

Just an imagination, but…

The world as it can be seen in a blue


Evening rise over the western parts of Frankfurt…

Shadows, storytelling…

The sky over Frankfurt this evening… That evening… Evening sky…

I found a rose and kept on data, what it looked like for the data keeping machine. What you see is, what your data reading machine makes it look like, what my data keeping machine saw and kept. But first of all: I found a rose…

Rain, resting on leaves, not paying rent…

Both doors closed.

My son gave me some oath milk with espresso-ice-cubes. Delicious!

Decades before the 9-€-ticket…

Eaten up by the rich…

All those moods, they do not cry or shout or sigh… it’s just moods, celebrating themselves…

There is an end. Every beginning is the end of something old…

The uniqueness of history, exemplified by a blossom.
