
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE! It’s so hard being away from you and the moments I’m with you

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE! It’s so hard being away from you and the moments I’m with you go way too fast any day we spend together becomes the best day of my life I love you forever and always baby #itActuallyHurtsKnowingWeOnlyHaveOnePictureTogetherCuzI'mAlwaysOnTheOtherSideOfTheCountry #1year #anniversary #foreverAndAlways #love #sappy #losingTheManCard #butShesTotallyWorthIt #millitaryRelationships #theySuck #longDistance

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I made a promise many many moons ago to a group of people very close to my heart, that as long as &l

I made a promise many many moons ago to a group of people very close to my heart, that as long as “my boys” were gone- they wouldn’t miss out on Girl Scout cookies
We’ve been through a lot since that promise was made. Girlfriends have become wives. Deployments have finished and begun again. Holidays have been missed. Lives have been loved and lost. Combat boots have been around the world and back. Friendships have been tested. But I haven’t yet broken that promise, and I don’t plan to start now
#CarePackages #GirlScoutCookies #DeploymentPackages #CarePackagePromises #WeDontBreakAPromise #SemperFidelis #OohRah #RED #ForeverAndAlways

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A Letter To The Man I Love

For a person who have made horrible mistakes in the past. A person who have experienced hardships, went through hell and learned lessons at such a young age. I feel blessed. I feel saved when you came. It was a crazy and fun roller coaster ride with you and I know there’s more to come. I don’t know what to say… But, thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for the love and care. Thank you…

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