#freddy’s revenge


Me: *buying Nightmare merch at the Halloween Store*

Checkout dude: “I thought about buying this Elm Street sign.”

Me: “It’s actually a good price, you should! I have a pretty decent collection of Elm Street stuff at home, so this’ll fit in.”

Checkout Dude: “I actually have the same birthday as Robert Englund.”

Me: “What, June 6th?”

Checkout dude: (confused because I knew his birthdate) “How did you know that??”

Me: “Because that’s Robert’s birthday…?”

I‘m pretty sure that poor guy thought I was a stalker or a clairvoyant or something.

Happy Pride month, everyone!

In the spirit of the season, I re-watched Freddy’s Revenge, which, as we all know, is incredibly gay and straight-up camp goodness!

If you don’t know, I identify as queer; no other label feels right. I’m on the asexual and bisexual spectrums, so it’s hard to pinpoint a “label” exactly, but regardless, I wish us all a spooky fabulous Pride month!
