds asking for a sweet, sweet kiss. He pulls them apart and slowly licks each one keeping his sights set on you hyperventilating and intently watching him french kiss your messy pussy. Watching him go to work only heightened the experience because it’s so damn beautiful the way he turns his neck from side to side, swirls and flickers his broad tongue around your swollen clit, fucks you with three fingers and falls into your loving gaze. And even with him slurping and smacking between your thighs, you keep all your wailing to a minimum. Only wanna please daddy who is doing his best to please you. Chris has got to make amends.

Tears stream down the sides of your face as you quietly keen and bow your back off the couch, fighting yourself to shutup the closer he beckons your orgasm with each curl of his tongue against your g-spot. You mildly grunt and wheeze, ride his chin that’s meeting your rolling hips, focus on the building rumble of your impending climax. No sound. You promised. But you wanna scream his name as you convulse attached to his vacuum sealed lips, squirting your cum over his tastebuds and down his guzzling throat that hums with absolute pleasure. And he doesn’t stop until you settle slouched with drunkish eyelids, image of him wiping his chin with the back of his hand fading in and out.

Chris takes you by your limp hands and pulls you up into his sturdy arms. “Not yet sweetness,” he whispers removing your ruined panties from your tired jaw then wipes away your drying tears and drool. “Still gotta prove myself to you.”

He doesn’t think he’s done enough? Your body was already so worn from him devouring a piece of your soul like an appetizer. How can you take his perfect dick after all of that? So tired all you can do is huff a pathetic sigh and drape you spaghetti noodle arms around his shoulders as he collects your exhausted legs.

“Oh daddy…it’s too much I can’t…” You shake your fatigued head but Chris believes in you, nodding with a lewd crooked smile, effortlessly picking you up as he stands.

“Yes, yes you can baby,” he coaches tenderly in your ear, carrying you to your bedroom, “it’s not enough…I can never get enough of you.”

You release a delicate hiss, “ssshiiiit…” when Chris fists your hair, stretching your neck to the side just so he can nibble his way down to your collarbone. But then right back up with big sloppy open mouth kisses, flat tongue lapping up to your earlobe, taking a bite with a menacing growl—fuckin hell—this man…this man is a monster. Holding you up by your feeble thighs, relentlessly rutting his stiff cock raging behind his zipper into your messy spread. He huffs and grunts hushed obscenities, all the nasty things he wants to do to you and as he spoke, his voice would crack behind his longing. With each hitch, your skin shudders…all the way down to your sensitive pussy. Only the third time you two have fucked around together and…Chris owned you.

Once he’s at the foot of your bed, he drops you on the mattress, and tears his shirt off over his head. Licking and biting his bottom lip that still smelled like you, his lust blown pupils eat you up all sprawled out over the vintage print of your robe. Your chest heaving so your tits are about to pour out of the cups of your bra. All you can do is stare, like really take him in and shake your head, whisper fuck as your eyes scale over his massive chest piece that you love…all the scars imprinted into his rippling muscles. Fuck.

He unbuckles his belt, and the tiny clinking of the metal makes your pussy quiver. “Take it off.” Your bra, he means, flicking his chin at it. “Wanna see every inch of your skin sweetness.”

As you reach around to unhook your bra, Chris unzips and drops his pants, revealing every inch of his twitching cock to the dimly lit room. You choke on a gasp, because witnessing it…him…as a full thick bodied unit is…a work of art. He loves how hard you gape, sights jumping from his delicious smirk down to his cock, back up to that chest piece but then back down to his toned legs when he slowly sinks a knee into the bed. Crawling up your soft brown legs, he grazes his goatee along your calf muscle and you can feel him grin at the way your breath gradually hitches. Can feel your skin burn the higher he travels. Looking into his dark eyes, you run your shaky fingers through his short auburn hair, crying out when his pouty wet lips trail over your knee. Chris hums a teasing chuckle abandoning the curve of your knee to fill in the space between your lips with a subtle moan.

You almost can’t believe he’s here, in your bed, in between your thighs, while everyone’s obliviously sleeping. His family. Your kid. You almost don’t care with the way he fucks into you, roughly grunting into the palm of your hand as you whine into his. Neither of you can take how amazing it feels, how connected you guys are not only physically but emotionally…it’s clear as day in your eyes, in his. He’s just a good fuck, you try to convince yourself but your focus on him never wavered as you guys so your best not to wake up Nev.

“Sorry I neglected you sweetness.” Chris pants into your sweaty face, bracing the small of your back with his swole arm. Picking up the pace he frenches back your high pitched moans, smacking his red hips off the back of your thighs. Feels like he’s been fuckin you for hours he probably should get home soon but he didn’t want to stop making you squirt all over his dick and balls like that. Between that and the way he can still hear you call out his name with his tongue down your throat…it’s enough to make him fuckin bust.

“So sorry I let you down.” He hisses into the back of his hand that’s returned to muffle back your blissful sighs. “I’ll do better sweetness daddy promises.”

You relinquish a dirty groan and whine into his salty palm, feeling his promises and your oncoming orgasm, plush walls choking out his veiny shaft. Chris doesn’t stop, really bucking his hips now, doesn’t care what time it is or who can hear he’s determined to make you feel him in your sleep. While you act like everything’s normal in your office tomorrow. Like you didn’t get fucked into by your hot as fuck neighbor. He huffs a breathless chuckle as he watches your eyes roll back into your skull. Your voice gone silent, hell, maybe you even stopped breathing but didn’t matter. You’re right there…he’s right there…he’s blowing your back and your mind ho-ooolyshit…holy shit!

“You accept me sweetness? Accept my apology?”

Chris rehabilitates you with loving kisses up and down the bridge of your nose, holding you so close as you gasp for air. How are you even conscious enough to nod yes to that stupid ass question. Fuck yeah you forgive him. Right now, Chris can do no wrong for a really, really long time. Yeah you accept him just as he is. You ground yourself in his scent, run your weak fingertips over the softness of his buzzcut. You wish he didn’t have to go. You could lay naked with him like this for days and days and days…

“Stay a little longer…” you plead as he gets dressed even though you knew he would turn you down. But Chris wishes he could. Just look at that pout.

“I’ll see you in a few hours.” He sinks his teeth into your bottom lip then kisses you goodbye, cupping your cheek, getting one last look at you glowing. “Get some sleep. I’ll lock the door.”

He always leaves you with a little hop in his step, feeling so calm and giddy, relishing in the smell of your immaculate pussy, grabbing his dick still tingling. Damn he wanted to stay, love up on you as you peacefully slept then woke you up with breakfast. Chris wanted a life with you. He hated to be without you, and he missed you so much already. The only way to remedy this ache, to get what he really wants, was to do the one thing he wasn’t ready for. Talk to his shit wife.

The house is dark. Still. Good, he can avoid Anne’s probing and insinuating comments. When he’s ready, feels absolutely sure you, he’ll present the full situation. Until then it’s none of her business. It’s just Anne wasn’t willing to let it die. A living room lamp clicks on, busting Chris who heaves a hard irritated sigh. He sharply turns to his right. Anne sits on the couch, patting the seat next to her.

“Let’s talk.”

The Winter Soldier and The Chef

Bucky and Kyndra had a pretty peaceful relationship once…until they got a pretty damn good surprise that changed their lives forever. With her culinary career taking off, Bucky decides to retire and stay at home with their twin boys but is the Winter Soldier ever really off duty even if he’s a dad?

Three Dates

On the evening you lost your job, you picked up a mysterious stranger who is offering you the world if you abide by his contract. Just till you get on your feet again he says…but then even after all you’ve been through, will you want to keep him for good?


Please be aware that all content on this blog are for readers 18+and heed to thewarningsat the top of the story.Please do not copy, take my work, and post it anywhere else. Reblogs and comments are mad welcome. Requests are closed.No tag lists.

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