
Today we celebrate your first heavenly Birthday. I’m have no doubt that you started your day with yo

Today we celebrate your first heavenly Birthday. I’m have no doubt that you started your day with your backpack ready for another adventure and took off to explore yet another part of Heaven. From the moment you were born you were an explorer. The picture I snapped of you at the beach crawling in the sand is Trey that expression of wonder what it doesn’t show is the ocean is only a crawl away but you wanted to see it up close and touch it. The picture of you with an enormous smile which was so your trademark was at taken at Big Bear in California on a MeMe and Aunt Suess’s trip. I think this is where you feel in love with the great outdoors. The other two are from your birthday 2 years ago when you called me on the 30th ( actually the 31 in Vietnam ) and told me with so much excitement it was palatable “ Mom I’m going to climb the infamous Green Ladder and be on top over looking the island of Cat Ba. What a cool 30th birthday ya think” I of course thought first of all I wish I could be there to see it as we both have that explorer gypsy spirit and 2nd as a mom I hope his tetanus shot is current. So off he went and the next day he sent the pictures as he often did on his travels. This year is a lot different I only have the pictures, the memories like a movie on a loop in my head. But I know when God called him home March 31, 2020 two months after his 31st birthday Trey is on his biggest most glorious adventure ever and one day we will be together and share our stories. Happy Heavenly Birthday my sweet Trey explore all the parts of Heaven for me on your special day…
I will leave you lovely’s with a quote I have always loved that really reminds me so much of Trey…#forever31
Trey’s fav quote..Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind. Anthony Bourdain. Happy 33rd Birthday in Heaven my sweet boy. I love you forever I like you for always Forever and Ever my baby you will be. #grief

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From the moment you took your first breath (and may I add you were a 42 week and 2 day baby who deci

From the moment you took your first breath (and may I add you were a 42 week and 2 day baby who decided to make your entrance on a snowy day in Nashville while your Dad was out of town on a business trip and your Granny drove me to Vanderbilt ) you had this look of wonder and curiosity about you. Everything you did in your short 31 years you did to the fullest. You lived life on your terms, with laughter, happiness and a smile that lite up a room. You loved all things people and travel. You loved sports so much that once you went after a pop fly ball caught it and collided with a fence slashing your head open. You asked the coach can I just finish the game I will get stitches after the game is over…still protesting you were fine as your Father escorted you off the field to the ER. The best part of you was your heart you always gave to others even when you had little. After you sudden passing as word spread through social media reaching friends you had made abroad on your many travels I heard from so many of your friends. They told me stories of how you met. Some you spent only a day with others you would meet up with months or years later for another adventure. When you married Alex you truly married your soul mate as she is just like you, free, adventurous, kind and has a sweet calming spirit about her. For now sweet Trey we remember you and all the wonderful happy times you smiled that big smile, lite up a room and made me the proudest mother I could ever be. I love you forever, I like you for always forever and ever my baby you will be…explore all the gates of Heaven until we can meet and share our adventures again#2yearsinheaven
#forever31 #gonetoosoon #son #brother #husband #friend

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Not only did I need coffee this morning but I needed to give myself grace. Wednesday will be the 1 y

Not only did I need coffee this morning but I needed to give myself grace. Wednesday will be the 1 year anniversary since the sudden loss of our son Trey. I finally realized it’s ok I’m suppose to feel loss, sadness, anger, broken and questioning why, why did God call him home so soon and so unexpectedly. So for the first time since I got that call on the morning of March 31,2020 I’m giving myself grace, the grace to know it’s ok to take as long as I need to grieve Trey our son, Angela’s brother, and Alex’s husband. Everyone grieves differently and there is no time limit. When he died so did a part of my heart and that will never return. So I thank you for the continuous DM’s, calls and texts asking me how I’m doing and the prayers we feel them all. I can’t say I’m ok I will never be ok I lost my son,my child and a part of me died with him. If you see me in public I may look like I’m doing just fine but on the inside I’m far from normal my heart is broken I am empty. I get through my days because that’s what Trey would have wanted. I see him everywhere and I know he is always with me, my Angel. It’s because of that I am able to continue on but my life will never be normal I will never be the same. #grace #death #grief #son #brother #husband #thatsmile #wanderlust #forever31 #takentoosoon #sadness #broken #family

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I woke up this morning to the reality that on March 31 you will have been gone a year. A year of gri

I woke up this morning to the reality that on March 31 you will have been gone a year. A year of grief, loss, tears and change. Grief changes people from deep within their bones. Grief became a part of my reality my new life without my son. I realized I had to make a place for grief sort of like a room for it to live. I can visit that room and sit in it as much as I need too but what I won’t do is move into that room. I miss Trey every second of everyday but I know that with every fiber of my being Trey would not want me to move into that room of grief and reside. Grief doesn’t move out it stays with you forever but so do the wonderful memories that decorate that room I have created. I visit that room everyday and smile for the happiness Trey brought us on his time on earth. I sometimes pick up my phone and check my WhatsApp for a update from him and then I remember he’s not traveling the world he is traveling all through heaven. So on March 31 my sweet boy I will celebrate and cry for you. I celebrate because you gave me so much joy, laughter, tears and love along with wonderful memories. I will cry because my heart is broken and I miss you. God called you home because he had plans for you in Heaven. I love you forever, I like you for always forever and ever my baby you will be..#gonetoosoon #forever31 #heaven #oneyearanniversary3/31 #mom #son #brother #loss #grief #GodsPlan (at The Bramblewood Cottage)

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