#dream warriors

 My custom project of Jennifer’s death scene from  “A Nightmare on Elm Street 3, Dream Warriors”.  M

My custom project of Jennifer’s death scene from  “A Nightmare on Elm Street 3, Dream Warriors”.  More photos are on my tumblr.

—— this is amazing, thank you for sharing with us <3

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 1987

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 1987

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Me: *buying Nightmare merch at the Halloween Store*

Checkout dude: “I thought about buying this Elm Street sign.”

Me: “It’s actually a good price, you should! I have a pretty decent collection of Elm Street stuff at home, so this’ll fit in.”

Checkout Dude: “I actually have the same birthday as Robert Englund.”

Me: “What, June 6th?”

Checkout dude: (confused because I knew his birthdate) “How did you know that??”

Me: “Because that’s Robert’s birthday…?”

I‘m pretty sure that poor guy thought I was a stalker or a clairvoyant or something.

I was really sad to hear that John Saxon passed. He was a consummate actor, and from all accounts, a stand-up guy. My heart goes out to his friends, family, and fans across the world.

Sleep well, Mr. Saxon.
