#the dream child


I’m not sure what’s happened to me, but I rewatched the full ANOES series and I think I like The Dream Child now.

Me: *buying Nightmare merch at the Halloween Store*

Checkout dude: “I thought about buying this Elm Street sign.”

Me: “It’s actually a good price, you should! I have a pretty decent collection of Elm Street stuff at home, so this’ll fit in.”

Checkout Dude: “I actually have the same birthday as Robert Englund.”

Me: “What, June 6th?”

Checkout dude: (confused because I knew his birthdate) “How did you know that??”

Me: “Because that’s Robert’s birthday…?”

I‘m pretty sure that poor guy thought I was a stalker or a clairvoyant or something.

So I basically forced my guy friend to read the Raven boys

and he came running to class today screaming „Noah is Czerny AND he is actually dead! This is awesome!!“ Through the day he read and he finished it. The first thing he said to me after finishing the book was „What the f does Ronan mean when he’s saying he took chainsaw out of his dreams?!!!“ Now he’s reading the shit out of the rest of the series
