#foolish g


foolish giving karl a piggyback ride + karl squeezing his pecs 

#not the pecs    #karl jacobs    #foolish g    #my clips    
so nice of karl to hop on the server and show foolish some support for mcc <3 

so nice of karl to hop on the server and show foolish some support for mcc <3 

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quackity made foolish the cutest outro song :(

tina: man really had two fiancés and couldn’t keep a single one…who fumbles the bag that hard

#shfhfjdj helpppp    #tina kitten    #my clips    #quackity    #foolish g    #dream smp    

kylehq, quackity’s son: did you know my father?

foolish: um yeah i got to know him a little bit like i said he was alright but the more i think about it he was kind of a scum bag…he let me die just to prove a point 

c!dream and c!foolish bonded through the carrot of trust…

c!dream and c!foolish bonded through the carrot of trust…

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foolish: i don’t know i seem to have a tough time dying sometimes

dream: wow…that makes both of us

foolish: y’know maybe we do got a couple things in common

this clip holds an indescribable energy like what is going on here

sapnap playing the piano :( he’s extraordinary real

#babyyyyy    #sapnap    #my clips    #foolish g    
here are a couple wips that slipped through the cracks and never got finished for a couple differenthere are a couple wips that slipped through the cracks and never got finished for a couple differenthere are a couple wips that slipped through the cracks and never got finished for a couple differenthere are a couple wips that slipped through the cracks and never got finished for a couple differenthere are a couple wips that slipped through the cracks and never got finished for a couple differenthere are a couple wips that slipped through the cracks and never got finished for a couple different

here are a couple wips that slipped through the cracks and never got finished for a couple different reasons. didnt want them to go to waste though 

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a recap of what happened during quackity’s big final 11/27/21 lore stream.

Part 1 (“Lessons”)– 3 months before the prison visit

  • In Las Nevadas, Slimecicle and Quackity meet. Q explains that in the future he will be going on a dangerous trip to meet friends (referencing the prison visit), and that within the next few months he will teach Slimecicle everything he knows to take over Las Nevadas when he dies.
  • He is incredibly fond of Slime, saying that he reminds him of himself when he first joined the server– not yet corrupted by the people there.
  • Throughout the next few months, Slime follows Quackity around, being taught new lessons each week, including “Humans are assholes”, “Politics are the way to power”, “Create no emotional attachment to anything”, and “Seek successful revenge”. Quackity makes a statement that “legacy is all that you leave behind in this world.” His last advice– “The house always wins.” They are the house, and they always win.
  • Meanwhile, Purpled reveals that he has not forgiven Quackity for what he did to his heritage and to his UFO. He has been pretending to be nice, but will take revenge when he can.

Part 2 (“Loose ends”)– 2 days before the prison visit

  • Sapnap makes his way through Las Nevadas for the first time, astonished by its beauty. Quackity happily greets him. He gives him a quick tour and invites him to the grand opening of the casino.
  • Q confronts him, saying that they all left to work on another country without him, and that Las Nevadas was meant for all of them. But Sapnap is adamant that Karl was meant to invite him to Kinoko Kingdom, and does not know why he didn’t.
  • Sapnap convinces him to come to Kinoko Kingdom for a tour and to see the others. He shows him around– the Shroom Shack, Party Island, the military building. They talk briefly about Tina, who Q has never met, as the newest member of Kinoko Kingdom. There is an extra house, in case Q wants to live there, but he makes it clear that he has a country to return to.
  • Karl is there. He welcomes Q, and gives him a quick tour. Karl is acting strangely nonchalant about Quackity being there, as Q reminisces about their old homes in L’Manburg.
  • Quackity tells Karl about Las Nevadas, which he previously told him about creating. Karl goes silent and leaves with Sapnap, needing to speak to him about something. Q follows.
  • Karl suddenly becomes angry, saying that Quackity is the reason he died and lost a canon life. He doesn’t understand why Q is there (“Is he here to toy with me?”). Quackity defends himself– it was a plan that they all agreed to that resulted in Karl’s death. It becomes clear that Karl does not remember anything about Quackity other than the lead up to his death, events falsely interpreted by his memory loss (“What history [do we have]!?).
  • Karl kicks Quackity out of Kinoko Kingdom. Q threatens him (“If you come across my country, there will be consequences.”).

Part 3– the day of the visit

  • After the prison events, Technoblade escaping and believing Dream did as well, Quackity runs back to Las Nevadas to warn the others. Las Nevadas is in danger and they need to get everyone together.
  • Purpled tells him that someone left a chest nearby, and that he doesn’t know what is inside. Quackity goes to open it, concerned it is a trap. Slimecicle says he will take care of it, and opens the chest. It is empty. They turn around to see Purpled pulling a lever.
  • Quackity and Purpled fall through the sand trap, to a room below the country. They are on a platform suspended in a large hollow room, with lava dripping from the walls to the ground below.
  • Purpled wants the revival books, knowing about the prison visits, and he tries to kill Quackity for it. Even if Quackity had it, he is the last person he would ever give it to.
  • Instead of killing Quackity, Purpled turns to Slimecicle. He pushes him off of the platform to the lava below, and Quackity dives in after him. He tries to place sand for him to stand on, but he doesn’t get on it. (“Thank you for showing me what it’s like to be human. I almost was.” Slimecicle dies. Purpled escapes.

Weeks later…

  • Quackity is in the library at Las Nevadas, with two books. He has been doing research on slimes to see if there is anything he can do to help Slimecicle. Slimecicle is in his room, though in his original skin. He cannot walk or talk, and remains completely stationary and unresponsive in the corner of the room. He seems to be in something of a vegetative state.
  • Quackity is writing a book for him about everything they’ve done together, so he can one day remember everything. He has also been thinking about him, and decided that it was time to give him a name– Charlie.
  • He opens up the chest beside him and takes out a book there– Charlie wrote it. It is completely filled with what looks to be gibberish. Hoping this could be code and that he can get better, Q takes the book to Foolish to decipher. It is code– letters spelling out the word “LEGACY”.
  • Excited, he runs to Charlie’s room, but he is gone.

a recap of what happened during quackity’s big 04/22 lore stream.

  • The stream starts off with Quackity in the prison with Dream, having been interrogating him every day. Dream begs him to leave. Quackity wants him to write a letter to Technoblade, convincing him to visit him in the prison in return for a week without visiting. He agrees. 

Chapter 1

  • The words “Easy job. No innocents. Big reward. Easy money. Peaceful heist” flash on the screen. There are scenes of Foolish, firing a bow in a forest and destroying an area with lava.
  • Cuts to Quackity and Sam at a restaurant. They bicker over whether or not Sam hired a villager in the back to work there or not. Q discusses potential hires and wants to hire Foolish. Sam thinks it is a bad idea, as he had read some things about him in history books and that he is a bad guys. He once killed a lot of people on accident.
  • At his summer home, Foolish happily greets Quackity. He is technically still a part of Snowchester, but he is only loosely attached to countries. Foolish is still recovering from the Red Banquet.
  • Q asks him to join Las Nevadas, but he does not want to. He is happy where he is and does not like the chaos of Las Nevadas. Q grows very serious, explaining how he knows everything about his past.
  • Foolish says that he never caused wars. He accelerated it through the way of the sword, but once he saw how messy it was he pushed away from it.
  • Quackity offers to buy his summer home, but says that it is only worth a single diamond. It is an empty build without any purpose, just as Foolish is. 
  • He admits to letting Foolish die at the Banquet, hoping that he would then realize that no matter how peacefully he lived, he would need to become the feared, ruthless warrior he once was. He says that Foolish can either kill him and waste away, or join him in Las Nevadas. 

Chapter 2

  • A retro film plays, welcoming the viewer to the world of the Dream SMP, and introducing the creature Slime. It says that they are morphs, which can morph into any block and evolutionize through the adaptation to their environment over many years.
  • Quackity, dressed as a ninja with an elytra, destroys his restaurant that he met with Sam earlier. He plants TNT, but hears someone in the walls. Charlie Slimecicle is there and has apparently been living in his walls. He doesn’t know exactly what Charlie is, but he says that he “is definitely not a piece of slime that has crawled to the surface over hundreds of years, disguising himself as a person.
  • He is an accidental spy, having heard Quackity’s conversations about taking advantage over people gambling, Dream, and destroying a UFO. After considering killing him, he decides to make Charlie is own personal spy, convincing him that they are actually friends.

Flashback to one week before the Red Banquet.

  • Sam and Quackity want to look for Purpled to ask him to join Las Nevadas. He has not been there for a long time and will likely only come back for a job.
  • Quackity sneaks into the UFO and fills it with TNT. Suddenly, Purpled appears in front of him and asks him for a reason not to kill him.  Quackity convinces him to work with him during the Red Banquet, after showing his Las Nevadas.
  • After the Red Banquet, he meets again with Purpled, thanking him for his help. After giving him his payment, he says that he has one more thing for him. He pulls a lever, and the UFO explodes in the sky.
  • Purpled is angry. Quackity says that the UFO was the only thing that shows that he was a part of the server, and now it is gone. He has two choices: kill him, take the money and run away, or join Las Nevadas and have all the money he would ever need. Purpled leaves instead.

Chapter 4:

  • Fundy is at his home, saying that everything is okay and that it is a new chapter for him. He goes to bed, but when he wakes up, he is in the desert and in his dream state again. He goes back inside, hoping that when he opens the door again he would be in the real world. Instead, Quackity is outside his door.
  • He doesn’t know how it is possible for Quackity to be there, but he follows him. He is a hard person to find. They walk across the desert, and are in a destroyed L’Manburg (during Tubbo’s reign). The buildings are destroyed and covered in sand. The two reminisce on the world, happy and nostalgic, Q saying that they have always been there, him and Fundy.
  • Quackity turns serious, saying that none of it ever mattered. That Fundy doesn’t matter, along with all of the structures that they built together that are now destroyed. He tries to convince Fundy to join him in L’Manburg, to give him the tools that he needs to succeed. He gives him 10 seconds to decide and counts down. As he gets to 1, Fundy runs at him and Quackity yells his name.
  • He wakes up in the real world, to Quackity outside of his house, saying his name.


  • Wilbur’s point of view. He reads through the book that Quackity left him before he was brought back to life. He calls him his kinsman and says that they went through a lot together. He goes to Las Nevadas and meets Quackity.

A detailed recap of what happened during Ranboo’s 04/23 “The Enderwalk Saga: Chapter One” lore stream.


chapter one: the lesson

  • The stream starts off with Ranboo in his house with Michael. He greets him happily, and leaves to talk to Foolish about the process of the mansion.
  • He runs around the mansion looking for Foolish, complaining that it is too big. Foolish says that the mansion is almost complete and runs some ideas about the build past him. Foolish reminds him of the “deal” that they made (relating to the Shulker). Ranboo is confused as to what he is talking about but pretends he does. 
  • Suddenly, Foolish’s voice fades out and the sound of an Endermen fills Ranboo’s ears. The line “Lesson 14: If you have the opportunity to gain a favor, take it.” flash across the screen. In panic, he tells Foolish that they will finish the tour later. Speaking to himself, he says that he just remembered something (the lesson), and doesn’t remember the deal he made with him. He tries to reassure himself that these thoughts and paranoia have nothing to do with the experiments that he has been doing.
  • In front of the Bee ‘N Boo hotel, he remembers another lesson: “Lesson 27: Do not reminisce on what you have lost for it will weigh you down.”  He worries that it has something to do with Dream, but Sam reassured him that he is still in prison.
  • He thinks that he needs to start to tell people what he has done, but as he walks across the railway he remembers another lesson: “Lesson 53: Never fully trust someone.” This thought makes him paranoid again.
  • He finds himself drawn to the prison, but forces himself not to go in, saying that he just needs to get home. He remembers another lesson: “Lesson 67: Leave no evidence of what you have helped with.” Again, he tries to reassure himself that it has nothing to do with his experiments.
  • He remembers another lesson: “Lesson 94: DO NOT LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE.” The text transitions to a page in a journal. He is distraught, saying that he needs to go to the prison and talk to Sam, that it was the 4th book. He does not know how many lessons there are.
  • He runs to Sam, who is cleaning up around the outside of the prison. He begs Sam to let him go into the prison, getting agitated. Sam will not let him, as he was told not to let him in. Ranboo does not want to talk to Dream– he thinks that he needs to be locked in, at least for a few years. He continues to demand to be put in, refusing to tell him why, but Sam, over and over, tells him that he did nothing wrong.
  • Sam convinces him to leave, but Ranboo needs answers. He does not want to remember, but he has “opened Pandora’s box” and there is no way to close it. 
  • The way that the Enderwalk works has been something he has been trying to figure out for a long time. He goes through the Nether, saying that there is only one thing that can give him answers.
  • In his basement, he makes a splash potion of water and takes out his journal, writing “What am I?” The only person who can give him answers is himself. He splashes the potion onto himself, and the screen turns black with the sound of an Enderman in the back.


  • There is blood on the Prime Path. Not sure if this is part of the lore or not. 