
Spooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; wrSpooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; wrSpooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; wrSpooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; wrSpooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; wrSpooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; wrSpooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; wrSpooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; wr

Spooks | MI5 Episode 1.01 (aka “Thou Shalt Not Kill”) Kudos/BBC 13 May 2002; dir. Bharat Nalluri; written by David Wolstencroft.

“What about you, spying for a living - lying and betraying your friends and family?  You ought to take another look in the mirror.” // “I help protect the country from the likes of you.” // “Really.  And who’s protecting the country from you?  Your whole life is a lie.  I stand by my beliefs.  I doubt you’ve ever believed in anything in your entire life.“ // “I believe that killing people in the name of life is just about the stupidest thing I’ve ever come across.

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Evet, günah kalbe işleyip, siyahlandıra siyahlandıra, ta nur-u imanı çıkarıncaya kadar katılaştırıyo

Evet, günah kalbe işleyip, siyahlandıra siyahlandıra, ta nur-u imanı çıkarıncaya kadar katılaştırıyor. Herbir günah içinde küfre gidecek bir yol var. O günah, istiğfarla çabuk imha edilmezse, kurt değil, belki küçük bir manevi yılan olarak kalbi ısırıyor.

-Risale-i Nur Külliyatı İkinci Lema'dan

Sin, penetrating to the heart, will blacken and darken it until it extinguishes the light of belief. Within each sin is a path leading to unbelief. Unless that sin is swiftly obliterated by seeking God’s pardon, it will grow from a worm into a snake that gnaws on the heart.

-From the Risale-i Nur Collection, The Second Flash

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